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This Marriage Contract is entered into on this 14th day of September 2023, between Jodelee

Bisnan Talingdan, hereinafter referred to as "Party A," and Carlo Bugarin Castañeda, hereinafter
referred to as "Party B."


Whereas, Party A and Party B are voluntarily entering into this Marriage Contract with the
shared intent of laughing, loving, and living life in the most absurd and delightful ways possible;

Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the Ridiculously Happy
Couple agrees as follows:

Article I: Purpose of the Contract

The Happy Couple agrees to support each other in all endeavors, whether serious or
hilariously ill-conceived.

Article II: Cuddle Clause

The parties involved hereby agree to a mandatory cuddle session at least once a week


Party A and Party B agree to approach disagreements with the intent of finding a solution
that benefits both parties.

Article IV: Pizza, the Unifying Force

Pizza shall be the official peacekeeping food. Any marital dispute can be resolved with a slice
of pizza, and extra cheese will be used for extra love.

Article V: Communication

The Parties shall communicate openly and honestly, especially when one is asked, "What's
on your mind?" The response, "Nothing," shall be reserved for when you truly mean it.

Article VI: Support and Understanding

The Parties shall support each other's dreams, no matter how wild or unconventional they
may be.

Article VII: The Silent Treatment Strategy

times of extreme disagreement, both parties shall invoke the "Silent Treatment Strategy" for
no more than 15 minutes. This shall be followed by mandatory tight hugs and kisses.
Article VIII: The Last Piece Protocol

In the event of only one piece of food remaining, both parties shall engage in a duel of wit
and skill (rock-paper-scissors) to determine the rightful owner.

Article IX: The Love Language Clause

Both parties shall regularly express love and affection in their chosen love languages.

Article X: Unconditional Love

The Parties shall love each other unconditionally.

Article XI: Till Death Do Us Laugh

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this contract and agree to enter into the
grand adventure of marriage with humor, love, and an unwavering commitment to find joy in the
little things

Article XII: The Giggle Guarantee

Both parties promise to never go to bed angry. If necessary, we shall engage in a tickle-fight
until smiles are restored.

Article XIII: The Forever Laughter Clause

In the face of life's challenges, Party A and Party B commit to finding humor in every
situation, knowing that laughter is the glue that holds this wacky union together.
This, my dear couple, shall be the agreed-upon consequence, infused with a dash of whimsy and
levity, should either of you find yourselves inadvertently straying from the terms of your mutual
accord, a playful reminder of your commitment to laughter and understanding within the bounds
of this sacred union.

1. The Dish Duty Dance-Off: Whoever breaks a term has to do all the dishes for a week, but
they have to dance while doing it.

2. The Songbird Serenade: The guilty party must sing their apology using a silly or
embarrassing song.

3. Pun-tastic Punishments: Come up with a list of punny jokes or pun-related tasks for the
guilty party to perform.

4. Dessert Dilemma: The offender must prepare their partner's favorite dessert from scratch.

5. Pillow Talk Penalty: They have to say three compliments before bedtime for a week.

6. Food Fusion Folly: The guilty party must cook a meal combining two unexpected

7. Artistic Apology: Create a piece of art (painting, drawing, or craft) that represents their

8. Random Act of Kindness: The offender must perform a random act of kindness for a
stranger and share the experience.

9. Shoe Swap Shenanigans: They have to wear their partner's shoes for a day (as long as they
fit, of course).

10. Bookworm Betrayal: Read and summarize a book that the other person chooses.

11. Garden Gratitude: The guilty party must plant a flower or tree as a symbol of their

12. DIY Disaster: Take on a home improvement project chosen by the offended party.

Remember, these "punishments" are meant to be in good fun and should never be used to hurt or
demean each other. It's always important to communicate openly and honestly in a relationship, and
to make sure both parties are comfortable with any playful agreements you make.

Party A Signature


Party B Signature

Congratulations, you're now officially bound by the silliest contract in matrimonial history! May your
days be filled with laughter, love, and wonderfully absurd adventures.

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