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Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105

epu 717 pg7 ima 105 The Pro Gut eBo Six lit
Bun far Joe Thi ebo for the use any any the Uni Sta and mos oth par the wor cos and
wit alm res wha You may cop giv awa use und the ter the Pro Gut Lic inc wit thi ebo
onl www you are not loc the Uni Sta you wil hav che the law the cou whe you are loc
bef usi thi eBo Tit Six lit Bun far Joe Aut Lau Lee Hop Ill Wal Rog Rel dat Oct 202
eBo 717 Lan Eng Ori pub New Yor Gro Dun 192 Cre Bob Tay Dav Edw and the Onl Dis Pro
Tea htt www STA THE PRO GUT EBO SIX LIT BUN FAR JOE htt www Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro
Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717
pg7 ima 105 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Fro Pag 152 THE HAY SLI OFF ALO WIT THE SIX LIT BUN
AND ADA Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 SIX LIT BUN FAR
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 BOO LAU LEE HOP 12m Clo Ill
Cop 192 GRO DUN Six Lit Bun Far Joe Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717
FLO 208 XXI MEA BOY 220 XXI STU 229 XXV THE HON TRE 236 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut
htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 SIX LIT BUN FAR JOE CHA RUS DAN Mar wil you loo out
the por and see she the Yes wil But you oug say ple cau mot say All rig the Ple loo
and see she the beg oth Vio Bun The wer six the lit Bun The oth fou wil out pre Mar
who had bee loo pic boo wit her yea old sis roo off the por kin dro her boo and sta
for the doo she the bri her ple Vio lau lit she add the las wor She rem wha Mar had
sta say abo pol Vio was pil the boo for she had jus tho som new pla whe Mar cam hur
bac int the roo She isn the gas the sma Bun gir She isn Vio fai gas out the wor and
you cou eas tel tha she was ver muc exc Are you sur Mar she isn the May tra has tak
her cri Vio suc lou voi tha Mrs Bun hav hea par the tal cam qui fro the roo whe she
had bee sew Who gon dem the mot the six lit Bun Don tel Mun Bun los aga Mun Bun was
the you the six lit Bun His rea nam was Mun For Bun but tha was ent too lon for the
lit fel was cal Mun Bun was nam had mad for him Whe Mun Bun los aga ask Mrs Bun sta
tak off her apr sea the lit tyk she oft cal him for cer did get int mis ver man tim
Mun Bun isn los ans Vio she hur out the por wit Mar He� out the yar wit Lad dig hol
say he� goi dig dow Chi add Mar And jus put cle blo him sig Mrs Bun But who gon she
ask aga can Ros Rus the too old tak tra The now you hav hea the nam all six the lit
Bun tho Rus bei nea ten thi wou lik cal lit isn Rus Ros sai Mar saw the goi dow the
str May the goi dad off ask him for som mon buy can the mus tha exc Mrs Bun Thi the
fir the mon and dad ver bus The sho hav gon the Are you sur Mar the did zac say the
wer goi the ann Mar But tho may You mus tel thi you are sur sai her mot But who Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Mot why dad bus the fir the
mon ask for for the mom all abo wha she had sen Mar loo for Vio Bun was her fat sai
gre gir for ask que Her mot kne thi and fea tha wou get sta lis inq tha wou tak som
tim ans Mrs Bun sai Now don beg tha dea I�l ans jus thi one que but not any mor You
fat bus the fir the mon mor tha oth tim bec ten pay the ren the and col the ren for
lar num peo Tha one thi rea est dea lik you fat doe Now don ask ano que she com for
she saw tha was get rea Rus wou say spr ano was goi ask que sai loo lit hur her fee
was goi say Wai unt fin out wha hap fir bro Mrs Bun Who mis can any you for you all
pre acc for the say the arm Who It� Esm exc Vio had her out the por pla wit Mar The
wen loo the pic boo and for abo Esm and Rus say her nam oug Mea cau she all spo put
Mar wit sha her dar tou hai But it� onl spo dir Com dem Mar tak her you sis the han
We� got fin Esm it� you dol rem Mrs Bun wit sig rel tho one you chi was mis had qui
sta It� onl you dol Tha dif Esm chi eve she onl dol and mar awa wit Mar her hea hel
pro dea did mea tha you sho wan fin you mis pla chi cal Mrs Bun qui for she rea tha
lit gir fee mig hur sli rem abo eve dir and spo dol onl mea tha was gla non you chi
was mis I�l hel you loo for Esm She isn out the por loo sai Mar lef her the did ask
for som the was muc goi the Bun hou tha rem whe one the man dol oth pla was lef bec
tas Yes lef Esm out the por agr Mar But she isn the now loo She she gon Mar fel alm
sad ove the los did tho Esm Mea Rus cal her bel par Vio you s�p tra wou tak dol Mot
ask Vio for Mrs Bun was now wal tow the sid por wit her two lit gir dea don bel was
the ans Wha wou tra wan wit dol Thi puz for mom but she qui had rea rep mig wan giv
her his lit gir sai Tra rul don hav lit gir rem Mrs Bun the had the wou tra Thi gav
cha ask ano que Eag she had rea Why don tra hav lit gir she inq her mot the run awa
mea the lit gir run awa Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105
tha isn the rea and Mrs Bun tri not smi Vi� eag I�l tel you abo som oth tim But sho
whe you lef you dol she add the rea the sha sid por Esm cer isn her for loo aro sho
dol sig whe can she gas now the ver tea Mar see how her sis was aff was als get rea
wee but jus the mer whi was hea aro the cor the hou was the mer whi hap boy Her com
Rus exc Vio for she kne her old bro hab bei tun He� hel loo for Esm May too her sug
Mar did wou com bac whi dec Rus Bun nex his fat the man the fam swu aro the pat the
sid the hou Fol him was Ros his sis yea you pre gir wit lig flu hai And ver oft Ros
had mer son her lip But Rus was now whi Ros cou not sin She alw sai Rus whi out tun
but Rus dec was her sin tha was off key Rus exc his mot you did dad off and bot him
day did you whe it� the fir the mon And bus Mot was dad off Rus ans Ros and jus wen
the sto for som nai I�m mak see and can beg Mar lov tee tot Ple Rus can wan rid too
put All rig All rig agr Rus wit lau You can all hav rid Mun Bun and Lad too soo get
mad But it� lot wor and it� got don rig and Rus pau cou see tha som was wro sai aft
Rus was qui thi Als was alw mak thi abo the hou The wer mos thi wit whi pla and hav
goo tim tho onc bui ben for his mot The onl tro was tha did mak the leg str eno and
whe Nor O�G the coo set tub wat the ben the leg cav and the was mes the kit Has any
hap ask Rus for cou see tha his mot and his two sma sis had com out the por wit som
spe ide min Vio dol gon exp Mrs Bun She lef the por and she fee sad ove los you kno
any abo Rus You mea tha old Mea dol ask the old Bun boy lau She has the mea all the
and Vio sta her foo the por Wel she loo all spo add Rus wit ano lau The saw tha Vio
was rea cry and tha Mar was goi fol wit tea Rus add gue kno whe you dol Hen Mil jus
tol did tak her cri Vio did I�l nev spe him aga and Now wai min adv Rus You gir alw
get exc did say Hen too you dol jus met him and sai saw dog run out our yar wit som
his mou May was the dog tha too you dol Vio cri the lit gir and she was now sob rea
ear the dog wil eat Esm and Mar add her tea tho Vio I�l dow the str and loo for her
qui off Rus was kin boy tha way cou did car for dol and was anx sta mak the see Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 nai for whi and Ros had gon
aft But Rus was wil giv his own ple hel his lit sis I�l get you dol sai gue tha dog
wou car her far aft fou out she was bon som goo eat She she she nic dol any the sob
Vio wan her gue can fin her off Rus Her Ros you hol the nai Rus sta run tow the fro
gat Mrs Bun and the thr gir fol yet Lad and Mun Bun had not hea the exc ove the mis
dol for the wer sti the bac yar dig dow Chi Rus rea the gat loo dow the roa the dir
Hen Mil had tol him the dog had run wit som its mou and the Rus cri see her see you
dol The dog dro her the str I�l get her for you Rus sta the run tow sma obj lyi the
dus the roa Bef Rus cou rea the dol big aut tru swu aro the cor and cam str for poo
Esm she run ove scr Vio chi But Rus had als see the tru and kno the wou lit lef the
dol one the hea whe wen ove her ran lit fas and dar dir fro the big lum thu aut Rus
Rus car cal his mot Loo out the you yel the man who was dri the tru cam the hea aut
bea dow Rus who was now the mid the str sto ove pic Esm Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut
htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA LOA FLO Thr the six lit Bun Ros Mar and Vio sto
gro aro the mot loo wit anx eye tow Rus who had mad his min tha was goi get Vi� dol
and sna out dan bef the big tru rea But doi thi Rus was als dan him Rus Rus Com bac
cri his mot dar for It� goi run rig ove him scr Mar He� sma and Vio cov her eye wit
her han Let the old dol sho Ros But Rus did not hee Str acr the str dir fro the tru
ran and tow Vi� dol Esm tha was lyi the hig whe she had bee dro the str dog The man
dri the big tru aft giv one cal war had cea and was now doi his bes eit ste
out the way wou not run ove Rus els put the bra Thi las was not eas the str jus
the was dow hil and the tru was hea one Rus rea the dol bef the tru got The Bun boy
pic Vi� pla and sta run out dan but sli sto and dow fel the dus the roa cri his mot
Rus Rus was dow but sai aft was not out rol one sid out the way the thu big whe the
tru mom lat was his fee dir and dus but hol pro alo the dol had res thi tim the man
had bro his tru sto lit dis fro the pla whe Rus had fal and whe the dol had bee lyi
Tha was nar esc for you you exc the man rat ste You oug not thi lik tha did wan Vi�
dol run ove exp Rus his mot and sis hur tow him And whi Rus bru the dus fro his clo
and whi loo ove her dol mak sur all rig sha tak mom let you kno who the Bun are And
sha als spe the oth boo thi ser tel abo the thi muc bet rea abo peo aft you kno who
the are and wha the hav don The fir boo int the chi cal Six Lit Bun Gra Bel the ope
tha sto you fin the Bun liv Pin Pen tow Bun was the fam nam and the wer six chi non
the ver lar was the mos nat thi the wor spe the the six lit Bun cou the was fat and
mot Bun Bun nam was Cha and was the rea est bus His wif was nam Amy and the wer num
rel all who lov the six lit Bun and all who the six lit Bun lov for the chi the eld
was Rus the one who was jus suc dan Rus see des bec inv for was alw mak new thi mak
bel hou eng aut ste and the lik And wor whi mer Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www
cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Ros mig cal lit mot for she was ver hel abo the hou and Mrs
Bun oft sai don kno wha I�d wit Ros hel loo aft the you chi Vio and Lad who wer twi
nee muc loo aft The wer bot rat pec Tha Vio was giv ask que Her fat sai she cou ask
mor hou tha cou rig ans wee for Lad was fon ask rid suc You can hav hou ful and hol
ful but you can kee bow ful Wha The ans cou smo but not gav Lad mor ple tha fin som
one who cou ans tha som oth rid ask Som mad rid him mig ask one tha cam out boo que
lit cha was Lad The the was Mar who was sel cal her rea nam Mar and Mun Bun oth kno
Mun For hav men Now you hav met all the six lit Bun and hop you wil lik the for the
aun the unc the cou and the oth rel wel the are boo tel abo the dif cha The chi oft
wen vis the cou and aun and had man adv For ins the the tim the sta for whi Aun Jo�
the occ the vis Cou Tom The had fun bot the pla but mor tha Gra For Unc Fre Whe the
spe sev wee Cap Ben the six lit Bun had del tim and Rus tho the nev was suc cha Cow
Jac who ran the spe som tim The oth chi lik Cow Jac too Jus bef the eve goi tel you
abo thi boo too pla the chi had bee dow Sou You may fin out all tha hap rea the vol
Six Lit Bun Mam Jun The fam was now hom aga Pin rea for mor adv You cer gav fri boy
sai the tru dri got dow off his hig sea and loo Rus Why did you run out int the roa
lik tha wan get sis dol ans Rus sti bru the dus fro his clo Wel don aga tha all ask
beg the man was afr was goi run rig ove you Yes was ver dan thi for him sai Mrs Bun
sho hav tri I�m sor cau you tro was exa tro sai the man and smi lit was goi sto aro
her any I�m loo for fam nam Bun you kno the liv aro her We� the Bun qui ans Rus Any
we� the mos add lau All but dad and mur the dri the tru Are the mor you rat lar fam
sai Mrs Bun hav two mor boy dad his off vol Vio who was now sat tha her dol Esm was
all rig exc for lit dir And Lad and Mun Bun are dig hol Chi add Mar and aga the man
smi Are you loo for Cha Bun ask Mrs Bun Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu
717 pg7 ima 105 Tha the nam yes ma� the tru dri rep gla sli pap his han hav loa flo
for him flo tha wha you aut cri Ros for the sid the tru wer cov wit can and cou not
see wha was lad wit Wit wai for ans Ros hur aro the rea The she saw num pot flo and
pla and bei ver fon the she rea pul nea her the pot clo the end the tru Per the sud
sto the veh had mad the pot uns for Ros tou the pot was ups and rol out the tru tow
the lit gir cri Ros Wha the mat now ask Mrs Bun goi aro the rea the tru She was jus
tim see sho bro ear fro the pot spl aro Ros The pot fel the gro and was bro the flo
bei kno out Not muc dam don lon the lit gir isn har sai the dri I�v got som ext pot
the tru and can eas pla thi flo aga and pic the ger whi was pin one ful blo Let mel
beg Mun Bun who wit Lad had now com out the str see why his mot and the oth lit Bun
wer gat the The isn muc sme tha ger lau the dri But hav oth flo tha sme Are all the
for ask Mrs Bun she saw the mas blo ins Ros dea are you sur you are hur Yes Mot I�m
all rig was the ans But whe did all the pre flo com fro The fro Joe Tod ans the dri
Far Joe ask Mrs Bun Yes som fol cal him tha was the rep and Mrs Bun rem rat odd cha
who her hus kne Bun had oft spo Far Joe but had sai not abo loa flo com fro him Did
hus ord the ask Mrs Bun don kno tha did exa the dri ans Far Joe had mor pla tha cou
use tol bri the you had com thi way any wit loa pro Mot who Far Joe ask Ros whi has
far abo for mil fro her ans Mrs Bun You fat and wer the som yea ago Far Joe has orc
bee flo chi cow and hor wha lov pla tha wou for the res the sum exc Ros Cou the Mot
beg now kno rid abo hor spo Lad Whe boy lit hor hav tim for rid now dea sai his mot
mus tel thi man whe lea the flo tha Far Joe was kin sen Wel the I�l tel you whe boy
lit hor wen Lad It� whe has col Poo Bei hoa whe you hav col isn bei hor far dec Ros
Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 It� goo eno for rid rep
Lad wan rid cri saw the dri cli his sea aft Mrs Bun had poi out her hou Lad Kee off
the tru his mot war him Far Joe sai Rus mus ton the all tur bac hom won cou the May
you hav the cha his mot sai smi cri the six lit Bun del But can tel you any mor now
Mrs Bun wen It� sec Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA
III THE SEC Mrs Bun cou not hav sai any mor exc tha the wor sec she had tri for wee
Hea the six lit Bun fai jum for joy sec cri Rus Let gue wha beg Lad act tho tho rid
tel cri Ros won tel the oth Mot lau Mrs Bun Whe tim tel the sec you sha all kno onc
abo ask Vio wit wha she tho cun air hop she mig sur som the sec fro her mot Yes it�
abo all you was the ans goo eat was wha Mun Bun wan kno Yes the sec goo eat ans Mrs
Bun wit lau eye she loo Far Joe tru dri goo pla wit was the que Mar ask Yes it� goo
pla wit too sai her mot Thi set all the six lit Bun gue and the nam fir one thi and
the ano but Mrs Bun onl sho her hea lau and tol the the wou hav wai fin out abo the
sec You got you han ful wit tho you can see tha chu the tru dri who had sai his nam
was Ada Nor The mus kee you bus The But the are goo chi Mrs Bun sai whi Ros was mur
can thi wha kin sec can tha you can eat and pla wit Can you Rus Not unl it� can can
the kin use get for Chr ans cou tha qui dec Ros Mot wou mak sec abo can can thi mus
hav som wit thi Far Joe May agr Rus But hav int the hou and bru clo did thi the wer
dus It� lik sli for fir bas whe you pla bal thi tim the six lit Bun cha the mot wer
rea wal bac tow the hou The mad pre pic the sto the str Mun Bun and Mar wer fir sid
sid and hol han the two you gen did The cam the twi Vio and Lad nex lar siz and bac
the wer Ros and Rus whi Mrs Bun cam beh the two old smi her bro she som cal the pre
the wer hun chi Wel we� gen hun all rig Rus wou say wit lau whe his mot spo thu sup
loo lik pro don ask Mrs Bun Ada Nor pre sta his tru flo Wel lit yes agr wit lau But
it� mig nic pro gue Far Joe wis had one lik Tha has chi has rem Mrs Bun It� bee som
tim sin hav see him and tho per mig hav mar Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac
epu 717 pg7 ima 105 wen Nor whi the six lit Bun lis the tal won the whi wha the won
sec mig Far Joe sti bac liv wit his sis Mis Lav She kee hou for him you kno yes kno
Lav Tod ver wel sai Mrs Bun She and wer old chu wen sch tog whe liv the sam cou tow
gir But tha was qui num yea ago and tho Far Joe mig hav mar all tha tim old bac rep
Ada Nor But he� the kin jol sou you wan mee and lov chi Tha why say he� lik pro lik
you Now the whe you wan the flo I�v got qui loa Ind you hav won loa blo sai Mrs Bun
was ver kin Far Joe sen the But I�m afr can set the out all alo I�l sta and hel you
pla the flo off Ada Nor who was som far and gar him Tod sai was tha I�v got sta any
see Bun He� hom soo exp Yes he� com hom sup rep Mrs Bun hop you can sta and hav mea
wit she add Wel mig yes was the slo ans fac was goi sta ove the hot all nig it� lon
rid bac Ced and don lik dri the tru aft dar can hel the you can sta our hou qui sai
Mrs Bun We� del hav you The ple roo And you can tel abo the far add Ros And abo the
bee add Mun Bun Doe the sti Som lau Nor Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu
717 pg7 ima 105 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pag THE CHI HEL MUC THE COU And tel abo the cow
and chi beg Lad kno rid abo now abo cow onl can thi May it� the cow tha jum ove the
moo jok Nor isn tha Lad ans May I�l thi aft whi I�d lik hea abo the hor sug Vio How
man hor doe Far Joe hav and the eve run awa and did the eve run awa wit you and did
you get hur and are the any lit hor don bel the run awa wou the And hor run awa doe
run bac aga and Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Vio Vio
cri her mot But the lit gir had sto her for she was out bre Doe she oft get spe lik
tha ask Ada Nor wit lau loo Mrs Bun Som was the smi ans But gen she ask her que one
tim don kno wha mad her tak suc str But com chi wan get the flo set out bef dad com
hom Com alo can pla som the hol dug sai Lad cri Mun Bun Tha hol Chi and don wan any
flo Eas Mun Bun Don get exc soo Rus May the peo Chi wou lik som the flo all rig giv
som flo Chi agr Mun Bun thi tim the tru had rol int the dri the Bun hom and the fam
chi and the mot soo fol The dol whi had bee the cau muc exc and not lit tro was put
the hou whe wan dog cou car her off aga The Ada Nor beg unl the pot flo som whi nee
set out the gro mak the gro bet was tow the end spr wit sum pro and jus the tim sta
