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Future Vision of Education Case Study

Hugo Olvera-Leija

Post University

EDU505 Future of Education

Professor Rebecca Waters

October 15, 2023


Future Vision of Education Case Study

Educational Organization

East Ridge High School is the educational organization chosen for this project.

Established in 2002, East Ridge High School is a public education organization. It is one of the

largest public schools in Clermont, Florida (Public School Review, 2023). The school was

constructed to decongest their parent school, South Lake High School located in Groveland

(Public School Review, 2023). Today, East Ridge High School is ranked among the best-

performing public school education organizations in the Clermont, Florida area.

East Ridge High School is a popular public educational organization that serves diverse

students. This paper also aims to envision the future of education in this learning institution by

assessing the significant trends likely to shape its educational landscape. Specifically, the report

explores trends in educational technology, economic or budgetary and public policy, and

demography. It also discusses the relevant historical events. These trends create a detailed future

vision for education at East Ridge High School. Accordingly, the paper provides valuable

insights into how the school can embrace the changing situations and continue to offer high-

quality education to its diverse student population. Although integrating artificial intelligence-

driven educational technologies into East Ridge High School’s curriculum will improve learning

outcomes, navigating the budget constraints and ensuring equitable access for all students is


Population the Organization Serves

As a public school, East Ridge High School serves students from diverse backgrounds

living in Clermont, Florida. Currently, East Ridge High School has a student population of 2544,

spread across grades 9 to 12; 61% are children from minority communities (Public School

Review, 2023). The school also enrolls special needs students and those from economically

disadvantaged families; notably, the student population comprises 55% male students and 45%

female students (Public School Review, 2023). In recent years, East Ridge High School has

recorded a significant increase in the population of special needs students, especially those

receiving special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Notably, the increase in the percentage of students with disabilities reflects the increasing

diversity of the student population being served by the organization. The educators have created

a culturally responsive learning environment within the organization by allowing the use of

intercultural communication. Such an educational atmosphere encourages the learning of the

entire student population. The significant increase in the diversity of the student population has

contributed to increasing awareness within the organization on the need to provide teachers with

continued training on the concept of diversity and inclusion (Public School Review, 2023). As a

result of enrolling students from diverse backgrounds, inclusion has become more prevalent in

East Ridge High School.

Age, Race/Ethnicity, Median Community Income

The East Ridge High School serves students of different ages, ethnicities, and socio-

economic status. The school prioritizes diversity and inclusion in its student population. In the

classroom context, diversity refers to the differences in social characteristics (Public School

Review, 2023). An individual’s socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation, age, and

ethnicity constitute a person’s social identity. The school’s population comprises students with

different mental, physical, and learning abilities (Public School Review, 2023). The school

serves both male and female students across grades 9 to 12 between the ages of 14 and 18 years

(Public School Review, 2023). The students hail from different ethnic and national backgrounds,

they speak different languages at home. Socio-economic diversity is also manifested in the

school’s population whereby the students hail from families with different incomes and

economic stability.

Horizon Report Technologies

The ever-increasing access to advanced technologies has led to a corresponding increase

in their meaningful use in public school institutions, such as East Ridge High School. In response

to the penetration of advanced technologies within the field of education, industry experts

combined efforts to examine emerging technological trends impacting the future of higher

education in domains, such as learning and teaching. Accordingly, a recent report dubbed the

‘EDUCAUSE Horizon Report’ profiles potential technological practices likely to shape the

future of teaching and learning in higher education contexts and the implications for academic

organizations (Becker et al., 2018). The report is based on the expertise and perspectives of a

global panel of leaders from across the higher education field.

The EDUCAUSE Horizon Report outlines various technological trends likely to shape

the field of education in the future. Of the technologies outlined in the EDUCAUSE Horizon

Report, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and mobile application technologies are the two particular

trends likely to influence learning and teaching practices in the future (Becker et al., 2018).

Particularly, these two technological trends best fit into the chosen education context because

they have the potential to revolutionize the teaching and learning process, thereby boosting

teacher efficiency, and ultimately, student outcomes. Moreover, the EDUCAUSE Horizon

Report indicates that new AI-based tools, such as chatbots and ChatGPT, can help higher

education organizations address the growing challenges around student enrolment and allocation

of financial aid (Becker et al., 2018). The potential for AI technologies to become mainstream

within the chosen education context is growing.

