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10-6”C”, Unit 5 “Wildlife”

Topic:”Pets, our lovely pets!”(2 lessons)

Guiding question: “What is your attitude to keeping pets?” PROS and CONS

Areas of Interaction:
ATL-we learn how to be organized and disciplined, open minded
Environments-we learn to respect others, everything that is around us.
CS- we learn how to take care of others, especially unprotected animals, to save their lives, to
love them and be attentive to them.

Grammar to be used while discussing this topic:

 Types of questions
 Articles a/an/the
 Conditional 1
 Conditional 2

Objectives of the lesson:

1. To develop students’ skills of speaking, reading, listening, writing, thinking, problems
solving through the activities used on this very lesson.
2. To develop students’ general knowledge about pets’ keeping; -how to take care, how to
feed, how to behave with them.
3. To make students understand and love animals, not to destroy their habitats.

Brainstorming (1): before starting the new topic, teacher checks students’ previous knowledge
on lexis and gives a task to give as many words as they can associated with the topic:
“PETS”and then requires their using in sentences: “Why did you choose this word? Can you
explain? Why do you think that this word is associated with the topic?”



to take care
Brainstorming (2): What animals can be kept as pets? Why? Why not? (The pictures of
some animals are displayed on the board for discussion-5 WILD and 7 POSSIBLE PETS)

Brainstorming (3): “PROS and CONS of keeping pets!” (Students should be divided into 2
groups for discussion), the winner is the team, which gives or says the last statement with
 Fishes can be relaxing to the nerves -some of them can bite you
 -
 -

(After the competition the conclusion should be done using only adjectives according to the
Use the following ADJECTIVES: cute, dangerous, clever, relaxing, necessary, quite, noisy,
dirty, popular, safe, little, big, pleasant, and unpleasant.

Teacher shows the picture of any pet, students must describe the one using 3 adjectives

New expressions for speaking developing and implementation:

Let’s talk about pets in general; TRY to use these expressions in your answers:

 What pets do you really like?

 What pets do you admire with?
 What pets/ animals are you afraid of?
 What pets do you really hate?
 What pets are really popular with people to be kept?
 What pets are you allergic to?
 What pets are the friendliest?
 What pets are the cutest? Most pleasant/ unpleasant? Most dangerous?
Cleverest? Quietest? Noisiest? Dirtiest? Biggest? Least?

 I really like……….
 I admire with……
 I’m a lover of keeping………
 I’m afraid of/ I’m frightened of………..
 I really hate………..
 ….are very popular to be a pet among people
 I’m allergic to………
 Be friendly to ..
 It’s cruel to ….

For conditional 2 consolidation:

If you don’t have any PETS just imagine what you would like to have using the following

“If I had a chance to have a pet, I would have a…………….


 And now, I think, it’s time to talk about your own pets! If you don’t have, don’t be afraid,
just imagine that you have.
 First guess my 3 riddles about my neighbors’ pets and then try to introduce your own
by guessing them; teacher reads 3 texts about a goose, two parrots and a tortoise.
 Students’ turn to write about their pets and introduce to the class.(shortly)
 After the guessing:

 WORK IN PAIRS: make up dialogues:

o What pet do you have?
o What color is it?
o What about its size?
o What does it like to do?
o What can/can’t it do?
o Do you take care of your pet yourself? If not, who does?
o How many times and how often do you feed it?
o Is it easy to keep your pet? Why? Why not? Give explanation to your every answer.

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