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Group members
Class 12 C
Lakshita (12306) Mikael (12307) Pragathi (12312)
Samana (12315) Shreya (12321) Suchir (12323)

Introduction to Project - Topic

Our project’s topic is Hazards of Making Online Friends. In today’s
world there is a marked rise in the role that social media plays in our
lives. This opens up access to various social media platforms for
teenagers to explore including posting content, making friends etc. But,
it’s important to have beforehand knowledge about the advantages and
hazards for using them.

Aim of our project

This brings us to the aim of our project. We aim to reveal the dark side
of making online friends - a side that’s often masked, misunderstood
and is underestimated in its true perils. It’s the part beneath the tip of
an iceberg that cannot be seen.

We are going to do this by making a short-film. A short-film carries all
the advantages of sharing a true look into our topic and an effective way
of delivering our message.
Our work will be divided as follows:

Work Name Time required

Script-writing Pragathi and Samana 5 days

Project Report Samana and Suchir 1 week

Cameraman/woman Lakshita, Shreya and Simultaneous with final

Suchir enacting

Video and audio Lakshita and Mikael 1 week


Props and Costumes Pragathi and Shreya 4 days

Actors/ Actresses All Depends on number of

From Bytes to Betrayal

● Vanya (MC) -
● Riya/Vanya’s best friend (MC) -
● Perpetrator/Raj (MC) -
● Vanya’s mother -
● Tuition Teacher -
● Policeman -

● Scene:1 - Books, bags
● Scene:3 - Laptop
● Scene:4 - Stationery for the project work
● Scene:5 - Makeup items
● Scene:6 - Handcuffs, police uniform

Scene 1
Setting - Tuition
Teacher: (a+b)^2=a^2+b^2+2ab…blah blah
(notification sound rings)
Teacher: Put your phones on silent mode.
Vanya: Sorry sir
(Sir continues teaching but she is still texting underneath the desk,
doesn’t realize that sir comes near her and sees her phone)
Sir: Oh, so this is where your concentration is these days?
(Vanya’s surprised and tries to cover up, switches her phone off)
You kids these days are so glued to the screen. In our time, we didn’t
have any phone, TV or laptop. No wonder your attention span has
reduced so much…
Riya: Sir, it’s 8:30 pm. We need to leave.
(All students repeat in chorus)
Sir: Fine, but I want these two exercises done for homework. The class is
(Everyone leaves)
Scene 2
(Vanya and Riya are walking back home)
Riya: (smirks)I bet you were watching that K-drama during class right?
Vanya: (hesitates) No, I finished the latest episode yesterday. I
was…chatting with someone.
Riya: (teases) Oooh, is it that new guy?
Vanya (flustered) No, it’s not him! It’s a new guy I met online.
Riya: (her face gets serious) Online?! Why? When? Where? Who?
How?-bro! (shakes her arm)
Vanya: (gets defensive) Calm down bro! I’ve known him for three -no,
three and a quarter weeks now. His name is Raj. He’s so sweet and he
has a good sense of humor.
Riya: Are you crazy? Do you even know where is he from? Have you
ever seen his face? Are you even sure that’s his real name?
Vanya: Stop being my mom. (pulls out her phone) See how cute he is!
And his texts are even cuter! (squeals)
Riya: (sees phone and mimics puking) Seems like “your Raj'' knows only
how to copy paste cheesy google dialogues.
Vanya: (snatches her phone back, ‘humph’) You’re just jealous.
(they reach Vanya’s house and she goes to the gate)
Riya: Fine, but whatever you do, please be careful. (dramatic acting)
Stranger Danger!
Scene 3
(Vanya’s in her room, video-calling Raj. He picks it up)
Raj: Hey baby!
Vanya: (giggles) How was your day?
Raj: Not bad. But after hearing your voice, it’s very good! (Vanya rolls
her eyes) Switch on your video na.
Vanya: (obediently switches it on. Smiles, kind of blushes) What about
your video? I can’t see you.
Raj: There’s a power cut here. And my phone’s low on battery as well.
Vanya: (she isn’t fully convinced but nods nevertheless)
Raj: Aw, don’t feel so bad. You can stare at me how much you want,
once we meet.
Vanya: I am so excited to meet you! But, (falters) how will we meet? I
really want to invite you home and introduce you to my parents, but I
am wondering how I’ll tell them.
Raj: No, no, no. That’s a bad option. Why can’t we meet up outside?
Just you and me. It’ll be our secret.
Vanya: But why not tell our parents? I am sure-
Raj: No, try to understand baby. Our parents won’t let us meet if we tell
them. They’ll be suspicious and ask us all sorts of questions. Just this
one time, come without telling them. Nothing will happen.
Vanya: Um, then-
Vanya’s mom: (knocks on the door) Vanya, what are you doing there?
Come on, dinner is ready. I’ve made your favorite dish.
(Vanya gets scared)
Vanya: (whispers) I’ll have to go now. Bye. (Immediately closes her