mak flo gar Nor sai Far Joe rai man kin pla and blo his sis Mis Lav Tod hel
him The had man tha had bee dec sen som Bun But nev tho cou spa all the rem Mrs
Bun whe she saw the ger the beg the fou o�c the pet the zin the mar and man oth kin
pos tre Mun Bun cal the yes hav mor flo Ced tha kno wha wit sai Ada Nor beg set out
the blo The chi and Mrs Bun hel muc the cou but exc for wha Rus Ros and Mrs Bun did
the was rea not muc hel For Vio Mar Mun Bun and Lad wou sta dig hol whi set out pla
the the wou for all abo run see new kin blo tha was tak fro the tru was tha the wer
num hal dug hol abo the gar wit not pla the But Ada Nor kne his bus wel and soo had
tur the for dul Bun yar int ver flo sho wit bri blo her and the Now you jus giv lit
wet dow wit the hos the won wil the com fre and str mor sai whe the las pla was set
out I�l use the hos off Rus I�l hel sai Ros wil cri the oth fou lit Bun Usi the hos
was som the all del dea sai Mrs Bun fir Rus wil the spr and all the oth mus com and
get was rea for sup Dad wil soo hom and the Wil you tel the sec ask Ros thi yes was
the rep and thi gav the sma chi som thi abo the did not min not bei all use the hos
wou dar let the tak tur wet the new pla sai Mrs Bun Ada Rus all rig but the oth wou
sho eve one pas the str Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105
rec and was out all the new pla bes chu Far Joe hir man And now wen sin you hav bee
kin ask sta sup and rem all nig I�d lik was mys I�m pre dir add wit lau loo his gri
han for had bee del the dir set out the flo Com wit sai Mrs Bun And Rus she add car
abo the hos Don spr any peo who may pas I�l car pro Ord whe Rus use the hos all the
oth lit Bun sto aro anx wai for the tur But now wit the pro hea sec the wen wil the
bat and soo wer shi soa and wat cou mak the Ada the chi soo beg cal him for was ver
fri ran the big tru alo the gar the was not roo for ins The aft had was and pre for
sup wen out see tha Rus did not spr too muc wat the new set out pla Nor the coo had
sup alm rea and Ada had tol Rus eno wat had bee use whe the boy loo dow the str saw
his fat app Her com dad cri Bun wav his new and rea the gat and saw the vis ple smi
cam ove his fac and cri Wel Ada Nor Gla see you How Far Joe Rig hea bro you tho flo
Tha goo Hel Rus How eve her All rig Dad Dad Dad cam cho fro the oth lit Bun and the
fat was ove joy rus Wha the sec Tel the sec Can Mot tel the sec now The wer onl few
the wor Bun hea was hug and kis Sec exc loo Ada Wha sec you kno lau Ros mus abo Far
Joe tha chu Bun Yes the sec abo him adm But how did you all kno The bee lot exc the
las hou sai Ada nea ran ove dol jus mis sma Rus and the sec the air nob hur qui add
for saw tha Bun loo lit ala the men wha had nea bee acc Tha goo sai Dad Bun The sec
The sec beg the chi All rig Com int the hou and I�l tel you the sec pro Wit who del
tro the six lit Bun Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA
WHE LAD Sup all rea Dad We� sit rig dow cal Mot Bun the hap cro ent see you hav alr
met Far Joe man she add nod and smi yes Ada and are old fri Bun sai And I�m gla sup
rea for I�m hun Let see now The sec The sec You pro tel the sec Tel now Don wai unt
aft sup Thu cri the six lit Bun Qui chi Ple qui beg the mot Wha wil Ada Nor thi you
let lik chu the tru dri thi per had bet tel the sec sai Bun the onl way sha hav any
pea and qui Now all you sit dow the tab ord and whe you can com you wil tel you wha
hav say too som lit tim for all the six lit Bun get qui but fin eac one was sit nic
his her cha wit the fat one end the tab and the mot the oth Ada hav pla nex Bun Now
sai Bun whe all was qui ord tha you wil not eat too fas get thr sup qui hea the sec
goi tel you now can har wai mur Ros Wha ask Vio The cam mom eag anx wai are all goi
spe the sum Far Joe sai Bun sud cam the mur del Mrs Bun wit lau shi her eye loo the
hap fac aro her The sur wil hav fun out the sai Ada you rea mea ask Rus Are goi Sur
sai his fat Far Joe sis who has bee kee hou for him goi awa vis Whe tol thi sai did
kno wha was goi did wan str wom com loo aft the pla The sai wou bri six lit Bun the
and the wou kee hou for him Did you rea say tha Dad Ros ask eag sur did Wel can kee
hou lit bit Ros wen But coo for far Ros beg loo wor her mot sai You won hav all alo
goi wit you and Nor and we� see tha Far Joe doe get hun mot com wil all rig sai Vio
Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Fin Yes cri the oth lit
Bun You can see the tho gre dea the mot tha how cam abo wen Bun Far Joe sis goi awa
lon vis rem all sum are goi the liv his far And can hel get the cro ask Rus who lik
bus Yes we� all hel his fat pro thi you nee lot hel far sum don you Ada ask Tha rig
ans Far Joe hir man The mor hel hav the bet I�m pre wel rus mys the sum And can see
the hor ask Vio And the cow cam fro Lad And the she Mun Bun wan kno And the app tre
ask Mar I�d lik see the bee mak hon rem Ros who her was oft bus any bee You sha see
eve the see pro Dad Bun The Now you kno the sec are goi off Far Joe for the sum and
thi sha hav fin tim Now eat you sup And the six lit Bun did Aft sup the was mor tal
abo goi the far and Bun sai hav bee tal wit Ada and thi see the bes way Ced whe Far
Joe liv abo for mil fro her not any rai sha nee the aut our car har lar eno tak all
and the tru sha nee thi wha can Ada and wil rid Ced the big aut tru tha bro the flo
tha can als tak the bag the tru clo and the lik The chi can als rid the tru wit We�
fil ful str tha wil fun cri Rus reg str rid add Ros But wha abo mot ask Vio she goi
the tru wit You mot and Nor wil dri our own tou car sai Bun Whe can ask Rus few day
his fat ans The won bot mak the see her wen Rus I�l sav the nai and tak the Far Joe
Tha goo ide agr Ros can mak lov tee tot the and hav lot fun the ear eve aft sup not
muc was tal the six lit Bun but the com vis Far Joe Mrs Bun who had bee the far som
yea bef wit her hus tol the chi abo The wer man pla whe the cou hav fun she sai The
eve was pas Mun Bun and Mar spi the har wor kee awa wer fas fal asl the lit hea nod
fro sid sid and the eye clo It� tim the wer bed cri Mrs Bun whe she fin not the It�
lon pas the hou And Lad and too The mus bed Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac
epu 717 pg7 ima 105 I�l car Mun Bun off Bun And I�l tak Mar sai Ada for bot the sma
chi wer now asl Com sug her mot You and Lad can you Lad isn her sai Vio isn Whe ask
her mot Per has fal asl cor the por for the wer sit out the pia tal ove the com vis
Far Joe isn her wen Vio got and wal off lit whi ago The gue wen bed him sai Bun wen
int the hou car Mun Bun whi Ada fol wit Mar I�l see he� his roo add his wif But lit
lat whe Bun cal dow Lad isn her the was som exc Whe can ask Mrs Bun May he� out the
yar try cat lig bug sug Ros for she and Rus wer all rem lit lat tha the sma chi It�
too ear for lig bug rep Mrs Bun Whe can the chi hav gon Lad Lad she cal rai her voi
Whe are you But the onl sou was the sin the fro dow the pon tha you cal the noi the
fro mak sin The was ans fro Lad may hav wan dow int the gar loo som the flo you set
out sug Bun cou see flo the dar obj Mrs Bun mig too fla sai Rus May tha wha did I�l
and loo for him I�l com and hel you off Ada But sea thr the gar and mor cal Lad nam
bro ans fro the lit fel Whe can hav gon exc Mrs Bun I�m afr he� los Six Lit Bun Far
Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA OFF THE FAR Bun saw tha his wif was
gro lit ala ove Lad abs sai Now don wor we� fin Lad I�l hel you loo for him sai Ada
can hav gon ver far May fel asl the sum hou sug Rus for the end the gar was rus sum
hou pav whi the chi som pla But Lad was not the Cou hav fal int the bro ask Ros did
all tha cou hap wou tha got wet her fat ans wit lau And Lad fel int the bro gue he�
yel and wou hea him Ros sai nod her hea Tis ver dee any add Rus The loo far the gar
for Lad and cal his nam but the was ans Bun was jus beg get wor whe the tel the hou
sud ran May tha som new him exc the mot the mis lit fel She sta tow the tel but Lad
fat rea fir Hel Hel cal Bun int the tel The oth lis wha had say Yes Yes wen the he�
all rig I�m gla tha Tha you Yes I�l rig dow aft him Evi it� abo Lad sai Mrs Bun que
voi Yes ans her hus hun the rec Lad the pol sta The pol sta cri Rus arr Wha for Ros
que won Dad Bun lau whi let the all kno cou not ver ser Wha ask his wif nea can mak
out sai Bun Lad wan awa fro her and wen the pol sta abo som rid rid cri Ada Nor Goo
gas Tha boy mus dre rid som thi doe sig his mot But wha sor rid thi tim she ask her
hus The off the pol sta did jus kno was Bun ans sai the had Lad the and ask com and
get him the did wan sen him hom wit pol for fea the nei wou thi som had hap nea can
mak out Lad mus hav tho rid and hav gon the pol sta see any one cou gue Why did ask
one his mot wan kno gen doe ask fir Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717
pg7 ima 105 We� fin out all abo whe bri him hom rep Bun I�l rig aft him Wil you tak
the car ask Mrs Bun Yes thi I�d bet Lad may hav fal asl and he� pre hea car I�l wit
you off Ada and soo the wer the pol sta The the fou Lad wid awa sit the ass roo the
sta hou whi sev off who wer res dut wer lau and jok wit him He� far fro bei asl sai
Nor sho say agr Bun Lad boy wha the wor are you doi dow her ask the lit fel cam dow
fin out abo rid ans And he� had all gue rid eve sin wal her abo hou ago chu the pol
ser cha the sta He� gre boy did per com dow her ask rid sai Lad But wan mak rid abo
pol ask Far Joe whe got the far and had see pol sta ins mak the rid Wel did you mak
the rid ask the ser wit ano lau Lif the sta was ver oft dul and the men dut wel any
lit cha Yes got rid Lad ann Tis ver goo but may can thi bet one aft whi Thi Why pol
sta lik can sho lau the ser Tha may rid but can see Not cou mor dif tha can sto and
thi pol sta Yes the som ali eac the wen Lad you all giv ask Can you tel why pol sta
lik can sho bec whe peo are bro her the hav sti ask Ada Tha pre goo lau the ser I�d
nev thi tha mys Pre goo pol sta lik can sho bec peo hav sti her And it� tru
The hav sti arr the and put the cel And the sti can the flo can sho the sti the
Pre goo tha isn the rea sai Lad Lis I�l tel you pol sta lik can sho bec it� ful sti
Sti you kno the pol clu The lik sti can you kno lau the ser aga Tha pre goo mus rem
tha tel the cap Wel goo nig you add Bun led Lad out tha the ser and his men for hav
ent and kep the lit boy the way hom the aut Bun sai Lad sho not hav sli off and gon
dow the str the pol sta wit tel som one abo wer all wor Lad wen his fat I�m sor the
lit fel sai won aga But got thi cou mak goo rid abo pol and tho wou bet cou see one
bef mad the rid jus wen Wel it� pre goo rid I�l say tha chu Ada Nor May you can mak
som abo the far whe you get the Far Joe lik jok and rid I�l mak lot the for him kin
off Lad had sto rid con han and cou tur the out mom not Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut
htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Lad you bad boy whe hav you bee ask his mot whe rea
hom Whe the tol her his rid abo the pol sta and can sho she cou not hel lau few day
aft thi eve was rea for the sta Far Joe Bun had arr lea his rea est bus cha his men
the off and Mrs Bun pre clo the hou tak Nor wit her coo the far The chi clo had bee
pac val and tru and pil the big aut tru whi was fil wit str mak com res pla for the
six lit Bun the for mil tri hav tol you the chi and the fat wou rid the big tru wit
Ada and Mrs Bun wou fol wit Nor the tou car the chi mot doi the dri All was one gra
exc the hom the six lit Bun whe the mor cam whi the wer lea for the far Eve one see
tal onc and cer the chi Vio esp nev see hav ask man que bef Lad too was the ale was
wor new rid spo Rus It� abo tre sai Lad kno tha old rid Rus sai You mea why tre lik
dog Bec has bar isn tha one Lad sai eag Thi new rid Now hav Wha the dif bet tre and
bir Can you ans tha Let see now mur Rus who wan ple his lit bro The dif bet bir and
tre Wel one fli and the oth doe Nop cri Lad I�l tel you tre lea the spr and bir lea
the fal See wha mea tre lea the spr the lea com out But bir lea the fal The bir lea
the Nor and fli dow Sou whe it� war don thi tha ver goo rid sai Rus Wel may can thi
bet one aft whi Lad rem che cer was goo nat Now tha the tim goi the far had arr Vio
was eag fin out all abo the ani She fai pes Ada wit wan kno thi She ask How man chi
are the How man cow Did you eve cou the bee Cou the bee Goo lan lau Ada The mil and
the nev kee sti lon eno cou Bes tri the mig sti Wel sai are the any Vio get the tru
and sit sti ord her mot fir and Vio obe Eve was rea for the sta Bun was cou the chi
and the tru and the sat mak sur non was mis whe Ros ask Whe Mar Her she com sai Rus
not his lit sis app aro the cor the hou Wha the wor she car ask Bun And wel mig inq
For Mar was hal dra hal car lar pas box whi see ali for swa fro sid sid and see abo
lea awa Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Mar wha hav you
the cal her fat Bef she cou ans the box gav sud lur one sid Mar los her bal and dow
she wen the pat hea the box tum ove and ove had sud com lif Wha cou Six Lit Bun Far
Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA SOM THE STR Fiv lit Bun wit the fat
the mot Nor and Ada Nor loo one lit Bun que pli Tha one lit Bun was Mar Aft her fal
Mar rol alo the pat sho dis for she was rou lit gir qui chu and her fat oft sai abo
bro she was lon Mar rol alo the box she had bee car als rol The was not ver str Mar
rol ove and ove aft tum She oft did tha did the oth lit Bun als you you are lit and
fat The was als not ver str the box whi Mar had bee car rol ove Tha the wou not hav
bee any str the box had jus rol one dir But did not rol thi way and tha way and the
oth way and the rol thi way aga suc str man tha Rus cri Wha the wor can tha box mak
tha way It� jus was ali sai Ros May it� rid sug Lad Mrs Bun had gon Mar pic her Bey
scr two and som bru tog wit som dus her dre Mar was unh She was use cut and bru the
did not muc mat Nor did the dus Rus ran pic the que rol box cal out Wha Mar Bef she
cou ans the cam fro wit the box the cov whi was fit tig lit yip whi and bar it� dog
cri Mun Bun wan see the dog Dog exc Vio mus ter lit dog box lik tha Mar wha hav you
the box ask her fat Rus was try tak off the cov It� now pup ans Mar pup cri the oth
fiv lit Bun whi Mar mot ask Whe did you get the pup Mar wen ove Tom Bak hou His dog
has som lit pup and too one and put thi box cau wan tak pup wit the far Mar ans The
oth lau thi tim Rus had man get the cov off the box and cut lit pup stu his hea out
and wit his ton beg lic Rus han sup tha was the pup way tel how gla was get out the
box isn swe cri Ros Cou kee him beg Vio lov him he� pup ann Mar Wel the nex tim you
lov pup don shu him box wit any air and don dro him the box rol and tur som adv Dad
Bun Rus Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 you run bac Bak
wit the lit dog and tel him Mar did rea mea tak Dad can kee beg Mar dea bel Tom Bak
You fin ani eno out Far Joe any sai her mot Rus sta bac wit the pup his arm For mom
see Mar wou cry but Mun Bun kep her tea bac say was awf fun whe did rol ove and ove
the box lik pup tha And whe the oth lau Mun Bun fun way say thi Mar als lau Rus cam
run bac hav lef the pup wit the oth las loo was tak aro the hou see tha all was goo
ord and the Mrs Bun and Nor sta off the tou car and Dad and Ada Nor sta the big str
fil tru wit the six lit Bun thi gre It� goi lot fun exc Rus the rum alo hop the big
old fas kit Far Joe sai Ros Mot sai mig hel her wit the bak cak and pie Wel I�l hel
wit the eat lau Rus hop the bro the far wan mak wat whe and bui lit toy mil tha the
wat whe wil tur I�l hel you off Lad Rus whi mer The way Ced whe Far Joe liv was alo
ple roa and the chi sit the str the big tru enj loo out thr ope the can sid Did bri
any eat ask aft few mil had bee jou dad sai wer goi sto Wes for our lun exp Ros are
goi mee mot the and all eat tog res tha fun dec wou mor fun cou cam bes the roa mak
fir and coo som sug Rus had gun cou sho som and cou coo tha cri Lad Poo Wha cou you
sho bea ask his twi sis dra But may cou sho chi you did the far tha own wou hav you
arr dec Rus gue wil bet for eat the res Ada Nor who sat the fro sea wit Dad Bun sud
tur the tru off one sid the roa and bro the big mac sto are the alr cri Ros lea fro
the str whe she had bee sit bes Rus Are Far Joe ask Vio eag wan wid hor dem Mun Bun
are the yet ans Ada But nee som wat the rad the aut I�l jus sto her and get som The
far her who kno May get out ask Rus for tho per the mig not sto lon eno for thi yes
get out and str you leg his fat tol him I�l wai her fiv ten min and coo dow the eng
add Ada Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Wit who and sho
del the six lit Bun pil out the tru and ran and dow the roa The mac had com sto wit
the ope rea end clo woo pla whi was jus hig the flo the big car Fro the pla fli ste
led the gro and the Bun chi got out thi pla and des Wha thi for ask Vio wit her usu
way sta que Thi her fat tol her mil pla Wha mil beg but her fat hel his han I�l tel
you all abo and the you won hav ask any mor que sai wit smi Thi pla bui for the far
set his can mil mad hig eas rol the can mil fro the pla int the wag The mil col big
wag aut tru fro the che fac Man far aro her sel the mil and cre the che fac and the
pla are bui mak the wor eas mur Vio She had nev had man que ans bef wit her ask any
and she was rat daz Now run alo and pla wit the oth her fat tol her for the fiv lit
Bun wer wan abo loo thi aro the far Arm own the pla and cam out sha han wit Bun and
Ada Nor tel the lat tak muc wat nee for the thi aut Mrs Arm inv the chi and gav the
som coo and gla mil Are you afr you spo you app for din eat now ask Dad Bun It� ele
o�c and we� hav lun abo noo gue can eat aga sai Rus can And cri the oth Ble the hea
lau the mot Mrs Arm Whi the aut eng was coo the chi ran abo and pla tag Ros tho per
her mot and Nor mig com pas the tou car but Ada sai the had pro tak sho way ove bac
roa cou tha way bec the tru hea exp hav sti the har hig But we� mee you mot Wes com
out and see wha fou cri Mar run aro the cor the hou Wha ask Mun Bun lot lit pig pen
and the squ lik any Mar ans wan see the pig May can mak rid abo cri Lad The was rus
for the pen and the chi had fun wat the lit pig stu abo roo wit the pin nos the dir
the pen for som eat But now the eng was coo eno tra and Bun cal the chi com bac Rus
was the fir rea the mac run the pla ste rea hel his sma bro and sis the nee pee ins
the tru thi per the str wou nee spr out aga smo lay and did sta bac sur Wha the mat
ask Ros who had fol him The som the the str whi Rus Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt
www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 You mea one the chi ask Ros for thu she oft spo her sma
