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Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6 pojseny 3,7 S

Figure 3. @ Inet and Engine Air Flow Match. Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6 Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6 In addition, there vas eaeenttally no. Anstrumentation rugged enough to obtala accurace, Feal-cise seasuresents. AB Pract & whitney Aircraft developed more rugged {astrumeatation and better calibration facilities, toproved data vere gradually obcained. Lockheed, of course, vas kept Sprto-date an ve obtained better daca: A good. part of the tine Lockheed and Pract &. Whitney Aiverage jointly ras fuel syscen rigs, tolee distortion rigs, ete., as veil as scoe caging calibration tests and vind tunnel reatiog of ths efector. Flight Mach Number — qe to reneaber chat this all Figure ¢, Nee thrust Cospacison = Bleed Bypase started nearly a quarter of a century ago. Cycle va Tarboet cycle ypat® Alehough Prate & whitney Aireraft had a very large ‘computer system for it's day (the IBM 710), © vai re sophisticated than scue of the hand held Fabrication = and stale technology calculators nov available. Consequaatly, the J58 presented one of the greatest challenges. ve had engine, in effect, vas a clide-rule design. fo leara how to fora sheet metal ftom asteriale Despite all of the ‘testing and faired curves, ve which previously had been used only for forging knev vo had to solve sany of our aucual turbine blades. Once ve had achieved chis, we had integration problens through £Lighe ceat- fo learn how to veld it successfully.” Dicks, Shafes, and” other componanes iso had to. be Porcant ‘LTO Thrust & Approximately three somtha before rate & febricaced ‘ron “nigh-atrengeh, | whitney finished the Pre Flight Rating Tese which Tenperature-reatstant turbine’ blade-like saterials | vas 3 yeare and 4 moathe after go-ahead (eho Model ro. with! teaporacures asd stresses | Qualification Test was completed 16 souths later), encounterads “I do aot know of a.atagle part, dova | the first “Blackbird” tock to the air. Te va fo the last cotter key, that could. be ‘made froa | povared by evo afcarburniag J75 curbojet engines the sexe satertals as Used on previous engises. | to uring out the aircraft subsoatcally. Ae soon Even the lubrication. pump was 8 aajor as Lockheed felt conforeable vith the aircraft, a dovelopaene. The ceviy- developed, epecial fuel vas J38 was installed in ose ide. Afeer several foe omy hot, but ic had go lubricity. A sual onthe of subsonic flight testa, JS8 eagines vere Gsoust of flvorecarbon finally had to be added to installed in both sides, and ve acareed flight Glow che atefrane and engine pusps end servos to testing for real. Cork. : : Naturally there were problenss Here ase & uci vas used as the engine byérmulic fluid "few sotebie ouas ona the solurtonss co actuste “the ‘Sheedsy ‘afeerSesner fereley" ete: Selsee hate! weeasthing: torso the fuels ie The ffzat_ problen bappeoed very eariywche Sest soda ace poss "ehvough ‘the aydreckte Tayaces engine "woules'e "scart? he-veuall talec” wind Int hte eat bose SIEIGT eogal aia ‘ot stow the doles Sing re Enprensod nt the starting J50\sitflovs, To" facty 1 “the foregoing vere not "enough, inetend of air) floviog™ out of che’ conpteseot ovetepuaneal’ esciug. ptpblena” alse’ had ‘ee ig —sehentage’thtouph, the bleed ducts, ato the crotecer "Phere were af tnt fatiitten saith tag tfsrieuery ie tied easier bay At a whe Capanlitton © to "'pravian vceaujecate- cesporany’ Hix, Lockheed recoved an Inlet, areas Snopecacure ccuitcions-“roquised for | panel for ground acarte, They later. added two ietien githony recutced for Peteetadoots (eee Figure 6) aed peace © nicney Cenc ee ene eentseteet aoe cetldqlscrate adgnd ‘on cagiae blend. co the naceilee teltclon is choot Ser Figure Seer os “ae east ceiced the geome seareing Stand, the xhacae of 4/5 eagina, ver vonchioogh Se Sette Re SSa eel stoutnteteaustancs af eke {perature eurdcomaests i Originally, the blowin door Te vas subsequently dectded jointly and Pract “& Whitney Airerafe thar Se vould save veight if {¢ vas built as part of che 9) Figure 5. Heated Enviroment Test Seand airfrane seructure. This vas deemed ‘approptiace particularly as the asia ving spar structure had pit © Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6 ‘Sone Foren ®1P0t8 Oper Oper Taray Doon Open ctr Fase Cane \ Pigure 6. Atr Flow Pacterns ~ static airerafe A) 6 eon oT iy Lith the engine prdaary’ nozzle. Vould perfora sll" of the wind cunnel testing. exchange, Pratt & Whitney Alrerafe would bulle the Fenote, gearbox becouse