Scene 4
(Next day - Riya comes home to work for some project. They’re in her
room, and Riya notices Vanya’s still on her phone. Gets irritated)
Riya: You’re still chatting with that guy, right? Stop texting and help
me with this.
Vanya: Yeah, just give me 2 mins. We are planning when to meet.
Riya: What??!! (shocked expression) You guys are meeting?!
Vanya: (casually) Yeah. Tell me, shall I meet him on 14th or 15th?
Riya: (wide-eyed, firm tone) You’re NOT meeting him. That’s it.
Vanya: No, bro. The plan’s already been made. You handle Mom while I
go there.
Riya: (gets up) No, I am not part of this! Meeting him alone is not safe!
Do you even know what his intentions are? I-I just feel it’s not right to
trust a stranger so much!
Vanya: (gets defensive) That stranger has a name, okay?! (hugs her from
behind) Bro, you’re my best friend. You’re supposed to support me and
be by my side!
Riya: Exactly! I am your best friend and that's why I am telling this for
your own good! Don’t meet him!
Vanya: (gives puppy-eye look) Please, please, please. It’s just for one
hour! I’ll meet him and immediately come back! Pleaseeeee.
Riya: (sighs, gives a side-glare) Fine! But you're only going to meet him
in a public place. Give me the details of where and when you’re meeting
him - only then I’ll allow you to go.
Vanya: Omg, yes, yes, yes!!! (Gives a bear-hug) Thank you so much.
You’re the best! So, I’ll tell my mom that I am coming to your place
while I go meet Raj.
(She opens her phone and texts Raj - ‘Yay, I am coming to meet you!’
He then sends the location and date and time+heart emoji)
Vanya: We’re meeting at _____!! (excited tone-jumps along with
one-sided hug)
Scene 5
(Vanya is getting ready when her mother comes there)
Mother: Why are you so dressed up? Where are you going?
Vanya: (nervous) To my Riya’s house. To complete the project.
Mother: Then why all this makeup and earrings…? (grins and jokes) Or
are you meeting a guy?
Vanya: No, no, no Mom. Of course not. I-I will be, um, going to a
restaurant with my Riya to eat later.
Mother: (laughs) Of course, I know my darling daughter will never hide
things from me. (Hugs her) Enjoy your day.
(Vanya tries to cover her guilty expression while she goes away)
(She reaches the cafe and sits at an empty table, looking around for Raj)
(Her phone rings and she picks it up)
Vanya: Hi Raj! Yeah, I have reached the cafe, where are you?
Raj: (in a weak, pained voice) I was just coming to meet you. But my
bike skidded and my knee is bleeding badly. Could you please come
Vanya: (shocked, believes it) Oh my god! I am coming there right
now-I’ll be there in a minute!
(She goes away from the cafe and right then, Riya reaches there by auto
and sees Vanya. She becomes suspicious and calls her)
(Phone rings and Vanya picks it up)
Riya: Where are you going?
Vanya: (panicky voice) Raj’s hurt. He is bleeding - he is on the adjacent
road. I am going there now!
Riya: No, Vanya don’t! I am telling you - I am getting a very bad feeling
about this-don’t go-
Vanya: I can’t just leave him there like that! I am going. (Ends the call)
(Riya gets worried, fears something will go wrong. Follows Vanya and
calls the police.)
Scene 6
(Vanya reaches there and finds a car with a totally unhurt Raj. He’s on
his phone so he doesn’t notice her)
Raj: She’s a top-notch product. You can sell her at a very good price. I’ll
deliver the girl at the godown tonight.
Vanya: (disbelief, gets afraid but doesn’t show it on her face. She taps his
shoulder) Raj?
Raj: (taken by surprise but quickly masks it) I’ll call you back later.
Yeah. (ends the call and turns towards her, Vanya steps back) Vanya! You
look so pretty today. (approaches her)
Vanya: (is shaking, fumes) Don’t try to act now! I heard you! I know
what your true intentions are!
Raj: (pauses, an evil expression surfaces on his face) Well…since you
already know the truth, let’s get to the main part, shall we?
(Lunges at her, pulls her by the arm and tries to push her into the car)
(Vanya screams and right then the police siren is heard)
(The police vehicle arrives and stops in front of Raj’s car, the policeman
and Riya get down. Vanya runs towards them while “Raj” tries to
escape. But the policeman catches him and drags him to the police
Policeman: (aggressively) Your game is over! Now come to the police
station! I’ll make sure you spill out just how many people you’ve been
deceiving like this!
(Vanya and Riya hug, she is crying).
Scene 7
(Vanya and Riya are on the terrace)
Riya: (puts a comforting hand on her shoulder) Apparently, that man is
a regular human trafficker. He has worked with other people and
cheated dozens of girls and tried to sell them. The police are currently
finding the others behind this.
Vanya: (sniffs) I can’t believe I… fell for him so-so easily. I-I actually
thought he’s a genuine friend.
Riya: I know what happened was not right and you have learned your
lesson. Online platforms aren't always the right place for finding
friends. There are so many online predators who use this as an
opportunity to commit crimes.
Vanya: Yeah, I learned my lesson the hard way. But I’m confused… How
did the police arrive without any information?
Riya: (chuckles, points to herself in a “Of course, I did it” way)
Vanya: (laughs) What would I ever do without you? (hugs her)


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