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Original Article

Diagnostic and Risk Factors for Complement Defects in

Hypertensive Emergency and Thrombotic Microangiopathy
Sjoerd A.M.E.G. Timmermans, Alexis Wérion, Jan G.M.C. Damoiseaux, Johann Morelle,
Chris P. Reutelingsperger, Pieter van Paassen

Abstract—Hypertensive emergency can cause thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) in the kidneys with high rates of end-
stage renal disease (ESRD) and vice versa. The conundrum of hypertension as the cause of TMA or consequence of
TMA on the background of defects in complement regulation remains difficult. Patients with hypertensive emergency
and TMA on kidney biopsy were tested for ex vivo C5b9 formation on the endothelium and rare variants in complement
genes to identify complement-mediated TMA. We identified factors associated with defects in complement regulation
and poor renal outcomes. Massive ex vivo C5b9 formation was found on resting endothelial cells in 18 (69%) out
of 26 cases at the presentation, including the 9 patients who carried at least one rare genetic variant. Thirteen (72%,
N=18) and 3 (38%, N=8) patients with massive and normal ex vivo complement activation, respectively, progressed
to ESRD (P=0.03). In contrast to BP control, inhibition of C5 activation prevented ESRD to occur in 5 (83%, N=6)
patients with massive ex vivo complement activation. TMA-related graft failure occurred in 7 (47%, N=15) donor kidneys
and was linked to genetic variants. The assessment of both ex vivo C5b9 formation and screening for rare variants in
complement genes may categorize patients with hypertensive emergency and TMA into different groups with potential
therapeutic and prognostic implications. We propose an algorithm to recognize patients at the highest risk for defects
in complement regulation.  (Hypertension. 2020;75:00-00. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.13714.)
• Online Data Supplement
Key Words: atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome ◼ biopsy ◼ complement ◼ endothelium
◼ thrombotic microangiopathies
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M ild-to-moderate hypertension may cause a slow decline

in renal function, while acute end-stage renal disease
(ESRD) can occur in patients presenting with hypertensive
and TMA to occur.7 The generalized endothelial damage in
primary atypical HUS can induce thrombosis, consumptive
thrombocytopenia, and mechanical hemolysis, contributing to
emergency. ESRD is attributed to hypertension in up to 25% target organ damage, mostly affecting the kidneys. In clinical
adult cases in Europe and the United States1 with, unfortunately, practice, it remains challenging to identify primary atypical
no confirmative histological proof, assuming that the kidneys HUS among patients with hypertensive emergency because
are the victim rather than culprit of disease. Parenchymal renal the vast majority of patients do not present with profound he-
disease, including thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), can matologic abnormalities6,8; we therefore prefer the term com-
therefore be missed.2 TMA represents tissue responses to en- plement-mediated TMA (C-TMA). The correct identification
dothelial damage caused by distinct mechanisms, such as me- of C-TMA, however, is critical given the potential therapeutic
chanical stress to the endothelium in hypertensive emergency3 benefit of complement inhibition.9–11 Diagnostic methods
and defects in complement regulation in primary atypical he- are not specific or need to be validated.12 Kidney Disease:
molytic uremic syndrome.4,5 Improving Global Outcomes therefore questioned whether a
We recently demonstrated that identical defects in com- functional ex vivo complement test, clinical manifestations,
plement regulation can be linked to ESRD in patients present- and pathological features on kidney biopsy can aid the differ-
ing with hypertensive emergency and TMA on kidney biopsy, ential diagnosis in patients with hypertensive emergency.13
resembling primary atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome.6 The The primary objective of the current study was to identify
defects in complement regulation are often caused by rare vari- specific factors for C-TMA in patients with hypertensive emer-
ants in genes encoding proteins that either regulate or activate gency. We therefore screened patients with hypertensive emer-
complement and autoantibodies that inhibit complement reg- gency and TMA on kidney biopsy for massive ex vivo C5b9
ulation, lowering the threshold for unrestrained C5 activation formation, a specific test to detect unrestrained C5 activation

Received July 16, 2019; first decision August 9, 2019; revision accepted November 13, 2019.
From the Department of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology (S.A.M.E.G.T., P.v.P.), Central Diagnostic Laboratory, Maastricht University Medical
Center (J.G.M.C.D.), and Department of Biochemistry (S.A.M.E.G.T., C.P.R., P.v.P.), Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht, the Netherlands;
Division of Nephrology, Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (A.W., J.M.), and Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, UCLouvain, Brussels,
Belgium (J.M.).
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Pieter van Paassen, PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Email
© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.
Hypertension is available at DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.13714

