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Information Processing Systems, 2023, Issue 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710

UDC 623.546 DOI: 10.30748/soi.2023.172.03

N. Huzyk, N. Sokulska and L. Velychko
Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv


The paper presents mathematical model of external ballistics of projectile, fired from cannon. The drag force
has a decisive influence on the dynamics of the projectile. Direct calculation of the functional dependence of the
drag force on the set of parameters is quite controversial and has not been utilized so far. Therefore, the author
calculus the functional relativity, approximately, solving the inverse problem of mechanics. The flight range of a
projectile at certain aiming angles, noted in the firing tables, determine the drag force according to the effect on a
projectile of its weight and Coriolis force. Its functional dependence is described separately at the stages of
projectile’s motion with supersonic, transonic and subsonic velocities. Due to the functional dependence of the drag
force of a projectile, the influence of a charge projectile, initial velocity, atmospheric pressure, air temperatures and
projectile’s mass effect on kinematic parameters of its motion can be calculated. Knowledge of this dependence of
the drag force of the projectile’s movement allows to automate, using appropriate software, the determination of the
elevation angle depending on the location of the target and the values of deterministic and nondeterministic factors.

Keywords: cannon, drag force, dynamics of projectile motion, external ballistics.

V 2  d 2
R= CD , (2)
The statement of the problem. One of the fun- 2 4
damental tasks while firing cannon and howitzer is to where R – the drag force;
establish the relationship between the angle of elevation V – projectile velocity;
and the location of the target. It depends on the deter-  – air density;
ministic (shape and mass of a projectile, atmospheric
Vs – speed of sound in the air;
pressure, air density and temperature, derivation), non-
deterministic (muzzle speed, value and direction of d – projectile caliber;
wind speed) and other factors. The research at the train- i – projectile’s form-factor,
ing area has resulted in designing of firing tables for V 
each type of armament and the corresponding projectile. cx   – frontal drag function;
 Vs 
They present a discrete relationship between angle of
elevation and firing range under standard conditions. CD – drag force coefficient.
However, shooting is carried out at any distance, the The frontal drag function for a certain type of pro-
target is not always located in the range of the weapon, jectile is determined by conducting experimental studies
deterministic and non-deterministic factors could vary. and it has a discrete character. The projectile’s form-
In this case, calculating of angle of elevation using fir- factor i is calculated based on the comparison of the
ing tables at which the projectile reaches the target is a geometric parameters of this projectile with some refer-
time-consuming procedure and the angle is determined ence one.
with a certain approximation. Establishing an analytical The authors’ research of the external ballistics of a
relationship between the angle of elevation and the co- 7,62 mm bullet fired from an AKM (modernized Kal-
ordinates of the target location, for all values of deter- ashnikov automatic rifle) with initial velocity V0 and
ministic and non-deterministic factors, has not yet been mass m ( V0 = 715 m/s, m = 0, 0079 kg) and RPK
(Kalashnikov light machine gun) ( V0 = 745 m/s,
Analysis of recent researches and publications.
A significant amount of bibliographic information and m = 0, 0079 kg) small arms allows us to assert that alt-
the basics of theoretical research on the external ballis- hough the same bullet is used, the functional depend-
tics of bullets and projectiles are presented, for instance, ence of the drag forces on the speed of the bullet are
in [1–4]. The above-mentioned ones, including other different. A similar result is observed for 7,62 mm cali-
scientific studies [5–11] define the drag force by the ber bullets fired from SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle)
relation ( V0 = 830 m/s, m = 0, 0096 kg), PK (Kalashnikov ma-
V 2  d 2 V  chine gun) ( V0 = 825 m/s, m = 0, 0096 kg) and PKT
R= i cx   , (1)
2 4  Vs  (Kalashnikov tank machine gun) ( V0 = 855 m/s,
m = 0, 0096 kg).