bro and sis loo lik som ani sai Rus Loo Ros loo and saw dar obj cle ani mov abo the
str may it� bea she cri Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105
CHA VII FAR JOE Fou oth lit Bun wer hur the pla ste get int the aut tru whe Ros and
Rus mad thi dis str ani the str The fir imp Ros was run fro the ani tha she hal tho
mig bea tha had wan fro the woo not far awa and had fou the war str goo pla whi sle
The nex tho Ros had was for her sma bro and sis Dad Bun and Ada Nor wer nea the fro
the tru get rea tak the sea for the eng was now coo and the rad fil wit fre wat Rus
had the sam ide had Ros the des sav his bro and sis fro har See the com the pla ste
cri Kee bac Kee bac Don com her Wha the mat ask Lad The som the str Rus ans It� ani
add Ros big ani wan see cri Mun Bun lik ani May can hav cir thi lik cir wag The big
tru cer was But Ros did not int hav Mun Bun the oth sma one rus int dan She sto the
mil pla the top the ste hol out her han You mus the whe the ani cri Ros Rus can you
som and her voi was shr wit exc I�l get sti sto som pan Rus Jus the fro ins the tru
cam sta sou the ani wer kic abo the sam tim lou cry ech Wha the mat ask Dad Bun com
bac fro the fro end the tru the sam tim Arm the far hur out sid gat cal Did
any you see lit col got out the pas and don wan him run awa He� val and may get
hur Bef any one cou ans the sou nei cam fro ins the tru and the Rus kne was mad the
ani and Ros had see sta the str Tha sou lik col sai Far Arm sho Rus wit lau He� the
aut I�l get him out The old Bun boy sta ins the aut tru whe cam the nei sta sou the
lit hor But Arm cal out lad don the mig kic you Not tha he� ugl but he� str pla and
you mig thi you mea har him Bet let kno how han tha col The six lit Bun wit the fat
and Ada Nor sto one sid all Arm ent the tru wen spe soo wor the lit col Bon Boy you
tho you hid awa and wit the six lit Bun did you Non tha wan you sta our far you tri
hid Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 the str did you Bon
Boy Wel com out and I�l giv you lum sug And out the tru ont the mil pla wal Arm lea
his hal the col Bon Boy was nam isn swe cri Vio How old and whe his mot and has any
bro and sis and Car lau cal her fat Arm isn use hav man que fir him onc don min lau
the goo nat far But thi the onl lit col hav and his mot dow the sou pas Now you can
pet him you wan add the chi won kic whe he� out her whe can see who nea him the pla
aro Bon Boy cro the six lit Bun and the col rub his vel lik nos aga the and whi sof
And thi too him for bea lau Ros she str the glo nec the col Wel did loo lik one dec
Rus Did wal the ste ask Vio don see how cou he� gre lit col sai Arm pro doe all sor
tri One day got out the pas and wal rig int the kit whe wif was mak cak She tho was
com wit big boo she did tur aro and the col put his nos the bac her nec She She tho
was kis her and the far lau hea The led Bon Boy dow the ste the lit col mak tro all
abo tre the was tak bac the pas whe his mot was wai for him dou won wha had bec him
was fou tha the was bre the fen jus lar eno for the col squ thr but not lar eno for
his mot she wou hav fol him The col had wan abo com the rea the hou and had the mad
his way the fro goi the ste the mil pla and int the big str fil tru whi per tho was
new kin bar Wel now we� bet tra sai Bun whe the lit col was tak awa don wan lat mee
mot Wes Onc aga the six lit Bun wer the way The wer soo Wes sma cou tow and whe the
big tru dre fro the onl res the pla the was the tou car wit Mrs Bun and Nor sit wai
got her fir and wou hav bee her bef but had pun and had cha tir sai Mrs Bun Tha too
bad rem her hus Did you hav any adv ask Mrs Bun sho say did cri Vio The was The cut
lit col bro Ros and Was the str con Rus and whe Ros saw him she Tho was bea sai Lad
Thu sev the lit Bun had tur tel wha had hap Tha was qui adv lau Mrs Bun whe she had
bee tol all tha had tak pla the Arm far Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu
717 pg7 ima 105 I�m try mak rid abo the col but hav got ver far yet sai Lad It� som
abo str and hor and wel may I�l thi aft whi sai hop The had del tim lun the res and
not muc hap exc tha Mun Bun spi gla wat his lap and got wet But was war day did mat
Mar dis lit kit wan abo the eat pla and she ins giv pus som her mil The res was Mar
han not bei ver ste tha she ups gla mil the flo But the res kee sai did mat for the
flo nee mop any Onc mor the lit par sta off the two aut Mrs Bun and Nor the tou car
tak the lea abo hou mor the wer Ced The ver soo tur dow qui cou roa the six lit Bun
saw the dis whi far the mid bro fie far wit bar and oth bui aro Tha dan pla exc Rus
Lov mur Ros tha whe we� goi sta ask Vio Yes tha Far Joe her fat ans lit lat the lit
Bun wer fai tum out the aut tru the eag see all the sig Mrs Bun and Nor wer alr the
pla but I�m gla see you all cri Far Joe and the six lit Bun nee but one loo him mak
sur the wou lov him for Tod was kin man And his sis Mis Lav was jus lov and kin Wel
I�m gla you her sai Mis Tod Now tha see man lov chi mak wan sta and pla wit you But
bro Joe say nee vac I�m goi off vis The big far was the mos del pla the wor whi spe
vac Ada Nor had sai the wer bro fie som gre pas and oth whe hay and gra wer gro The
wer two orc one app tre and ano pea tre And don eat app yet for the are rip war Far
Joe the chi put the old clo sta out exp thi wan see som hor cri Lad wan whe the she
are Mun Bun sai chi Mar I�l the kit hel mot off Ros but her mot sai you run out and
pla now Nor and can man the wor all rig Lat you wan hel you may Ros wen out wit Rus
and the oth The bro Rus cal Vio she cau sig the spa lit str Tha goo The I�l mak wat
whe and mil sai Rus and Lad wer loo the bro pok sti fin out how dee was and mak rea
bui the dam for the wat whe whe sud the hea the voi Ros cry Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro
Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 dri him awa Mak him awa Wha tha ask Rus loo was
Ros ans Lad gue The lou bar dog int him and Ros cri aga Rus com and dri him awa Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA VII THE HAY Rus loo fro
the dam was mak for the wat whe cou not see Ros Nor cou Lad who was hel his bro mak
the lit mil pon But Ros kep yel and the dog kep bar som ple com cri Ros I�m com sho
Rus lea fol Lad and the tur aro clu bus and loo dow the bro the saw Ros sta wit her
bac aga big tre whi fro her lea abo and bar lou was lar bro dog Rus Rus beg his sis
she cau sig him and Lad Com and dri thi dog awa wan bit I�l dri him awa dec Rus And
I�l hel add Lad He� bad dog Bef the two bro cou rea the sis the cam run tow Ros ano
boy Thi boy had fre fac and red hai Don hit dog cri thi red hai boy won hur you Jim
cal thi new boy beh you Dow Qui Qui you bar The dog loo aro the voi wag his tai sho
tha was fri and sto bar Jus the rus Rus and Lad wit sti the han Ros als had sti whi
she had rai tow the dog but she had not hit him Don bea dog Jim beg the str boy did
mea any har Wha did try bit sis for dem Rus who was ang did exa try bit sai Ros jus
bar lot and wou let get awa and was afr he� bit Jim wou bit any sai the boy who nam
was Ral Wat liv the far nex tha Tod Wel the wha mad him bar sis ask Rus Cau she had
sti ans Ral Doe bar eve who has sti ask Lad doe why doe bar Rus and hav sti gue wil
bar you soo see you hav sti Ral ans I�l try him mov aro unt sto bes Rus and Lad and
the dog eye fol his you mas Jim cau sig the two Bun boy and the sti the hel onc Jim
beg bar gre exc The tol you cri Ral Wha mak him bar jus bec see sti ask Rus Doe thi
we� goi hit him wit wou hit any dog unl was goi bit som Jim doe thi he� goi hit exp
Ral jus wan you thr the sti the bro can jum and bri out Alw whe see any one wit sti
thi the goi pla wit him and thr the sti int the wat gue tho you wer goi pla wit him
sai Ral Ros and whe you did why jus bar Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu
717 pg7 ima 105 see exc Ros wit lau for she was ove her fri now Tha was his way ask
thr the sti the wat Yes ans Ral wit smi tha lig his jol fre fac Som bar lik any whe
tak sti and don thr for him bri out And ind Jim see ver muc exc now bec Rus and Lad
wou not tos the sti int the bro And las ple the dog Rus tos his sti Ins Jim plu aft
swi out and bri the sti bac sho dro the fee Rus ask tha thr aga isn cut exc Ros He�
goo dog dec Rus Wil bri out sti for ask Lad He� for any ans Ral I�l try sai Lad tos
his sti and plu Jim aft bri bac sho whi mad Lad lau The Jim gav him sha sen sho dro
all ove Ros who was nea him cri the lit Bun gir sur Jim don you kno any bet tha tha
cri Ral sco voi Sha you don min sai Ros qui Thi old dre and wat won spo The and get
sti she ord she tos her int the bro You wan thr bef but did kno wha you mea you bar
Now get the sti Jim qui bro the sti sho for Ros The Ral tos one and his dog got tha
Rus and Lad wan try the sti ove aga but Ros sai the poo dog wil get tir Don mak him
muc lik Ral sai He� cha sti all day gue you thr for him But may it� tim qui hav aft
the cow any Whe are the Cou wit you ask Lad eag you liv aro her Rus wan kno Ral Wat
tol his nam and whe liv but sai was lon dis the cow pas whe had and add tha the mot
the Bun chi mig not let the I�l tak you mor you wan com tho Ral pro The we� sai Ros
The ans que she tol the oth tha she had bee wal alo the bro loo for wat whi Dad Bun
was ver fon Ros was usi the sti pok asi the bus the edg the bro whe sud Jim had spr
out her dri her bac aga the tre whe she had sto afr mov whi the dog bar fur had onl
kno wan pla I�d hav pla wit him fin Ros wit lau But tho was sav dog Jim nev ugl sai
Ral bar lot but gue tha bec has whe hel dri the cow Wel I�l see you aga add sta awa
wit his dog He� nic boy sai Ros whe was out sig Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www
cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 I�d lik hav tha dog rem Rus thi now may gue hav rid abo dog
beg Lad but bef cou ask eve bef cou thi wha was yel and scr cam fro ano par the bro
Tha Mun Bun exc Ros Sou lik Mar too sai Rus May the fal int the wat sug Lad Jus the
Vio was hea ask wha did you wan and tha for Now you hav gon and don Are you fee wet
Did you get hur Mun Bun Gos lau Rus and the oth sta run for the pla whe the voi sou
gue wou ask que the hou was fir Sou Mar and Mun Bun had fal int the bro sai Ros And
tha jus wha had hap The thr old Bun cam upo Vio Mar and Mun Bun few sec lat was pla
whe sma pla was lai acr the bro bri Sta the wat one sid the pla was Mun Bun the wat
her kne the oth sid the pla was Mar Bot chi wer the mid the bro and Vio was one sho
gue Mun Bun fee are wet and Mar too chu Rus Wha the mat ask Wha hap the chi sta cro
the lit bri and Mar wan fir and Mun Bun wan fir and the pus and sho and Whi one wen
int the wat fir ask Ros wit lau for aft all the acc was not bad one fel fir cri Mun
Bun thi was som pro did dec Mar Wel you bot bet com out adv Ros You hav the hou and
get dry sho and sto I�m goi ask mot can bar sai Mun Bun So� dec Mar The mot let the
bar aft sco the lit for get the sho and sto wet She sai the sho hav bee mor pol and
not hav tri one get ahe the oth cro the pla Wel gue you hav exp suc thi wet fee and
mud clo the chi pla abo the far sai Far Joe sis who was get rea off her vac don min
lon the chi are hur sai the mot wit lau The get use the pla aft whi and kno
how hav fun wit get int too muc tro Don far awa now she add Sup wil soo rea I�l
sta and hel set the tab off Ros And Mis Tod wou bus wit her own aff and Nor had the
coo loo aft Mrs Bun was gla Ros hel Rus and Lad wen bac whe the had bee bui the wat
whe whe Ros was fri the dog and Vio Mun Bun and Mar sai the wou wit Ada Nor who sta
out the bar gat the egg Whe the hen lay the egg ask Vio sta som her usu que Six Lit
Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 dif pla ans the hir man Som awa
und the bar and hav cra und the bea get the out cou tha for you off Vio We� sma and
cou eas fit und the bar Yes hav tro the rep Ada Onc got stu und the bar flo Did you
hav sta the lon tim Vio ask did unt the cou tak som boa the flo and let cra out tha
way lau Ada Vio wat him abo dif pla the bar gat the egg She saw Mar and Mun Bun cli
abo the hay and the she for abo her lit bro and sis for few mom Ada fou nes wit mor
tha doz egg and cal Vio loo the Whe she ret the mid the bar she cou not see eit Mun
Bun Mar Whe are you she cal Bac cam the ans but que muf voi We� the hay roa Mun Bun
And can get out and it� dar wai Mar Wha has hap the Vio ask Ada Nor Six Lit Bun Far
Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA WHE THE COW CAM HOM The hir man car
set dow the bas egg had gat fro dif pla the bar The loo tow the hay Thi mow was whe
the hay was pil the bar kep dry cou fed the hor Wer Mar and Mun Bun the ask Ada Vio
Yes the wen the sli dow Hay sli you kno ans Vio Cou isn sli sno ice but you can sli
dow hil pil hay kno chu Ada oft use whe was boy the far But don see the chi now You
can hea the lis adv Vio Aga cam the voi Mun Bun and Mar We� the dar We� the dar wai
Mar who did not lik dar pla the hay tic doe how Mun Bun don lik the hay tic Com and
get Vio cli lit lad tha led fro the flo the bar the top the hay The lad wen all the
way the roo the bar for win the hay was pil tha ful But now the was onl lit hay the
mow ros few fee ove the hea Ada sto the bar flo and Vio did not hav cli man run the
lad see ove the top the pil hay The are her she cal dow Ada can see Mar Mun Bun any
but can hea the And hea hen cac gue hen has her nes the sai the hir man May the hen
bit Mar and Mun Bun sug Vio sho won but wha she mig pec the tri mov her off her nes
chu the hir man But she cou hur muc Let get the Vio thi can fin Mar and Mun Bun Vio
cli hig the lad unt she cou ste off upo the sof spr pil hay Ada Nor fol her and the
goi one cor the mow the hir man cal Her the are I�v fou Whe wer the ask Wer the hid
Wel sor ans Ada wit smi rea dow the hay and lif fir Mar and the Mun Bun But gue the
did hid pur The sli dow int the fee chu Wha tha ask It� the pla whe pus hay dow the
hor the sta exp the hir man you don kno the fee chu are her it� eas sli and fal dow
the sta wou you get kil ask Vio wit wid ope eye ans Ada All tha wou hap wou tha you
fal int the hor man and the hor was the you mig sca bit But the are any hor the bar
jus now Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Mun Bun and Mar
bot who had bee cry now sto and Vio loo the pla whe the had bee los the hay the rea
the mow wer sev lon woo pla lik chi mad smo boa Dow the chi chu hay cou pus dro int
the man the hor sta bel Mar and Mun Bun had bee run and sli abo the pil hay and wit
kno had com too nea the fee chu Int the bot sli the sam tim car wit the som wad the
dri gra bot chi sli int the upr chu the sam tim the bec wed fas tog wit som hay and
thi sto the fro sli all the way dow the man And the the had rem cau fas unt Ada pul
the out Are you hur ask the hir man hel the lit one dow the lad ans Mar But was awf
dar And the hay tic the bac nec add Mun Bun sne And whe sne mad bum nos and now cri
con Mar Wel you all rig now sai Vio con And may you can fin som egg I�d lik fin egg
exc Mar qui dry her tea wou add her bro rub his eye wit his fis All rig com sai Ada
Nor hav gat all the egg yet not hal gue the chi had goo tim loo for the nes the dif
pla the hen had hid the hen you kno lik ste her nes the far cal Tha she lik sne awa
som qui pla and lay her egg Eac day eve oth day she wil lay egg the sam pla And the
nes not fou for wee mor som the may doz egg for oft two mor hen may lay egg the sam
nes tak tur And whe the are doz per thi egg the nes som hen wil beg set the hov ove
the for thr wee unt lit chi hat out the egg The war bod and fea the mot hen bri the
lit chi lif ins the egg and wit the bea the pic ope the she and com out bec hen doe
not lik dis whe she hat out her egg tha she ste awa mak her nes qui and dar pla she
can fin But far who rai egg sel not alw wan the hat out int chi tha why nee hun for
the hid nes tak awa the egg The nes awa bac the sai Ada who had loo und low par the
bar see som egg but can rea the Let cra get beg Mun Bun Yes gue you hav I�m too big
get und the sai the hir man wan get hal the egg sai Mar But was dec tha wou bes for
Mun Bun onl cra und the low pla the bar and soo was wig and cra his way the tow the
hen nes the old hen won she pic him ask Vio The hen the had bee sho hav see her Ada
Nor ans Mun Bun wil all rig doe get stu fas und the bar onc was But not lik thi hap
and Mun Bun bro out fou egg one tim fro the hid nes was pro lit boy whe cra out wit
the las egg not hav bro one Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima
105 lik egg hun sai wit lau Bac Far Joe hou wen Mar Mun Bun and Vio wit Ada who was
car the egg Eve one lau whe the all hea how Mar and Mun Bun had bee stu the fee chu
was now alm sup tim and Mot Bun tol the chi was and get rea for the mea Tod sis was
goi lea her jou soo aft sup The mea was mer one for Far Joe was jol and mad lot jok
eve sta Lad tri ask rid and ask man fun one rid whi the was ans The aft sup Far Joe
dro his sis ove the rai sta whe she was tak tra vis som rel the Wes The six lit Bun
wer tir aft the day tra and the aft fun the far tha the wen bed ear The was ple roo
Far Joe hou Sle str bed did not kee the chi awa and the wer soo sou asl Mrs Bun lay
awa how mak pla for the nex day and she was som sur whe aft she had bee bed hou she
saw gho whi lit fig com int her roo Who Wha you wan she ask I�v got fin the egg mur
the voi Mar I�v got cra und and get the egg For mom Mrs Bun did not kno wha thi she
saw Mar get dow her han and kne and beg cra und the bed The Mrs Bun pic her lit dau
she saw tha Mar eye wer sta str fas She wal and tal her sle she exc Dad Bun Wak Mar
Wak she cal giv Mar gen sha Wha the mat mor ask Mar sle voi and the she bli her eye
and loo aro sur she exc Wha the mat You wer thi har abo hun egg tha you got you sle
and beg sea for som und bed sai Mrs Bun gen she car Mar bac her own roo sle now Mar
did Not els hap tha nig and the chi wer bri and ear the nex mor The day was fil wit
fun Rus and Lad fin the wat whe abo whi sha tel you mor lat Ros aft hel her mot wen
dow the bro gat wat for her fat Far Joe hav tol her whe fin som and Mar Vio and Mun
Bun had lit pic the und the tre the orc was tow the clo the aft tha the bar dog was
hea fro the far The six lit Bun wer the bac yar hav som bre and jam tha Nor had bro
out the May tha Ral com tak aft the cow cri Rus pro but whe all six lit Bun wan the
dis pas hel Ral gat his her Mrs Bun sai It� too far for Mar and Mun Bun But you fou
may you wis She kne whe the cow pas was Mun Bun and Mar beg cry the wan als but Far
Joe sai the cou egg hun wit Ada and thi ple the sma chi tha smi dro awa the tea Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 The pat the cow pas lay thr
