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1. What are the Four Noble Truths?

The four noble truths are the truth of suffering or Dukkha, the truth of the origin of suffering or

Samudaya, the truth of the cessation of suffering or Nirodha, and the truth of the path of the

cessation of suffering or Magga.

2. Choose one of the Four Noble Truths and describe what it means in Buddhism.

The noble truth of suffering or Dukkha is important in Buddhism. The three obvious signs of

suffering are old age, illness, and death. But there is also a deeper form of suffering that is more

common, life failing to live up to our expectations.

3. What are the three roots of evil?

The three poisons, or roots of evil are greed or raga, hatred or dvesa, and ignorance or moha.

4. What is karma? How is karma thought to influence a person?

Karma is the belief that one's actions in the past or present affect what happens to that person in

the future. It is thought to make people better because they want “good” karma.

5. What is meditation? How is it used in Buddhism?

Meditation is a tool that people use to detach themselves and look at reality from a more

objective point of view. In Buddhism, meditation is used to try and make the body and mind


6. Describe one of Buddhism’s holy days.

One of Buddhism’s most important holy days is Losar. It is a three day festival and it takes place

usually in February. It is a festival where you clean your soul and many buildings are washed

during this time. People are encouraged to go to their local monastery and make an offering.

7. Who is the Dalai Lama? What role does he have in Buddhism?

The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhists. They are reincarnations of past

Dalai Lamas and they are all descended from one man.

8. The articles say, “Buddhists believe that life is both endless and subject to impermanence,

suffering and uncertainty.” What does this mean?

It means that suffering and setbacks happen in everyone's life. They believe that it is not about

trying not to have suffering in your life, but how to deal with the suffering in your life.

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