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Digital Marketing

April 2023 Examination

Q1. Digital is the use of technology for marketing purpose and involves an
understanding of the business context for designing digital marketing strategies.
Explain with examples as to why an understanding of business context is necessary for
designing digital marketing strategies.

Ans 1.


The term "digital advertising" refers to a marketing method that uses the internet and other
digital media. This approach targets to increase the level of data that customers have
approximately a specific service or product. To publicize products or services, businesses can
participate in what is known as "internet marketing." This type of advertising uses a broad
type of digital media, along with the internet, mobile phones, social networking websites,
search engines, and other similar assets.

They are considering the advent of the net in the 1990s, and digital advertising has become
increasingly significant. Although digital marketing is a brand-new tool for groups to engage
with customers and discover their possibilities, traditional marketing remarkably corresponds
to digital advertising in many aspects. That is, even though digital advertising is a relatively
new generation. In commercial organizations, it's a commonplace to mix traditional (offline)
and digital (online) marketing methods. Though, a few troubles come with it, such as bias
that isn't consciously held.

Concept and application

The term "digital marketing" refers to advertising goods and offerings to customers through
digital technologies and platforms, including the world wide web, mobile applications, and
social networking websites. This can be achieved through the diffusion of various methods.

• This approach uses several channels, as opposed to the hyper-focused strategy of

internet marketing, which is predicated almost solely on websites.
• Digital marketing encompasses various promotional strategies, inclusive of but no
longer restricted to electronic mail advertising, content material promoting, and search engine
optimization, social media advertising and marketing, and much more significant.

• For digital marketers, one of the maximum critical challenges they face is market
saturation, which is brought about by way of the supply of promotions for digital advertising.

• While taking part in digital advertising, one of the many challenges is overcoming
implicit bias. This is only one of the many challenges one must encounter.

Regarding satisfying their advertising and marketing goals, agencies have historically
prioritized spending cash on traditional media, including newspapers, television, and radio.
Examples of these types of media consist of the net. Even though those practices are used, the
net's sizable availability has fundamentally altered how businesses hook up with their
customers and customers. At this point, net advertising and marketing showed their
significance. Many marketing procedures may be utilized to encourage two-way
communication between an emblem and its clients. Those strategies include websites, social
media platforms, search engines, and application software.

When online advertising began, email played a significant component in the industry's early
days. Due to the increasing use of many new kinds and sorts of technology, agencies were
forced to modify their marketing strategies to live competitively.

In the hope that doing so will help their items rise to the pinnacle of the search engine
consequences page, businesses have begun to the consciousness of tools consisting of
Netscape's search engine, which enables customers to "tag" and "key-word" things. This
seeks engine allows users to "tag" and "keyword" things. It's far now possible for businesses,
because of the growth of social media systems like Facebook, to screen their consumers'
behavior and make necessary changes to the products and offerings they provide in response
to that records.

Consistent with the findings of several surveys, the most not unusual way for human beings
to navigate the net is through their transportable digital gadgets. If extra people utilize smart
phones and other digital devices, individuals likely find it simpler to sell themselves and their
products to businesses. This would be useful for each event. It needs to be acquainted with
discovering that most customers (70%) examine product opinions before making a buy and
do it on their mobile devices maximum of the time.
A content marketing plan subsequently strives to gain more than an increase in the number of
individuals who are aware of the emblem but also an expansion of the client base that's
carried out thru the dissemination of such cloth. It's typical for guidance to first submit facts
on the net and then put them up for sale that content using unique online channels, along with
social media, email, SEO, and pay-in step with-click on advertising. This method is known as
the content material distribution and advertising lifecycle. A few advertising gears hired in
content material advertising consist of blogs, electronic books, online courses, info graphics,
podcasts, and webinars. These are just a few examples.


Clients are beaten with growing advertisements, making it increasingly difficult to stand out
from the crowd and attract their attention. The assignment that digital marketers have, which
has similarities to that which conventional marketers come upon, is making a feel of the large
quantities of information they analyze. Because it could be tough to acquire and analyze data
in digital environments, establishing advertising method focused on the purchaser is even
more crucial than it could be in such instances. Using heat maps to look at customers'
behaviors on numerous companies' websites is a first-rate instance of this concept, and it's far
a fantastic instance.