2  Hypertension  February 2020

on the endothelium.14 Also, patients were tested for rare vari- variants were defined as those with functional studies supporting a
ants in complement genes linked to complement dysregulation. defect in complement regulation that have been located in a muta-
tional hotspot and critical functional domain. In addition, rare vari-
Clinical manifestations and pathological features on kidney
ants not fulfilling these criteria have been classified as uncertain
biopsies were studied to distinguish C-TMA from hypertensive significance. The CFH-CFHR1-5 genomic region was analyzed for
emergency as the sole cause of TMA.13 We propose a clinical rearrangements by multiplex ligation probe amplification.12 Factor H
algorithm that may guide the use of complement inhibition. autoantibodies were assessed by ELISA in selected cases.23
C-TMA was defined as massive ex vivo C5b9 formation on rest-
ing endothelial cells at the time of presentation and/or the presence of
Materials and Methods (likely) pathogenic variants in complement genes.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
corresponding author on reasonable request.
Statistical Analysis
Patient Population Continuous variables were presented as mean (±SD) or median (in-
terquartile range) as appropriate. Differences in continuous and cate-
Patients with hypertensive emergency and TMA with typical path- gorical variables were checked using the unpaired t or Mann-Whitney
ological features of severe hypertension (ie, mucoid intimal edema) U test and the χ2 or Fisher exact test, respectively. The ex vivo forma-
on kidney biopsy were recruited from the Limburg Renal Registry, tion of C5b9 on the endothelium was compared with normal human
Maastricht, the Netherlands,15 and the Cliniques universitaires Saint- serum run in parallel by the paired sample t test or Wilcoxon signed-
Luc, Brussels, Belgium, respectively. Miscellaneous causes of TMA
rank test as appropriate. Survival was assessed using the Kaplan-
other than hypertensive emergency were ruled out16; the enzymatic
Meier method and log-rank test.
activity of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospon-
din type 1 motif, member 13, that is, von Willebrand protease, was
assessed by using the FRETS-VWF73 assay in selected cases.17 Results
Hypertensive emergency was defined as a systolic and diastolic
BP of 180/120 mm Hg and evidence of impending or progressive Patient Population
extrarenal target organ damage secondary to hypertension.18 Patients Twenty-six patients (European, n=22; African, n=4) with
were screened for neurological and cardiac disease as considered ap- hypertensive emergency and TMA on kidney biopsy
propriate. Neurological disease was defined as acute onset of severe were included (Table 1; Figure S1 in the online-only Data
headache, seizures, coma, cerebral infarction, or bleeding on imag-
ing; cardiac disease was defined as ventricular dysfunction or acute Supplement). Patients invariably presented with severe kidney
ischemia on ECG and ultrasound. failure (median serum creatinine, 723 µmol/L; interquartile
At the time of presentation and during follow-up, serum samples range, 423–1071) and proteinuria, 17 (65%) of whom initially
were obtained, processed, and immediately stored at −80°C to pre- required dialysis. Kidney biopsies were needed to detect the
vent in vitro complement activation.19 The study was approved by TMA in 19 (73%) cases because profound systemic hemol-
the appropriate ethics committees and is in accordance with the
ysis was not present. Of note, prominent intimal fibrosis of
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Declaration of Helsinki.
the arteries reflected preexisting uncontrolled hypertension.
Kidney Tissue Specimens The enzymatic activity of von Willebrand protease appeared
Kidney tissue sections were processed as described.20 The sections normal, that is, >10% in the 17 patients who have been tested
were scored as glomerular TMA or isolated intimal edema, the latter for; the other patients presented with platelet counts of over
of which reflects mucoid intimal edema and clear absence of acute 100 000 per microliters, making thrombotic thrombocytope-
glomerular lesions (eg, thrombosis, endothelial cell swelling, and
mesangiolysis). Tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis were scored
nic purpura highly unlikely.24 Drug use, infection, autoim-
as mild (<25%), moderate (25%–50%), or severe (>50%). mune disease, and pregnancy as causes of TMA were ruled
Also, sections from snap-frozen kidney specimens were stained out. Familial disease was not noted. Extrarenal manifestations
with rabbit anti-human C5b9 pAb (1:100; Calbiochem, San Diego, included severe hypertensive retinopathy (ie, grade III and/or
CA) followed by Alexa488 labeled goat anti-rabbit Ab (1:100; Life IV; n/N=22/25, 88%), cardiac disease (n/N=18/22, 82%), and
Technologies, Carlsbad, CA).
neurological disease (n/N=6/26, 23%).
Complement Work-Up
Kidney Biopsy Findings
Ex vivo C5b9 formation on microvascular endothelial cells of dermal
origin (ATCC, Manassas, VA) was assessed to identify patients with Mucoid intimal edema was invariably present either with glo-
defects in complement regulation as described.12 Briefly, endothelial merular TMA (n=13) or not (n=13), that is, those with iso-
cells were plated on glass culture slides and used when >80% con- lated intimal edema. Mucoid intimal edema, however, was
fluent, incubated with serum diluted in test medium for 3 hours at not found in C-TMA without hypertensive emergency (data
37°C, fixed in 3% formaldehyde, and blocked with 2% BSA for 1
hour. In selected experiments, endothelial cells were preincubated not shown). The typical features on kidney biopsy have been
with 10 µmol/L ADP for 10 minutes to mimic a perturbed endothe- depicted in Figure 1. On average, 16 (±7) glomeruli were pre-
lium.14 Rabbit anti-human C5b9 pAb (Calbiochem) and Alexa488 la- sent. Most tissue specimens classified as glomerular TMA
beled goat anti-rabbit Ab (Life Technologies) were used. The results showed acute lesions, that is, glomerular thrombosis, endothe-
were compared with pooled normal human serum run in parallel.
Also, patients were screened for rare variants, that is, variants
lial cell swelling, endocapillary hypercellularity, and mesan-
with a minor allele frequency <1%, and single nucleotide polymor- giolysis; 2 (15%) out of 13 specimens classified as glomerular
phisms in coding regions of CFH, CFI, CD46, CFB, C3, CFHR1- TMA showed chronic rather than acute lesions, that is, mem-
5, THBD, and DGKE using DNA sequencing.7 The classification of branoproliferative glomerulonephritis. The glomeruli from
variants was based on international standards.21 Pathogenic variants those classified as isolated intimal edema showed wrinkling
were defined as those with functional studies supporting a defect in
complement regulation, including null variants in genes linked to of the glomerular basement membrane either with ischemic
complement regulation and variants that cluster in patients with a- collapse of the capillary tuft or not; one of these specimens
typical HUS as demonstrated by Osborne et al.22 Likely pathogenic (analyzed, n/N=6/13) showed abnormalities linked to TMA on
Timmermans et al   Hypertensive Emergency and Complement   3