ple fie and hal way the pla was cle spa spr wat whi the chi sto for dri The the cli
hil wen dow lit val and the rea bro fie Ral sai Her whe pas our cow But don see all
the the two bla one are mis The wer ten cow the pas whe the sho hav bee twe you thi
any sto tho two cow ask Rus ans Ral gue the jus wan awa The som Wha you hav Vio wan
kno Hav hun Ral ans Jim hel The are lot pla whe cow can hid thi pas lot low pla and
bus and tre Som tak hou fin the los cow Why don you yel for ask Lad wil sai Ral bos
bos bos cal lou the hil ech his voi The the oth chi cal bos bos bos But the mis cow
did not com out the coo sha pla whe dou the had gon kee out the sun We� hav sca and
loo for sai Ral and his dog Jim wen one way Ros and Rus wen ano way and Lad and Vio
thi way Soo the thr sea par wer som dis apa The sud fro par the pas whe the was den
clu bus cam shr fro Vio we� fou the cow We� fou the but the goi hoo she yel Rus Rus
The cow are goi hoo Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA
BUZ BEE Rus and Ros who had bee wal alo the sho lit bro loo for the mis cow hea Vio
yel mom lat the hea sho fro Lad was say Get bac the you old cow Get bac the Don you
dar hoo sis The Vio voi sou aga but Lad the are goi hoo Com cal Rus his sis Ros and
tog the rus out the lit gle whe the str ran and has tow the clu tre and bus whe cam
the voi Lad and Vio Ral and his dog wer not sig you sup the cow are try hoo Lad and
Vio wit the hor ask Ros don thi cow wou pan Rus ran fol Ros who cou not qui fas Cow
don hoo you gue but bul tho did hea Ral say the wer any bul thi pas bul wor tha cow
Ros ask For hoo you bul the wor the Rus ans But don sup it� bul May the cow are onl
sha the hea Vio and she thi the try hoo her And thi jus wha had hap Lad and Vio had
fou the los cow The two bla ani wer sta pea sha pla che the cud Per the wer day dre
cow eve suc thi any rat the cow pai att the bos cal the chi Lad had fai stu upo the
hid pla the cow and Rus and Ros rea the pla the saw Lad and his twi sis sta wit the
bac aga big tre Ros had sto whe Jim bar her fro Lad and Vio wer the two cow che the
cud hav sai But Rus loo cou see sig tha the cow wer goi hoo Vio she had sho the wer
abo How jus Rus and Ros rea the pla one the cow sho her hea vio and scr The Loo The
old thi wan hoo Rus Ros Lad Why don you som Don sil exc Rus who had lit pat wit Vio
som She isn goi hoo you But wha mak her sha her hea dem Vio hal cry She doi
sha off the fli tha are bit her ans Rus for obs tha whe the cow sho her hea clo
fli ros fro beh her ear She onl doi get rid the fli sai Rus Tha wha tol her but she
wou bel rem Lad sai the cow wou hoo her Wel the loo the wer goi hoo any sai Vio who
was not fri now tha her old bro and sis wer the wit her 100 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro
Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 I�m gla fou the cow any sai Ros Now can dri out
wit the oth and can cal Ral and his dog and hom The two bla cow tha had wan awa fro
the res the her see gen eno whe the chi urg the out the sha bus and int the ope pas
The oth ten cow wer gat dow nea the pas bar wai for the ope Ral and Jim cam slo the
hil fro ano par the pas whe the had gon sea for the mis ani you fou the Tha goo cri
the far boy saw Ros and Lad wit Vio and Rus slo dri the bla cow You wer pre luc add
Som I�v hun hou for los cow gue thi she luc the did hoo her sai Rus wit lau Wha you
mea hoo her inq Ral Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pag THE TWO COW FRI VIO AND LAD And whe the tol him lau and sai Our
cow nev hoo any the ver gen But hav bul the bar tha hoo you cou get out And Tod got
bul too Why can get out Vio wan kno Bec he� cha fas rin his nos ans Ral das pul too
har the cha cau hur his nos has goo But got loo he� hoo you all rig cou hoo I�d thr
sto him boa Lad Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 You bet
not try eve doe get loo war Ral wou min sto any mor tha you chu sof mud him He� awf
str Wel saw him com I�d run wen Lad Tha wou muc goo sai Ral Tha bul can run fas tha
you you eve see him and he� loo kee awa fro him get the oth sid the fen fas you can
Onc nea hoo but got the fen fir ran rig int the fen wit his hea dow and bel lik thu
Did hur him whe bun int the fen ask gue may did fee any mor tha he� fee mos bit Ral
rep He� tou our bul Goo hop nev get out mur Ros loo ove her sho she fea eve the the
bul mig roa som abo the pas But was not sig and soo the chi wer qui dri the cow alo
the roa tow the bar the far Ral fat the bar the cow wou mil and som the mil wou sen
the che fac Wel did you hav goo tim ask Mrs Bun whe her fou chi arr Far Joe hou aft
hav gon for the cow Yes was fun had lit adv sai Ros and she tol abo the mis cow Mar
and Mun Bun lis wit wid ope eye the tal and whe was ove Mun Bun exc wis I�d bee the
Why ask his mot wou giv the cow som sal and the wou lov ans Sal cri Rus Who eve hea
giv cow sal wou mak the mil sal dec Lad Wel did sai Mar Cau whe wen aft egg wit Far
Joe gav his cow som sal and whe mil the gav Mun Bun and som the mil and was sal all
the Was Mot ask Ros who see sha Lad ide cou not chi sai Mrs Bun The far oft giv sal
the cow she and hor Ani are ver fon sma bit sal And whi you wer gon Far Joe gav his
cow som lum roc sal whi the lic wit the ton and see ver fon Hum rem Lad Tha the fir
tim eve kne cow lik sal But lat whe saw how hor the pas fol Ada Nor abo whe wen sal
the and whe the lit boy wat the she eag lic the sal the fie the kne tha his mot was
rig Hap day Far Joe fol one aft ano The six lit Bun nev had suc del tim The see som
new all the whi The roa abo the fie and woo the gat egg the fed the chi and som the
had pic The wad the bro and onc twi fel and got mud But thi was exp One pla tha the
chi sta awa fro was the par the far whe Tod kep sev hiv bee The chi kne tha bee stu
and the did not wan thi hap the Abo wee aft the Bun had com sta Far Joe Rus and Lad
wer goi the bro pla wit the wat whe whe sud the hea lou 102 103 104 Six Lit Bun Far
Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 buz hum sou the air fir the tho was dis
aer but loo the cou see non How ove the dir the bee orc Rus saw dar clo the air The
buz sou see com fro thi dar clo The Rus kne wha was fli bee the run awa cri mus tel
Far Joe and Lad has tow the hou and tol the new Tod ran out soo hea the buz sou and
saw the mov dar clo cri The swa don wan los the mus try get the bac Int the hou hur
com out wit que smo mac his han Ove his hea Far Joe wor bro bri str hat wit vei mos
net com dow ove his sho 105 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima
105 CHA MUN BUN GAR The six lit Bun nev hav bee Far Joe bef and not kno muc abo bee
did not und jus wha was goi hap gen way the Bun chi kne tha bee mad hon but how the
did how the ins liv hiv wit que bee who rul ove her sub alm lik rea que all thi the
six lit Bun kne not Wha tha thi he� got his hea ask Vio poi the mos net vei tha was
dra ove Far Joe hat And wha tha tin fun ful smo car For the mac the far han was lik
kit fun tur one sid and fro the sma end pou clo whi smo I�m goi try get bac tha swa
bee cal Tod hur out tow the tre und whi wer man hiv the hon mak ins Tha que alo wor
fif dol she get awa wil bad los for Awa hur fol clo smo and Ros ask How the wor goi
pic out que bee fro the mil mor tha mus the swa don kno ans Rus Let out and see how
doe pro Lad alw rea som May cou thi rid abo bee wen out the Mos lik you thi abo the
sti you wen out the lau Bun You chi sta her whe you can wat Far Joe and I�l tel you
wha doi and how can per get bac his fif dol que and I�l tel you lit abo how bee mak
hon thi tim Far Joe was out amo his bee The dar clo the swa hiv was rig ove his hea
mov slo alo lik som gre bub onl was bub ful lif the mid the swa was the que bee and
all her cou was fol goi whe she wen How goi cat the ask Rus oug hav but net som lik
tha sai Ros Far Joe isn exa goi cat the bee exp Dad Bun All can fol the unt the que
bee lig tre bra som pla lik tha Whe she doe all the oth bee wil clu aro her thi pos
The Far Joe luc eno fin the can tak emp hiv put the gro und the que bee and the bun
wor bee jar the off int the hiv cla the cov and bri bac his api Wha beg Vio api mea
pla whe bee are kep exp Bun com fro the Lat wor api whi mea bee Now whi are wai see
wha hap I�l tel you lit abo bee and why the swa The six lit Bun loo Far Joe wit his
smo mac and his mos net hat sti fol the slo mov swa bee tow the woo and the the tur
the fat who had pro tel the som bet tha sto Bee are thr kin sai Bun The the wor bee
whi the are tho eve swa hiv The dro are the fat bee and sor say the are laz lot The
nev wor and the eat lot hon and som 106 107 108 109 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt
www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 whe too man dro fat bee get int hiv the wor bee sti the
dea for the can aff fee too man laz bee tha won wor The mos imp all the que bee How
can you Far Joe tel one bee fro ano inq Vio and thi tim the oth chi wer gla she had
ask the que for thi was som the wan kno The que bee lar and lon tha any the oth ans
Bun and eve you not kno any abo bee cou eas pic her out hun oth The dro are lit lar
tha the wor and the que thi abo the dro tha the nev sti The hav sti and can har you
The que can sti but she nev doe har eve for onc bee sti lea the sti per ani and tha
mea the bee die And wou hav the que bee die Wha wou hap she sho die ask Rus Tha tak
car the wor bee sai Bun the cel lit hol the wax hon are man egg tha aft whi wil hat
out int oth bee mos wor dro The que bee lay the egg tha hat int oth bee But sho hap
tha the que sho die the wor bee onc beg fee som the hal hat lit bee pec kin foo gat
fro the flo sor mix hon and jui fro the bee bod Thi cal roy foo roy hon que bre And
whe the hal hat lit bee eat thi str foo the are cha fro ord bee int que bee But the
can but one que hiv mor hat out all but one are kil and the lif the hiv goe The new
que beg lay egg and mor dro wor and per mor que are hat The wor fly off the fie gat
hon fro the flo and the als gat som els kno cri Rus Our tea sch tol The gat yel stu
cal Pol exc Ros kno tha Yes her fat ans the bee gat pol the yel dus fro the flo and
mix thi yel dus wit som jui fro the bod the mak bee fro whi the cel are bui hol the
swe hon jui But tho you sai onl one que bee cou liv swa sai Vio And the que bee lay
egg and oth que hat out sho thi Bun poi Far Joe who was sti cha aft his run swa Tha
wha hap whe two que get hiv sai Dad Bun One que lea tak wit her per hal the wor bee
and som dro The fly awa sta new hiv swa col som cal But not alw bee swa bec the are
two que hiv Oft the que may tak not tha she wou lik new hom out she fli and wit her
her fai sub jus rea lif the sub hum kin que fol the Whe you thi the bee wil ask Ros
har say ans the fat loo now tho the wou the woo for the cou see the dar clo ins nea
the edg the for The may pic out som hol tre and set hou the mak wax fra hol the hon
jui the wil lat gat fro the flo The cou Far Joe tha hol tre and get the hon wan ask
Lad 110 111 112 113 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Yes
tha som don his fat rep And mig eve get his swa bee bac cou fin the rig hol tre But
tha isn eas the old day bef men kne how bui lit hou hiv for the bee liv all the hon
was sto hol tre But men stu the way bee the lea the man whi que rul and how swa cam
abo and the bui hiv whi eas for the bee sto the hon and fro whi als eas tak Wha abo
tha smo ask Ros did kno bee lik smo She was spe the que mac tha Far Joe car The cou
see smo com fro now clo Lat whe the had tim loo the smo mac the six lit Bun saw tha
was lik fun wit bel blo ben fir rag rot woo cou bui the lar par the tin fun and whe
the bel was pre thi ble out clo smo Bee don lik smo sai Dad Bun But whe clo blo the
mak the rat stu cal and qui the the are les lik sti who wor aro the And lit smo doe
the har tho cou the had too muc the wou die whe man wor his api put mos vei ove his
hea and tak his smo few puf fro tha dow hiv bee wil qui the ins tha can wit his bar
han pic the and the wil not sti him thi way can als pic out the que fro amo her tho
wor and put her ano hiv can thi tim wil sto the swa fro div par fly awa jus hap Bee
are que sai Rus Ind the are But lik hea abo the sai Ros thi tim Far Joe was out sig
the woo whe his run swa had gon and the chi had not bee all fol the pla abo wai for
Tod ret Wil bri the bee bac wit him ask Rus tho cou had tak box wit him sai
Bun All wil ver lik not whe the lig tre per The may bac thi eve and sha the int
hiv was lat tha aft whe Far Joe cam bac ver tir and loo rat dis Did you fin the bee
ask Rus ans Tod The got awa and the too wit the que wor fif dol wis cou hav see whe
the wen for the mig get the But the are los gue Don you thi you eve fin the aga Ros
wan kno I�m afr not ans Far Joe I�v los one bes swa and fin que bee Yes I�d giv eve
mor tha fif dol for her cou get her bac Wel can hel sup The six lit Bun fel sor for
Far Joe and the wis the mig hel him but the did not see how the cou aft que and swa
sti bee Com sup cal Mrs Bun lit lat whe Rus and Lad wer wor ove the wat whe and mil
and whe Ros was swi Mar and Vio und the app tre Whe Mun Bun ask his mot the oth lit
Bun cam hur the hou her cal 114 115 116 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu
717 pg7 ima 105 saw him lit whi ago ans Vio had sho and was goi tow the gar gue was
goi dig wor cou fis sug Lad ask the wer fis the bro See you can fin him Rus beg his
mot Rus wen tow the gar whe soo saw Mun Bun bus mak hol tos the dir abo wit sma sho
the Mun Bun cal Rus You sho dig the gar You mig spo som tha pla the Nuf pla her sai
Mun Bun kep dig did ast Ada sai tat was her but dig all Nuf pla her pla som Wha are
you goi pla ask Rus wit smi whi Ros and the oth chi dre nea goi pla bon ans Mun Bun
har loo bus was wit the sho Bon cri Rus You goi pla bon Yes ans Mun Bun sol pla bon
Loo out you ste bon cri and poi the gro whe lay pil chi bon tha Nor had thr out fro
din Wel wha kin gar are you mak any ask Rus Pla bon Yes pla bon dec Mun Bun the you
the Bun whi the oth chi loo won 117 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717
pg7 ima 105 CHA XII STR SHO Mrs Bun see the gro chi gat abo Mun Bun hur acr the gar
see wha was all abo hop not has hap him she sai Pro the wor tha has hap tha he� dir
and you hav scr him bef can com the sup tab chu Dad Bun Tha wou bad rep his wif I�m
use dir and exp the chi get gri Tha wil was off I�l wal ove wit you and see wha it�
abo Som goi tha sur sai Bun and Mrs Bun fou fiv lit Bun gro abo the six and you lit
Bun Mot loo wha Mun Bun doi cri Vio Wha doi He� mak the fun kin bed the gar lau Ros
bed cri Bun hop isn goi sle out her it� bed lik flo bed cab bed exp Rus Onl he� pla
Bon bur out Lad cou mak fun rid abo cou thi Mun Bun wha the wor are you doi wit tho
bon ask his mot Pla ans the lit fel coo dro som the chi bon int the hol had dug and
cov the wit ear Why the wor are you pla bon ask his fat mor bon wil gro ans Mun Bun
mat fac way Far man pla see mak thi gro pla bon mor bon wil gro Who for ask Rus For
Jim the dog ans the lit fel Ral sai his dog nev had eno bon I�m goi pla bon and the
mor bon wil gro Jim can com ove her pic off the bon whe the rip you dea foo lit boy
cri his mot gat him her arm and kis and hug him dir was Don you kno bon don gro she
ask don the ask Mun Bun sur cou not chi Rus Onl see gro rem Mun Bun his fac all ros
whe his mot had kis him Den pla mor som bir see Why bir see ask Dad Bun som bir wil
gro Mun Bun ans The how the oth Bun lau esp Dad and Mot Bun and Ros and Rus for the
saw wha mis Mun Bun was mak Mar Lad and Vio lau als but mor bec the oth did And the
Mun Bun lau him 118 119 120 121 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7
ima 105 I�m hun ann May you pla kni and for and pla you get som eat chu Rus The had
man goo lau ove the que gar bed Mun Bun mad whe tho tha you pla bon pla wou spr wit
mor bon for Jim the dog The the all wen sup mor sai Mun Bun was tak off bed lat the
eve I�l pla som flo for Jim sme Ear the nex day Mrs Bun was see the kit wit sun whi
the tab nea her wer num sma bas Are goi pic ask Rus who cam get str fix som the wat
whe tha and Lad wer con fus ove Nor cal sor pic ans his mot Far Joe tol abo wil str
pat bey his sou mea and tho cou all the and pic the ber The bas for eac exc dad who
isn goi and get eno ber I�l mak str sho cri Ros Exc for int you Mot she wen for was
imp tha But jus cou wai May mak sho get any ber Yes thi ans Mrs Bun Com chi she cal
the oth who flo int the kit we� hav goo tim pic str We� hav bet tim whe eat the sho
lau Rus kno rid abo sho sai Lad wri his for mea jus mad Her How can you mak str sho
las the lon Tha isn ver goo rid obj Ros Wel let see you ans cha her sma bro How can
you mak str sho las lon Put awa saf gue Vio Nop ans Lad and bef any one els cou mak
gue cri Don eat Tha how mak str sho las lon don eat Wel mad cak wou wan las ver lon
lau Ros sho wan peo eat and tel how goo was I�l eat som off Mun Bun wil add Mar Tha
ver kin you lau Ros aga and the the six lit Bun and the mot sta for the str pat The
ber gre wil war sun hil and soo lit fin wer bus tur ove the gre lea fin the sca fru
ben Int the bas the ber wer dro one tim Wil str are muc sma tha the cul var you buy
the mar and tak lon fil bas wit the wil one But gra the bot the bas Mrs Bun car was
cov wit lay the del fru The she loo int the bas Mar and Mun Bun tha all you pic she
ask sur for Mar had thr ber her bas and Mun Bun had two his and yet the had bee the
ber pat hal hou Don you kno how fin the ber dea ask the mot See you mus tur ove the
lea 122 123 124 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Exc Mot
bro Ros fir ask par for int but gue Mar and Mun Bun eat the ber fas the pic the Tha
wha the bee doi eat the ber saw the put onl few the bas wel sai Mrs Bun don exp the
pic man old one wil hav get you eno for you cak Ros ate onl abo for lev ber con Mar
ate six fou adm Mun Bun The awf goo the ber may Ros wou mak cak any see lau Rus The
wer afr the wou get the sha ber the wai the tak the now It� all rig dea sai the mot
for Mar and Mun Bun did not lik lau Eat man ber you wis The are rip and fre and ver
tem We� get eno for Ros cak thi whi the you one ate the lov fru the old one dro the
ber the pic int the bas unt the had suf qua mor tha two qua Onc whi the wer pic the
six lit Bun hea roa bel sou off beh sec hil may tha the old bul who has got loo Ral
bul cri Vio she ran tow her mot har thi Mrs Bun ans But the noi sou aga ver muc lik
the bel bul Rus get clu and som sto cri Ros The isn any fen her jum ove Get sti and
dri awa the bul Rus cau sho clu not ver hea one was use aga bul Mrs Bun sto and loo
aro The she lau Don afr chi she sai isn bul all It� the whi eng dis tra The goe and
she poi the rai abo mil off ove the hil tra was goi alo ver slo see but pro was spe