Another emerging trend contained in the Horizon Report that best fits into the chosen

educational context is mobile application technology. Various software applications have been

developed specifically to operate on mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets,

among other devices with internet connectivity (Becker et al., 2018; Riddell, 2015). The use of

such applications will potentially provide students at East Ridge High School with a more

personalized experience from enrollment through graduation. Research highlights that emerging

technological trends, such as AI have the potential to promote effective learning by tailoring

instruction to each student’s needs, which, in turn, facilitates an individualized learning process

(Lee et al., 2021). In this regard, teachers at East Ridge High School can use AI-powered

technologies to pre-record a lecture so that students can listen to it before attending class

(Riddell, 2015). Such a learning style enables teachers to use class time to get enhanced one-on-

one interactions with each student. Using advanced technologies, one-on-one teacher-student

interaction activities can be curated into the learning experience, which is tailored to individual

student needs. Overall, the incorporation of AI and mobile application technologies into the

education process will make it easier for students and teachers to engage with each other, thereby

boosting performance.

Futuring Techniques

Futuring techniques include methods used to describe how to futurize East Ridge High

School's education vision case study. Visioning and preparing for the future is crucial in

schooling. Educational institutions need these techniques since they can influence East Ridge

High School's vision and strategy. Futuristic planning helps educational institutions plan

forward, foresee changes, and adjust to changing demands (Hoffman et al., 2021). East Ridge

High School operates in a changing environment with changing demographics, technology, and

expectations. Schools risk slipping behind or becoming insensitive to educational changes

without a comprehensive future strategy.

Educational institutions may be proactive by futuring. Futuring helps schools anticipate

demographic, curricular, and technological changes (Hoffman et al., 2021). This insight enables

them to plan and stay relevant. Educational institutions may create flexible strategic plans by

addressing different future possibilities. These strategies aid decision-making in fast-changing

environments. Futuring promotes innovation and creativity in education by motivating educators

and administrators to find better teaching and learning methods. Futuring helps schools adapt to

changing student requirements and preferences, guaranteeing a high-quality learning experience.


Scenario planning, a powerful future-planning tool, helps East Ridge High School

prepare for an unpredictable and changing future. It entails creating believable future scenarios

that give different perspectives on how the organization could change in response to diverse

events (Ejdys et al., 2019). Scenario planning helps educational institutions adapt and be

proactive by guiding strategic planning and decision-making using a planned and systematic

approach to the future. Scenario planning gives educational institutions flexible plans for various

prospects, one of its most significant benefits (Burden & Kearney, 2016). East Ridge High

School may reduce uncertainty by evaluating several scenarios to identify obstacles and

possibilities. This strategic preparation protects the school against unanticipated technological

advances, demographic upheavals, and pedagogical adjustments. The school may create

contingency plans and better allocate resources to meet future needs.


Scenarios promote critical thinking and analysis in schools. Scenario planning helps East

Ridge High School comprehend plans and make better decisions. When making difficult

decisions, the school's leadership may use scenario planning to stay true to its goal and vision

(Ejdys et al., 2019). In this age, where everything is changing rapidly, informed decision-making

ensures that decisions are on a balanced evaluation of the pros and cons of alternative options.

Educational organization stakeholders from diverse departments and backgrounds participate in

scenario development (Burden & Kearney, 2016). This collaborative strategy encourages school

community participation and a shared future vision. East Ridge High School may use community

members' intellect and skills in scenario planning by incorporating teachers, administrators,

students, parents, and other stakeholders. The strategy improves situations and fosters ownership

and commitment. Therefore, the school community is more likely to adopt and implement

scenario planning strategies, facilitating a smoother transition into the future.

Though strong, scenario preparation requires time and resources. Creating several

scenarios with their variables and concerns takes time, talent, and resources. Complexity may

distract resources from school challenges. Thus, East Ridge High School must combine scenario

planning with existing issues to spend resources wisely. Scenarios assume future events (Burden

& Kearney, 2016). These assumptions underpin situations. If these assumptions are inaccurate,

incomplete, or too optimistic, the scenarios may not correctly predict the future. East Ridge High

School should cautiously draw conclusions based on trustworthy facts and studies.

Additionally, the school should analyze and adapt its circumstances to reflect changing

situations and insights. This continual attention helps reduce the dangers of erroneous

assumptions, keeping scenario planning a vital tool for informed decision-making. Scenario

planning also helps educational institutions like East Ridge High School see varied futures,

proactively prepare for them, and make educated choices that support their objectives and goals.

