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crestfallen : depressed ( down in the dumps ) , or u need to have some pep

talks.( you are dark )

2. discreet : careful ;marked by prudence or modesty

3. transitory: short lasting ; fleeting or temporary , short lived . it uses to

describe that it stays or because of its nature like wheateher life and shit stuffs
( transient use for very short period of time)

4. pristine : spotless , clean or unused

5. immaculately: clean or pure or fresh or you can say its goal which we strive for
and its in the far off mountain

6. industrious: hard working ;up and coming( its use only for enterprises)

7. telling: strongly persuasive

8. futile: producing no result or efforts.

9. oblique: misleading

10.impeccable: flawless

11.err: to make a mistake (old proverb is "to err is human, to forgive divine) it
can also be use for to mean to go in a certain direction( poverb "err on the side
caution") means be careful.

12.meteoric: adjective ( speed of meteor) fast

13.iconoclastic: breaking of established rules of accepted belief

14.altruism: the qquality of bein selfless or concern for other

15. pellucid: crystal clear ; easily understand .

16. relegate

17. rankle: ( its a verb) make angry or eat into or gnaw into

18. spurn:reject with contempt

19. quandary: a state where u feel a dilemma what to choose or what not choose and
both are unfavorable situation

20. destitute : lacking of skills or can say poor

21. ploy; its a clever plan to get out of the sitution or make someone to do
something for you

22. debunk: it means to prove something wrong

23. deride: it means to put down someone opinion or shoew them that they have low
opion with contempt

24. quivering: shaking ( adjective)

25. queasy: feeling sick 9adjecticve)

26. zen: peaceful and calm ( noun)

27. banality: something atht is boring (noun0

28. unalloyed: completely genuine

29. errant: misbehaving or not following the proper course( adjective)

30. crunch time: critical time when action is needed

31. step your game up: to work harder at something ( i am genuienly stepping my
game up for class)

32. comfort food : food foe=r which is familiar to you

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