fas tha app And the Bun loo the saw puf whi ste fro the loc lit lat the hea the whi
Whe the had bee sto dow the whi had sou lik the dis bel bul I�m gla was sai Ros had
bee I�d hit wit clu boa Rus cou thr sto dec Mun Bun Mot did you not how fun the whi
was ask Ros Fir saw the smo puf and the hea the sou Why was tha Bec lig sig tra fas
tha sou sai Mrs Bun You can see som muc qui tha you can hea you sho eve sta far off
and see gun sho off you wou fir see the fla and the smo and som sec lat you wou hea
the rep Sig and sou tra wha are cal wav alm lik the wav the oce exc tha the sou wav
are mad air ins wat Lig wav are dif fro air wat wav and tra muc fas alm fas ele And
ele ter fas sai Rus Onc too hol bat and soo tou the han fel sho Aft thi the pic str
wen unt eno had bee gat The the all ate som and wen hom and Ros mad the sho Nor hel
her I�l set the sho the bac pan coo for sup sai Nor whe Ros had fin mak and ver pro
the lit gir was 125 126 127 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima
105 The sho was put awa and the lit Bun wer won how nex the cou hav som fun whe the
cam kno the kit doo won who tha can sai Nor Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac
epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA XII THE SHO LAC BOY Rus who was nea the doo wen ope Aft Vio
sai she tho mig som the nei com ask for pie Ros str sho Lad sai lat tha tho mig Ral
com the sam sor err Wel was boy who had kno the doo but was not Ral the mas Jim the
dog nor was any boy the Bun chi had eve see aro Far Joe pla was ped boy Vio cal him
boy wit dar hai dar com and dee bro eye and car pac his bac and box slu str fro him
Sho lac col but sus nee pin any day ask the ped boy rat out the wor qui tha Rus cou
har tel one fro ano Wha wha tha ask the bew Rus Wan any sho lac Any col but nee pin
sus hoo and eye cou pla poc kni any don wan any day sai Nor adv the doo and loo out
ove Rus hea How you kno you don wan any Lad ask the ped boy wit per and rat sma man
hav tol you all car yet hav But tel you don wan any ins Nor kno wha you hav not and
don wan any bec we� onl vis her and hav bag tag int the boy you are onl vis you wan
sen you tru bac and you bet put tag I�l sho you Qui ope the box car slu str abo his
nec The oth Bun chi cro the doo saw the box man the thi the boy had nam pin nee som
com and bru and oth thi The boy too out pac bag tag eac tag hav sho pie cor att The
hel out Nor the sam tim say Use the and you nev los any bag tak our bag the aut sai
Ros Wel may pie mig fal out and had tag you wou los sai the boy who spo rat str man
lik for who had rec lea Eng tel you don wan any sai Nor spe lit mor sha Wha abo som
let pap and env per the boy You cou wri cou you and sel che don wan thi tel you and
Nor spo ver sha and beg clo the doo Huh gue wou muc goo sel you let pap sne the boy
You mea you hav any fri tha wan you wri The doo was clo but the wor cam thr Say cri
Rus str ope the doo aga you tal lik tha our Nor 128 129 130 131 Six Lit Bun Far Joe
Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Nev min lau the goo nat coo Suc ped are wor
ans He� ang bec did buy som had bee pol abo mig but was too Too sma Tha wha was fin
Ros and tha abo des the sho lac ped the kit Nor and the six lit Bun cou hea him mut
him wal awa but Dad Bun jus the cal the chi giv the som pic pap tha had com mai the
for all abo the imp lad The Bun chi had fun loo thr the ill mag and the wer rat gla
sit dow and thi for pic the str the dis hil had bee rat tir wis sup wou soo rea wan
som Ros sho rem Vio loo goo ret Rus tas hal goo loo wil gre hop wil goo sai
Ros mod Six hun lit Bun sat dow the sup tab and pre soo the wer mor six hun lit
Bun for the ate man the goo thi Nor coo for the tha the wer lon hun But the was sti
six lit Bun and the wer anx try Ros str sho I�l bri the tab and Ros can cut sai Nor
She wen the pan but les tha hal min she cam hur bac wit str loo her fac Wha the mat
ask Dad Bun Did you see gho Nor sir But but did put the str sho the pan she ask Mrs
Bun Yes sur was the ans saw you put the coo Wel isn the now exc Nor did som one tak
lov str sho sig Ros Rus you are pla any you jok are you ask his fat som ste Did you
tak Ros sho and hid jus for fun sir nev tou her sho did see aft Nor put awa I�l tak
loo sai Mrs Bun Per Far Joe wen and set hig she ind dec Tod nev int the pan Tha isn
par the hou And Ada did tou the sho I�m sur Did you ask Nor sho his hea lik str sho
sai but I�d nev thi pla jok wit the one Ros bak thi tim Mrs Bun cam bac fro the pan
whi she had gon mak sea The sho isn the she sai Who cou hav tak ask Nor May Jim sug
Rus dog cou rea the hig sil the pan win sai Mrs Bun can see whe the cak was pla the
sil for lit the red jui ran out and mad sta The cak was lif out the win per som one
fro the out 132 133 134 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105
I�l hav loo exc Bun hur out the pan win the bac the hou fol Rus Ros and the oth Sup
was ove exc for the des and thi fin the mea was hav bee the sho Wit thi gon wel the
was any des tha all Bun loo car und the win mot the oth kee bac the wou not tra any
foo tha mig rem the sof gro Car Bun loo and the sai Som boy wen the rea and too the
cak Wha mak you thi was boy ask Far Joe Bec the siz the foo The are not muc lar tha
tho Rus wou mak won Ral was her mur Ros saw Ral and his Jim dog goi ove Woo rig aft
din rem Ada Nor sai was goi gon all day Ral did tak the cak nor did his dog Jim tha
I�m sur The kno who was sud exc Rus Who the all ask Tha ped the sho lac boy Rus ans
was mad bec wou buy any and sne aro and too Ros sho off the win sil Rus sta tow the
roa Whe are you goi ask his fat I�m goi cha aft tha sho lac boy and mak him giv bac
the str sho cri Rus 135 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105
CHA XIV THE SHO COM BAC Bef his fat cou sto him Rus had run out the por Lad too lef
his sea and sta aft his bro Cha exc Mrs Bun are you goi let the aft tha boy He� big
and mig hur the gue Rus and Lad tog are mat for tha mea lit ped ans Bun But per I�d
bet tra alo aft the see tha the don get hur add get har bel how tha the can cat tha
ped mus lon way off thi tim The two old Bun boy wer alr out the roa loo and dow for
sig the sho lac ped Whi way you thi wen Rus ask Lad don kno was the ans for the boy
who was tho had tak Ros str sho was not sig But her com man dri tea Rus wen We� ask
him saw thi ped dow the roa nei far who was kno Rus and Lad jus the app Far Joe hou
Bun who was slo fol his two son hea Rus ask Did you see any sho lac ped dow the roa
Har sho lac ped rep Har let see now Yes did pas boy wit pac his bac dow the whi bri
ans Tha the fel exc Rus Com Lad Cha sai Mrs Bun fol her hus out the fro gat the oth
lit Bun tra alo beh you rea thi you oug let the don see any har ans the fir pla don
bel Rus and Lad wil cat tha boy But the I�l fol alo see tha doe har the And you nee
hel cal chu Far Joe and Ada Nor beg the nig cho aro the pla Far Joe cal doi his cho
whe loc the bar saw tha the hen hou was fas and got kin for the mor fir gue the tro
sai Bun Ros cam hur out tow the fro gat run ahe her fat Whe are you goi Ros ask her
I�m goi wit Rus and Lad she ans Ros sai Mrs Bun don bel wou Yes ple ple Ros was sho
tha ped boy too and wan bri bac Ple let She see muc ear abo and loo dis whe her mot
had spo kee her bac tha Dad Bun sai All rig run alo But don get hur You mot and wil
com alo aft you was tha Rus Lad and Ros hur dow the cou roa aft the ped who was sus
had tak the cak Tra aft the but com mor slo wer and Mrs Bun and the oth lit Bun 136
137 138 139 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Wha sha him
Rus whe cat him ask Ros she jog alo bes her old bro I�l ask him for the cak tha wha
I�l And doe giv The the I�l thu him exc Rus dou his fis And I�l hel off Lad exc ell
per sai Ros dou sou her lit too boa The whi bri whi Har had spo was abo hal mil dow
the roa fro Far Joe pla and soo aft mak tur the hig Rus Ros and Lad saw the str see
som one fis off the bri rem Rus May it� tha boy the thr Bun cam nea the cou see boy
sit the bri rai hol pol fro whi lin was dan the wat tha flo und the bri And whe the
chi dre lit nea the cou mak out tha the fis was the sho lac ped boy Alm the sam tim
tha the rec him the boy kne the and spr dow fro the bri rai beg win his lin and sta
pic his box and bas Her you Wai min ord Rus don hav wai sne the ped The fis her why
sho wai You got som tha wan wen Ros dra nea wit Rus whi Lad beg loo abo for clu sto
You sai you did wan any gru the ped was you hou and you wou buy any sho lac nor col
but yet why sho you com run aft now Bec you hav sho bur out Ros ind You too str sho
and wan bac sho hav tak you sho lit gir cri the boy gre sur You are mis Why sho you
say hav you sho Bec you wer the onl one aro the hou aft the sho was set the pan win
coo sai Rus bol And fat saw you foo und the win And fat com and mot and you don giv
sis bac her cak the hav you arr thr Lad you fat and mot the com are the ask the boy
who did not spe ver goo Eng was not qui bol and def fir Yes the com sai Rus loo ove
his sho dow the roa But you giv the sho the won any tro Why sho hav you cak cri the
boy Loo you and see not min poc tur one two poc ins out sto the bri Poo Jus you cou
put big str sho you poc sco Ros It� you box you bas tha whe dec Lad And the ano tho
cam him add Unl you eat cri Ros dis the tho her goo str sho hav bee eat the sho lac
ped 140 141 142 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 sho eat
you cak cri the boy rai his han the air ove his hea Wel I�m goi hav loo you bas thr
Rus wal tow the pla the bri whe the ped boy had set dow the thi whi car his war Don
you tou bas yel the ped you ope sha blo giv you the nos sai suc fun exc way tha Ros
had lau and Rus sai can giv you hit the nos too You don das sne the ped Yes dar ins
Rus And I�l hel him add Lad who had fou sti The ped boy who was alm hea tal tha Rus
clo his fis and was wal tow the thr Bun chi Ros fel her hea bea ver fas She loo bac
dow the roa and saw her fat and mot com fol Mar Mun Bun and Vio her com dad and mot
cri Ros Ins cha cam ove the ped boy His fis unc and smi sic fri sor way wel may you
sho did get box mis sai tak loo and see Qui ope his box and the wra cle pap was the
str sho Ros had mad cri the lit gir del sho has com bac Huh tho you sai you did hav
exc Rus the ped lad lif out the cak and han Ros Wel may mak mis and for sai the oth
Huh gue you for pur dec Lad thi tim and Mrs Bun had com The saw tha Ros had her sho
aga Loo her you man sai Bun ste the ped you mus abo the cou ste thi you kno You may
lan jai you try tha aga was all mis tel you sai the sho lac ped who was rea old exp
tha boy his yea sho hav bee was mis Wha you mea mis ask Bun Wel saw the sho the win
and tho may was thr awa pic did kno any wan Wel you kno now sai Bun gri And you had
bet not try any mor tri lik tha Are you sur you did tak any mor mis tak not mor ans
the boy sul fas his box aga and sli tha and his bas war ove his sho awa wal was qui
ang bei cau app I�m gla got sho bac cri Ros Now can eat whe get bac the hou you thi
was kep cle ask her mot 143 144 145 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717
pg7 ima 105 But the nee not hav wor tha sco Wha els was the ped boy see cle and had
wra cle pap abo the sho cak bef put his box sur som the str top wer cru and lit the
red jui had run dow the sid the cak But tha doe mat cau got sma lot mor whe eat sai
Lad Whi cou was per tru Ros sho cam bac Far Joe and the sat dow the tab aga and ate
Des was lit lat tha eve but was lik non the les Bus day mor chi sai Far Joe the six
lit Bun wen bed Wha doi ask Rus Get the hay was the ans Tho who can hel can rid the
hay wag The wer who del fro the six lit Bun Cou dri the hor ask Rus Wel we� see abo
tha ans Far Joe slo wan rid the rak tha mak the hay int hea lik Esk hou ann Lad You
bet not tha his mot sai You mig fal off and get rak wit the hay I�l loo aft the and
wil Ada Nor chu Far Joe bed now all you bri and ear mus get the hay bef rai 146 Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA EXC RID Ver sel did the
six lit Bun nee any one cal the get the out bed Gen the wer bef any one els Far Joe
hou The mor whe the hay was got was exc Alm soo Nor had the fir sta and bre the way
Rus Ros and the oth wer imp sta for the hay fie Why doe hav get the hay bef rai ask
Vio her fat rem wha Far Joe had sai the nig bef Bec rai spo hay aft has bee cut and
lyi the fie rea bro ans Tod who hea Vi� que Onc hay dri sho bro and sto awa the bar
soo pos Aft rak and mad int coc Esk hou Lad cal the sho rai we� hav sca the hay all
ove aga dry out For wer put awa the hay whe wet the hay wou get mou and sou and the
hor wou not eat Als the hay get rai aft cut and dri and whi sti sca abo the fie mus
tur ove the wet par wil dry the hot sun bef can hau hav had sev day hot wea and hay
fin and dry now Tha why anx get int the bar hur Yes thi had bet hur sai Ada Nor who
wit cou oth hir men was hel get Far Joe hay We� lik hav thu sho thi aft The mus all
mov fas exc Dad Bun who lik wor the far alm muc did Ada and Tod The day bef the hay
had bee rak int lon row Ada who rod lar two whe rak dra hor The rak had lon cur pro
tee whi dra the gro pul the hay wit the Whe lar eno pil hay had bee gat Ada wou pre
spr wit one foo and the tee the rak wou lif ove the lon row dri gra Thi was kep unt
the fie was fil wit man row hay lik the wav the sea The men wen abo pil the hay int
coc con sha pil whi Lad sai loo lik the igl the Esk Now all tha rem don was
loa the hay big bro wag and car the bar Lad was bit dis bec all the hay was rak
for wan rid the big mac whi did thi wor But Far Joe sai alw hav sec rak aft dra the
hay for lot fod fal off and sca abo You sha rid the rak whe ove the fie for the sec
tim Lad fel bet and was jol any the six lit Bun whe the rod out the fie the emp wag
Onc the fie was rea the was bus tim The was lit the chi cou for loa hay har wor fit
onl for big str men But Rus Ros and the oth wat Ada Far Joe the fat and the two hir
men dig the shi pit dee int hay coc Som two men eac wit for wou lif alm who coc the
wag onc Whe one man did alo too abo hal the coc tim 147 148 149 150 Six Lit Bun Far
Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 the hay was loa the wag whi was fit wit
ric goi ove the whe the pil dri gra the veh bec hig and hig hig was las tha the men
cou har pit hay gue we� cal thi loa sai Far Joe loo the sky The roa bit rou and put
too muc we� hav ups Ada thi you rig wen We� hav thu sho thi aft Hav hus boy get the
hay Whe the hor wer rea hau the fir loa bac the bar sto awa the mow the six lit Bun
wer put top the loa rid thi lov cri Ros Lik bei hun fea bed add Rus And you don fee
the jou all add Lad for the wag wen ove rou pla the fie the chi wer onl gen bou and
dow and not sha abo the wou hav bee had the bee hay the wag But the rou fie cau one
lit acc whi how har one The fir loa hay was alm out the fie whe app the bar Mun Bun
sud yel I�m sli I�m sli And Mar fol wit lik cry I�m fal off she sho And sur eno Rus
and Ros als fel the top the loa hay beg sli one sid Ada Nor was rid wit the chi Far
Joe and Dad Bun hav rem the fie whi one hir man dro the tea hor gue the did loa thi
hay eve sai Ada Par goi sli off But don fri chi sai kin You can get hur fal wit loa
hay Jus Ada fin spe par the top the loa sli off the wag and fel int the fie and wit
fel the six lit Bun and Ada him scr Mar and Mun Bun Kee sti ord Rus You won get hur
Loo out for the pit the sha war Ros Lad and Vio lau wit gle the fel the sli Dow hea
wen the hay the six lit Bun and Ada The hay was sof was lik fal bed fea The man sit
fro dri the hor did not sli off All ove dam cri Ada wit lau lea and pic the sma the
lit Bun fro the pil hay But we� hav loa the hay bac the wag Thi was soo don and onc
mor the mer par sta for the bar whi was rea wit fur acc Far Joe had man thi his pla
sav wor Amo the was hay for whi cou pic alm hal loa hay onc and rai the mow hay for
lea one kin loo lik big let tur ups dow The two arm are mad iro and fro the low end
pro com out hol the hay fro sli off the arm rop run thr pul fas the cur par the and
hor pul the gro end the rop hoi int the air big mas hay 151 152 153 Six Lit Bun Far
Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 The wag was dri und the hig bar win and
fro bea ove the hay for was low Ada Nor plu the two sha arm dee int the spr dri gra
All but Rus had got dow off the loa hay wai for the rid bac the fie But Rus rem the
wan see how the hay for wor whe Ada plu the arm int the fod Rus was nea Ada pul the
han tha sho the pro out fro the arm hol the hay fro sli off the for was rai The sud
Rus did dar thi See the mas hay ris the air pul the hor the gro bel the boy mad gra
for the bun dri gra cau clu and the air wen exc and dan rid loo Rus Loo Rus cri Ros
the you wha are you doi sho Ada I�m get rid Rus ans But his voi had fri ton swu abo
and loo dow bel beg fee diz 154 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7
ima 105 CHA XVI OFF PIC Whi Rus swu and fro the mas hay lif the hay for and was kep
ove the loa its the was lit dan fel wou lan the hay the wag But the hay for had swi
one sid whe hig the air the hay cou pla the win ope int the sto mow And was thi par
Rus rid tha was dan The man the gro who had cha the hor tha was hit the pul rop kne
not wha was goi abo him for the loa hay was lar tha hid Rus and the for fro sig But
thi man hea the sho Ada and cal any the mat qui ans Ada for fea the hor sto the sho
mig thr Rus fro his hol Kee Jak cal the hir man You hav hoi boy wel for ful hay Hol
tig the Rus Ada war the Bun lad wil Rus ans was beg wis tha had not tak thi dan rid
was don the imp the mom had see the mas hay bei lif wit the for and fel des wit get
rid the air mad gra alm bef tho and wen the for ful hay wit Rus Now was swu out and
awa fro the wag and was dir ove the bar gro thi for fee bel the bar win the mow ove
man loo out Wha thi you sen cal thi man Ada It� Rus Gra him whe get nea eno you Ada
ans wil sai the man who was mow awa the wor sto the hay the bar cal 155 156 Six Lit
Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pag 160 NOW
WAT HER WHI CRI RUS Hig and hig wen Rus whi Ros and the oth lit Bun the gro bel gaz
him min fri and env Wil fal and kil ask gue not cou not exc Ros mom lat the for loa
hay wit Rus cli one han the lif rop swu wit rea the man the mow win Rus was cau pul
ins saf and san dow the pil hay wit the bar the man sai You bet not tha aga Six Lit
Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 won pro Rus wit lit shi fea and
exc Ros and the oth chi bre mor eas now and Ada Nor wip the swe fro his for mur You
nev kno wha the you are goi nex Bac the hay fie wen the emp wag the six lit Bun rid