Table 1. The Patients’ Characteristics at the Time of Presentation

Parameter Total C-TMA No Complement Defects P Value

N 26 18 8
M/F 15/11 9/9 6/2 0.39
European, % 22–85 18–100 4, 50 <0.01
Age, y 39 (±11) 40 (±9) 40 (±8) 0.81
SBP, mm Hg 217 (±32) 210 (±29) 236 (±35) 0.08
DBP, mm Hg 130 (120–148) 120 (120–140) 146 (140–154) 0.02
LDH, U/L 731 (335–1168) 638 (303–1200) 762 (612–1128) 0.33
Platelets, ×103/µL 168 (±79) 184 (±78) 113 (±55) 0.04
Creatinine, µmol/L 723 (423–1071) 820 (579–1152) 605 (410–971) 0.19
Dialysis, % 17 14–78 3–38 0.08
Glomerular thrombosis 13 12 1 0.03
Extrarenal manifestations
 Neurological disease, n/N 6/26 5/18 1/8 0.63
 Hypertensive retinopathy, n/N 22/25 14/17 8/8 0.53
 Cardiac disease, n/N 18/22 11/14 7/8 1.00
 Systemic hemolysis, % 7–27 4–22 3–38 0.64
 Low C4, n/N 0/22 0/15 0/7
 Low C3, n/N 7/24 6/17 1/7 0.62
 Rare variant(s), % 9–35 9–50 0 0.02
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 Renal response 10 5 5 0.19

 ESRD at 3 mo 16 13 3 0.03
 Donor kidneys 15 12 3
 Relapse 7 7 0 0.20
Systemic hemolysis was defined as microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (ie, hemoglobin <10 g/dL, lactate dehydrogenase >500 U/L,
schistocytes on peripheral blood smear) and platelets <150 000/µL. C-TMA indicates complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy; DBP,
diastolic blood pressure; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; F, female; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; M, male; and SBP, systemic blood pressure.

