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go to regedit,

and copy and paste key address in addressbar to go straight to key location
when key opened, check "default settings" and change "value not set " to
"keyboard" and confirm

then check "upper filters" value data, and make sue is set to"kbdclass" confirm and
close regedit.

then go to device manager and go to keyboards and R/C to access update driver , and
select browse my computer,
and select driver to install, when done restart pc..

code 10 mouse not working fix


go to regedit,

and copy and paste key address in addressbar to go straight to key location
D/c to open, then
Right click on Start button and choose modify option.
By default, in most cases VALUE DATA will be set to “3′.

We need to change it to “1” and press OK to save changes.

After that just reboot your compute and you PS/2 mouse will work again as it
supposed to.

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