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Living in a safe house is an important thing, but not everyone need to go to

something big to protect their home. My small wooden house may not have the most
advanced security features, but Im fortunate to live in a friendly neighborhood where
crime is relatively low. While I do not have locks on my windows or a security
system installed, I still take some basic precautions to make my home less attractive
to burglars. Firstly, I always lock my front door before leaving the house, even if Im
only going out for a short period of time. A locked door can act as a refuse for
burglars. Additionally, I make sure to keep the windows closed when Im not at home,
as an open window can be an invitation for intruders. Secondly, I draw the curtains
on all of my windows before leaving the house, which makes it more difficult for
anyone outside to see what's inside. This can help to reduce the possibility of burglars
who may be looking for easy targets. Finally, I keep a low profile when it comes to
my property. I do not display any expensive items, such as jewelry or electronics, in
plain sight through my windows, which can help to reduce the temptation for burglars
to break in. In conclusion, while my small wooden house may not have the most
advanced security features, I take basic precautions to make it less burglar-friendly.
Living in a friendly neighborhood also helps to reduce the probability of crime. By
locking the front door, keeping the windows closed and drawing the curtains. I can
feel safe in my home.

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