electron microscopy, that is, widening of the glomerular base- below). Massive ex vivo C5b9 formation on the resting endo-
ment membrane with electron lucent material. Mild tubular thelium was found in 17 (68%) out of 25 cases tested for. Of
atrophy and interstitial fibrosis was present in 11, moderate in note, ex vivo C5b9 formation normalized on resting but not
8, and severe in 7 cases. on perturbed endothelial cells at the time of quiescent disease
Frozen kidney specimens of 20 patients were available (analyzed, n/N=7/17), underscoring the key role of a second
for immunofluorescence microscopy. Focal granular C3c hit for unrestrained C5 activation to occur. The 8 samples with
and C5b9 deposits were found at the vascular pole and along normal test results at presentation also showed normal ex vivo
segments of the glomerular basement membrane in 9 (53%, C5b9 on the perturbed endothelium, indicating normal com-
N=17) and 7 (47%, N=15) cases, respectively; colocalization plement regulation.12,14 It is noteworthy that the ex vivo test’s
of C3c and C5b9 was found in 6 of these cases. Focal granular specificity is 97% (Table S1).
IgM deposits were found along segments of the glomerular DNA samples were tested and rare variants in complement
basement membrane in 7 (44%, N=16) and sclerotic areas in genes were found in 9 (35%) out of 26 patients. The charac-
3 (19%, N=16) cases, while immune complex deposits were teristics of the variants, including C3 (n=2), CFH (n=2), CFI
not appreciated on electron microscopy (analyzed, n/N=9/10), (n=2), CD46 (n=1), and THBD (n=1) have been depicted in
indicating unspecific entrapment of IgM. Table 2; 5 and 1 out of 8 variants were considered pathogenic
and likely pathogenic, respectively. Two patients presented
Complement Work-Up with combined variants: CFI combined with THBD and CD46
At presentation, serum samples were available to test for combined with CFH. The at-risk CFH-H3 and MCPGGAAC hap-
ex vivo C5b9 formation from all but one patient (ie, the pa- lotypes were found in 8 (32%) and 2 (8%) cases, respectively;
tient with combined variants in CFI and THBD as described the homozygous genomic deletion of CFHR1 and CFHR3
4  Hypertension  February 2020

Figure 1. Features on kidney biopsy of 2

patients with a pathogenic variant in C3 (ie,
c.418C>T). Mucoid intimal edema was present
(C; periodic acid-Shiff stain, 400×) either with
glomerular thrombotic microangiopathy (A;
Jones methenamine silver, 400×) or not (B;
Jones methenamine silver, 630×). Electron
microscopy revealed widening of the GBM with
electron lucent material (D, 1900×).

was identified in 2 patients, while factor H autoantibodies C-TMA who received eculizumab recovered and improved
were not found. renal function (Figure 2A); no response, however, was achieved
Thus, C-TMA was diagnosed in 18 (69%) out of 26 in the patient with no complement defects. Follow-up serum
patients (Figure S2). Details about the complement work-up samples from 6 treated patients (C-TMA, n=5), indeed, con-
are provided in Tables 2 and 3. firmed adequate blockade of C5 activation (Table 3).
Fifteen donor kidneys were transplanted in 7 recipients with
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Patient Characteristics and Outcome Depending on C-TMA (carriers of pathogenic variants in complement genes,
Complement Defects n=6) and 2 recipients with no complement defects (Figure 2B).
None of the 4 patients from African descent had C-TMA TMA manifested in 7 donor kidneys of 4 recipients with path-
(P=0.004). The diastolic BP appeared to be slightly lower, ogenic variants in complement genes (ie, C3, n=3, and CD46
whereas platelet counts were higher in patients with C-TMA combined with CFH,25 n=1) but not in those with no comple-
as compared with those with no complement defects (Table 1). ment defects (P=0.1). Recurrence of TMA after kidney trans-
Extrarenal manifestations did not differ between both groups. plantation was linked to graft failure in all cases.
Most of the patients with C-TMA presented with glomerular
TMA on kidney biopsy (n/N=12/13 versus n/N=6/13 with iso- Discussion
lated intimal edema, P=0.03), while the prevalence of rare Here, we demonstrate defects in complement regulation as the
variants in complement genes did not differ between both key causative factor of poor renal outcomes in patients with
pathological groups (n/N=6/13 versus n/N=3/13, P=0.4). No hypertensive emergency, TMA, and severe kidney failure.
specific staining for C-TMA was found on immunofluores- Neither clinical manifestations, including hypertensive reti-
cence microscopy (data not shown). nopathy grade III and IV, nor pathological features on kidney
Patients were followed for a median of 2.6 (interquartile biopsy could differentiate C-TMA from hypertensive emer-
range, 0.8–10.8) years. BP was controlled by intravenous ad- gency as the key cause of disease. Massive ex vivo C5b9 for-
ministration of antihypertensive agents. Thirteen (72%) of the mation on the endothelium, however, indicated C-TMA. Most
18 patients with C-TMA and 3 (38%) of the 8 patients with no importantly, massive ex vivo C5b9 formation on the endothe-
complement defects had ESRD (P=0.03) at 3 months follow-up, lium predicted a poor response upon BP control, while com-
while the other 5 patients in both groups had chronic kidney di- plement inhibition appeared effective in most of the treated
sease. Except for one case, none of the patients with C-TMA cases. Half the patients with abnormal test results carried rare
achieved a renal response (ie, renal recovery or >25% decrease variants in complement genes, confirming the genetic predis-
in serum creatinine) upon BP control alone. Five patients with position for C-TMA to develop. Thus, our findings indicate
no complement defects who had chronic kidney disease at 3 that massive ex vivo C5b9 formation holds promise for the
months follow-up achieved a renal response after BP control; recognition of C-TMA and may be suitable to guide the use
the 3 nonresponders, however, had a serum creatinine of >700 of complement inhibition in patients with hypertensive emer-
µmol/L at presentation. From 2015 onward, the anti-C5 mAb gency. Moreover, pathogenic variants in complement genes
eculizumab was started in 7 cases (C-TMA, n=6) because of predicted the risk for TMA and subsequent graft failure after
the lack of a renal response. Five (83%) out of 6 patients with kidney transplantation.
Timmermans et al   Hypertensive Emergency and Complement   5

