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Applied Transport Phenomena (EEZG513)

 Text Book(s):

1. Unit Operations of Chemical engineering by McCabe and Smith.

2. Yunus A. Cengel, “Fluid mechanics-Fundamentals & Applications” McGraw-Hill.
3. Yunus A. Cengel, “Heat Transfer” Second Edition.
4. Robert E. Treybal, “Mass Transfer Operations”, Third edition.
5. Fox and McDonald, “Introduction to fluid dynamics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2008, 7th edition.
6. Holman, J. P., “Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill, 1997, 8 edition.
7. Chemical Engineering series by Richardson & Coulson

Environmental Management Systems- EE ZG515/SSTM ZG527

Text Book (s) :

T1 Gerard Kiely, “Environmental Engineering”,

Reference Books and Other References :

Steven L. Erickson, Brian J. King, “Fundamentals of Environmental Management”,

R1 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1999.
R2 Research papers from different journals & Internet
R3 Published case studies of EMS

Environmental Chemistry- EE ZG511/SSTM ZG521

T1 Principles of Environmental Chemistry, Second Edition, James E. Girard,

Jones & Bartlett Learning , Second Edition

T2 Environmental Chemistry, Fourth Edition, Colin Baird and Michael Cann, W H Freeman and

Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry, Second edition, Stanley E. Mahahan, CRC press

R2 Research Papers relevant to the topic will be provided by the instructor during the course
Environmental Biotechnology -EE ZG512/SSTM ZG522

T1 Text Book : Environmental Biotechnology by Alan Scragg, Pearson Education

Limited, UK.


Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 Biotechnology, a comprehensive treatise, ed by Rehm H J and Reed G, VCH Verleg,

Germany, 1999

R2 Introduction to environmental biotechnology by A K Chaterjee, PHI, India, 2000

R3 Course material

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