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Port Said International School National

English Department Secondary Stage
Name: ---------------------------------------- Class: 11 ( ) Date: ------------------

A- Choose the correct the answer:

1- The lamp gave out a (whim – prime – desired – dim) light.
2- The town’s economy depends on the summer (invasion – tranquility – influx – itinerary) of
3- It finally (wiped put – drove out – trickle down - dawned on) him that she’d been joking.
4- Jim's rose garden is a (narrow escape – educated guess - riot of color – microclimate).
5- The mayor (clung on to – took the plunge - came in for – made a dent in) a lot of criticism
of his remarks.
6- I should be (embarking – embodying – gloating – spewing) and rubbing my hands with
7- Campione d'Italia is an Italian (enclave – injection – microcopy – phenomenon) in
8- The town was (embodied – bragged - devastated – explicated) by a hurricane in 1928.
9- The apartment is just a stone's (tip – throw – drop – spur) from the sea.
10- We booked the trip on a (wham – province – wreak – whim).
11- As one of the few women in engineering in the 1950s, she was considered an (rarity –
soapbox – phenomenon - oddity).
12- This is a (lax – educated – prime – sighted) example of 1930s architecture.
13- I love riding fast - it gives me a real (riot – buzz – exacerbation – influx).
14- He dressed carefully, hoping to achieve the (desirable – desire – desiring – desired)
15- The idea at first seems (tranquil – unbridled – deciding – commendable), after all,
wouldn't most of us want to lead happier lives?
16- I was late and, to (add insult to injury – take the plunge – make a dent in – put one over),
forgot my keys.
17- The audience was selected to create a (microcopy – microclimate – microscope –
microcosm) of American society.
18- Mr. Hackett will serve his state and federal sentences (recurrently – concurrently –
concurringly – cursively).
19- We just jumped in a car (the tip of the ice berg – off the beaten track – out of the world -
on the spur of the moment) and drove to the seaside.
20- This sounds like another (long- lasting – picturesque - crackpot – secluded) conspiracy
theory to me. I can’t stand this any longer!
21- There were troubling (escapes – discrepancies – itineraries – trappings) between his
public and private opinions on how to balance the budget.
22- Their decision could be (seething – detrimental – pristine – secluded) to the future of the
23- You shouldn't (answer – detox – haggle – begrudge) her success; you can achieve yours,
24- It's very (out of the ordinary – unbridled - short-sighted -settling) of the government not
to invest in technological research.
25- She went on a 48-hour (prosperity – detriment – sensibility – detox), eating nothing but
B- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in the brackets:
1- The students and the union campaigned together to reduce the price of the food in the
cafeteria. [ make a dent in]
2- Why is a man who was acquitted of all charges kept in a very remote place?
[off the beaten track]
3- It was suddenly clear to me that I hadn't eaten all day. [dawn on]
4- The oil spill could eliminate the area's turtle population. [ wipe out]
5- There wasn’t enough furniture at this apartment. [sparsely]
6- I was glad to find this site as I am new to the delayed food allergy plagued world.
7- 2000 patients in northern Gaza are evacuated from 22 hospitals. [drive]
8- I don't know how they'll react to our proposal, so we'll just improvise and hope for the
best. [ ear]
9- Cheer up! The worst is yet to come. [iceberg]
10- Tim was fooled into believing that his friend would give him a lot of money.
[ put one over…]
11- My letter of protest was just a start. [in the ocean]
12- His interest was just a passing fancy. [whim]
13- One little girl was getting a hold of a cuddly toy. [cling]
14- She was more than ready to overlook his faults. [a blind eye]
15- I've noticed nothing odd during my visit to that school! [ out of the ordinary]

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