Table 2. Complement Work-Up in 26 Patients With Hypertensive Emergency and Thrombotic Microangiopathy on Kidney Biopsy

Patient no. Variant(s) Protein MAF In Vitro Defect H3/MCPGGAAC CFHR3 FHAA Resting ADP-Activated
M99918 None N/N N ND 121% 121%
M09018 C3 c.463A>C* K155Q 0.2–0.4 GOF Y/Y N ND 326%† 403%‡
M06018 None N/Y Y None 297%‡ ND
M09717 None N/N Y None 223%† 190%†
M99917 CFI c.148C>G* P50A <0.02 LOF Y/N Y ND ND ND
THBD c.1433C>T§ T478I <0.01 Unknown
M01217 None Y/N Y None 160% 117%
M10216 None N/N Y None 353%† 205%†
M04516 None N/N N None 198%‡ 204%‖
M01416 None N/N N None 245%‡ 340%‡
M01016 None Y/N N None 224%‖ ND
M02715 C3 c.481C>T* R161W <0.01 GOF N/N Y¶ None 373%‡ 246%†
M01715 CFI c.452A>G* N151S <0.01 LOF N/N N ND 395%‡ 252%‖
M04010 CFH c.2558G>A* C853Y 0 LOF Y/N N ND 339%† 253%†
M03307 C3 c.481C>T* R161W <0.01 GOF Y/N N ND 463%‡ 404%‡
M04306 CD46 ΔD271/S272 0 LOF Y/N Y None 284%‡ 272%‡
CFH c.2850G>T§ Q950H 0.1–0.4 LOF(?)
M00105 C3 c.481C>T* R161W <0.01 GOF N/N N None 310%‡ 325%†
M03802 None N/N N None 140% 92%
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M05595 None N/N N ND ND 95%

M05486 C3 c.481C>T* R161W <0.01 GOF Y/N N ND 336%‡ 283%‡
M06880 None Y/N N ND 306%‡ 255%†
B47 None N/N N None 99% 121%
B30 None N/N N None 162% 125%
B17 None N/N N None 87% 117%
B04 None N/N N None 394%† ND
B03 None N/N Y¶ None 159% 85%
B02 None N/N N None 197%‖ ND
FHAA indicates factor H autoantibodies; MAF, minor allele frequency according to Exome Variant Server (EVS) and Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD); N, not
found; ND, not determined; and Y, found.
*Pathogenic variant.
†P value <0.01.
‡P value <0.001.
§Variant of uncertain significance.
‖P value <0.05.
¶ΔCFHR1-CFHR3 came in homozygosity.