20 © Huzyk N., Sokulska N. and Velychko L., 2023

Системи обробки інформації, 2023, випуск 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710
Therefore, the use of the projectile’s form-factor where c x – a coefficient that takes into account the aer-
during calculations significantly worsens the description odynamic shape of the projectile, with its longitudinal
of the dynamics of the bullets or projectiles. We assume airflow, and proportionality;
that the projectile’s form-factor can be used if the shot is  a – air density;
fired from a smooth-bore weapon, and not from a rifled
s x – the maximum cross sectional area of the pro-
V 
one. The frontal drag function cx   in formula (1) is jectile;
 Vs  V (t ) – projectile velocity at any stage;
preferably replaced by the drag force coefficient CD . In
Vs (t ) – the magnitude of the velocity of sound in
this case the formula (2) is used. The drag force coeffi-
the air;
cient can be described by the dependence
 i (i = 1, 2,3) and i (i = 1, 2,3) – the coefficients,
CD = CD0 + CD 2 2 ,
 the values of which are different at supersonic (i = 1) ,
where CD0 = const , CD = const and  – yaw angle. transonic (i = 2) and subsonic (i = 3) velocities.
Aim of the paper. The crucial influence on the The origin of the coordinate system Oxyz is set up
projectile’s dynamics is triggered by the drag force. at the launch point of the projectile. The axis Ox places
Based only on analytical methods, it is problematic to in the horizontal plane of the weapon and is aimed in
find its functional dependence on projectile’s velocity, the target’s direction, the axis Oz is directed vertically
deterministic or nondeterministic factors. The paper upwards, and the axis Oy is directed perpendicular to
proposes a mathematical model of its calculus on a the plane Oxz , forming a right-handed rectangular co-
combination of theoretical and experimental research. ordinates system Oxyz .
Due to the functional dependence of the projectile’s
The drag force (3) depends on the air density  a .
drag force, using appropriate software, the value of the
angle of elevation, which ensures the flight of the pro- Based on the ideal gas law, the equation for air takes the
jectile to the target location at specific values of deter- following form
ministic and non-deterministic factors, could be deter- m R T
pVa = a un , (4)
mined. Consequently, the accuracy of fire could be en- a
hanced. where p – an atmospheric air pressure;
Thus, our aim is to develop a calculation method
Va – its volume;
of the functional relationship of the projectile’s drag
force, taking into consideration the results of the re- ma – the mass of the gas;
search conducted in the training area, which are provid- Run = 8314 J/(kmol·K) – universal gas constant;
ed in the firing tables, as well as to make comparative Т – absolute air temperature;
analysis of the outcomes obtained from theoretical re-  a = 28,96 kg/kmol – apparent molar mass of air.
search and practical experiments.
Since the air density is determined by the equation
Discussion m
a = a ,
According to experimental studies, it is stated that Va
the magnitude of the drag force of a projectile is: so, using dependence (4), we obtain
– proportional to its velocity of a certain degree, p( z ) a
a ( z ) = , (5)
not necessarily the squared one; RunT ( z )
– considerably depends on whether the velocity of where z is projectile’s motion altitude above the hori-
a projectile is supersonic, transonic or subsonic.
zontal plane of the weapon and its dimension  z  = m.
Therefore, motion of the projectile in the air con-
tains the following most likely combinations of stages: Pursuant to experimental studies, it is established
– motion of the projectile at supersonic velocity; that the air temperature decreases on average
– motion of the projectile at transonic velocity; 0, 6328 °C to a change in altitude of 100 meters up [1].
– motion of the projectile at subsonic velocity. Thus, the alteration in absolute air temperature up to
Hence, it is proposed to determine the functional altitude change is described by the equation
dependencies of the value of the projectile’s drag force T ( z ) = TK − 0, 006328 z , (6)
for each stage. Dependencies at each stage will be de- where TK is the absolute temperature of the air at the
scribed by a formula: location point of the weapon.

