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Name: _________________________________________Score: ____________ Grade and Section:

_______________________________Date: _____________ FIRST QUARTER TEST IN SCIENCE 6Read and

understand the sentences and questions Choose the correct ans!er "# shadin$ the corres
%ondin$&etter o' the correct ans!er on #our ans!er sheets:

1.How are mixture formed if sugar dissolve in water?A.SolidC. DissolutionB.LiquidD. Solution2.From

wat mixture do ox!gen " #ar$on dioxide and nitrogen #ame from ?A.%as in liquidC. Solid in liquidB.%as
in gas D. Liquid in liquid&.'ix orange (ui#e )owder to water is wat *ind of mixture?A.Heterogeneous
mixtureC. Homogenous mixtureB.+nsolu$le mixtureD. 'ixture,.Bi*o" nilu)a* and $u*o salad is an exam)le
of wat *ind of mixture?A.SolidC. HeterogeneousB.LiquidD. Homogenous-.Let us assumed tatte
#om)osition varies from one region to anoter" wit at least two )ases tatremain se)arate from ea#
oter" wit #learl! identifia$le )ro)erties. is is a eterogeneous or ///mixture?A.uniformC.
0onuniformB.dissolutionD. Solution.+t is te #om$ination of two or more su$stan#es tat are not
#emi#all! #om$ined and a newsu$stan#e was formed. 3at do !ou mean $! tis?A.+t is solidC. +t is
gasB.+t is liquidD. +t is mixture4.ere are five *inds of solution. %as in liquid is one of it" terefore"
wi# of te given exam)le isone of te solution?A.Air and waterC. 5x!gen and saltB.Cola or Soft drin*D.
6o#*s and solvent7.Homogeneous mixture as te same )ro)erties. +t means tat te su$stan#es mixed
torougl! andafter stirring" it a))eared as one su$stan#e. 8ou #an no longer distinguis one #om)onent
from teoter. 3at is te oter term for omogenous mixture?A.SolutionC. soluteB.DissolutionD.
Solvent9.3en sugar dissolves in water" te twosu$stan#es a))ear as one. e sugar )arti#les #an no
longer $e identified. However" te taste of te water )roves tat te sugar was not lost after mixing.
+ts#emi#al )ro)ert! is retained and so te water taste sweet. 3at *ind of solution is tis?A.Solid in
liquidC. Liquid in liquidB.Solid in solidD. %as in liquid1:. A sugar solution is )re)ared $! adding dissolving
sugar in water. Sugar solution #onsists of two#om)onents" namel!" sugar and water. 3i# is solute?
A.3aterC. solutionB.SugarD. Com)onen

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