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First Term English Grade 4

Objective = 10 MCQs (10×1.5=15 Marks) and Subjective = 35 Marks, Total = 50 Marks / Time = 1 Hour 30 Minutes
School Name: GGPS KHAI BODLA (EMIS: 31110440)
Student Name : Roll Number : Section :

Question No.1 : Choose the sentence about seeking permission. Question No.2 : Identify the action shown in the given picture.
(a) Do I enjoy the story books? (b) I do not forget my lessons. (a) Writing (b) Weeping
(c) You should do your work on (c) Jumping (d) Sleeping
(d) May I write on your notebook?
Question No.3 : Which 'Collective Noun' is used for a group of Question No.4 : 'I need_______ kilogram of salt.'
soldiers? (a) a (b) an (c) the (d) any
(a) Class (b) Herd (c) Flock (d) Army
Question No.5 : Identify the 'Adjective of Origin' from the given Question No.6 : Identify the picture having a diphthong sound.
sentence. (a) (b) (c) (d)
'Sana bought a small but pretty Russian doll.'
(a) Doll (b) Small (c) Pretty (d) Russian
Question No.7 : Choose the correct spelling of the given object. Question No.8 : 'The _________ are waiting for the school bus.'
(a) Girafe (b) Jirafe (a) kid (b) kids (c) kides (d) kidz
(c) Giraffe (d) Jiraffe
Question No.9 : Choose the object with a digraph. Question No.10 : 'The boy is _________ the door.'
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) front (b) behind
(c) between (d) above

Question No.11 : Write a paragraph of five sentences to describe the sequence of "Washing Hands" as shown in the pictures. Use correct grammar, punctuation
and spelling. Marks (10)

Question No.12 : Sentences are given below with underlined words. Replace each underlined word with another word that expresses the same idea. Marks (08)

knowledge, act, problem, consume

1. A child should behave mannerly at the table. 2. We should inform the police about the issue. 3. The poster has interesting information about traffic
rules. 4. We should not spend money on useless things.

Question No.13 : Listening, Speaking and Reading Question: Marks (12)

Part-A: READING QUESTION: Marks (4) Instructions for the Students
Your teacher will show you some words. Pronounce them clearly. Focus on the parts (syllables) of each word. WORD BANK: Remind, Costly, Badly, Basket,
Winter, Careful, Calendar, Victory, Quietly, Opinion
Part-B: LISTENING & SPEAKING QUESTION: Marks (8) Instructions for the Students. Your teacher will show you some ‘Consonant Clusters’. He/ She will make at
least one word from each ‘Consonant Cluster’. Listen to the sounds spoken by your teacher. Now, make two words with from each ‘Consonant Cluster’ asked by
your teacher.
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