2+i  V (t )  i International barometric formula says how atmos-
R(t ) = cx  a  sx  (V (t ) )   , (3) pheric pressure varies with a change in altitude. It has
 Vs (t )  the following entry when the pressure is equal to

Information Processing Systems, 2023, Issue 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710
760 mm Hg and the temperature is equal to 15 °C: where m – a mass;

5,255 a – an acceleration of the projectile;
6,5 z 
p0 ( z ) = 101325 1 −  , (7)
P = mg and g = 9,8 m/s2;
 288000 
where z is an altitude above sea level and dimension Fcor = −macor ;
 z  = m. acor = 2e  V – the Coriolis acceleration;
 
Since the results of the experiments at the training e – a vector of angular velocity of the Earth’s ro-
area, which are recorded in the firing tables of, are given tation.
at a pressure of 750 mm Hg, the equation (7) will be the By projecting equation (13) on the coordinate axis,
following one: we obtain a system of ordinary differential equations
 6,5 ( z + zp ) 
5,255 mx = − R cos  − 2e m ( z cos  cos  − y sin  ) ; (14)
p( z ) = 101325 1 −  , (8)
 288000  my = −2e m ( x sin  − z cos  sin  ) ; (15)
where zp magnitude is equals mz = − P − R sin 
, (16)
 1  −2e m ( y cos  sin  − x cos  cos  )
288000   750 133,322  5,255 
zp = 1−    = 111,54 m. where  – the angle of inclination of the velocity vec-
6,5   101325  
  tor of the projectile to the horizon at any time;
 – latitude of the Earth where the firing does take
In view of dependencies (5), (6) and (8) it is de-
termined that air density varies in accordance with the
 – the angle between the firing direction and the
altitude z due to the law
eastern direction (during all calculations we put  = 50
 6,5 ( z + zp ) 
a ( z ) = 1 −  . (9) і  = 90 ).
Run (TK − 0, 006328 z )  288000 
Discrete dependencies between the angle of depar-
The velocity of sound in an ideal gas depends on ture i and the coordinate of the level point of the pro-
the temperature of the gas and its value is determined by
jectile motion x(i ) , which were obtained during the
the formula [2]
field research, are given in the firing tables
ka  Run  T ( z )
Vs = , (10) x ( 2 ) = 200 , x ( 3 ) = 400 , x ( 4 ) = 600 ,
x ( 5 ) = 800 , x ( 6 ) = 1000 ,… (17)
where k a is an adiabatic index and for air ka = 1, 4 .
Taking into account (6) and (10) we conclude that For instance, the dynamics of the projectile
the change of the sound velocity in the air due to the OF-540 fired from a 152-mm howitzer D-20, full charge
altitude will be calculated by the following dependence is considered. Its initial speed is supersonic and equal to
V0 = 655 m/s.
ka Run
Vs ( z ) = (TK − 0, 006328z ) . (11) The system of differential equations (14)–(16)
must be solved due to the initial data:
Based on the dependencies (3), (9) and (11) we x (0) = 0 , x(0) = V0 cos i , y (0) = 0 ,
deduce that the functional dependence of the drag force
y (0) = 0 , z (0) = 0 і z (0) = V0 sin i , (18)
to the motion of the projectile, depending on its altitude
and velocity, will take the form where V0 is an initial projectile’s velocity. We denote

 6,5 ( z + zp ) 
5,255 by i angle of departure, the magnitude of which is
cx sx a 101325
R(t ) = 1 −  
Run (TK − 0, 006328 z )  288000  determined as
i = i +  ver , (19)
(V (t ) )2+i +i where  i – angle of elevation;
 . (12)
 ka Run  i  ver – vertical jump angle.
 (TK − 0, 006328 z ) ) 
 a  The functional dependence of the value of the drag
The projectile’s movement in the air under the ef- force to the projectile’s movement (3) at the stage of its
fect of the projectile weight P , the air resistance force motion at supersonic speed is uncertain, because the
values of the coefficients c x , 1 , 1 are unknown. To
R and Coriolis force Fcor is considered. The equation
determine them, you need to solve the inverse problem
of this motion will be composed on the Newton’s sec-
of dynamics. That is, taking into account the system of
ond law of dynamics as an equation
differential equations (14)–(16), the initial data (18) and
m a = P + R + Fcor , (13) the discrete relationship between the angle of departure