Scenario planning's strategic readiness, informed decision-making, and collaborative vision

offset its complexity and assumption hazards (Ejdys et al., 2019). Situation planning helps East

Ridge High School manage the unpredictable educational environment with confidence and

forethought, improving learning for its diverse student body.


Scanning, an essential future strategy, guides East Ridge High School through the

complicated and ever-changing educational environment. It tracks educational trends,

innovations, and advances (Ejdys et al., 2019). Scanning at East Ridge High School involves a

proactive study of educational trends, technological advances, and student demographics. This

section discusses the pros and cons of the scanning strategy for imagining the school's academic

future. The technique provides real-time information, helping educational institutions make

educated choices based on current trends and developing challenges. In a fast-changing

educational environment, remaining informed is vital to making smart decisions that support the

school's objectives. East Ridge High School may use scanning to understand teaching styles,

curriculum choices, and student expectations. With this information, the school's administration

can make forward-thinking, responsive choices that keep the school at the forefront of education.

Continuous scanning helps educational institutions adjust to changing educational

landscapes. Staying current and responsive to student needs requires adaptation in today's fast-

paced world of innovative educational techniques and technology (Hoffman et al., 2021). East

Ridge High School may employ scanning to discover demographic changes, online learning

choices, and assessment method changes. Doing so allows the school to adapt its techniques,

resources, and programs to suit the changing demands of its varied student body. Scanning helps

the school adjust and stay ahead (Ejdys et al., 2019). Educational institutions use scanning as a

radar to find innovation and development possibilities. It helps schools identify new technology

and trends that might improve learning. East Ridge High School may utilize scanning to find

digital businesses to work with for advanced learning tools, virtual reality in classrooms, or data-

driven customized knowledge. The school may keep ahead of the curve and provide pupils with

a 21st-century education by taking advantage of these changes.

One of the scanning challenges is information overload, which may result from scanning,

a strategy for remaining informed. It may be challenging to distinguish proper signals from noise

when collecting and analyzing large amounts of data from many sources (Hoffman et al., 2021).

Information from educational publications, papers, internet sources, and conferences might

overwhelm East Ridge High School. Data deluge may hide critical insights, resulting in

inadequate or erroneous decision-making. The school must filter and analyze it to get actionable

insight from its data. Effective scanning requires devoted staff and technology. Monitoring

trends and changes require qualified data analysts who can evaluate results and create practical

solutions. The school may also need data collection, analysis, and reporting technologies. East

Ridge High School must finance and staff enough for these scanning tools, which are expensive

for educational institutions.

Educational Technology Trends

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

In the evolving learning environment, many technological trends continue to shape the

operations and future of educational institutions, including East Ridge High School. One of these

trends is augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). These emerging technologies are

critical for exceptional learning experiences (Pegrum, 2021). They can revolutionize the

education sector by assisting institutions to establish engaging and interactive learning

environments. Specifically, they can enhance students’ learning capabilities by offering

simulated field trips. The technologies can also allow learners to engage in interactive

simulations. For instance, VR can enable learners to explore virtual learning environments such

as historical landmarks, allowing for an in-depth understanding of subjects. AR plays a critical

role in overlaying digital data in the real world, enabling instructors to improve lessons

(Bhanushali, Sonawane & Dhanawade, 2023). East Ridge High School can rely on AR/VR

technologies to make learning more enjoyable. The institution can guarantee interactive learning

encounters and hands-on learning opportunities in different subjects with these tools. For

instance, history students can take virtual field trips to particular historical sites, giving them an

in-depth comprehension of the subject. Therefore, AR and VR are crucial technologies for East

Ridge High School to develop a favorable learning environment for everyone.

Online Learning Platforms

The continued advancements of online learning platforms reshape how teachers deliver

lectures (Eze et al., 2020). These platforms have necessitated remote learning or e-learning.

Besides, they enable institutions and teachers to create and deliver lessons online, grade students

digitally, and track the progress of every student. Accordingly, online learning platforms offer

accessibility and flexibility, allowing students to learn conveniently. Most learners in higher

education institutions prefer e-learning since it enables instructors to deliver lectures without

technical complexities (Eze et al., 2020). In this regard, East Ridge High School should evaluate

these platform’s pedagogical effectiveness and invest in them accordingly. It should focus on

expanding its online course offerings, allowing students to learn online or in person. Likewise,

the institution should assess and invest in robust systems that align with its curriculum and

teaching approaches to ensure seamless online learning experiences.

