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Medical and Health Idioms fit as a fiddle -- to be healthy and physically fit

My grandfather is ninety years old but he is as fit as a fiddle.

2. as pale as a ghost -- extremely pale

My grandfather was as pale as a ghost when he entered the hospital.

3. at death's door -- very near death

The sales manager was at death's door after his heart attack.

4. back on one's feet -- physically healthy again

My mother is back on her feet after being sick for two weeks.

5. break down -- to lose control of one's emotions, to have a nervous collapse

The woman broke down while the lawyer questioned her at the trial.

6. break out in a cold sweat -- to perspire from fever or anxiety

I usually break out in a cold sweat when I have to make a speech.

6.Come down with (something)-- to become sick with something, to catch an illness

My niece came down with a cold and was unable to visit me last week.

7.feel on top of the world-- to feel very healthy

I have been feeling on top of the world since I quit my job.

8.fill a prescription-- to get some medicine from a pharmacy (drug store) with the orders from a doctor

The man went to the drug store to fill a prescription.

8.give birth-- to have a baby

The woman gave birth to a baby boy last night.

9.go under the knife-- to have an operation in surgery

The woman went under the knife at the hospital last evening.

10.have one foot in the grave-- to be near death (usually because of old age or illness)
My uncle is very sick and has one foot in the grave.

11. head shrinker- - a psychiatrist

The man went to see a head shrinker after his recent problems at work.

12. in surgery -- undergoing surgery, doing surgery

The patient was in surgery for several hours this morning.

13 pass away -- to die

The man's father passed away when he was 96 years old.

14. run a fever/temperature- - to have a higher than normal body temperature

The girl has been running a fever this week.

The little boy is running a temperature and should stay in bed all day.

15. under the weather -- not feeling well

My boss has been under the weather all week and has not come to work during that time.

Home Remedies
A home remedy is a treatment to cure a disease or ailment that employs certain spices,
vegetables, or other common items

1. stomachache- Mix egg, coffee, Lemon Leaves; boil and after put it in a cloth and place it on
the stomach

2. Diarrhea - tea from a head of garlic with a liter of water. Boil the garlic for 10-15 minutes,
then drink it all and wait.

3. Fever and cough - Tea From Cinnamon, honey and Lemon mixed
Find out
1. Cataract __ apply a cloth dipped in milk on the affected area.

2. Constipation __ Eat papaya before breakfast everyday

3. Wrinkles __ Apply beaten egg whites, let it dry and then wash off.

4. Insomnia _ Grind fresh ripe grapes and drink without adding any water

5. Cold and Cough _ Eat raw carrots regularly and also consume fresh carrot juice, twice a day.

6. Sunburn – Take half a teaspoon of ginger juice with half a teaspoon of honey, 3 times a day
7. Migraines _ Drink 2 glasses of orange with a table spoon of honey at bed time.

8. Snoring_ Take 2 to 3 sips of olive oil before going to bed

9. Dandruff _ Mix olive oil and almond oil in equal proportions. Leave it for about 5 minutes

Answer key:, 6, 2, 3, 7, 1, 5, 4, 8, 9

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