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Name: ____________________________________ Grade Level & Section: ______________________

Date: _____________________________________

Quiz 1. Identify whether the given statement is a Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, or an Alliteration.
_________________1. The flowers danced to the wind.
_________________2. I am so hungry I could eat all the food here.
_________________3. Their substance still lives sweet.
_________________4. The stars were sparkling and winking at all of us.
_________________5. He is a couch potato.
_________________6. Ana works like a sloth.
_________________7. My clothes stood so erect as if someone had ordered them to stay in attention, as soon as I
had ironed them.
_________________8. Ana checked with frost, and lusty leaves quite gone.
_________________9. I felt like the food kept calling me.
_________________10. Your eyes are stars.
_________________11. The sun kissed me while I was clicking a picture.
_________________12. Ana went on forever about the city she lived in.
_________________13. Interviews are battlefields.
_________________14. The lovely gaze where every eye doth dwell.
_________________15. My dog eats like a pig after I take him for a walk.
_________________16. We are going to pull off the true crime of the century. We are going to steal the moon!
_________________17. My father has eyes like a hawk. He finds out even the minutest of things.
_________________18. He is the Michael Jackson of our college.
_________________19. The day to cheer and night’s dank dew to dry.
_________________20. Stephen slept like a baby after working for ten long hours.
_________________21. When griping grief the heart doth wound.
_________________22. Bob is as cunning as a fox.
_________________23. My brother said that he had a million things to do when he was actually sitting idly.
_________________24. Words are swords; they can cut through people’s hearts and hurt them in a way that we might
not even think it could.
_________________25. Ana carried home a ton of papers that she had to grade before Friday.


_________________1. What do you call the figure of speech that is about the comparison of two unlike things using
like or as?
_________________2. What do you call the figure of speech that is the direct comparison of two unlike things or
expressions, without using like or as?
_________________3. What do you call the figure of speech that is about the REPITITION of initial consonant sounds
of two or more neighboring words?
_________________4. What do you call the figure of speech that is a word that imitates the sound it represents?
_________________5. What do you call the figure of speech that is an exaggeration or overstatement?
_________________6. What do you call the figure of speech that is gives human qualities to things that are not
_________________7. What do you call the figure of speech that are words or sentences that are the same spelled
and pronounce frontwards and backwards?
_________________8. What do you call the figure of speech that is a word repeated in a sentence or phrase whose
meaning changes in the second instance?
_________________9. What do you call the figure of speech that are statements with a group of sentences or phrases
decreasing in the order of importance?
_________________10. What do you call the figure of speech that are statements with a group sentences or phrases
increasing in the order of importance?
_________________11. What do you call the figure of speech that are words that are opposites in nature used side by
_________________12. What do you call the figure of speech that are couple of phrases with ironic meanings placed
in a single sentence used to create humor?
_________________13. What do you call the figure of speech that is about the repetition of a word or phrase at the
beginning of successive lines?
_________________14. What do you call the figure of speech that is a form of repetition in which the last word of one
clause or sentence is repeated as the first word of the following clause or sentence?

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