Data Analytics and Learning Analytics

Making decisions based on data is critical in education. Likewise, learning analytics tools

are essential in gathering and analyzing information on students’ behaviour, engagement, and

performance (Nguyen, Gardner & Sheridan, 2020). In other words, this tool helps assess student’

data to determine trends, track progress, and forecast their learning outcomes. East Ridge High

School can use these tools to identify struggling students early, personalize teaching approaches,

and improve the curriculum accordingly. For instance, the institution can analyze attendance and

test score data to establish specific support programs to enhance learner outcomes and address

learning needs.

Economic/Budgetary and Public Policy Trends

Education Funding Models

Performance-based funding models are increasingly becoming popular, replacing the

conventional funding approaches (Ortagus et al., 2020). In this model, the learning institutions

receive government funding based on students’ performance and outcomes. Given this, East

Ridge High School needs to align its program and strategies with the criteria that the

performance-based funding models utilize to secure the necessary funding. For instance, their

approach should create clear performance goals and show stakeholders educational results. In

other words, it can focus on learners’ achievement and graduation rates to receive adequate

funding. Likewise, changes in government funding for education can affect the school’s budget.

Thus, monitoring policy changes and making adjustments is critical for financial sustainability.

In this regard, the institution must navigate alterations in funding priorities.


Cost-effective Solutions

The world experiences rapid changes in almost every aspect of individuals’ lives due to

technological advancements. Learning institutions must embrace cost-effective approaches, such

as open-source e-learning solutions (Wu & Plakhtii, 2021). Therefore, as East Ridge High

School plans its future, it should embrace cost-effective solutions. It should prioritize approaches

that help optimize budgets and reduce inefficiencies and wastage.

Public-Private Partnerships

Embracing public-private partnerships is increasingly becoming a viable economic trend

for learning institutions since they enable universities to prioritize core business as they focus on

meeting the diverse needs of stakeholders (Huijser & Fitzgerald, 2020). Working with private

organizations offers additional valuable expertise and resources to schools. As a result, such

support can be critical for extracurricular activities and educational programs. East Ridge High

School can consider partnering with other organizations or firms, such as a technology company,

to access diverse educational resources and tools that might be financially difficult to obtain.

Partnerships can enable the institution to operate efficiently and cost-effectively.

Demographic Trends

Increasing Diversity

The demographic landscape for learning institutions keeps changing as there is an

increased number of students from diverse cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds. With this

trend, there is a need for educational organizations to embrace culturally responsive education

and approaches that support a diverse student population (Muñiz, 2019). Specifically, East Ridge

High School should focus on training its staff and teachers on diversity, develop an inclusive

curriculum, and foster a respectful and welcoming environment for all learners, regardless of

their backgrounds.

Changing Community Dynamics

Communities where learning institutions are situated influence their operations and

outcomes. In this regard, as East Ridge High School’s surroundings evolve, the institution should

consider the effects of the changes on its student population. Thus, understanding the community

around, including their expectations and needs, is vital for the institution’s continued success.

Socioeconomic, Age, and Racial Background

Schools are home to students from diverse backgrounds, with teachers reporting dealing

with these learners as one of the most challenging facets of their work (Rowan et al., 2021).

Adjusting to the demographic changes is crucial. In this regard, they should adopt strategies that

address the different needs of learners, guaranteeing equitable access to learning opportunities

and resources. East Ridge High School should consider all these factors to ensure that they

understand and address the various needs of diverse students.

The Historical Event(S)

One of the relevant historical events is the establishment of the school. East Ridge High

School was established to address the overcrowding at South Lake High School. Thus, this

significant historical event influenced the institution’s development and should be prioritized in

informing the future vision. The event illuminates the school’s duty to address community needs.

The institution remains committed to accommodating learners from diverse backgrounds and

offering high-quality education.

Another crucial historical event is the special needs student enrollment increase under the

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Accordingly, this trend shows the increased

diversity of the student population at the institution, underscoring the significance of inclusive

education (Public School Review, 2023). In other words, the surge in special needs presents

opportunities for East Ridge High School. For instance, the institution can use this trend to foster

an inclusive environment, leading to a more accommodative school culture. However, the school

has to deal with several challenges, including resource allocation and teacher training. Handling

special needs learners requires specialized learning equipment and staff; hence, East Ridge High

School must focus on meeting the needs of all learners. Likewise, it must initiate professional

development programs to ensure that it has adequate qualified teachers to handle special needs



In rapidly changing fields such as education technology, education at East Ridge High