Q2. Consider yourself as the digital marketing head of a new Smartphone brand being
launched in India. How would you use display advertising and YouTube advertising to
promote the launch of your smartphone brand
Ans 2.


Over the last numerous years, advancements have been made simultaneously within the data
technology region and the advertising enterprise. These days, the word "mobile advertising"
has received increasingly not unusual use. It's miles an efficient approach for beginning
conversations with potential customers. The internet advertising and marketing Bureau (IAB)
researched the industry in 2018 and discovered that mobile advertising accounted for 65.1%
of the total money earned by online advertising.
In line with an examination by the IAB in 2020, revenue generated from mobile advertising
increased by 24 percent between 2018 and 2019. The cellular phone consumer is an essential
aspect of any effective advertising attempt in the technology of always-related consumers that
we live in today. That is the age in which we now stay. However, cell advertising and
marketing is a new commercial enterprise that deviates significantly from the norms
established for marketing. That is because cell advertising is done on cellular gadgets.

Concept and application

Cellular commercials that are both interesting and powerful have been created because the
advertising enterprise now has admission to various cutting-edge. This has made it feasible
for cellular advertisements to keep growing in reputation. Because customers regularly look
at their cellular phones and other cell devices like capsules and laptops, the advertising and
marketing enterprise have developed mobile advertising and marketing to capitalize on this
behavior sample. Mobile advertising and marketing may be on smart phones, tablets, and
laptops. In this discussion, I am talking about the significant adoption of cellular devices that
can be used in marketing various products and services.

On the subject of advertising on mobile gadgets, a wide variety of forms can be used. Some
examples of those formats encompass text messages, banner commercials, movies, and even
downloading fabric for gaming programs. The scale of the adverts became decreased so that
they may be seen on the displays of mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. Cellular
advertising and marketing, a subset of cell advertising, uses the standard strategies for
undertaking marketplace studies. Mobile advertising itself is a subset of marketing carried out
on cellular devices. The profiles, demographic facts, behaviors, and pursuits of clients, in
addition to any other information regarding those customers, might be covered.

Cell marketing, which connects with customers thru the mobile devices they already own, has
efficiently replaced different advertising processes which might be greater costly, consisting
of billboards and banners.

The advent of cell advertising has been the most significant development that has caused a
sea change in advertising techniques. One instance is the meteoric rise of the internet
platform for replacing content material. Those platforms provide numerous benefits,
including better customer participation, decreased charges, improved connections with
consumers, and less complicated accessibility.
It is not unusual for a user of internet-based software to be shown an advertisement for a
product or service at some point, even using the program. Customers have shaped the
addiction of looking forward to them, and a rising quantity of people is reacting to
commercials that feature them. Facts released by the Interactive Advertising Bureau imply
that the increase rate of mobile advertising became 65% in 2014 and is projected to revel in a
further 24% boom charge in 2019.

Remarketer forecasts that global spending on digital advertising will climb by 17.6 percent in
2019, achieving a total of $333.25 billion. This figure is projected to be higher than the initial
estimations supplied by the company. This shows that digital advertising will account for
around fifty in step with cent of the whole market for advertisements across the planet.

Interstitial advertisements have a drastically better click-through charge than banner

advertisements, which have a far lower price. However, in step with the traditional practice
for interstitial advertising, the commercials have to be broadcast when there is a smash
designated explicitly for the commercials. At intervals in the content material that is broken
up and at different instances when the user's interest is less likely to be diverted,
advertisements are blanketed inside the range.

Many unique styles of commercials are now on hand, along with textual, graphical, and rich
media, to name only some. The last factor visitors need to do to dispose of the advertising is
to click on the "X" positioned in the pinnacle proper-hand nook of the screen (generally at the
top right).


To power income or launch brand-new merchandise, numerous corporations are currently

using commercials developed with cellular devices in mind. Any form of advertising and
marketing endeavor, whether cell or otherwise, must have as its primary aim the growth of
both the awareness of the emblem and the number of product income. Further, it contributes
to the multiplied traffic driven to the company's website.

