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Philippine Nursing Students Association



Partuat Ni Florence Nightingale aims to promote teamwork and unity among student nurses,
foster financial responsibility, and inspire pride in the nursing profession during Student Nurses'

1. Creative Booth Setup
Teams are strongly encouraged to express their creativity in designing their booths in the most
imaginative way possible, while adhering to the designated 2ft. x 2ft. space in front of the
nursing main building.
2. The teams are as follows:
➢ Team A: BSN 1-A & BSN 1-B
➢ Team B: BSN 1-C & BSN 1-D
➢ Team C: BSN 2-A & BSN 2-B
➢ Team D: BSN 2-C & BSN 2-D
➢ Team E: BSN 1-E & BSN 2-E
➢ Team F: BSN 3-A & BSN 3-B
➢ Team G: BSN 3-C & BSN 3-D
➢ Team H: BSN 4-A & BSN 4-B
➢ Team I: BSN 4-C & BSN 4-D
3. Pre-Event Preparation
Each participating team is required to submit a plan to the PNSA Organization. Submission
should be made 3 to 5 days prior to the event which will be held on October 23, 2023. These
plans must encompass the following elements:
● Food: In case teams plan to offer food, they should provide a detailed menu with
descriptions and prices.
● Cooking Materials: If applicable, teams must specify the cooking materials and
equipment to be used, with a strong recommendation against bringing sharp materials
such as knives.
● Goods for Sale: Teams planning to offer goods or services for sale should list these
items, including clothing, accessories, wellness services, or any other items, along with
their corresponding prices.

Kindly see attached format of the table below:

Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
Philippine Nursing Students Association


Item Price

Fries Php 20.00/cup



Medium Php 25.00

Large Php 50.00



Small Stove

4. Booth Presentation
Each booth should provide a visually appealing and informative display:
● Menu or Goods List: Clearly display the menu or list of goods and services to be sold,
along with their corresponding prices, in an attractive manner in front of the booth.
● Decorations: Decorate the booth in a manner that aligns with the chosen theme or
purpose, whether it pertains to clothing, food, or services. Engage visitors with
aesthetically pleasing visuals.
● Pricing and Payment Methods: Ensure that prices are clearly indicated, and accepted
payment methods are prominently displayed.
5. Waste Management
Every team should practice CLAYGO since they are responsible for maintaining cleanliness at
their respective booths;
● Trash Bag: Each team is required to have one trash bag per team. Officers of the PNSA
will conduct a pre-set-up check to ensure compliance. Teams found without trash bags
will be discouraged from participating in the activity.
6. Participation
All students from each team (section) are required to participate to the said activity.
7. Fines
Each student of the team who opts not to participate or attend to the activity is required to pay
PHP 50.00/student as stipulated in the constitution-and-by-laws.
It is important to note that the primary objective of this activity is to foster camaraderie,
creativity, and a sense of community among student nurses. Therefore, all expenses associated
with this event should be covered by the respective teams, and any income generated should
be shared among the team members.

Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
Philippine Nursing Students Association


To foster teamwork, enhance nursing skills, and promote camaraderie among student
nurses through a series of fun and educational challenges.

General Rules
1. Each team will consist of four members, one from each level, regardless of section, and
each team will have a designated team captain. PNSA Level Representatives will be
sending a Google Form for the team captain and members to fill out with their names,
year level, section, and chosen team name.
2. Each section must provide one representative for the competition. Failure to provide a
representative, the section will be subjected to a penalty worth PHP 50.00 each student
as stipulated in the organization’s Constitution and By-Laws.
3. Teams should have distinct uniforms, badges, or other forms of identification (e.g.
bandana, team shirt, headband) for easy recognition.
4. The challenges will be per station, whichever team finishes the challenges of each
station first will win.
5. Teams should accomplish the challenges per station in order to move to the next station.
6. Facilitators (PNSA and KN officers) will oversee and evaluate each event.

Event Mechanics
1. Bandaging
a. Objective: Teams compete to apply bandage correctly and neatly.
b. Rules:
i. Teams are given a standard bandage and a scenario, wherein the
members have to choose the right type of bandaging depending on the
specific injury indicated in the scenario.
ii. One member applies the bandage to another member. The other
members can assist in bandaging as they see fit

2. Putukan Na!
a. Objective: Team members pop all the balloons in the shortest period of time to
move to the next station.
b. Rules:
i. The members will have to pop balloons on the lap of another member
using their buttocks.
ii. The team will have to pop all eight balloons in order to move to the next
iii. Pinching of balloons and use of pointed objects during the game is
strictly prohibited.

Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
Philippine Nursing Students Association

3. Nursing Knowledge Quiz:

a. Objective: Teams answer nursing-related medical questions in a quiz format.
b. Rules:
i. A designated quizmaster asks questions to each team. Topics shall cover
nursing courses from Level I to Level IV (e.g. Anatomy and Physiology,
Maternal and Child Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing).
ii. Teams have a limited time (e.g., 60 seconds) to discuss and provide their
iii. Correct answers earn points, and incorrect answers result in deductions.
iv. Questions cover various nursing topics, including anatomy,
medications, and patient care.