Системи обробки інформації, 2023, випуск 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710

i and the coordinate of the level point of the projectile ancy between the theoretical and tabular values of the
x(i ) (17) to determine the values of the coefficients total horizontal range of the projectile.
The following figures were taken for calculations:
c x , 1 , and 1 .
projectile’s weight – m = 43, 56 kg;
The magnitudes of values c x , 1 , and 1 were initial velocity – V0 = 655 m/s;
calculated with the method of successive approxima-
cross section area – s x =   0, 077 2 m2;
tions. Firstly, arbitrary values of c x and 1 are set and
air temperature – t = 15 °C;
the value 1 is selected so that their combination pro-
atmospheric pressure – p = 750 mm Hg;
vides a slight discrepancy between the theoretical values
of the coordinates of the level points with the data speci- vertical jump angle –  vеr = 0 .
fied in the firing tables [12], so there is The values of the coefficients were determined by
x(2 ) = 200, x(3 ) = 400, x(4 ) = 600, x(39 ) = 7600. (20) the method of successive approximations c x = 0,35 ,
Providing a significant discrepancy between the 1 = −0, 097 and 1 = −0,371 .
theoretical and tabular values of the horizontal range of In table 1 and fig. 1 it is indicated the kinematic
the projectile, other values c x and 1 were taken con- parameters of the projectile’s motion if it flies only at
sequently the value 1 was picked again. Having ac- supersonic speed. Analogous projectile’s movement
parameters are specified if during its flight the speed
complished the first two steps, the tendency to change
changes from supersonic to transonic (Table 2 and Fig.
the values of c x , 1 , and 1 becomes obvious. Pro-
2), and from supersonic to transonic and subsonic (Ta-
ceeding on analogical calculations, the values c x , 1 , ble 3 and Fig. 3).
and 1 are determined, in case there is a slight discrep-

Table 1
The values of the projectile’s kinematic parameters while flying at supersonic speed, obtained theoretically,
and provided in the firing tables [12]
i , (i = 1,39), tik , ic , xik , xik , zik , Vik , Hi , xiH , Si ,
degree s degree m m/s m/s m/s m m m
0,0 0 0ʹ 0,0 655,0 0,0
α1=0º00ʹ 655,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
(0,0) (0o0ʹ) (0) (655) (0,0)
1,6101 0o44ʹ 1014,11 605,77 3,18
α6=0º42ʹ 605,72 –7,80 513,7 1014
(1,6) (0o42ʹ) (1000) (606) (3,2)
4,3853 2o14ʹ 2590,30 533,51 23,59
α14=1º57ʹ 533,10 –20,81 1339 2591
(4,4) (2o12ʹ) (2600) (533) (24)
16,3083 12 11ʹ 7602,59 343,44 327,2
α39=7º57ʹ 335,70 –72,48 4213 7641
(16) (12o) (7600) (353) (328)
Source: developed by the authors.

700 3
tk1 1.510

V1( t ) R1( t )
Vs 500

200 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
t t
a) b)
Fig. 1. Varying in projectile velocity and drag force at the angle of elevation 39 = 757 :
a) – varying in projectile velocity; b) – varying in projectile drag force
Source: developed by the authors based on formulas (14)–(16) for a) and formula (12) for b).

