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Laissez Faire, literally means let do / let it happen, let it pass.

In the liberal economic

system Laissez Faire means that all economic activities are submitted to the market, there is
freedom in economic activity and minimal government interference.

Laissez-faire is a doctrine of non-intervention in relation to the political or economic

system. Countries that apply a laissez-faire economic model believe that certain controls or
regulations are still needed to prevent monopolies, corruption and other violations.

The principles of Laissez-Faire are not valid anymore in this present time.

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

No, I disagree to the statement

In this present time, laissez-faire understanding or the like may never be achieved. Like it
or not, the state is responsible for the impact of the national and international economy. Just look
at the Great Depression of 1929 that devastated the world economy, then the case of one country
Subprime Mortgage in 2008, namely the US undermined the economy to Indonesia. Laissez-
Faire has never been relevant.

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