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Julian Lectura Sencilla en Inglés No.

The bank teller counts the money in front of George and hands it to him. “Here you are sir.
That is everything you have in your account. I have closed it as you requested. You should
receive a confirmation in the mail. Have a nice day!”

George looks at the money and takes a deep breath. It is everything he has saved. He lost
his job a month ago and cannot find anything else. He has to use all the money from his
savings account to feed his family. They were evicted from their apartment three days ago
and now live with relatives. This money is all he has to survive until he gets another job. He
carefully puts the money in his coat pocket and walks to the exit holding it tight. “I will
guard this money with my life” he whispers to himself.

Three men wearing masks enter the bank. One pulls out a gun, fires a shot in the air and
yells: “Everyone stay calm! This is a robbery! No one will get hurt if you do exactly as you
are told!”

Q1: Why is George withdrawing all the money from his savings account?

Q2: Does he have a place to live?

Q3: Why are the three men wearing masks?

Q4: Do the robbers sound dangerous?

Q5: Do you think George will hand over his money to the bank robbers?
Paul looks at his watch. He is worried. He has fifteen minutes to get to his interview and he
is stuck in a traffic jam. He looks around. Everyone is honking their horns and trying to
move into the lane that seems to be moving faster. They have barely moved in the last
thirty minutes. Paul looks out of the window at the people walking past him on the
sidewalk. An old woman walking with a cane passed him fifteen minutes ago. He cannot be
late for this interview. He grabs his suitcase, opens the door and gets out of the car. He
shuts the door and begins to walk quickly down the street. All the cars behind him begin to
honk and the drivers start yelling at him. One yells: “HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE

Q1: Why is Paul worried?

Q2: Why does he think he will be late?

Q3: What does he decide to do in order to get to his interview on time?

Q4: What do the drivers behind him think of that?

Detective Ramirez walks in and looks around the room. Detective Estevez waits by the
door. Ramirez walks up to the dead body and begins to speak.

“The neighbors called the police because of the smell. They say he was very quiet and
minded his own business. He rarely had visitors. We need a forensics team here to tell us
the exact cause and time of death.” He takes a closer look at the body and continues to
describe the scene for Detective Estevez to make notes.

“I see trauma to the head and bruises all over his body. No bullet wound. Take a picture of
the dining table. Someone else was here… eating a sandwich…and it wasn’t the victim. The
killer ate the sandwich either before or after beating the victim, possibly to death. Either
way, this is not a random murder; this was personal. Let’s start tracking down relatives and
friends of the victim. We need to talk to anyone who knew him. Someone has to know
something. Did you write all that down? Let’s start with the neighbors.”

Detective Estevez looks up from his cell phone. “Uh…I’m sorry I missed that. The cute girl I
met at the bar last night just texted me. I think she wants to see me again!”

Q1: How many detectives are at the crime scene?

Q2: How did they find out about the crime scene?

Q3: Why do they need a Forensics team?

Q4: Why does Ramirez think the murder was personal?

Q5: Why is Ramirez so sure that the victim was murdered?

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