Information Processing Systems, 2023, Issue 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710
Note that these tables show the results obtained by angle of elevation, while theoretical calculations, was
the method proposed by the authors and in parentheses set with an accuracy of 1 minute. The values tik , ic ,
from the firing tables [12]. H i , Vik , which are given in the firing tables, were de-
In table 1 there are designations:
termined by numerical methods and approximately [1].
 i – angle of elevation;
At angles of elevation 757    1505 the ve-
tik – duration of flight of the projectile; locity of the projectile during flight changes from super-
xik – horizontal coordinate of the level point of sonic to transonic velocity. Therefore, at the time when
the projectile trajectory; the velocity of the projectile transforms from supersonic
ic – angle of fall; to transonic, the projectile motion at supersonic velocity
completes consequently the motion at transonic velocity
xik – projection of velocity on the axis Ox;
zik – projection of velocity on the Oz axis; The functional dependence of the magnitude of
Vik – final velocity of the projectile; drag force at the stage of motion with transonic velocity
H i – apex of the trajectory; is also described by formula (3), but with the parameters
 2 and  2 . Their values are determined similarly to the
xiH – horizontal distance to the apex of the trajec-
previous one, considering the results of the training ar-
ea’s studies [10]:
S i – the length of the trajectory of the projectile.
x(40 ) = 7800 , x(41 ) = 8000 , …, x(56 ) = 11000 .(21)
The values of the projectile parameters from the firing
The initial conditions for the system of differential
tables [12] are given in parentheses.
equations (14)–(16), at the stage of flight with transonic
Note that in this and the following tables, only the
velocity, are the values of the projectile’s kinematic
corresponding values for the beginning and end of the
parameters at the moment when its velocity is equal to
stage, the largest positive and negative deviations be-
the velocity of sound in the air. It combines the stages of
tween the theoretical and tabular values of the level
projectile flight with supersonic and transonic veloci-
point of the projectile trajectory are indicated.
ties. The value of the coefficient, due to the aerodynam-
In fig. 1 Vs is a speed of sound under normal con-
ic shape of the projectile and its proportionality, was left
ditions; tk1 – zeroing of the projectile’s trajectory (du- unchanged c x = 0,35 . At the stage of flight of the pro-
ration of its flight).
jectile at transonic velocity  2 = −0, 09 and
On these and all subsequent graphs the dimension
of time is t  = s, velocity is [V 1] = m/s and the drag 2 = 6,548 .

force is [ R1] = N. Comparing the theoretical and experimental results

of the horizontal coordinate of the level point of the
Values of coefficients c x = 0,35 , 1 = −0, 097
projectile trajectory given in Table 2, it can be argued
and 1 = −0,371 provided a slight discrepancy between that the differences between them are insignificant. The
the theoretical and experimental results of the full hori- maximum deviation of the module is 6,5 meters.
zontal flight range of the projectile at the stage of its In fig. 2 ts1 denotes the moment when the projec-
motion at supersonic speed. The presence of discrepan- tile’s velocity transforms from supersonic to transonic;
cies is possible because the experimental values were t 2k – the zeroing of the projectile’s trajectory (duration
obtained with a certain accuracy and the value of the of its motion).

Table 2
The values of the projectile’s kinematic parameters, while flying at supersonic and transonic velocities, ob-
tained theoretically and provided in the firing tables [12]
i , (i = 1,39), tik , ic , xik , xik , zik , Vik , Hi , xiH , Si ,
degree s degree m m/s m/s m/s m m m
16,916 12 50ʹ o
7802,43 328,88 –74,97 337,32 352,2 4336 7846
(17) (13o) (7800) (348) (353)
22,902 19o40ʹ 9606,51 289,76 –103,55 307,71 652,5 5463 9727
(23) (19o) (9600) (317) (651)
26,518 23o47ʹ 10599,6 276,09 –121,66 301,70 886,1 6080 10800
(26) (23o) (10600) (309) (881)
28,052 25o30ʹ 11003,9 271,14 –129,28 300,39 997,2 6326 11247
(28) (25o) (11000) (307) (988)
Source: developed by the authors.

Системи обробки інформації, 2023, випуск 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710

700 3
ts1 t2k 1.510
ts1 t2k

GV2( t ) GR2( t )

400 500
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
t t
a) b)
Fig. 2. Varying in projectile velocity and the drag force at the angle of elevation 56 = 1505 :
a) – varying in projectile velocity; b) varying in projectile drag force.
Source: developed by the authors based on formulas (14)–(16) for a) and formula (12) for b).