Patients with hypertensive emergency may present with DNA testing can confirm the genetic predisposition for
acute kidney failure and TMA in over 50% and up to 25% of C-TMA in half the patients13 but does not reflect the dynamic pro-
cases, respectively.26 TMA may be under-recognized as most cess of complement activation. Levels of circulating complement
patients with hypertensive emergency and TMA on kidney proteins and markers of complement activation also lack sensitivity
biopsy lack systemic hemolysis. Thus, a kidney biopsy is and specificity as complement in C-TMA is activated on the endo-
imperative to detect the TMA; obviously, control of BP and thelium (ie, the solid phase) rather than the fluid phase.12,14 Ex vivo
other clinical routines is mandatory to lower the risk of bleed- C5b9 formation reflects solid phase but not fluid phase comple-
ing.27 Patients with TMA should be screened for severe von ment activation.12,14 Here, we demonstrated that massive ex vivo
Willebrand protease deficiency and other causes.16 The conun- C5b9 formation reflects unrestrained C5 activation on the endothe-
drum of hypertensive emergency as a cause or consequence of lium regardless of the genetic predisposition. Ex vivo C5b9 forma-
TMA, however, remains difficult.13 tion, indeed, normalized on resting but not on perturbed endothelial
6  Hypertension  February 2020

below the recommended target concentration30 can prevent un-

restrained C5 activation, potentiating lower costs of treatment.
Knowledge of the genetic predisposition is instrumental to
make informed decisions regarding transplantation in poten-
tial recipients with TMA in their native kidneys.13 Patients with
(likely) pathogenic variants in CFH, CFB, C3, and those with
combined mutations, are at high risk of disease recurrence.31
In our cohort, TMA recurrence occurred in high-risk recipients
who carried pathogenic variants in complement genes,13 under-
scoring the importance of genetic testing before kidney trans-
plantation. Eculizumab can prevent TMA to manifest and its
sequelae.32 Living kidney donation and adequate BP control may
postpone the initiation of eculizumab33 and, in particular, be-
cause TMA developed as a late complication after kidney trans-
plantation. However, one should keep in mind that the allograft’s
capacity to recover is limited as compared with native kidneys.34
Of note, in our experience, several patients with C-TMA in
their native kidneys have been misdiagnosed as hypertensive
ESRD. Neither clinical manifestations nor pathological features
on kidney biopsy appeared specific for C-TMA in patients with
hypertensive emergency. Thus, impending hypertensive organ
damage outside the kidneys, including severe retinopathy, should
not be used to exclude atypical HUS as such manifestations are
common in patients with atypical HUS who present with hyper-
tensive emergency.12,35 Larsen et al36 recently suggested that the
presence of isolated intimal edema on kidney biopsy can exclude
C-TMA as none of their patients carried rare variants in comple-
ment genes, contrasting our data. Further conclusions from their
study, however, were limited by incomplete clinical data. Most of
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Larsen et al37 patients are from African descent, a population with

a high burden of hypertensive emergency and ESRD as compared
Figure 2. The clinical outcome before and after kidney transplantation. A, with those from European descent. No complement defects were
The cumulative incidence of the composite renal end point, that is, renal identified in our patients from African descent and all showed an
response and recovery, was higher in patients with complement-mediated
thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) who had been treated with eculizumab
excellent response on BP control, pointing toward hypertension
vs those who had not been treated; the composite renal end point as the sole cause of disease in this particular group of patients.
occurred after a median of 1.8 mo (P=0.001). B, TMA and subsequent graft Larsen et al’s cohort might represent a mixture of distinct causes,
failure was common in kidney donor recipients with pathogenic variants;
some of which may be related to well-known secondary etiologies
TMA recurred after a median of 5.0 y (P=0.05).
not linked to complement.38,39 Potential recipients classified as hy-
cells at the time of quiescent disease. The clinical course of patients pertensive ESRD with proof or a high suspicion of TMA should
therefore be screened for rare variants in complement genes.
with massive ex vivo C5b9 formation was poor,4,5 with early ESRD
Based on our studies,6,12 we propose an algorithm for the eval-
occurring in most patients. BP control was ineffective in all but
uation of TMA in patients presenting with hypertensive emer-
one case, while eculizumab blocked ex vivo C5b9 formation and
gency (Figure 3). Patients with hypertensive emergency and severe
improved the renal function among patients classified as C-TMA.
kidney failure who lack systemic hemolysis should be biopsied to
In contrast, BP control was effective in over half the patients with
assess whether TMA is present or not. Patients should be screened
normal ex vivo test results at presentation, resembling the natural for other causes of TMA and, if no cause can be identified, for ex
course of so-called malignant nephrosclerosis.28 Thus, our observa- vivo C5b9 formation. Abnormal results are indicative of a poor re-
tions indicate that massive ex vivo C5b9 formation differentiates sponse to BP control and thus, C-TMA. Furthermore, patients and,
C-TMA from TMA caused by hypertensive emergency alone.12 in particular, potential kidney donor recipients, should be screened
C-TMA was associated with a poor prognosis, indicating for rare variants in complement genes to adopt suitable measures
C5 as a therapeutic target for the treatment of TMA in patients before kidney transplantation. Prospective studies, however, are
with hypertensive emergency. Eculizumab’s dosing schedule needed to test the hypothesis that complement inhibition, either
and treatment duration, however, remain to be established. In with eculizumab or other therapies under development, will im-
line with Galbusera et al,29 a prolonged interdose interval of prove the outcome of patients with massive ex vivo C5b9 forma-
3 to 4 weeks retained normal ex vivo C5b9 formation on the tion. The predictive role of pathological features, such as chronic
perturbed endothelium despite a residual activity of the clas- vascular and tubulointerstitial damage,40,41 and clinical phenotype
sical pathway above the recommended goal of <10% during about the response to treatment should also be addressed.
complement inhibition.13 None of the reported patients to date In conclusion, these observations show that assessment of
developed a relapse of disease, suggesting that trough levels both ex vivo C5b9 formation and screening for rare variants in
Timmermans et al   Hypertensive Emergency and Complement   7

