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1 What are the Elements of Basic Training?

• EFA - Elementary First Aid

• FPFF Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
• PSSR - Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
• PST - Personal Survival Techniques

2 What is Safety?
Safety - it is defined as the state of being free from harm or danger. Safety is ABC - Always Be Careful.
3 What is CPR?
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- CPR is done for cardiac arrest (when the patient has no pulse)
4 What is AR?
- Artificial Respiration
- AR should be done in the event of respiratory arrest (when the patient has stopped breathing)

5 What are the steps to be done when there is fire inside the engine room?
• Raise the alarm
• Inform the bridge
• Locate and use the fire extinguisher or fire hose

6 What are the Alarms in Ship?

• General Alarm - 7 short I long
• Fire Alarm Continuous ringing
• Man Overboard - 3 Long rings
• Abandon Ship - Verbal order and General alarm
• Co2 Alarm - Distinguished sound alarm
• Machine / Navigation Alarm Continuous sound alarm

7 What is Marine Engineering?

It centers the construction, operation and maintenance of different kinds of marine vessels. This program
aims to provide knowledge and skills that will enable to learn how to operate and maintain the different
machineries installed in marine vessels.
8 What is Engine?
Marine engines on ships are responsible for propulsion of the vessel from one port to another. It is considered
as the heart of the ship, because a ship without an engine is a dead ship

9 What are your Responsibilities as an Engine Cadet?

My responsibilities as an Engine Cadet onboard are to assist and learn. I am responsible to maintain the
cleanliness onboard, to assist and follow instructions from my officers. Usually, I take job orders from 2nd

10 What are the important systems onboard?

- Fuel Oil System
a system that functions to store fuel safely, distribute fuel to the engine and mist the fuel to mix with air.
- Air Starting System
The starting air system is a system used to run the main engine, where compressed air from an air vessel
having a pressure of 30 Bar is supplied to the main engine through the distributor valve which is then
distributed by the distributor valve to each cylinder through the starting air valve according to the firing
- Cooling System
combustion engine cooling system on ships where seawater is used directly to cool the combustion engine
cylinders and other components after which it is discharged back into the sea.
- Lubrication Oil System
The lubrication system in ship engines functions to minimize friction on the surfaces of moving and contact

11 Give some Auxiliary Machineries Onboard

• Auxiliary Engine - Generates Electricity
• Purifier - Purifies fuel
• Boiler - Produces steam
• Air Compressor - Provides compressed air
• Pumps - Supplies fluid to various locations
• Fresh Water Generator - Produces fresh water
• Oily Water Separator - Separates oil from water
• Turbocharger - it reuses the exhaust gases in order to increase the overall efficiency of the engine

12 What is the Difference between 4 stroke and 2 stroke engine?

- 4-stroke engine goes through four stages ( which are the intake, compression, power and exhaust) or two
complete revolutions, to complete one power stroke, while a
2-stroke engine goes through 2 stages (which are the upstroke and downstroke), or one complete revolution,
to complete one power stroke.
13 What is the Difference between Relief Valve and Safety Valve?
• Relief Valve is usually fitted where pressure rises gradually.
• Safety valve is usually fitted where pressure rises rapidly.
Relief Valves are designed to control pressure. When the system is slightly overpressure, the relief valve will
open gradually, allowing the system to return to the preset pressure level. When that level is reached, the
valve shuts again.
Safety Valves are used for one reason safety. Instead of controlling the pressure in a system, they're designed
to immediately release pressure in the event of an emergency or system failure. Unlike relief valves,
safety valves open immediately and completely to avoid a disaster, rather than to control the pressure of
a system.
Relief valves are commonly used for fluids like oil or water. Safety valves are commonly used for compressible
gasses like air or steam.

14 What is the Difference Between Purifier and Clarifier?

A purifier is a type of centrifugal separator that is use to separate two liquids with different densities
while a clarifier is a type of centrifugal separator that is use to separate solid impurities from fuel.

15 What is Centrifugal force?

A force that causes an object moving in a circular path to move out and away from the center of its path.
What is Centripetal force?
A force that pulls an object moving in a circular path toward the center of its path.

16 What is the Difference between Camshaft and Crankshaft?

Camshaft is located in the "top end" while Crankshaft is located in the "bottom end" of an engine.
A camshaft uses egg-shaped to open and close engine valves,
while a crankshaft converts "cranks" (the up/down motion of the pistons) to rotational motion.

17 What is the Difference between diesel and gas engine?

In a gasoline engine, the fuel mixes with air compressed by pistons. The spark plugs ignite this mixture to
move the vehicle. On the other hand, in a diesel engine, the air is first compressed. This makes the air
hot. The fuel then ignites when it hits the hot air.
18 What is the Difference between Internal and External Combustion Engine?
Internal and External Combustion Engine are the two main types
of heat engines.
• Internal Combustion Engine It is when the combustion of fuel takes place inside the working cylinder.
Ex: Petrol Engine, Diesel Engine etc.

• External Combustion Engine

If the combustion of fuel takes place outside the working cylinder.
Ex: Steam Engine, Steam Turbines etc.

19 What is Refrigeration system?

Simply means "removing heat" It perform cooling or maintain room temperature at a desired value. A marine
refrigeration system is used onboard to kept food, drinks, cargo and garbage in optimal conditions at all
times. Well-maintained food and drinks are essential for passengers' and crew's health.

What is Refrigeration Cycle?

the process of withdrawing heat/heat from an object/room so that the temperature of the object/room is
lower than the temperature of the environment

20 What are Pumps?

It supplies fluids to various locations. A ship consists of various types of fluids moving inside different
machinery and systems. These liquids are circulated by different types of pumps.
What are the Types of Pumps?
Reciprocating Pumps
Pump screws
Pump gears
Pump pistons
Ram pump type
Pump vanes
Centrifugal Pump
Axial flow pump
Submersible pump

21 What is Boiler?
Marine Boiler produces steam for main propulsion or for auxiliary machinery. It converts water into steam.

What are the Types of Boiler?

What are the Types of Valve?

- gate valve
- globe valve
- butterfly valve
- ball valve
- relief valve
- traps valve

22 What is Fresh Water Generator? It produces fresh water that is used on board. It converts sea water into
fresh water.
23 What is Compressor? A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing
its volume.

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