The tri bac was not com the one the loa hay had bee For the wag was ric and the roa
was rou and jol But the six lit Bun had jol tim jus the sam The men wer wor fas now
and Dad Bun was hel the for dar clo the wes and dis mut thu see tel com sto and Far
Joe did not wan his hay get wet Ano big loa was tak the bar ups hap thi tim And you
may sur Ada mad cer tha Rus did not cli the hay for Aft thr loa had bee put awa mos
the hay was Sca abo the fie how wer lit pil and wis the fod per hal loa all and thi
mus rak the big hor rak may hav rid cri Lad whe saw the mac bei bro out fro cor the
rai fen whe had bee sta Yes I�l giv you eac rid tur kin off Ada Nor who was dri the
hor hit the big rak And Lad had ask fir was giv the fir rid sit the sea bes Ada The
cur iro tee the rak gat mas hay unt the cou hol mor The Ada tri the ope cal The tee
ros the air and pas ove the mas hay whi was lef the gro Wor thi way mor hay was rak
unt the wer sev win and coc loa upo the wag spe fav Rus and Ros wer all pit sma for
the hay the wag And whe all the dri gra had bee gat the chi pil and rod the bar for
the las tim Hur Hur Hur for the hay the san mos mer And it� goo thi got day sai Far
Joe wit chu the las for was rai the mow For her com the rai And dow pel the big dro
The was not muc thu and lig but the rai was ver har and the sto pel and rum all nig
It� goo thi got hay sai Far Joe wen bed tha nig Now can sle pea For the not mor wor
far tha hea rai kno spo his hay Hay onc wet nev qui goo tha whi has not bee soa Tho
rai all nig the sun cam out the nex day and the six lit Bun cou pla abo and hav fun
Rus and Lad wer gla the sto for the rai had mad the bro hig and wat was now for the
fir tim run ove the lit dam the had mad the wat whe cou tur She spl lik any now cri
Lad and his bro has dow the bro The wat whe was mad som fla pie woo fas tog and set
fra wor The wat spo ove the dam fel the bla the pad whe and tur the axl the whe was
sma rou pul and aro thi the was str bel run sma mil tha the boy had mad had tak the
qui whi thi 158 159 160 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105
Now wat her whi cri Rus his bro and sis who had gat the ban the bro The wat whe was
sho bac the ove fro the dam wou str the pad Aro the wen tur the pul mov the str bel
and als tur the whe the mil isn tha fin exc Ros Cou hav rid Mun Bun wan kno Har lau
Rus you sat the whe wou bre And you get all wet add Ros The six lit Bun had muc fun
tha day and mor goo tim wer ahe the for tha eve whe the mad rea for bed tir but hap
the mot sai mor are goi pic the woo rea tru pic wan kno cou Wit thi eat ask Rus Sur
sai his mot Now off bed wit you ear and we� hav fin pic the woo You may sur tha not
one the six lit Bun ove the nex day Bri and ear the wer and soo the sta for the pic
gro the big hay wag whi som str had bee sca mak sof sea won any wil hap day sai Ros
Rus the rod off wit the lun Wha you mea inq mea any lik adv may we� fin sna and Rus
lau saw his sis jum for Ros did not lik sna You hor boy she mur But adv qui dif fro
fin sna hap the six lit Bun 161 162 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717
pg7 ima 105 CHA XVI THE ICE CAV Alo the roa thr ple fie and int the woo rum the big
far hay wag dri Ada Nor the wag sat the six lit Bun wit the fat and mot and Far Joe
For Far Joe had dec tha aft the hay was ent hol sto wor and wen the pic wit the six
lit Bun How muc far the pic gro ask aft the had rid for per hal hou Not ver far now
ans Far Joe nic pic gro wen the lit gir who alw ask que And the Now int her mot sup
you wai unt get the and you can see wha the see You mus tir Far Joe ask man que Wel
onl wan ask jus one thi mor beg ahe Wha chu the goo nat far the swi the pic woo ask
aft mom pau dec whi que was the mos imp Wel the isn can put one for bro rop alo ans
Ada Nor lik see the six lit Bun hav fun muc the chi lov pla swi Goo cri Vio wan swi
exc Mun Bun add Mar can see whe the goi tro wit onl one swi mur Dad Bun smi his wif
the can tak tur she sai The wag was now goi thr the woo eit sid wer gre tre wit low
han bra som whi met arc ove dro dow far tha the chi cou rea and tou the lea wit the
han it� jus lov her mur Ros who lik bea sce see som tha lov sai Rus Wha ask Ros don
see any You can get muc vie dow her und the tre but it� bea jus the sam Her the vie
was loo sai Rus wit lau and poi the pil lun box and bas the fro par the hay wag Tha
bet vie tha jus tre Ros you fun boy she lau Alw thi som eat Don you eve thi som els
Yes rig aft I�v had som eat thi whe it� goi tim eat aga chu Rus Dee int the woo wen
the pic wag The six lit Bun wer tal and lau amo the and Far Joe was spe and Mrs Bun
and Ada abo som tha had hap the vil tha day 163 164 165 Six Lit Bun Far Joe
Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Sud the was cry fro the chi who wer the
rea the wag spr abo the str Lad gon exc Ros Did fal out ask Mrs Bun loo mor fel sho
Rus And tha ind alm wha hap For loo bac and Mrs Bun saw Lad han his han the bra tre
had gra the wag pas ben The lit fel was swi ove the roa the wag hav pas fro ben him
Hol Lad I�l com bac and get you sho Bun mis aga mur Rus Who cal Ada bri the hor hal
Hol Lad I�l com and get you cal Bun aga lea fro the hay wag can hol gas Lad han are
sli The gre bra was slo ben ove and Lad han wer sli fro The whe cou kee his gra lon
let and dow the gro fel fee fir Luc Lad was onl sho dis abo the gro whe sli fro the
bra did not hav far fal was onl jar and sha lit bit not hur all Lad why did you tha
his fat ask him whe had rea the lit fel and pic him Bun car Lad bac the wai wag Rus
rem gue tho may cou pul tre the roo whe cau hol the bra lik tha did not exc Lad jus
wan pul off whi for Mun Bun pla hor wit But whe got hol the bra for let and lif rig
out the wag It� mer you wer hur exc his mot sho say add Far Joe It� saf for you thi
rid Lad tha suc tri tha Com now sit qui the wag and thi rid All rig agr Lad aga too
his pla the str wit the oth lit Bun But did not ask any rid for lon tim Per had bee
too sta For sur was rat sta thi fin him dan tre bra the wag hav gon out fro und him
How abo fif min mor Lad sud cri now kno rid Why bas But bef cou say any mor the oth
chi bro int cri The the pic gro The the pic gro And sur eno the had rea the gro the
woo whe lun was eat and gam pla was bea day sun war and ple Too war fac for Mrs Bun
had cal the chi sev tim Don run aro too muc and get ove ver war and see get war 166
167 168 169 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Yes agr Far
Joe loo the sky thi we� hav thu sho bef the day ove did bri any umb sai Mrs Bun rai
ver har can tak she cav not far fro her tha kno sai Tod cav Whe ask Rus who was lyi
dow the sha hav hel put the swi Cou and see inq Aft whi may pro Far Joe Ros hel her
mot spr out the goo thi eat The fou som fla stu whi ans ver wel for tab and aft Mun
Bun and Mar and Lad and Vio had swu muc was goo for the and whe the had rac abo pla
tag hid and see and oth gam the chi wer tir eno sit dow the sha We� eat lun aft you
res bit sai Mrs Bun now com the bes par the day mur Rus Sil Alw thi som eat chi Ros
But she smi ple her bro How goo the thi eat the pic woo tas Eve pla bre and but was
alm fin cak Lad sai was try thi rid abo thi rid whi was ask whe was tha bre and but
was goo cak whe sud the cam low rum sou Wha tha ask Mar Thu thi was the ans Mun Bun
who was pla lit dis awa cam run saw lig whi Yes thi we� for sto sai Far Joe The thu
bec lou The sun was hid beh dar clo The pic thi wer pic Mrs Bun was gla lun was ove
The dow pel the rai Com cri Far Joe We� tak she the cav led the way alo pat thr the
woo The oth fol Bun car Mun Bun and Ada Nor cat Mar The tre wer thi ove tha not muc
rai fel the pic par Her the cav cri Far Joe pus asi som bus sho dar ope amo som roc
the rus for was wel she fro the sto but how coo her sai Ros Yes ans Far Joe Thi ice
cav ice cav exc Rus the rea ice her the mid sum Bef Far Joe cou ans ter cra thu see
sha the who ear 170 171 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105
CHA XVI BIG SPL The was sil the dar cav ice fol tha big noi fro the sky The cam ste
roa sou It� rai cat and dog out sai Far Joe got her jus tim Sud Mar beg whi and the
she beg cry Wha the mat dea ask her mot don lik her sob Mar don eit I�m goi cry too
snu Mun Bun com chi exc Bun wit lau Don bab Why don you lik her I�m fra may we� str
lig whi Mar non rep her mot lig eve com her sai Far Joe Why lig cam the cou any ice
The lig wou mel the ice and has don tha I�l sho you big pil bac the cav cou lig eve
com her Don afr The thu was not lou now and lig cou see bec the Bun wer far bac the
dar cav the two sma chi sto the cry the rea ice her ask Rus fee sai Ros wit lit shi
Yes the ice her wen the far com eve yea and sta unt aft the Fou Jul Com I�l sho you
Lig mat and set abl sti pic fro the dry flo the cav the roc Far Joe led the way tow
the bac the dar hol The bla sti gav lig lik tor gre col and col the dee the wen int
the cav and Mrs Bun wit lit shi exc col her won sta ver lon sai Tod I�l jus sho the
chi the pil ice and the we� bac the fro par the cav whe the air war Thi sho wil soo
ove and can out aga The wal lit far and sud Ros cri see see big pil ice The lig fro
Far Joe bla sti gli spa mas ice and sno the dee dar par the cav rea ask Mun Bun Tou
and see adv his fat Mun Bun put his lit han the spa pil dre qui bac wit mur won it�
ter col exc It� rea ice all rig lau Far Joe 172 173 174 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut
htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 How doe get her Rus ask The hol the roo the cav the
roo tha mad roc exp the far You can see whe som wat pou now fro the rai The chi loo
and saw dro fal top the pil ice Not muc wat com her the sum win exp Far Joe for now
the hol the roc roo are fil wit bus and lea But the win whe the lea dry out the qui
ope Rai and mel sno run and col her tha big sol chu ice fro But wha mak sta her whe
sum com ask Ros Bec the war sun can shi ins the cav mel the ice exp her fat Tha rig
add Far Joe Som yea can com her eve the mid Aug and cho out chu ice sho thi you cou
mak ice cre sai Rus Som rep Tod cou tha now cri Ros eag hav any fre nor the thi mak
ice cre wit obj her mot Cou tak som the ice hom the wag Rus wan kno Yes you cou tha
sai Far Joe kin For few min lon the six lit Bun rem loo the big mas ice ice the mid
sum The the tor was bur out and was chi aft the war out Mrs Bun tol the chi the fro
the cav But we� com bac and get som the ice mak ice cre sta Rus Yes agr Far Joe had
sai the sto did not las lon Soo the bla clo rol awa the thu and lig cea and the sun
cam out war tha bef Out the ice cav rus the chi mer sho and lau car now cal the mot
The woo are ver wet But dry pla wer fou und thi eve tre and the the six lit Bun pla
unt was tim hom And now for the ice cri Rus the wag was dri clo the ent the cav wan
bre off chu cri Mun Bun But was dec bes not let the sma chi int the ice cav whi pie
wer bei bro off tak the far for ice cre Rus and Ros wer the onl one all see Far Joe
Dad Bun and Ada Nor bre off pie ice wit hea sti woo Out the wag the chu wer car The
the wer cov wit str kee the fro mel too muc Now for som ice cre cri Rus the dro hom
don bel you cou fin ice the sum tim man pla cou you ask Wel his fat tol him Not eve
pla has ice cav tho the are not rar you mig sup Som dee roc gle whe the sun sel shi
hav see ice lat the end May But nev saw rea ice cav bef pol bea cou liv tha cav cou
ask Mun Bun the way hom Yes mig for lit whi sai Far Joe but gue wou mis the oce Pol
bea nee sal wat swi wel ice chu kee the coo 175 176 177 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut
htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 hop pol bea com liv tha cav whi we� her rem Mar Don
wor dar lau her mot Non wil The was ple the ice lef whe the far was rea Rus and Lad
too fro the wag and cra bur bag whi Far Joe bro out som coa sal wit whi mix Sal alw
cau ice mel fas and onl whe ice mel and giv out the col loc tha ice cre can mad Nor
soo had the fre ful mix sug cre and som sli ban sin the chi lik tha fla and lit whi
Rus and Lad wer tur the han sup tim the ice cre was fro and for des the had dai dis
mad fro ice bro the mid sum fro the dar cav The six lit Bun tho qui won The nex day
Ros saw Far Joe car wha see pai thi yel sou cre out the kit Wha are you goi wit tha
ask Ros Are you goi fee the pig For she had oft see sou mil tak the pen the big and
lit squ Giv thi the pig gue not lau Far Joe Thi ric sou cre and sis wer her she wou
chu int but But she gon I�m tak nei Eck His wif wil chu for cou chu ask Ros I�d lov
Far Joe set the pai cre dow cha and rub his chi tho Chu har wor sai Som it� lon whi
bef the but com cou hav chu but I�l get Rus hel and we� tak tur chu cri Ros Ple let
And Far Joe did bro the das chu fro the cel Nor sca out wit hot wat and whe was coo
the sou cre was put and the cov mad fas The Ros too hol the han the das whi was lik
the han bro and mov and dow thr hol the cov Far Joe tol her Chu Chu Ker chu wen the
chu das spl and dow the thi yel cre Som lit gol bal cam the han the das abo the cov
Tha but Ros tol Mun Bun and Mar who wer wat her Mar put out chu fin got yel dab and
tas Tis bit lik but she sai dis wil whe sal her mot tol her Whe Ros gre tir Rus too
tur and did Lad and Vio and soo the das was hea tha non the chi cou lif gue the but
has com sai Far Joe Yes the Loo add too off the cov and the chi saw big gol yel lum
flo abo wha was now whi but for all the cre had bee cha int but How are you goi get
out ask Ros I�l sho you ans Far Joe who had oft wat his sis thi wor mov the fla das
and dow slo tur the whi and min two the was gat the top the das all the flo lum but
The wer lif out and put woo bow and Nor wor out the but lea fin fir yel lum but 178
179 180 181 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 The you are
cri Far Joe Whe sal you may eat som you bre for sup And the six lit Bun did say was
the bes the had eve tas Dad Bun and his wif dra som the but lef the chu aft the but
was tak out But whe Rus tas mad fun fac and cri Sou Ugh Sou cou lau his mot But alw
sou But goo for you and lik the tas You can hav all min sai Rus And don wan any eit
Ros mad has say Thu was tha but was mad and cam out wel exc tha alm the las min Mun
Bun too the plu out the bot the chu and let som the but run ove the flo But Nor soo
wip The nex day Rus dec tha wou mak lar mil for his wat whe the bro tur and Lad off
hel him The two boy wen dow the str wit bit woo ham and nai and the wer bus for som
tim Mrs Bun had tak the oth chi for wal the for not far awa Whi Rus was wor the new
mil Lad pil sto and bit sod top the dam alr bui mak hig the wat bac wou dee The dee
the wat and the hig hav the dam Rus exp Lad the fas the whe wil tur Yes it�
fin agr Lad tug big sto get top the dam Rus was put the new pla mil pla and was
get rea con the wat whe whe sud hea big spl the dam whi cou not see pla bec bus was
the way Wha hap Lad ask Rus Did you dro som the wat dro mys gas Lad Rus I�m all the
way I�m all the way 182 183 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima
105 CHA XIX FIG Rus spr his fee kno asi the pie his mil doi and rus aro the bus see
wha had hap Lad was jus the sma boy had sai had fal the dee par the wat bac the dam
But aft all was not ver dee for the bro was sma one The wat wou not hav bee ove Lad
hea sto upr But the tro was tha Lad had sli was abo lif hea sto top the dam and had
gon dow sid I�m com I�m com Rus sho saw Lad flo and str the wat gue blu blu glu was
wha Lad ans sta say tha gue cou get out him whe his foo sli som mud the bot the bro
and his fac wen und wat Lad cri Rus ala But nee not hav bee wor for Lad man get his
fee aga and thi tim Rus was bes him hol out his han his sma bro hel him sho Are you
hur Rus ask Lad gas for bre and wit wat dri fro eve par him sto the ban the bro I�m
not exa hur Lad ans The smi and sai But I�m awf wet sho say you wer And mud too chu
Rus It� goo thi you had you old clo gue mot won sco muc She exp fal onc twi hea her
tel Far Joe tha How did hap Lad gue tha sto was too hea for alm had whe wan and beg
sli awa fro mad gra for and sli and wen dow and Yes you wen all rig lau Rus Wel com
the hou and get dry thi obj Lad Why not ask his bro Are you afr mot wil sco gue not
But wha the use get dry clo whe may I�l get all wet aga fix the dam lon I�m wet mig
wel fin the dam and the can wor the wat whe Wel may tha the bes way agr Rus won tak
lon fix the dam now and you mig fal aga And Lad did Onc mor was lif sto the top the
dam sli and fel but thi tim onl lau and kep rig wor And whe the dam was fin bui hig
tha mor wat pou ove tur the whe Lad wen the hou and put dry clo His mot who had com
bac fro the woo did not sco him whe tol her wha had hap but she mad him was the mud
fro his clo and han the out dry sin she sai was onl rig tha sho thi sav Nor wor Lad
and Rus had muc fun pla the wat whe and wit the new and lar mil Ros and the oth chi
wen loo the spl mil whe and tho 184 185 186 187 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www
cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 ver fin ind see tha boy sne aro her and thr sto you mil sha
dri him off ask Mun Bun Wha boy Rus wan kno Tha ped boy who too Ros str sho Mun Bun
rep Why hav you see him aga ask Mrs Bun sur Yes saw him goi alo the roa yes Mun Bun
sai But did com and try sel any sho lac He� bet not com aro her aga dec Rus wit fla
eye cle his fis com I�l hit him You mus fig Rus his mot sai But har bel the sam boy
wou sta aro her aft bei bol tak Ros sho the way did mus hav bee som oth ped Mun Bun
was the sam one ins the lit fel and lat the fou out tha was rig Two day aft thi lit
gir who liv dow the roa fro Far Joe hou inv Ros Vio and Mar com par It� fun she did
inv sai Rus She isn goi hav any boy thi tim Ros exp But may she wil nex tim and the
you can May nex tim won wan ans Rus Any we� goi fis now Com Lad All rig agr the oth
Fis mor fun any tha par Can com fis ask Mun Bun Rus and Lad pro loo aft him Mun Bun
mot all the lit fel wit the oth two boy The was sma str lar tha the bro abo hal mil
awa acr Far Joe fie and tow tha pla Rus Lad and Mun Bun wen the aft Now car Rus tha
you bro don fal and don let the get fis hoo the han war Bun for his del Mun Bun was
all fis wit rea hoo and not wit ben pin wit whi nev had any luc Thi was rea fis par
I�l tak car the pro Rus Awa wen the boy ove the fie tow the lit riv Rus mer whi sha
gra ban und big but tre the boy sat dow and cas the bai hoo int the dee wat edd whe
the qui poo the wer sai lar fis Pre the cor the lin att Rus pol beg bob and dow The
wen und wat You hav bit Rus exc cal Lad kno hav Kee sti you sca awa Rus wai mom lon
The cor wen awa und Now hav him cri Rus pul his lin the hoo was goo siz fis whi Rus
lan bac him the gra wis cou get one sig Lad env 188 189 190 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro
Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Loo cor Loo sud cri Mun Bun He� got bit too cri
Lad Pul Mun Bun Pul I�l hel you Lad pul out the lit fel lin and sur eno Mun Bun had
cau fis not lar the one Rus had lan but sti Mun Bun was muc del won I�l get one sig
Lad did lit lat The Rus cau sec one and aft whi Lad sai wou far dow ano hol kne The
fis are bit goo day Rus sai bai his hoo and thr aga lit lat sha fel the gra beh Rus
and Mun Bun Rus tur aro and saw tha ugl ped boy who had tak the sho Ros had bak Huh
sne the ped wal wit pol his han Wha rig you fel got fis her Thi Far Joe lan and we�
sta his hou sai Rus Cou hav rig fis her You hav not cri the ped And you bet get awa
bef mak you I�l pun you tha wha I�l Rus lea his fee and sta tow the ped lad who was
lar tha Rus cri Mun Bun The sud the ped dre bac his fis and str Rus kno him dow 191
Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA YEL AND WHI Mun Bun
fel lik bur int tea see his bel big bro Rus kno dow thi fas was eno mak any sma boy
cry was alm lik the tim whe Rus was nea run ove the tru But sud cam Mun Bun tha mus
bra Rus wer bad hur Mun Bun mus som abo jus wha cou Mun Bun did not kno But fel mus
not cry squ bac the tea sai lat and the did wha per was not jus rig but wha thi mos
chi wou hav don had the boy who sta the fig bee big boy was the ped lad Mun Bun cau
sto and thr the ped boy You let bro alo cri Mun Bun ang I�l thr ano sto you you don
And I�l cal fat I�l get fat now and Far Joe and Ada Tha wha I�l Usu Mun Bun was not
ver str sho wit sto bas Gen whe Mun Bun thr Rus wou lau and say the saf pla was rig
fro the lit fel For Mun Bun sel hit the thi aim How thi tim luc wou hav the sto thr
str the ped boy the sho And the the ped boy ran awa lea Rus lyi the thi the ped boy
ran mor bec wha Mun Bun sai abo Bun bei cal tha bec the sto for was sma one and cou
not hav hur him muc The He� gon Rus cri Mun Bun ran his bro You nee fra any mor Poo
I�m not afr boa Rus aro had bee stu the blo and the fal and rea was not muc hur was
goi get and pun him wen Rus hit too sud wou hav kno dow was jus get hit him ran awa
mad him run cri Mun Bun hit him wit sto and ran awa Goo for you exc Rus and the Lad
cam bac fro dow the str whe had gon fis Wha the mat ask Lad tha mea ped boy was aro
aga sai Rus hit and kno dow hit bef had cha fig him Lad dro his pol and lin Whe cri
the lit fel I�l fix him Mun Bun fix him chu Rus tel wha had hap won wha the mat wit
tha fel any ask Lad whe had loo aro amo the bus and mad sur the ugl ped cha was not
see Wha the mat wit him ste thi and kno fol dow don kno ans Rus wit sha his hea Tha
lik one you rid Lad onl isn eas ans did hav any goo rea for hit We� tel Far Joe him
sai Mun Bun 192 193 194 195 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima
105 And thi was don whe the boy wen bac the hou aft eac cat few mor fis The rea did
ver wel and Mrs Bun sai the had eno for wha Nor cal mes mea eno coo all wou hav som
eat Tha boy ras sai Far Joe whe hea wha had hap I�l tel the con abo him and fin out
whe the ped sta I�l hav him arr And fin him thr Ada Nor I�l set him out amo the bee
and let him get stu thr fou tim Tha wil cur him wan kno peo dow Spe bee sai Bun Far
Joe did you eve fin tha swa tha got awa did ans Far Joe But wis cou for tha was val
que gue the som the woo but I�m afr I�l nev get the bac Rus had lit bru his chi whe
the ped boy had str him and Mot Bun bat the sor spo wit wit haz whi mad fee bet Asi
fro thi lit hap and sma acc tha occ fro day day the six lit Bun had won goo tim Far
Joe The pla all day lon out doo whe did not rai and whe sho the was the big bar the
sum pas man goo thi eat rip the tre the far orc The wer app plu pea and pea and Mrs
Bun had har tim kee the chi fro eat muc fru tha wou mak the ill One day the wer all
out the orc hel gat the app Far Joe Ada ano hir man and Bun wer pic the app and pac
the box and bas sen awa Car was use pic the app not let the fal for the wer bru the
soo rot App tha fel the gro wer not pac and shi awa wit the bes fru Far Joe was ver
par wit his app sai the six lit Bun wer hel pic the app but cou the fou sma one cou
not muc mor tha pic tho tha fel the gro whe the tre was sha the men cli the gre del
Rus and Ros wer all cli som the low tre Mun Bun was run abo the orc lau and hav goo
tim whe sud gav how cal tha boy hit Tha ped boy hit the hea wit sto Loo out for the
ped boy Wha tha cri Far Joe tha ras her Mun Bun sat dow the gro and thi tim cri rea
tea Tha boy hit the hea wit sto sob For tim the was som exc the men com dow out the
tre loo for the ped boy But mom lat alo cam Ral Wat fro the nex far and wit him was
his dog Jim Did you see any ped boy Ral was ask ans don bel Mun Bun was hit sto all
sud exc Mrs Bun loo Mun Bun hea don bel tha ped boy has bee her eit But som hit Mot
ins Mun Bun Yes but was app fal fro one the tre his mot sai Loo her app lea you hai
Mun Bun was app tha hit you 196 197 198 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu
717 pg7 ima 105 And sur eno whe the loo the the gro bes Mun Bun was app The wer mor
sur was bit fru tha had hit him mom two lat for sud Jim the dog let out how and the
all saw app fal and hit the dog the hea Thi mad Mun Bun lau and sai Jim got hit jus
lik did And how pre nea lou chu Rus Per I�d bet tak the sma chi fro the orc sai Mrs
Bun aft whi lot app are fal and som are lar and har tha lit hea mig hur thi it� wel
agr Bun You may gat the egg you wis sai Far Joe It� abo tim tha fun cri Vio wan bas
all mys ins Mar sai Mun Bun for all abo bei hit fal app off the bar wen Mrs Bun wit
Mar and Mun Bun Lad and Vio whi Rus Ros and Ral rem the orc hel pic the app Mos the
hen lai nes the big hen hou bui for the but the wer som the chi tha sto the nes Far
Joe sai goi the bar eve und The chi had bee aro lon eno now kno whe mos the hid nes
wer and the sca and beg loo for the egg Mrs Bun had the bas wit the mos the
egg for she did not dar tru the the chi She was com out the hen hou wit Lad and
Vio whe Mun Bun who had gon int the bar wit Mar cam run his mot cri the lit fel You
oug see her See who ask Mrs Bun Mar gas Mun Bun She all yel and whi 199 200 Six Lit
Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA XXI MAD BUL Vio alm dro her
bas egg she was exc she cri May Mar get the chi pox som lik tha All yel and whi dea
isn chi pox sai Mrs Bun try not lau Tho thi has som wit chi and egg You say Mar all
yel and whi Mun Bun she ask Yes but the yel sho mos It� all ove her fac and her dre
The poo thi mur Vio I�l and hel her off Lad not sto mak rid thi tim tho sai lat tha
had one abo chi and egg cou onl thi She rig aro her und the bar wen Mun Bun lea the
way fro the hen hou Und the bar ask Mrs Bun she cau fas the Mot rep Mun Bun She jus
all whi and yel She cra und the bar get som egg and whe she cam out wit her dre why
now she she sli and she fel dow and and the egg all bus and The she now int Vio the
cam wit sig the unf Mar Wel mig Vio mur Poo dea Mar see cov wit the whi and yel bro
egg fro her hea her fee And Mun Bun sai the yel sho the mos you poo chi exc Mrs Bun
try not lau Com the hou and I�l was you cle Poo Mar Nev min dea for Mar was cry did
mea bre the the egg she sob You s�p Far Joe you s�p he� ver mad cou not Mrs Bun has
say doe min few egg The hen wil lay mor she had rub apr wou hav bee all rig sai Lad
the wen tow the hou How you mea Vio usu ask que Why Mar had had rub apr the whi and
yel the egg wou soa out and she cou car the kit and Nor cou mak cak She say bro egg
are jus goo for cak oth egg Yes agr Vio Cau you hav bre egg any get the int cak But
eve Mar had the rub apr the lot she Tha agr Lad gue eve rub apr wou muc goo The bes
way not bre egg Now I�m goi mak rid abo the And did him sai aft was ver goo rid Lad
wou ask How can you get egg out the she wit bre And aft eve one had giv wou ans You
can Som Lad mad bet rid tha tha 201 202 203 204 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www
cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Mar was was and cle dre was put her and thi tim the men and
Rus and Ros cam fro the app orc and was alm tim for sup Nor had coo goo mea and was
wel tha she had for eve one had hea app Wor the app orc and gat egg mad the all hun
was sev day aft thi tha whe Mrs Bun was tak the fou sma chi for wal thr the fie dis
rum sou was hea tha thu ask Vio loo tow the sky thi not her mot ans the sto dis one
and wil not bre unt get hom isn thu ann Lad aft the rum sou was hea aga Wha Mun Bun
wan kno It� Far Joe bul sai Lad can see him dow tha fie and poi dis pas whi all alo
was the big bul roa aro paw the gro sha his hea and now and the utt the low rum bel
whi sou lik dis thu the bul rem Mrs Bun whe fro dis hil the had wat the pow ani run
abo hop the fen goo and str can get loo sai Vio gue Far Joe wou tur the bul int fie
unl the fen was goo and str rep Mrs Bun Mot wha wou the bul got loo and cha Mar ask
The bes thi sup sai Mot Bun wou run and get the oth sid str fen cou don cli tre Bul
can tre But aft you got int the tre mig hit the tre wit his hea and kno you out and
hoo you mig ask Vio Wel mig rep her mot Per wou bes not any nea the bul But sho com
aft you run awa som get beh fen som He� ter str isn obs Mun Bun wat the bul hit his
hea aga the fen try kno ove ind Bul are ver str sai his mot sho thi Far Joe wou afr
thi one wou kno the fen dow But per all rig How the fen was not all rig els the bul
was str tha was sup for few day lat som ver ala too pla Rus and Ros had bee lef cha
the fou sma Bun whi the fat and mot wen vis dis far who Bun had kno som yea bef Let
dow and loo the wat whe sug Rus for Lad Vio Mun Bun and Mar nev see tir thi Wil tha
old ped boy com and hit you aga Mun Bun wan kno gue he� gon awa ans Rus Dow the bro
the wen mer hap gro chi The thr sto int the wat set lit bit woo afl pre the wer boa
and had goo tim wat the spl wat whe Sud Lad who had wan off lit way gat som bro cat
gro swa pla cam run bac fea sho his fac he� com gas Lad 205 206 207 Six Lit Bun Far
Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Who Tha ped boy dem Rus cle his fis The
mad bul He� com Loo out sho Lad Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7
ima 105 CHA XXI AFT WIL FLO For mom two Rus did not kno whe not Lad was jok The lit
fel oft pla tri and thi mig one the tim But whe Rus loo Lad fac the old Bun boy fel
sur the mus som wro Sti bef get exc abo and per unn fri Ros Mar Mun Bun and Vio mig
wel mak sur Rus ask Whi way com Lad Rig acr the lot was the ans saw him whe was aft
cat He� com rig thi way The we� bet hid beh fen adv Vio The oth day whe saw the old
mad bul paw his fie and mak noi lik thu mot sai sho hid beh fen The isn any fen her
hid beh sai Mun Bun who was beg und wha was all abo Did you hea the bul mak noi lik
thu ask Vio You mig sur she wou put que two mat wha was hap Bef Lad cou ans and whi
Rus and Ros wer thi wha was bes get the you bro and sis out the way the pow bea the
cam fro the nea mea rum sou The goe cri Lad mea her com and he� bel lik thu Cer was
fea sou wan mam wai Mar joi Mun Bun We� tak car you qui sai Ros put her arm aro the
two you chi Rus she whi wha are goi oug hav som red sha the bul cri Vio Red mak bul
awa doe not dec Lad It� jus dif Red mak run you Has any got any red ask anx loo qui
the oth his rel red was see and Lad was gla yet the bul was not sig for the chi wer
one sid the bro and eit ban was fri bus and cat and the hid the onc ani But was not
see was hea and onc mor his lou bel sou Com Run scr Vio Yes we� bet get awa fro her
agr Rus loo abo for saf pla Lad who had pic sto per int thr and may hit the bul the
nos dro the roc Ros had sta ahe wit Mun Bun and Mar and Rus now too the han Vio and
Lad for fel cou hel the run fas thi way The Ros who was lit dis ahe cri out the goo
pla hid Whe ask Rus the old hen hou can the and loc our Com 208 209 210 Six Lit Bun
Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 She poi old and rat ram sor bui tha
had bee use hen hou Far Joe bef bui bet one nea the bar Thi old hen hou was dow nea
the ban the bro and the chi had oft pla Now see jus the ref the nee The old bul can
kno tha hou dow sai Lad It� alm fal any It� bet tha not Rus dec And the isn any fen
hid beh Com the hen hou eve Beh the cam the bel bul The cou hea him roa Mun Bun cal
and loo bac ove his sho Rus saw the pow ani spl his way acr the bro He� sur com aft
the boy tho had hop tha per the bul mig wan off som els scr Mar He� hoo not rea bel
the bul fir had any not run aft the chi had mer got out his pas and was wan abo whe
Lad saw him cam the bro get dri The aft spl int the wat and que his thi saw the six
lit Bun and act ran tow the But the had goo sta and has tow the hen hou Wit bel the
bul too aft the his tai out sti the air his hea dow and his hoo mak the dir fly The
wer per mor rea tha one why the bul cha the chi mig hav tho the had sal giv him for
oft Far Joe and his men gav thi dai the bul and the cow the fie the bul may hav bee
jus pla per his tem was jus ugl har tel som the dif bet pla and tem Bul are str and
lik sho off the str som but the hea aga fen jus for fun see any rat cam thi bul aft
the chi and Rus and Ros has wit the you bro and sis tow the ope doo the hen hou The
rea som lit dis ahe the cha ani the ran Rus clo the doo and pla aga str sti fou the
flo The hen hou was des exc for one chi tha had str lay egg and she fle off the nes
cac sur the chi ent Mun Bun and Mar lau thi and Ros was gla for she did not wan the
too fri She and Rus exp eve mom hea the bul das aga the hen hou doo The boy was afr
thi hap tha the sha doo wou bro the bul cou get But his sur mom lat Lad cri Loo ran
rig pas her And tha jus wha hap The bul cha hea dow had car him wel pas the hen hou
but cou see one sid rus aro Tha one dif bet bul and cow bul cha wit his hea dow and
can wel see whe goi tha one ver act can lea out the way But cow rus you wit hea and
tak bet aim Lad exp thi how hap tha the bul rus pas the hen hou wit doi any dam Ros
bre sig rel and she sai Now don mak any noi and may won kno we� her Kee sti And you
may sur the fou sma lit Bun did ver sti Thr the win the chi wat the bul sto run and
loo abo bel paw the ear and see puz Per was 211 212 213 214 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro
Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 won whe tho chi wen and how tha the all wer tha
the wer the hen hou But bum int he� kno ove whi Lad How the bul did not the sor Per
tho the hen hou was bar and may hav ima bum int wou hav sta and wou rat out the fie
wan abo the hen hou mut and bel dar any one any him cou the chi dar not com out whi
the bul was the and the did not kno wha But the wer gla one thi and thi was tha the
ani did not try com aft the But may wil com sug Lad whi whe Ros and Rus tal abo how
luc was tha the bul had tri but dow the old hen hou don bel he� com now sai Rus Sha
hav sta her all nig Vio wan kno whe the had bee the hen hou nea ten min and the bul
had sho lik goi awa soo don lik her wan out and pla sai Mun Bun but was car not spe
abo whi for cou see the bul thr the dir win the pla Per was wel tha the win wer dir
for the bul cou not loo thr the and see the chi don bel we� hav sta her all nig sai
Rus tho had ide how the wou get awa nor how soo How hel was the way Ada Nor wal dow
tow the bro hea the low mut bel the bul and the saw him mov abo the old hen hou Hel
fin fel how did you get out you pas ask Ada spe the bul one mig dog You bee som mis
I�m sur won Ble sta The chi cri Ada Nor Hav you bee cha the six lit Bun Ada loo abo
but cou see sig the boy and gir fel pre sur the wer saf whe the wer But kne the bul
mus shu his pas mig som dam Cal ano hir man and eac the tak sha pit whi the bul was
muc afr the dro him awa fro the hen hou bac acr the bro and int his pas whe the bro
fen was mad sec The whe Ada and his hel cam bac aft hav dri awa the bul out the hen
hou rus the six lit Bun The had wat Ada and the oth man dri awa the ani but
had not dar com out unt eve was all rig Wer you the all the whi ask Ada Nor Yes
ans Rus ran the whe the bul cha Wel was the bes thi you cou hav don I�m gla not hap
you The old bul may hav int jus pla wit you but eve tos fun bul hor jok sho say not
agr Rus tha hap end saf Peo tal abo the qui lif far Mrs Bun sai her hus whe she cam
hom tha eve and hea wha had tak pla Thi far our vac has bee any but qui 215 216 217
Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 The chi see enj tho sai
Bun Eve bei cha bul app agr wit the nev saw the wit suc app for thi tal too pla the
sup tab the can alw eat lau Mrs Bun I�m gla tha Far Joe mad sur the nex day tha the
bul fen was mad str tha cou not aga get out and all the hir men wer tol ver car the
ope the gat mak pos tha was fas Wha are you chi goi day ask Far Joe the bre tab the
nex mor Are you goi cha any mor bul Why did cha him cha exc Vio loo her mot sur Far
Joe onl jok dea sai her mot and the Vio saw the twi his eye you hav not spe wen Tod
you mig gat som wil flo The goi chu soc and sis gen gat flo dec But she isn her now
We� get the flo for you qui off Mrs Bun Com chi we� the woo and get flo for the chu
The wer soo the way pla whe Far Joe sai man kin wil flo gre All six the lit Bun wen
wit the mot The str thr the fie and dis pas saw the old bul tha had cha the But see
goo nat now for was lyi und tre asl hav rid sud cri Lad Whe bad bul goo bul Aft get
whi may sug Rus Aft the giv him sal sai Ros whe Lad had sai Rus was wro tha isn the
rid giv rep bad bul goo bul whe he� asl He� lik som chi kno sai Mrs Bun wit smi The
the rea the pla whe the wil flo gre and beg pic the The wer man and bea blo Ros was
rea ove gat red blo whe sud she hea que sou nea her Rus she cri It� rat 218 219 Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA XXI MEA BOY Ros dro her
bun wil flo and ran tow her bro for Rus har kne wha als had hea the buz rat sou and
had hea sto how poi rat are Don let him get Don let the sna bit Ros cri don see any
sna Rus ans loo dow the gra His mot and the oth chi wer som dis off don see but hea
Ros exc ver muc exc The Rus hea aga the que sou and onc cam his min wha was had oft
hea bef bac Pin hot sum day jus suc day thi was tow the end the sea Tha isn rat Ros
sai Rus Don bab Wha was the she ask sou jus lik rat mea lik thi one wou sou for nev
saw any was loc ans Rus gue it� thi tre and poi one nea whi the had bee gat flo Yes
it� thi tre see add the sou cam aga Com and wat how fun doe Ros jig its all ove Are
you sur isn sna she ask cou sai Rus Why I�m loo rig now the loc It� low dow nev saw
one low Mos alw whe the sin out lik tha the hig the tre Com qui bef fli awa Ros cam
ove Rus sid She loo whe poi and saw cur win ins tha jus Ros arr beg giv for its que