Table 3. Ex Vivo C5b9 Formation During Follow-Up in Patients Treated With Eculizumab or Not

Ex Vivo C5b9, % of the

Interval of Platelets, SCr, ADP-
Patient no. Variant(s) Treatment, w Hb, mmol/L LDH, U/L 103/μL μmol/L C4, g/L C3, g/L CPFA, % Resting Activated
TMA, active disease
M03307* C3† N/a 6.1 383 210 426 0.27 0.90 65 366‡ 307‡
TMA, quiescent disease
M04516 None N/a§ 7.3 85 ND ESRD ND ND ND 136 ND
M01416 None N/a§ 7.2 192 301 187 ND ND 121 74 251‖
M02715 C3† N/a 7.0 239 333 ESRD 0.34 1.14 114 160 231‖
M01715 CFI† N/a§ 6.6 142 399 278 0.33 1.41 >125 141 256¶
M04010* CFH† N/a 6.8 197 174 205 0.20 0.47 107 163 293¶
M03307* C3† N/a 6.1 181 232 220 0.28 0.97 77 87 170¶
M00105* C3† N/a 7.5 ND 198 98 ND ND ND 116 248‡
TMA, eculizumab treatment
M06018 None 3 7.7 134 236 399 0.22 1.10 3 ND 14¶
M99917 CFI, † 2 8.9 277 211 227 ND 1.09 2 ND 3‡
3 8.6 165 210 190 ND ND 21 25¶ 45‖
M01217 None 1 4.9 241 309 ESRD ND ND 4 0 0
M04516 None 2 5.5 143 492 ESRD 0.34 1.36 6 0 0
M01416 None 2 6.3 154 298 234 0.28 1.12 2 17‡ 14¶
M01715 CFI† 2 5.5 179 291 315 ND ND 0 0¶ 24¶
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4 7.4 141 393 288 0.29 1.16 102 160 229‡

M04010* CFH† 4 6.8 138 216 132 0.21 0.56 0 9‡ 29¶
M03307* C3† 2 6.7 264 216 437 ND ND 2 ND 12‡
Reference values for C4, C3, and CPFA are 0.11–0.35, 0.75–1.35 g/L, and >75%, respectively. ADP indicates adenosine diphosphate; CPFA, classical pathway
functional activity; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; ND, not determined; and TMA, thrombotic microangiopathy.
*Kidney donor recipient.
†Pathogenic variant.
§Eculizumab has been discontinued for over 3 mo.
#Variant of uncertain significance.