If you have a clear idea of the outcomes you want to obtain, it will likely be easier to choose
the metrics that are most essential for you to sing at every level of the system. This statement
still holds despite the fact that one has to pressure themselves to retain their focus at the cease
Q3a. Influencers play a major role in social media campaign success. Critically evaluate
this statement

Ans 3a.


The proliferation of social media systems has now revolutionized how facts are
communicated; it has also made it extra challenging for businesses to get their messages in
front of the most likely to be interested in their items and services.

Concept and application

Its miles important to be aware that influencers, in their capacities as brand champions and
thought leaders, play a substantial part in enabling the transfer of facts from organizations to
customers. They provide records about the firm to their online followers, which help keep a
favorable consumer attitude about the brand. Furthermore, influencers use the relationships
they should offer corporations vital purchaser insights, and they do this by leveraging the
contacts. This is conceivable because influencers often have direct contact with those who
will, in the end, be using a product or service. It is viable for influencers, who feature as
neutral third events and suggest on behalf of an emblem or product, to influence customers to
modify their typical shopping behaviors.

For the organization and its customers to acquire first-rate viable outcomes, they will
collaborate thru social media at some stage in a choice-making manner. Influencers depend
on their celebrity and respectability to promote the product or service to enhance clients'
determination to use products or services and ultimately improve sales.

It is viable for influencers to resource shoppers in transitioning their appreciation for a

product into a genuine desire to accumulate it, which results in improved sales. Building a
customer's loyalty to a brand takes place after the customer has finished creating a buy, and
influencers also play a sizable position in this degree of the process.

The transmission of helpful information and pointers on the proper use of a product by using
essential humans in the form of blogs and movies has a beneficial effect on the diploma of
delight experienced by giving up users. That is because the records and hints are much more
likely to be used correctly. It's widely believed that promoting one's wares to essential people
is a powerful approach to influencing customers' behavior.


Customers can easily voice their thoughts and talk about their experiences across social
media websites, which the agency makes easy for them to do. After a client makes a
purchase, their post-purchase selection-making reports might be significantly improved with
the support of social media influencers.

Question 3b: The convergence of online and offline media is the future of marketing.
Explain the statement with examples.

Ans 3b.


Traditional marketing is now and then neglected because it is believed that the digital
marketing industry is worth one trillion bucks. Forward-wondering forms of digital
advertising, which include advertising and marketing as a service, cognitive marketing, and
digital submit-buy advertising, would witness development over the following two years.

Concept and application

It’s practicable that you stumbled across one by chance and picked it up. Convergence. To be
more expressive, the mixing of offline and online marketing approaches, strategies, and
methods. In 2012, the marketplace studies company Gartner anticipated that utilizing 2017, a
principal marketing officer (CMO) would spend more money on era than a prime statistics
officer. This prediction became accurate (CIO).

Groups are increasingly attempting to hold up with the fast pace of innovation as a direct
outcome of the brand new insights evolved due to marketing analytics. As an instantaneous
result of those shifts, there might be a rise in the variety of unique and cutting-edge
organizational systems.

To place it every other way, numerical values. Due to enhancements in digital facts-
collecting equipment and analytics, entrepreneurs can now display a vast form of purchaser
pastime indicators throughout the sales funnel. In the past, it was impossible to gather this
talent. we have gone to the quantity of establishing a new area that we've given the running
name of "big information" to cope with the flood of client data we're receiving. Traditional
strategies of providing customer service, which includes telephone calls and surveys, seem
inappropriate because of the information consumers are generating these days.

Because we've got the right of entry to more excellent information, now not only are we
better capable of expecting the future, but we are also better able to expand novel fashions of
consumer behavior that may be adapted to satisfy the necessities of unique markets.
Something as easy as rearranging the colors on the page might affect the number of
transactions made on a website. This is something that must be examined. The expenses
associated with printing gadgets via this type of examination might be vast. Marketers can
take calculated dangers without setting the complete marketing finances in peril by
continuously checking out new versions of their message and studying the results of those


Marketers might also use facts to demonstrate to C-suite executives and other high-ranking
stakeholders that an approach has effectively attained its objectives. This can be done by
showing how well the plan has performed. When they were checking out new tactics before
getting admission to records, there was a lot of up and down between success and
unsuccessful attempts (often in real-time).

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