4. Patient Transfer Relay:

a. Objective: Teams demonstrate proper patient transfer techniques.
b. Rules:
i. Teams are assigned with a simulated patient and necessary transfer
ii. The relay includes tasks such as transferring the patient from a point to
a point stated by the facilitator.
iii. Teams must prioritize patient safety during transfers.

5. Simulated Medical Emergency Response:

a. Objective: Teams respond to a simulated medical emergency, demonstrating
their ability to assess the situation and provide initial care.
b. Rules:
i. A realistic medical emergency scenario is presented (e.g., a simulated
cardiac arrest).
ii. Teams must assess the situation, initiate CPR, and use available
equipment appropriately.
iii. Facilitators evaluate the teams' response based on accuracy,
communication, and adherence to protocols.

6. Medication Administration Challenge:

a. Objective: Student nurses demonstrate their proficiency in medication
b. Rules:
i. Teams are presented with a scenario where they must calculate and
administer medications.
ii. Facilitators evaluate accuracy in medication calculation, preparation,
and administration.

Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
Philippine Nursing Students Association

7. Team Communication Challenge:

a. Objective: Teams practice effective communication skills during a simulated
patient handoff.
b. Rules:
i. Teams are given a simulated patient case and a limited time to prepare
a report and handoff to another team.
ii. Facilitators assess the quality of the report, including the completeness
and clarity of information.
8. Pictionary-Race
a. Objectives: To create an enjoyable and inclusive event that combines physical
activity and creative expression, fostering teamwork, fun, and social interaction
among participants
b. Rules:
i. Two members of each team will be the trackers and the other two will
be the guessers.
ii. The racers will be at the starting line and will form a queue so that the
first one will be the first tracker.
iii. The tracker will go inside the sack (waist-high) and will race to the finish
iv. After the tracker reaches the finish line, he shall draw a concept related
to nursing and will illustrate it to the board (pictionary)
v. The guessers will stand beside the board and will guest the illustrated
concept drawn by the tracker.
vi. If the team guessed the concept, the tracker would race to the starting
line, switching to the second tracker.
vii. The game will end if the fourth tracker crosses the starting line.

- Form teams with one participant as a racer and the other as a drawer/guesser.
- Racers complete a sack race to a designated finish line while their partners draw and guess
Pictionary-style clues.
- The drawing/guessing rounds are timed, typically 1-2 minutes per turn.
- Scoring is based on sack race time, accuracy in drawing/guessing, and creativity in drawing.

1. The team who will finish all stations and reach the end first wins the Nurselympics First
2. The team who will finish all stations and reach the end second wins the Nurselympics
Second Prize
3. The team who will finish all stations and reach the end third wins the Nurselympics
Third Prize

Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
Philippine Nursing Students Association


Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
Philippine Nursing Students Association




Purpose: This activity aims to appreciate student nurses’ creativity and talent, and serves as
an activity for a cause to promote sustainability and eco-growth. The nursing students will
have the opportunity to express their hidden talents through the creation of dresses and
costumes using materials from trash. Whereas, this activity should be joined by all bonafide
nursing students.

1. There should be one (1) entry per section level.

2. Each section's escort will serve as the representative for their respective section in the
trashion show who will wear design and portray their theme and concept, and in the
event that the designated escort is unable to participate, another male member from the
same class may step in as a replacement representative.
3. Each section is given the chance to choose its own theme and concept that aligns with
Nurses’ Week and sustainability and eco-growth.
4. The theme and concept of each section must be provided with a definition regarding its
purpose and its importance.
5. An entry with profanity, inappropriate language, and gestures is disqualified.
6. Each section is encouraged to use recycled or upcycled materials, such as old garments,
plastic bottles, newspaper or discarded materials, etc.
7. Each section is also encouraged to think outside the box and create unique and
innovative designs, that emphasize the functionality and wearability while
incorporating sustainable elements into the designs.
8. Hair and makeup of the candidates are not mandatory, however, if the candidate chooses
to wear makeup, looks must be minimalist and should complement the overall theme.
9. Footwear is also not mandatory.
10. The organization will not be responsible for any violation of intellectual property by
any entrant.
11. Failure to submit an entry; males of each section shall pay a fine pursuant to Article 1
Section 3 of the KN By-laws, wherein members who will not join in any activity of the
organization shall pay fifty (50) pesos fine.
12. The candidates are scored using the following criteria:

Theme and Concept 45

Functionality and Wearability 15

Relativity 10

Audience Impact 10

Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
Philippine Nursing Students Association

Overall Delivery 20

13. Candidates and Designs compete for the following major and minor awards:
Major Awards
a. Mr. Nurses’ Week Ambasador 2023 (Winner) – Php 1,500
b. Mr. Tourismo 2023 – Php 1,000
c. Mr. Charity 2023 – Php 750
Minor Awards with Consolation Prize
d. Mr. Photogenic
e. Darling of the Crowd
f. Best in Design
g. Sustainability and Eco-growth Award
h. Best in Production

Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
Philippine Nursing Students Association

Rm. 203, Student Center, Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
  +639204737123
MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future

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