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Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya

Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha,

Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya

Tadatmanam Srijami Aham

whenever evil becomes dominant in the society, the God will himself
come to this earth to restore dharma.
These were the deep lines from the Indian epic- Mahabharta.
Mahabharta gives us a core message to always stand for the right and
even fight for it.
Indian culture and philosophy teach us different values of life which are
necessary for upliftment of a human being. There are many stories
which give us enormous lessons of life.

Mahabharta is an epic tale which gives us many lessons and solution to

everyday problems. It consists of many small events with precise
importance and value. One such event is the Arjun and the Bird’s Eye
Test. The Kauravas and the Pandavas were given an archery test by
their Guru, Dronacharya. They were asked to aim at the eye of a toy
bird on the branch of a tree. When the teacher asked them what they
saw, except for Arjun, all others claimed to see the sky, trees, the bird,
the leaves, the branches, etc. Only Arjun said that he just saw the
blackness of the bird’s eye. Only he was permitted to shoot at the
target, which he did successfully. The story explains us that we can
achieve anything with focus. “When you want to achieve something,
you must focus on it. Close out all other distractions and concentrate
only on your target.”
Indian culture has many such stories that enriches the human life and
the way of living it.

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