At angles of elevation greater than 55 = 1505 Comparing the theoretical and experimental results of
the projectile’s velocity, while moving, varies: firstly it the horizontal coordinate of the level point of the pro-
is supersonic, then transonic and finally subsonic. The jectile trajectory given in Table 3, we can state that the
change in projectile’s velocity from transonic to subson- differences between them are insignificant. The maxi-
ic is carried out at the time when the speed of the pro- mum deviation of the module is 20,1 meters.
jectile, which was calculated using the formulas for the In fig. 3, t 2V is the moment at which the speed of
second stage, begins to increase. the projectile changes from transonic to subsonic; t 3k –
The initial conditions for the system of differential the moment of zeroing the projectile’s trajectory. (dura-
equations (14)–(16), at the stage of projectile flight at tion of its motion).
subsonic velocity, are the values of its kinematic param- Remark. The use of the averaged drag force coef-
eters at the time when the inequality ficient CD in formula (2) worsens the accuracy of the
V (t )  V (t + t ) , (22) description of projectile dynamics. The value of the
where  t – small magnitude. drag force coefficient is variable, since the speed of the
It combines the stages of projectile flight at tran- projectile and sound in the air (it is different at different
sonic and subsonic velocities. heights) during the flight of the projectile change.
The magnitude of the coefficient, due to the aero- 
 V (t )  i
dynamic shape of the projectile and its proportionality, The graph of the function CD(t ) =  
c x = 0,35 was left unchanged. The values of the pa-  Vs (t ) 
in the case of the angle of elevation 85 = 3750 for
rameters  3 and 3 , at the stage of flight of the projec-
the D-20 howitzer with a full charge is presented in
tile at subsonic velocity, are equal to:  3 = −0,196 and
Fig. 4.
3 = 2, 760 .

Table 3
The values of the kinematic parameters of the projectile, if its velocity is initially supersonic, then transonic
and finally subsonic, obtained theoretically and provided in the firing tables [12]
i , (i = 1,39), tik , ic , xik , xik , zik , Vik , Hi , xiH , Si ,
degree s degree m m/s m/s m/s m m m
28,8194 26o20ʹ 11202,4 268,96 –133,14 300,11 1055 6446 11469
(28) (26o) (11200) (306) (1040)
41,7859 39o11ʹ 14213,4 238,42 –194,34 307,59 2288 8090 15144
(42) (39o) (14200) (307) (2260)
50,2968 46o16ʹ 15779,9 219,53 –229,40 317,52 3319 8822 17474
(50) (46o) (15800) (315) (3290)
66,0208 57o18ʹ 17424,6 182,56 –284,37 337,93 5608 9412 21432
(66) (58o) (17410) (329) (5610)
Source: developed by the authors.

Information Processing Systems, 2023, Issue 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710

800 3
t2V t3k 1.510
t2V t3k

600 3
GV3( t ) GR3( t )
Vs 500


0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
t t
a) b)
Fig. 3. Varying in projectile velocity and the drag force at the angle of elevation 89 = 4500 :
a) – varying in projectile velocity; b) – varying in projectile drag force
Source: developed by the authors based on formulas (14)–(16) for a) and formula (12) for b).

Knowledge of the functional dependence of the value of

ts1 ts1 + tV2
the projectile’s drag force allows to consider the effect
of deterministic and non-deterministic factors on the
0.8 dynamics of the projectile’s motion.
For example, the initial speed changes by 1 %,
CD ( t )0.6 then the increase in the flight range of the projectile, in
the case of the throwing angle 85 = 3750 for the
D-20 howitzer with the full charge determined theoreti-
cally is equal to 176,93 meters. According to the Shoot-
ing Table, the increase is 174 meters.
0.2 If the atmospheric pressure changes by 10 mm Hg
0 20 40 60
t then the increase in the flight range of the projectile
Fig. 4. Changing of the function CD (t ) at the angle determined using formula (3), is equal to 108,61 meters,
and according to the Shooting Table – 105 meters.
of elevation 85 = 3750 for the D-20 howitzer
If the air temperature changes by +10 °C, in the
with a full charge case of the angle of elevation 44 = 943 for the D-20
Source: developed by the authors.
howitzer, the charge is full, then the increase in the
flight range of the projectile is equal to 95,85 meters,
In this figure:
and according to the Firing Table – 91 meters.
(0; ts1) is the duration of the projectile movement
However, there is a significant discrepancy in the
with supersonic speed; increase in flight distance in the case of large angles of
(ts1; ts1 + tV 2) – the movement of the projectile elevation. If this angle is equal to 85 = 3750 , then the
with transonic speed; increase in the flight range of the projectile, determined
(ts1 + tV 2  t ) – the movement of the projectile using formula (3), is 356,79 meters, and according to
with subsonic speed. the Shooting Table, the increase is 280 meters.
Analyzing the graph, it can be argued that the val- Example of a problem. Determine the angle of ele-
ue of the function CD (t ) varies within ( 0,3; 1) . vation if the target’s coordinates are xc = 16450 m and
zc = 150 m. Assume that the mass of the projectile is
Conclusions 1 % greater than the standard one, the initial velocity of
The varieties between the theoretically determined the projectile is less than 1 %, air temperature 35 °C,
coordinates of the level point of the projectile trajectory atmospheric pressure 710 mm Hg.
x(i ) , based on the proposed mathematical model, and Due to the proposed technique and the appropriate
software we obtain that in this case the angle of eleva-
those given in the firing tables are insignificant, which
confirms the adequacy of the proposed model. tion should be equal to  = 311745 .