School is expected to change with technological advancement significantly. Based on previously

used futuring technique scenarios and scanning, it is possible to anticipate how education at East

Ridge High School will look in five years. This paper has three major sections: vision, plan for

action to prepare and attain the vision, and call to action.

a) How organization will look like in five-year time

Flexible classroom arrangements

The future classroom at East Ridge High School is expected to be more flexible to meet

the students’ individual needs and classroom activities needs. East Ridge High School will be

more welcoming, making learners feel comfortable and safe in buildings and classrooms. There

will be a rearrangement of classroom desks in a way that promotes better interaction and

collaboration between learners and teachers (Demir-Yildiz & Tatik, 2019). The classroom will

have standing desks, private study sports, workstations, and collaborative workplaces to

accommodate learners who have trouble concentrating while sitting, help students focus while

working on individual assignments, and promote teamwork effectiveness.

Customized learning experience

The education offered in the organization is expected to be highly personalized in five

years' time. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and learning algorithms will assist teachers in

modifying content and curriculum to meet each student's unique individual learning needs

(Schmid et al., 2022). Students will also have access to various learning resources like interactive

online programs and virtual reality simulations that can meet their learning needs and


Usage of several learning styles due to simulation technologies

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) simulation technologies are an

unavoidable component of the future web design that will soon be fully integrated into the

classroom. Simulation technologies will create several learning styles and experiences that text-

based books cannot offer (Mallik & Mallik,2017). Simulation technologies enable learners to

visit places virtually and experience three-dimensional demonstrations that textbooks cannot

provide. Also, since simulation technologies can stimulate all senses by using interaction, video,

3D images, and sounds, they will assist learners in accepting information more efficiently,

leading to better learning outcomes.

Transitioning to virtual learning

Screen-sharing technologies, remote access software, online platforms, applications, and

tools developed primarily to support education make the virtual learning concept possible

(Courville,2011). In virtual learning, learners can participate in ongoing learning activities

regardless of their location. Also, the benefits of online classes, including flexibility, cost-

effectiveness, creativity, and excitement, make switching to virtual learning a reality in the

coming years.

b) Possible five challenges and opportunities organizations will encounter due to



 Limited technological infrastructure and integration as virtual learning implementation

will need greater investment in the infrastructure like software, internet, and gadgets that

might be costly to both school and students, and this can also cause disparity in learning

among students.

 Additional teachers' training and professional development costs since, with changes, the

organization will have to provide regular training and development to teachers to develop

relevant skills and knowledge (Paudel, 2021). This will allow teachers to deliver

customized learning experiences and effectively integrate technology during the teaching

and learning process.

 Resistance to change by teachers and learners can be a great challenge for an organization

to reach its future projection.

 Possible data privacy and security issues since the increased technology used to support

virtual learning increases the risk of data security and privacy violations of students' data

due to hacking or sharing data owner's consent (Paudel, 2021).

 Limited funding and resource availability to support classroom rearrangement can make

it difficult to restructure buildings and classrooms to meet different unique students'

learning needs (Ireh, 2010).


 Improved education outcomes since customized learning experiences can improve learner

outcomes like retention, increased engagement and motivation, and better performance

(Schmid et al., 2022).

 Virtual learning will ensure continuous even during challenging situations like pandemics

and economic downturns since it is much safer and cost-effective.

 Global collaboration in education as education technology would allow teachers and

students to share educational resources, ideas, and knowledge across the globe. This will

also promote cross-cultural understanding and different perspective generation that can

be useful during problem-solving.

 The possibility of attaining social justice in education as a personalized learning

experience, virtual learning, and classroom arrangements can assist in creating equity,

inclusivity, and fairness in ensuring that each student gets an equal chance to succeed

(Paudel, 2021).

 The increased retention rate for teachers has provided training and professional

development opportunities to adapt to change and increase their job satisfaction and

motivation to perform.

c) What can happen to an organization if it fails to transform based on future


According to Palvia et al. (2018), there are various consequences East Ridge High School

is likely to face if it fails to transform. First, the organization might stagnate as it will fail to

adapt to changing education sector and students' needs. Also, the failure to adopt relevant

educational technology might make the organization less competitive or even irrelevant in the

education industry since it will lack the competitive advantages that other competitors enjoy.

