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SY 2020-2021
Mrs. Geraldine S. Sitoy

Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________


Multiple choice test. Read and analyse each statement below and carefully choose the letter that best describe the
statement. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provide before the number. (2pts each)

______1. Repetitions in muscular strengthening exercise refers to:

a. The length of time an exercise is performed
b. A fixed number of reps followed by a rest period
c. A rest period
d. The number of timers an exercise is performed
______2. Bonifacio is trying to find out how much weight he can push across the room. He is really trying to
measure his ______
a. Flexibility c. bone strength
b. Muscular strength d. cardiovascular endurance
_____3. Which of the following is an example of improved functioning as related to the benefits of muscular
strength and endurance training?
a. Having stronger bones c. easier to do household chores
b. Lower blood pressure d. larger lung capacity
_____4. Which of the following is the benefit of improved muscular strength?
a. Better body composition c. improved physical performance
b. Increased bone strength d. a, b and c
_____5. The ability to lift or resist weight or force is called?
a. Cardiovascular endurancec. muscular endurance
b. Muscular strength d. bone strength
_____6. Fitness walking, jogging, and running are physical activities that can improve:
a. Muscle endurance and flexibility c. cardiovascular fitness and flexibility
b. Cardiovascular fitness and body composition d. agility and muscular strength
_____7. Which of the following exercises would best test the muscular strength of your legs?
a. Push ups c. curl ups
b. Pull ups d. leg press
_____8. The following group of weight bearing activities can help improve growth and bone strength, except?
a. Jumping, running and brisk walking
b. Jumping, running, sleeping, and brisk walking
c. Texting, running and brisk walking
d. Jumping, running, swimming
_____9. What is a lifestyle change that can increase your level of aerobic, muscular and bone strength?
a. Sleeping c. playing online games
b. Being alive d. limiting eating options
_____10. The number of times one should exercise to improve a component of fitness is called
a. Intensity c. Time
b. Frequency d. Progressive
SY 2020-2021
Mrs. Geraldine S. Sitoy

Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________


I. Encircle the correct answer. (2pts each)

1. The ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles during physical activity for a long
period of time.
a. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Body Composition
b. Flexibility d. Muscular Strength
2. What is the advantage of exercise?
a. Improved quality of life c. Stress Relief
b. Decrease chronic disease d. All of the above
3. Doing muscular strengthening exercise also develops:
a. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Flexibility
b. Muscular Endurance d. Bone strength
4. Short bursts of lifting very heavy weights with low repetitions can be referred to as this type of exercise.
a. Aerobic exercise c. muscular endurance
b. Muscular strength exercise d. muscular strength
5. The ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time.
a. Muscular Endurance c. Cardiovascular endurance
b. Muscular Strength d. Flexibility
6. Push up, weight lifting, plyometric are examples of ______________ exercises.
a. Muscular Endurance c. Cardiovascular endurance
b. Muscular Strength d. Flexibility
7. Which of the following is not a primary benefit regular cardiovascular exercise?
a. Increased ability to take in and use oxygen c. Lower blood pressure
b. Improved balance d. Lower pulse rate
8. F.I.T.T. stands for:
a. Fitness, Intelligence, Total Tumour c. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
b. Frequency, Intensity, Temperature, Time d. Fun, Intensity, Teamwork, Trust
9. Running, cycling, swimming, and dancing are all examples of what type of exercise?
a. Resistance exercise c. muscular strengthening
b. Aerobic exercise d. flexibility exercises
10. When weight lifting for muscular strength, one should lift ____ weight and do ____ repetitions?
a. Less; fewer c. more; many
b. Less; more d. more; fewer

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