Lockheed’s gearbox vendor od to experience with gear aatertale of. bearings ney. Aitetatt, howver, wovld attll be ponsible for nozsle performance tn conjunctton In addielon, ve In and seale that would, withatand the temperatures required. Ab a watter gf fact neither did ve, but ue wore already conmfetet to learn. A problenparetally related to the ejector vos that the aftplane burned too such fuel going trungonte,..'To help ‘solve ‘the problen,” thrust Aeowurenents, were taken in” flight, movies of Neetor opevation tn flight vere made, loca! Hach noabers were ,.measuted, ete.” To” fundanental Efstakes vere\ uncovered. — The back end of the necelle “(the efector)-went supersonic Jong before the afeplone did, and the fairing of the aircraft transonfe vind tunnel dng data was not accurate, Mille we were “puseling out.-the ‘eolutfon, sone pilot decided to go transonic at a. lover altitude Sno Mgher Xen. this fer oil intents and purposes solved the problea. From thts ve. learned fot to run nacelle wind tunnel cescs unless the fodel contains =at. Least a stoulation. of che djacent aftcraft surfaces. ie also, learned to take enough data * points. 20° hat ttansonfe drag ‘ing tunnel dota doce nor have to be faired. As fight testing increased to ‘the higher ach numbers, nev problens arose. One, vhich tofay may be considered einple with our eodern cooputer techniques, concerned “the resote [ertbon, The geurbox mounes etarted to exhibse heavy veer and cracks, aod the che long drive shaft Between the engine “and the gearbox started to thow= twisting and-heavy- spline wear. After buch slide-ruling, “we finally éectéed that the Tocatfon of the gearbox relutive eo the engine vas ‘nsnown during. high Mech tuber eransients. We Fevorted to the einple test of putting styluses on The engine’ and. outed. feratch plate on the gearbons We found, to-our astontsliment, chat: the Seitbor ‘woved about 4 doches. relative. to the Engines This was euch wore than the shaft between ie engine: and the gearbox “could take. | The problen vas. solved, by providing a nev shaft Sentatning @ double universal Joint. Another problea arose hen the aireraft fuel ayscon plunbing tenediately ahead-of the engine Stared? to. show. fatigue and éistortion. Seduurenenta “with a fase. recorder shoved that praasuce. pikes at the engine fuel inlet vere felng off Beale. This oveepressuring vas found to Sa coused by feedback--tros the engine hydraulic sycten, This phenosens, €f4 not -show up efther ing. Leckheed's- or Pratt & whitney Airerafe's Testing, nor during ‘the engine. ground testing heceuae of the large fluld volumes tavolved. Sutve the problem Jeckheed invented a Shigietenperseure sponge” (promptly. naned “the football) wich they installed in an accumulator ahead of the engine. Tits reduced the pressure oplkus to aveolerable Level. A> mounting-related ~problen occurred under certutn condtelens of don load on the wing. At ne there conditions, ‘the outer half of the nacelle wuld rotate dato the: engine -and.erush che engine plowbtng and -anyehfng else dn. the” vay. fe around the throne of the ejector. Pratt & Oriptn To - 4 ay, the engine vas mounted on a stiff ratl structure ‘ar che top of che nacelle vith a Stabilizing Link frou the top of the engine rear mount riog to the aircraft structure as shown in Figure 7." To solve che crushing problen Prac & Witeney Atreraft redesigned the Fear aount ring 50 that a tangential Link could be installed becween engine and the outboard side of the nacelle. Ths maintained a finite distance between che nacelle and engine under all conditions. See Figure 8. Nacelo Ring Engine Mount Ring Botore Figure 7. Engine Yount Nacelle Ping Figure 8. Engine Mount As-nentioned previously, there vas @ aininua of elecrontee in the engine control system because electronics vould not survive the enviconsent and the fuel vas alteady too hot to provide cooling Consequently, conerol a¢justaents normally made fsuconatically had to be made manually. For ranple, the pilot operated a vernter trimer to sake fine adjuscaencs in the ECT (Exhaust Cai Tenperature) as. conditions varied frou standard (one such device vas used successfully in che U-2). The pflot vas provided with a curve of ECT. versus engine inlet tenperature to wake the Required mencal—adjostaents: However, ‘Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6 Andividuats ho were ori the protleas and approaches to solutions, rather than "toward subscieutiog. chat judgoene for chat of the| contractors. Requireneats for Covernsent Spproval aa a prerequisite to action vere aininal and vere Linited to those changes {avolving Significant’ cost or operational ispact. AS Fesult, reactiocs to probleas vere exceptionally quick.