son And Rus sai the loc see jig all ove Its win and leg tre wit the for the noi mad
Wil bit ask Ros don kno Rus ans I�m not goi put fin nea eno fin out hea Far Joe say
the loc ate mos his gar one yea gue the mus bit som thi Any isn rat I�m gla ans Ros
wit bre rel she pic her sca wil flo any the mat ove the cal Mrs Bun she saw Ros and
Rus mov abo the tre Ros tho she hea rat but was Rus lau Wha was Vio wan kno loc Rus
rep and the all the chi wan see the ins wat vib its tre and mak tha que sou won wha
wou tic him sai Lad And whe tri gen pus the loc wit sma twi the ins qui fle awa gue
the are rat aro her sai Mrs Bun whe the exc had die awa Now wit you flo gat chi mus
get som fin bou for Far Joe The wil flo mad gra dis the Sun sch roo the chu whi was
dec wit the for the ann fes The six lit Bun att for 220 221 222 223 Six Lit Bun Far
Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 sho tim and had lot fun Mun Bun spi his
dis ice cre the lap lad nex who was sit and Mar tip ove her gla lem let run dow the
nec her dre Thi exc her tha she cri I�m get dro I�m get dro But cou she was mad som
exc tho The lad who lap Mun Bun spi the ice cre was ver kin abo She sai was las yea
dre any and now she wou hav goo rea for get new one Whe the six lit Bun wen hom fro
the chu fes Lad tri mak rid abo Mar get wet wit the lem wan mak rid abo her but can
thi jus how sai the lit fel Rus Why not ask Whe Mar lik gol Rus sug Wha wou the ans
inq Lad you cou say whe she tri swi lem rep Rus gue wil dec Lad and had tha for new
rid tho was not cle som had tho all him The wer man hap day spe the woo and fie abo
Far Joe the six lit Bun Eve mor whe the chi aro the was the pro hap tim ahe the And
nea alw the hap exp cam tru Eve whe rai hav sai the chi cou pla the big bar the pil
fra hay the had hel put One fin day whe Far Joe dro int tow wit and Mrs Bun who wan
som sho the six lit Bun wer lef cha Nor and Ada Nor Rus Ros and the oth pla abo the
hou and yar for whi Rus put som imp cal the his wat whe and Ros hel Nor bak cak The
Lad and Vio who had bee pla wit Mun Bun and Mar the swi und the tre cam the hou ask
Can the woo and hav pic cou hav pic wit mot obj Ros Jus lit one beg Vio Cou you giv
few coo som lik tha Nor cou off the woo nea the pla whe pic the wil flo and eat the
Yes you may tha Nor agr for she lik the chi hav fun You had bet wit the tho Ros and
Rus sai the fai coo yes we� pro Ros lit lat wit sma box and bas sim lun the six lit
Bun set off for the woo onc mor The wer lau sin and sho hav fin tim and the had ide
tha the wou tro Rus fou pla whe lit spr bub and was dec the wou eat the lun the whe
the tim cam fro pas exp Rus kne the chi wou thi soo the had eat And not spo pic the
woo not bei abl get dri wat whe you nee Ros and Rus put the lun awa top stu and the
the sma chi beg pla abo und the tre Ros had bro alo par fin dre for 224 225 226 Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 one her dol and she was sew
thi whi Rus cut sti and beg mak whi Tho I�m not sur can mak sai puc his own lip sen
for shr tun Why not ask Lad Wel the bar doe pee off wel now doe the spr Rus ans But
may pou lon eno can sli off hou mor pas ple the chi bus the dif mea hav fun and the
Mun Bun cam tow Ros say I�m hun now wan eat add Mar who gen wan wha she hea Mun Bun
say wan Wel thi can hav lun dec Ros Rus she cal lou whi ans her for Rus had suc str
the bar fro tre bra and had whi out whi tha was lou tha the one for his lip Com we�
goi eat cal Ros and soo all six lit Bun wer wal tow the stu whe the lun had bee lef
But whe the rea the lun was gon Who too dem Ros did You nee loo dec Lad qui som did
pla jok lik thi you cal the jok Are you sur lef thi stu ask Rus cou I�m sur sai Ros
Loo you can see som the cru Rus som one has eat the lun May was bea sug Vio wit lit
shi mix del and fea The are bea her Rus rep imp The may was squ sug Lad squ cou car
awa the box bas and eve dec Ros Sud fro beh the bus cam chu boy voi fir Rus tho per
Ral Wat and his dog Jim had com alo and tha Ral had hid the lun for fun But mom lat
the ugl fac the ped boy loo out fro the bus too you lun sai ate ate all 227 228 Six
Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA XXI STU For mom two the
six lit Bun cou har bel thi dre new fac the two you did not qui und wha the ped boy
sai The Ros exc you cou You cou eat all our lun chu the mea ped boy Yes did was ter
hun and ate all You too you str sho awa fro but you can tak thi lun awa bec ate all
You hor boy cri Ros She sai aft she jus cou hel cal him tha nam eve tho was not ver
pol But the was pol him tha ped boy was You you beg Lad spl som whi oft did whe was
exc Did you tak app For Lad had put the lun spe lit bas app hav the app poc boa the
sho lac boy ate one and I�l eat the oth whe get hom But ate all the res you lun hav
any tha poc Loo her you you ras cri Rus did kno wha the ped nam was but ras see the
rig thi cal him I�m goi tel fat and Far Joe you and the hav you arr thr Rus Poo I�m
not afr boa the ped tho had run onc bef whe tol tha thi wou hap him Rus did not kno
wha The sho lac boy was lar and str Onc Rus had bee kno dow the lad and Rus did not
wan thi hap aga Sti Rus was cow nev wou hav gon aft Vio dol tha day whe the tru was
abo run ove wer cow Rus mad his min mus som cou get the lun bac kne tha but mig pun
the lad who had tak Rus dou his fis and Lad see him did the sam for Lad had ide bot
him onc can fig him Rus whi Lad You him one sid and I�l him the oth cou thi was the
pro way for two sma boy fig one lar one But Rus did not lik fig esp whe Ros and the
oth chi wer the You mea cow tha wha you are cri Rus You sne and too our lun whe wer
the You wou dar tak whe wer aro And thi was tru The ped boy was cow and had wat his
cha sne the lun whe the six lit Bun wer som dis fro Poo don car got you lun any and
tas goo and you can get bac boa the boy dea sig Mun Bun who did qui und wha was all
abo I�m hun So� wai Mar I�m sor sai Ros but the mea boy ate all the lun 229 230 231
232 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 las Lad see una sta
any lon fel tha mus som Com Rus cri Let fig him And Lad all alo rus tow the boy who
was sta the edg the woo Rus kne wou not wis let Lad get nea the big boy Lad mig kno
dow Rus was Rus sta aft Lad Thi loo the ped tho wer goi att And tho boa not bei afr
was fel tha Rus and Lad say not Vio and Ros all wen him tog big and str was wou kno
dow and bea You can cat cri tur run ate all you lun ate all you lun Awa ran tow the
woo Cow You cow shr Vio tau Com Let run aft him beg Lad Rus loo tow the fle boy Lad
sai wou any goo cha aft him He� get awa But he� cow jus the sam He� hor mea tha wha
say dec Ros tak our nic pic lun Now we� hav hom I�m goi tel Far Joe abo him ann Rus
May he� hav him arr sug Vio Sud Lad poi the boy and exc Loo how fun he� act Wha mak
him tha ask lis him yel eja Rus Ind the ped lad was act str was the woo now and was
jum and dow wav his arm abo sla his han his hea and leg and the sam tim cry alo Wha
say ask Ros Har adv Rus The all lis and fro the jum boy cam the wor I�m stu I�m stu
Tak awa som Tak awa I�m stu The Ros cri Bee Bee lot bee are aft him Yes and
the are som buz aro her sai Rus qui mus hav run int hor nes som and som are fly
aro her hea buz did add Vio But the are hor sai Lad Loo The one and poi yel ban ins
laz fly the air abo the Tha hon bee lik tho Far Joe has And loo the lot aro tha boy
cri Ros wha lot bee She poi the woo whe the ras lad was sti lea abo sla him wit his
han and now and the lyi dow the dri lea rol abo Com We� bet run adv Rus The are hon
bee all rig but the sti bad hor swa mus hav got awa fro Far Joe and thi 233 234 235
Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 boy ran rig int Com we�
bef the get aft yet onl one two bee had flo tow the six lit Bun but the sta awa nev
for the was fun rem pic the had lun eat loo The goe run cri Lad poi tow the ped boy
who was dar awa int the woo fas cou fol the clo bee Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt
www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 CHA XXV THE HON TRE The six lit Bun pau mom bef lea the
pic gro whe sad hap los the lun had occ and loo tow the ped boy was cer run har cou
get awa fro the sti ins ser him rig for tak our lun dec Ros tho per she sho hav sai
you s�p the bee kne too our thi And did the sti him bec the lik and bec Far Joe has
bee lik the bee ask Vio loo hon ins per flo Vio see thi bes ask man que onc pos But
one too the tro ans the Rus and Ros wer anx get the sma chi out the way the bee Com
chi We� got hur jus Rus say sai Ros goi rai ask Mun Bun Gen whe the was sho com kne
the nee has isn goi rai sai Rus did wou sen the bee int she and the wou tak aft tha
boy you thi the stu him muc ask Ros Fro the way yel sho say the stu him pre har Rus
ans I�m gla the did com our way thi tim the wer som dis fro the pic gro and bee wer
buz aro the you thi the wer Far Joe bee ask Ros Rus the wal tow the hou I�m pre sur
was his rep one els aro her kee hon bee Are the any oth kin bee exc hon bee wan kno
yes ans Ros Ask mot abo the dad Wha the mat chi did you hav fun you pic Nor wan kno
whe the six lit Bun cam str bac som hou bef she exp the Far Joe and and Mrs Bun wer
sti tow Yes had som fun ans Ros But had com bac get mor lun for she had dec was not
yet lat the cou bac the woo You wan mor lun cri the goo nat coo Ble and sav dea But
you ate all tha and wan mor wou dar giv you You mot wou lik You get sic But did eat
cri Lad You did Who did The ped boy And the the sto was tol abo the bee and eve Nor
lau whe she hea how the bad boy had bee sen how int the woo the sti the hon ins and
she qui put ano lun for the chi But you bac the sam pla eat she sai tha sam ped boy
may tak aga 236 237 238 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105
won cri Rus doe I�l tak big clu alo thi tim And we� hid the lun whe can fin add Lad
gue we� hun we� eat soo get the woo and the the won any lef for him tak obs Vio And
thi was vot the bes ide all But may the bee mig sti you sai Nor Per you had bet sta
aro her and eat tha you ans Rus We� jus lit way int the woo not far bef and the the
bee won com But did any swa get awa fro her Nor was swa bee saw the woo cha tha ped
boy did hea any swa get awa fro her sai Nor But the don kno muc abo bee Bet ask Ada
Bef sta off the sec pic Rus fou the hir man and inq abo the swa bee the did com fro
her sai Ada I�v bee aro the orc all day and I�v see bee sta out tak exc wit the que
The mus fro som els but don kno any one who has bee aro her exc Far Joe The chi gav
lit mor tho the bee bec the wer hun and wan hav fun off the woo eat the sec lun tha
Nor had put for the Thi tim bad boy too the goo thi and the six lit Bun had the cak
and san for the was whi the wer wal alo the roa the way hom lat the aft tha the car
Sno pas the The six lit Bun had met Sno few wee bef whe one Far Joe hir men had cut
his foo wit axe The doc had cal the far sev tim and now kne eve one fro Mun Bun Rus
See the doc dri pas hur and kno tha thi tim and Mrs Bun mus hom Rus beg won acc had
hap any one sic Far Joe cal Rus the doc car dro pas lit man I�m gla say ans Sno pul
his hor sto I�m not goi sto Far Joe I�m way see ped boy who liv the oth sid the val
The tel com see him has bee bad stu bee tha mus our boy cri Ros You boy exc the doc
mea the one who too our lun and Ros rel the sto Yes ver lik it� the sam boy sai the
phy wit smi Wel I�l the bes can for him But thi thi wil les him The doc dro and the
six lit Bun hur the hou and soo wer tel the fat and mot all tha had hap dur the day
Wha tha ask Far Joe whe hea the tal Som bee cam out the woo and stu the boy you say
You sho hav hea him yel rem Rus Wel don lik see any one hur wen Far Joe But thi sto
bee the woo str one swa hav lef hiv lat and say wai hav ide sud cri 239 240 241 242
Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 Did you see hol tre any
nea the pla the bee swa out the boy and stu him ask the far Rus was the ans wer clo
eno see hol tre But cou see the bee And cou see the boy dan add Lad Hum mus Far Joe
It� jus pos now pro tha the bee are the sam swa tha wen awa wit fif dol que soo aft
you six lit Bun arr fac I�m pre sur the bee but I�m goi fin out for cer Tha wha I�m
goi How can you ask Bun I�l get you chi sho nea the can the pla the bee stu thi ped
boy and I�l loo aro the for mis swa and the que The mus hav mad hom for the som hol
tre tho bee mus and whe the boy wan too nea the swa out and stu him for the tho was
aft the hon the had sto the But the run bee rus out and stu the boy won the com out
and sti you you try get the bac ask Mrs Bun I�l wai unt col wea unt the bee are asl
the tre and the fin the can saf bri the wit get stu sai Far Joe wou str you chi sho
the mea fin los que I�d ver gla get her bac May the ped boy cou tel whe the bee tre
sug Ada Nor gue won wan tal abo bee for lon whi chu Far Joe Sno had sto the far his
way hom aft vis the lad and had sai the boy was bad stu His fac swe lik bal sai the
phy and can see out his eye you wan fin tha hon tre Joe you hav loo for you And thi
Tod did the nex day the mig con wal onl the fou old chi wen alo wit the fat and Far
Joe The rea the fir pic gro and Ros poi out the fla stu whe the lun had bee lef bef
the ped lad too The nea the cou rem the chi poi out whe the woo the saw the lea sla
ped boy For was the tha the bee beg sti him And man cam out onc mus hav bee nea the
hon tre tha hap sai the far Lad and Rus and the two gir fol the fat and Tod ove int
the woo was ver sti and ple the sun shi dow thr the gre lea see som bee sud cri Lad
The who pro the poi off one sid and the fli thr the sun and sha the for cou see num
bee dar bee wit yel str ban the bod Tha kin bee the Ita sor sai Far Joe whe had obs
two thr nea han gat hon fro wil flo But whe the hav the nes mea the hiv ask Rus som
aro her ans Far Joe mus loo for hol tre But mov car don wan any you get stu tho bro
smo mac Gue I�l sta goi bui smu fir ins the tin fun wit the bel ben and soo smo was
bei puf out int the air Thi kep the bee awa fro the sea for 243 244 245 Six Lit Bun
Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 105 the hon tre Sud Rus exc hea hum sou
It� lik the hum you bee mak the hiv Joe hea too sai Vio The loo and lis and the off
one sid the saw man bee fly thr the hol tre was hol tre tha was evi and was dea one
Kee bac all you sai Far Joe and I�l soo fin out the are bee the Whi the oth mov bac
tos sti aga the tre str wit hol sou and ins clo bee fle out The the are bee cri Far
Joe The que mus wit the for the bee wou sta and mak hon wit que Wel now tha kno whe
the are I�l mar thi tre and whe col wea com I�l com her and tak bee bac aga bee and
the fif dol que Are you gla hel you fin the ask Lad Ind lit man Tha you sai Far Joe
And nig you sha hav hot bis and hon for sup Mar the loc the tre cou eas fou aga Far
Joe ret the hou wit Bun Rus and Lad and the two gir The had fou wha the set out fin
and lat aft the six lit Bun ret hom the cam let fro Tod say had got his que and swa
bee bac and tha als the hol tre was fou fif pou goo hon bee kep wor for eve the ran
awa fro hom sai the let Wit the fin the los swa the mos exc adv the six lit Bun Far
Joe cam clo The did not ret hom onc for sum was not ove and Mis Tod was not rea com
hom But the ped boy did not aga bot the Fro Sno was lea tha the sho lac cha wen bac
the cit sel thi aft his bee sti wer cur And thi nev aga too the pic lun any lit boy
and gir Wel Mot and chi mus soo beg thi get bac hom sai Dad Bun one day aft ple tri
the woo and fie it� too soo hom yet sig Rus wan sta unt the pum are lar eno mak int
jac lan wan gat som pop sai Ros Cou sta unt che are rip ask Lad I�m afr not sai his
fat mus get bac rea est bus and you chi mus get rea for sch But lea one wis cam tru
for few day lat Far Joe bro int the hou big yel pum tha had rip fas tha any the oth
Out thi Rus mad jac lan and and the chi had jol par aro the hou tha eve And the sum
the six lit Bun Far Joe cam end and the all sai was one the hap tim the had eve spe
246 247 248 Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 100 105 THE END
Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 101 105 SIX LIT BUN SER LAU
LEE HOP Aut The Bob Twi Boo The Bun Bro Ser The Mak Bel Ser Etc Dur Bou Ill Uni Sty
Bin Del sto for lit boy and gir whi spr int imm pop kno the six lit Bun tak the onc
you hea the are int hum ful fun and cut say Eac sto has lit plo its own one tha can
eas fol and all are wri Mis Hop mos ent man Cle who vol whi oug the boo eve chi the
Gut htt www cac epu 717 pg7 ima 102 105 THE BOB TWI BOO For Lit Men and Wom LAU LEE
HOP Aut The Bun Bro Ser Etc 12m DUR BOU ILL UNI STY BIN Cop pub whi can obt els Boo
tha cha the hea the lit one and whi the nev tir THE BOB TWI THE BOB TWI THE COU THE
DEE BLU SEA THE BOB TWI THE GRE WES Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac epu
717 pg7 ima 103 105 THE BUN BRO SER LAU LEE HOP Aut the Pop Bob Twi Boo Wra and tex
ill dra FLO ENG NOS 12m DUR BOU ILL UNI STY BIN The sto the aut the Bob Twi Boo are
eag wel the lit fol fro abo fiv ten yea age The eye fai dan wit del the liv doi inq
lit Bun Bro and his cun tru sis Sue Bun was liv lit boy ver inq Whe did any Sue fol
his lea The had man adv som com the ext BUN BRO AND HIS SIS SUE BUN BRO AND HIS SIS
GIV SHO BUN BRO AND HIS SIS SUE CHR TRE COV Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac
epu 717 pg7 ima 104 105 THE MAK BEL STO Tra Reg LAU LEE HOP Aut THE BOB TWI BOO ETC
Col Wra and Ill HAR SMI thi fas lin boo Mis Hop has the var toy com lif whe nob loo
and she put the thr ser adv int can pos ima THE STO SAW DOL How the toy hel par the
Toy Cou how the Saw Dol was tak the hom nic lit gir and wha hap her the THE STO WHI
ROC HOR was bol cha and man pur him for his son bir Onc the Hor had the Toy Hos and
wha sig saw the THE STO LAM WHE She was dai cre and sai bou her and too her lit gir
rel and she had gre tim THE STO BOL TIN SOL was Cap the Com and mar and dow the sto
nig The wen liv wit lit boy and had the tim his lif THE STO CAN RAB was con dan los
his lif bei eat But had ple fun and oft saw his man fri fro the Toy Cou THE STO MON
STI was mig liv and cou man tri The boy who own him gav sho and man the Mon fri wer
amo the act THE STO CAL CLO was tru com cha and all the oth toy lov him gre THE STO
NOD DON mad hap the lif lit lam boy and did lot oth goo dee THE STO CHI CAT The Cat
had man adv but enj her mos the tim THE STO PLU BEA Thi fel cam fro the Nor Pol sto
for whi the toy sto and was the tak the sea his lit mas THE STO STU ELE was wis loo
ani and had gre var adv GRO DUN PUB NEW YOR Six Lit Bun Far Joe Pro Gut htt www cac
epu 717 pg7 ima 105 105 Tra Not 196 Cha bat the sor spo wit wit haz bat the sor spo
wit wit haz

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