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Name:_____________________ Evaluation of John William’s Film Scores


1. How does the music capture the feeling of seeing real dinosaurs for the first time?

2. How does the tempo and dynamics impact the emotional response of the viewers when watching the
characters witness dinosaurs in real life?

3. What musical choices did John Williams make to express the feeling of wonder in this piece?

1. How do the horn and percussion families impact how the viewer should perceive Darth Vader and
the empire in The Imperial March score?

2. What musical choices did John Williams make to evoke the feeling of flying in a spaceship and being
in space in the Main Theme Score?

3. How do the dynamics, tempo, and timbres work together to express the mystery in the piece?
Name:_____________________ Evaluation of John William’s Film Scores

1. What instruments and expressive qualities (tempo, dynamics, and timbre) evoke a sense of magic and

2. What part of the music makes the listener feel like a wizard wielding magic the most?

3. What instruments and/or instrument families had the biggest impact in expressing the intent or
purpose of Hedwig’s theme?

1. How does John Williams use the instruments and expressive qualities of the music (tempo, dynamics,
timbre) to create a sense of adventure in the piece?

2. Which instrument family seems to have the biggest impact on the mood of this piece?

3. What musical elements did John Williams include to achieve the American Hero Epic theme of the
Name:_____________________ Evaluation of John William’s Film Scores

Orchestra Performances YouTube Links:

Jurassic Park Theme:

Star Wars Imperial March:

Star Wars Main Theme:

Harry Potter Hedwig’s Theme:

Indiana Jones theme (Raider’s March):

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