| Ia thie saaser, the tise fron forsal ineezing papervork to the conversion drastically shortwaed. This ‘not rated the progress of the program but Saved lasny dollars. by tncorporacing. the changes Walle [eke under of unite vere seill. relatively reall. tovard understanding On “this “program, the Goverment fully recognized that ‘nany “of che probleas. involving eieher| the engine of airframe aamufacturer, of both, could Se solved moat effectively. by a. jotat engitearing effort and the contracts vere veitten fo allow this activity vithout penalties: As @ Fesule| an extreaely close vorking relationship Deeween che engineering groupe vas. developed. and flourished until. the SE-71 became fully operational. This sechod of operation ied to proape! solutions of cany problessvhich, under @ Bore’ cumbersone nacageneat aystea, could have Severely iapeded che progean by tatroduclag very costly) delays or ‘forcing {eappropriate conproaises decaust of contractual mterprecations. method. of managing thts Government: resulted in shorter faster “reaction to” field reduced retrofit coats, and earlier Svailabilicy of production, systeas incorporating Corrections for probleas uscovered by operations fn the) field. The resule was aa -operacing aysten Sncorporacing | 4. sagun step: in the starergfetherare at an earlier tine and at ieee cost ep the Coverunent. thao vould othervise ‘have been pduettle, = 7 ar cet { Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6 gay DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCKHEED SR-71 BLACKBIRD FIGURE TITLES FIGURE Lockheed SR-71 at Altitude FIGURE Fuselage Cockpit Section in Oven for Testing Effects of High Temperatures on Structure and Systems FIGURE Full-Scale Fuel System Test Rig to Test Various Angles of Climb and Descent on Fuel Feed Capability FIGURE Pratt & Whitney J58 (JT11D-20) Engine FIGURE B Comparison of J58 Development Objectives with Then- Current Production Engines FIGURE 358 Flight Temperatures FIGURE Inlet andEngine Air-Flow Match FIGURE Net Thrust Comparison -- Bleed Bypass Cycle versus Turbojet Cycle FIGURE Heated Environment Test Stand FIGURE G-1 Air Flow Patterns -- Static Aircraft FIGURE G-2 Air Flow Patterns -- High Speed FIGURE Original Engine Mount FIGURE I Modified Engine Mount FIGURE Exhaust Gas Temperature Vernier Control System -- ECT Error Gage Operating Modes FIGURE K J58 Engine Under Test FIGURE Provisional Engine Starter Cart Which Used Two Buick FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE Racing Car Engines Geared to a Common Shaft Drive to Rotate the J58 Engine. This Rig Produced Over 600 Horsepower for Starting. Final Air Starting System Built into Operational Hangars Upper Wing Surface Showing Wing Chordwise Corrugations. Photo Taken During Static Tests at Design Limit Load. Wing Fuel Tank Showing Structure and Sealant After 100 Hours Flying at Mach Numbers Over 2.6 Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6 FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE &l4 FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE 8 9 10 com 2 13 15 16 W 18 19 20 21 22 23 Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6 =2- Machine Shop with Numerical Controlled Milling Machines. This Nacelle Ring was Originally Made from 30 parts. These Parts were Machined on Old, Outdated Profiling Machines and then Assembled into the Final Ring Segment in 487 Hours. Today, the Ring Segment is Made from a Single Forging (upper photo) Weighing 325 pounds and is then Machined on Profilers of Advanced Design to Produce the Finished Part (lower photo) in 150 Hours. Titanium Wing Extrusion as Received from the Mill (left) and After Machining to a Finished Part (right) Objects Which Could be Sucked into Engines on Take-off Engine Name Plate Sucked into an Engine on Ground Run Up! First-Stage Compressor Blade After Hitting Inspector's Flashlight -- Total Engine Damage $250,000 The Author About to Fly in an Early A-12 Flight Test YF-12A Test Pilot in Full Pressure Suit with Walk-around Oxygen Kit. Surface Temperatures at Design Cruising Speed and Altitude Engine Nacelle Leakage Test Model. Tested to Over 50 psi. Palmdale,. California Production Test Facility Southeast Asia Combat Missions for One SR-71 -- June 1971 A-12 Used'as a Launch Platform for an Unmanned Ramjet- - Powered Target Drone A-12 Test Aircraft Fleet in Storage After Development Testing A-12 Test Fleet -- April 1964 Approved For Release 2008/07/29 : CIA-RDP90B00170R000200280025-6

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