Системи обробки інформації, 2023, випуск 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710

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Надійшла до редколегії 06.03.2023

Схвалена до друку 09.05.2023

Відомості про авторів: Information about the authors:

Гузик Надія Миколаївна Nadiia Huzyk
кандидат фізико-математичних наук PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences
доцент Associate Professor
доцент Associate Professor
Національної академії сухопутних військ of Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi
імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, National Army Academy,
Львів, Україна Lviv, Ukraine

Information Processing Systems, 2023, Issue 1 (172) ISSN 1681-7710

Сокульська Наталія Богданівна Nataliia Sokulska

кандидат фізико-математичних наук PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences
доцент Associate Professor
доцент Associate Professor
Національної академії сухопутних військ of Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi
імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, National Army Academy,
Львів, Україна Lviv, Ukraine
Величко Лев Дмитрович Lev Velychko
кандидат фізико-математичних наук PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences
доцент Associate Professor
професор Professor
Національної академії сухопутних військ of Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi
імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, National Army Academy,
Львів, Україна Lviv, Ukraine


Н. Гузик, Н. Сокульська, Л. Величко
У роботі запропоновано математичну модель дослідження зовнішньої балістики куль та снарядів. Ця модель
ілюструється на дослідженні динаміки снаряду ОФ-540 в повітрі, випущеного з гаубиці Д-20. Вона базується на
використанні результатів полігонних досліджень, які наведені в таблицях стрільб. Вирішальний вплив на динаміку
снаряду відіграє сила лобового опору повітря. Безпосереднє визначення функціональної залежності цієї сили від
сукупності детермінованих (форми і маси снаряду, густини і температури повітря, атмосферного тиску, деривації) і
недетермінованих (дульної швидкості, величини і напрямку швидкості вітру) параметрів є доволі проблематичне і на
сьогодні не реалізоване. Автори визначають функціональну залежність, розв’язуючи обернену задачу механіки. Знаючи
дальності лету снаряду при певних кутах прицілювання, наведених в таблицях стрільб, визначають значення сили
лобового опору повітря, з врахуванням дії на снаряд його ваги та Коріолісової сили. У роботі враховано, що характер
функціональної залежності сили лобового опору повітря від швидкості є різним на етапах руху снаряду з надзвуковою,
підзвуковою та дозвуковою швидкостями, та вказано умови переходу від одного етапу руху снаряду до іншого. На
основі функціональної залежності сили лобового опору повітря рухові снаряду, представленої у роботі, можна
визначати вплив температур заряду снаряду і повітря, атмосферного тиску, зміни маси снаряду та початкової
швидкості на його кінематичні параметри руху. Здійснено порівняння кінематичних параметрів руху снаряду,
визначених методом, запропонованим авторами, з результатами, наведеними в таблицях стрільб, та вказано на
основні їх розбіжності. Розбіжності між теоретичними результатами дальності лету снаряду та вказаних у
таблицях стрільб є незначними. Знання функціональної залежності сили лобового опору повітря рухові снаряду
дозволяє автоматизувати, використовуючи відповідне програмне забезпечення, визначення кута прицілювання в
залежності від місця розташування цілі та значень детермінованих і недетермінованих чинників.
Ключові слова: гармата, динаміка руху снаряда, зовнішня балістика, сила лобового опору повітря.


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