complement genes may categorize the TMA in patients with be screened for C-TMA. Neither clinical manifestations, such
hypertensive emergency, into different groups with potential as hypertensive retinopathy grade III and IV, nor pathological
therapeutic and prognostic implications. Furthermore, ex vivo features can differentiate C-TMA from mechanical stress. We
C5b9 formation may guide the dosage of treatment. therefore propose to screen patients for ex vivo complement ac-
tivation on the endothelium and rare variants in complement
Perspectives genes. Massive ex vivo complement activation indicates a poor
Hypertensive emergency can cause TMA via mechanical stress response to BP control, while complement inhibition appeared
to the endothelium. This cohort study revealed defects in com- promising. Future prospective trials should focus on the use of
plement regulation as the key causative factor of poor renal complement inhibition in patients with abnormal test results.
outcomes in patients with hypertensive emergency, TMA, and Rare variants in complement genes predict the risk of TMA
severe kidney failure, indicating C-TMA and not mechanical after kidney transplantation. Thus, kidney donor recipients car-
stress as the key cause of disease. In clinical practice, however, rying pathogenic variants warrant close and careful monitoring.
most patients with C-TMA remain unidentified assuming that
the kidneys are the victim rather than culprit of disease. Patients Acknowledgments
with hypertensive emergency and TMA, either on kidney bi- We gratefully thank the nephrologists affiliated with the Limburg Renal
opsy or blood smear, and severe kidney failure should therefore Registry and the members of the multidisciplinary TMA/HUS team at the
8  Hypertension  February 2020

Figure 3. Clinical algorithm for the evaluation

of thrombotic microangiopathy in patients
with hypertensive emergency. BP indicates
blood pressure; and TMA, thrombotic

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Rénales Génétiques (J. Morelle). S.A.M.E.G. Timmermans and P. van Bingham C, Cohen DJ, Delmas Y, Douglas K, et al. Terminal complement
Paassen participated in research idea and study design; S.A.M.E.G. inhibitor eculizumab in atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome. N Engl J
Timmermans, A. Wérion, and J. Morelle participated in data acquisition. Med. 2013;368:2169–2181. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1208981
S.A.M.E.G. Timmermans participated in statistical analysis. J.G.M.C. 10. Licht C, Greenbaum LA, Muus P, Babu S, Bedrosian CL, Cohen DJ,
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Damoiseaux, C.P. Reutelingsperger, and P. van Paassen participated in Delmas Y, Douglas K, Furman RR, Gaber OA, et al. Efficacy and safety
supervision and mentorship . Each author contributed important intel- of eculizumab in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome from 2-year
lectual content during manuscript drafting or revision and accepts ac- extensions of phase 2 studies. Kidney Int. 2015;87:1061–1073. doi:
countability for the overall work. 10.1038/ki.2014.423
11. Fakhouri F, Hourmant M, Campistol JM, Cataland SR, Espinosa M,
Sources of Funding Gaber AO, Menne J, Minetti EE, Provôt F, Rondeau E, et al. Terminal
complement inhibitor eculizumab in adult patients with atypical hemo-
None. lytic uremic syndrome: a Single-Arm, Open-Label Trial. Am J Kidney Dis.
2016;68:84–93. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2015.12.034
Disclosures 12. Timmermans SAMEG, Abdul-Hamid MA, Potjewijd J, Theunissen
We declare that the results presented in this paper have not been ROMFIH, Damoiseaux JGMC, Reutelingsperger CP, van Paassen P;
published previously in whole or part, except in abstract format. P. Limburg Renal Registry. C5b9 formation on endothelial cells reflects
van Paassen declares that he has received an unrestricted educational complement defects among patients with renal thrombotic microan-
grant from Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc, which has not had any in- giopathy and severe hypertension. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018;29:2234–
fluence on the results or interpretation in this article. The other au- 2243. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2018020184
thors report no conflicts. 13. Goodship TH, Cook HT, Fakhouri F, Fervenza FC, Frémeaux-Bacchi
V, Kavanagh D, Nester CM, Noris M, Pickering MC, et al; Conference
Participants. Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome and C3 glomerulopa-
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Novelty and Significance

What Is New? • Rare variants in complement genes, classified as pathogenic, predict the
• The clinical response to blood pressure control in patients with hyperten- long-term prognosis, that is, risk of TMA after kidney transplantation.
sive emergency, thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), and severe kidney
failure is dismal in a subset of patients with high rates of end-stage Summary
renal disease. We demonstrated that defects in complement regulation Patients with hypertensive emergency, TMA, and severe kidney
are prevalent in patients with poor outcomes, indicating complement- failure should be screened for ex vivo C5b9 formation on the endo-
mediated TMA as the cause of disease. thelium and rare variants in complement genes to better categorize
What Is Relevant? the TMA, having impact on treatment and prognosis.
• Massive ex vivo formation of C5b9 on the endothelium indicates unre-
strained C5 activation and a poor response to blood pressure control in
patients with hypertensive emergency, TMA, and severe kidney failure.

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