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Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics: Explore the use of statistics in analyzing literary trends in the region
and the nation. Students can examine data on book sales, readership, or literary
awards to identify patterns and trends.

2) Social Studies: Investigate the historical and cultural context of literary works from
the region and the nation. Students can study major events, social movements, or
cultural practices that influenced the literature of the time.

3) Geography: Examine the geographical settings of literary works and how they
contribute to the overall understanding of the region and the nation. Students can
analyze how the physical environment shapes the characters, plot, and themes in
the texts.

Review Motivation:

1) Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Online quiz platform

- Create an engaging quiz that tests students' knowledge of famous literary works
from the region and the nation, encouraging friendly competition among students.

- Use multimedia elements such as images and audio clips to make the quiz more

- Award prizes or recognition to students with the highest scores.

2) Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Costumes, props

- Assign students different roles of literary characters from the region and the

- Encourage students to act out scenes or engage in dialogues to bring the

characters to life.

- Provide opportunities for students to discuss the significance of the characters

and their roles in the texts.

3) Teaching Strategy: Picture Analysis

Instructional Materials: Various pictures related to literary works

- Show students a series of pictures depicting scenes, symbols, or characters from

different literary works.

- Engage students in a discussion where they analyze the pictures and make
connections to the texts.

- Encourage students to interpret the images and share their insights on how they
situate the texts in the context of the region and the nation.

Activity 1: Literary Timeline

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Chart paper, markers

Significance: Students will create a timeline that showcases the development

of literature in the region and the nation, highlighting key works and authors.

1) Divide students into groups and provide each group with chart paper and markers.

2) Instruct each group to research and identify significant literary works and authors
from the region and the nation.

3) Have each group create a timeline on the chart paper, placing the works and
authors in chronological order.

4) Encourage students to discuss the significance of each work and author in the
context of the region and the nation.


- Accuracy and completeness of the timeline: 15 pts

- Clear presentation and organization: 10 pts

- Explanation of the significance of each work and author: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the timeline showcase the development of literature in the region and
the nation?

2) What insights can be gained from studying the works and authors included in the

3) In what ways do the works and authors reflect the cultural and historical context of
the region and the nation?


Activity 1 - Students will demonstrate their understanding of the development of

literature in the region and the nation. They will be able to identify significant works
and authors and explain their significance in relation to the context of the region and
the nation.


The objective of situating the text in the context of the region and the nation EN12Lit-
Ie-29 allows students to analyze and understand the connections between literary
works and the cultural, historical, and geographical aspects of the region and the
nation. By exploring these connections, students can gain a deeper appreciation and
understanding of the literature from the Philippines.

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1 - Design a travel brochure showcasing the of different literary works from the
region and the nation. Students will research and create visually appealing
brochures that highlight the cultural and geographical significance of each location.

Task 2 - Create a podcast series where students will interview local authors,
scholars, or literary enthusiasts to discuss the importance of regional and national
literature. Students will engage in meaningful conversations that deepen their
understanding of how literature reflects the context of the region and the nation.


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Instructional Materials: Rubrics for each task

Question 1: How does the travel brochure effectively showcase the cultural
and geographical significance of the literary works' settings?

Question 2: What insights did you gain from the podcast interviews regarding
the importance of regional and national literature?

Question 3: How did the tasks allow you to apply your knowledge of situating
texts in the context of the region and the nation?


1) Write a reflective essay discussing the impact of regional and national literature on
your understanding of the Philippines' culture and identity. (Guiding Overview:
Reflect on the literary works you have studied and how they have contributed to your
knowledge of the region and the nation's context.)

2) Conduct an interview with a local author or literary figure, and write a report
summarizing the insights gained from the interview. (Guiding Overview: Prepare
interview questions that delve into the connections between literature and the
context of the region and the nation.)

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