Moreover, the failure of an organization to transform as required will widen the existing social

disparity, including education quality, outcomes, and attainment in society, since continued

reliance on convection education methods cannot effectively meet the current and future learning


Plan for Action

When preparing for transformative changes, as highlighted in the vision section, East Ridge High

School is required to take the following five active steps:

Investing heavily in technology infrastructure: The school must allocate enough resources to

support the upgrading and expansion of existing technology infrastructure to ensure every learner

can access technological tools and equipment that support their learning (Almaiah et al., 2020).

Also, investment is necessary to develop strong data security interventions and cybersecurity

procedures to protect learners' data.

Promoting educator training and development: East Ridge High School can achieve this by

developing and providing complete professional development programs to teachers, which will

improve their competence in delivering customized learning experiences and technology-

improved teaching (Almaiah et al., 2020). Moreover, the organization must promote a lifelong

learning culture among its teachers that will change their attitude towards change and their

willingness to adopt new teaching methods and innovative technologies to enhance teaching and

learning processes.

Develop and Implement interventions that support education equity and inclusivity: The

school must develop and execute interventions that support the attainment of social justice in

education (Adams et al., 2022). Implementing interventions like providing internet and

subsidized or free educational devices to disadvantaged students can assist in bridging the digital

gap issue in learning. Also, tailoring curriculum and content to attain equity in education is

critical in meeting the special learning needs of different learners.

Mobilizing Community members' participation and stakeholders' engagement: East Ridge

High School must engage community members, including parents, school administrators,

teachers, neighborhoods, and students, in a debate about the education future, encouraging their

collective contributions and participation in attaining anticipated transformative change. Also,

community and stakeholders' engagement and participation will minimize possible resistance

when the school is implementing changes.

Budgetary and resource allocations: The school must reallocate much funding to

transformative initiatives aligned with anticipated changes (Ireh, 2010). Also, the organization

can collaborate and partner with similar organizations with similar visions to secure the extra

funding needed to meet the vision.

Call to Action

The first two steps East Ridge High School must begin immediately to start on the path of its

future vision include providing teacher training and development and ensuring enough budgetary

allocation to support transformative change. Implementing and attaining anticipated changes

significantly depends on teachers' engagement and ability to attain change and fulfill vision.

However, educators can meet the standards and expectations if they only possess the knowledge

and skills to effectively implement and navigate change (Nauman Ahmed et al., 2021). Providing

training and professional development programs to teachers will assist them in learning new

strategies, knowledge, skills, tools, and methods necessary to achieve transformation. Also,

providing training and professional development opportunities to teachers increases their

competence level in performing their work aligned with the organization's vision, changes their

attitude towards change, thus reducing resistance, and increases their job satisfaction and

motivation levels to perform to realize the vision.

Additionally, providing enough budgetary allocation is the second important step the

organization needs to prioritize to realize its vision. Generally, implementing changes requires

funding to some extent that must be catered for in the budget (Ireh, 2010). Funding is required to

restructure or rearrange buildings and classrooms to meet the unique needs of learners and make

schools more welcoming. Also, financial resources are required to support teacher training and

development, acquire needed educational technology, including simulation technologies, and

provide customized learning experiences. Moreover, funding is required to secure needed

technology infrastructure for underprivileged students to achieve equitable learning. Providing

enough budget allocation will allow these activities that require financing to operate efficiently,

but failure to secure enough budget will harm the transformative change prospects. East Ridge

High School should seek multiple financial sources to raise enough funds to support change



Scenario planning and scanning help East Ridge High School prepare for its educational

future. Scanning is crucial to school communication, adaptability, and innovation. The school

can make educated judgments, adjust to changes, and improve by monitoring educational trends,

technological advances, and student demographics. East Ridge High School must also manage

information overload and provide resources for scanning. In the changing academic scene, the

school must be able to scan and adapt to provide a high-quality education for its varied student


Understanding the emerging educational technology, economic or budgetary and public

policy, and demographic trends is critical in shaping the future vision of education at East Ridge

High School. For instance, AR and VR, online planning platforms, and data analytics are vital

tools the institution can embrace to revolutionize the education sector. Economic and budgetary

trends also play a critical role in shaping the future of education. Specifically, economic trends

like education funding models, public-private partnerships, and cost-effective solutions are

essential for reforming learning at the institution. Likewise, prioritizing demographic trends such

as increasing diversity, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic factors, and changing community

dynamics is necessary when crafting the future vision of education at East Ridge High School.

Therefore, by fostering inclusivity and adapting to the changing education environment and

resource allocation, this institution can effectively prepare itself to satisfy the needs of diverse



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