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Blast Away Your Money Blocks for Good!

A Complete Session Guide to Using The Body Code 2.0
for Wealth, Abundance, and Success
Session Guide
Use this guide for each session to help you keep track of the information you discovered in
the Evaluation.


Basics Date:

Use this section to keep track of any changes that occur after the
Updates first session and any sessions afterward.

Is anything new or different happening with finances?

Is anything new or different happening with any other area of life?

How stressed have you been feeling about finances on a scale of 1-10? Why?

Abundant Mode: %

Stagnant Mode: %

Mode and Alignment Lack Mode: %

How aligned are you (or “am I”) with achieving your (or my) financial goal?

Alignment: %

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Refer toRefer
the original
to the original
list of negative
list of positive
Presence of showedthat
up astested
being not or problematic
true (meaning in the
List each
or more
havingon conflicts)
here, withineach
Negative underlying
it. worked on here,
with each underlying imbalance listed below it.
Negative Vibration:

Underlying causes:

Negative Vibration:

Underlying causes:

Negative Vibration:

Underlying causes:

Negative Vibration:

Underlying causes:

Page 2 Copyright 2016 Wellness Unmasked, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Refer to the original list of positive vibrations
Conflicts with or that tested as being not true (meaning not
present, or more likely, having conflicts) in the
Lack of Positive Evaluation. List each vibration worked on here,
with each underlying imbalance listed below it.
Positive Vibration:

Underlying causes:

Positive Vibration:

Underlying causes:

Positive Vibration:

Underlying causes:

Positive Vibration:

Underlying causes:

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Affirmations can be very powerful! The positive
vibrations listed in the Evaluation can be spoken
aloud or used in focused meditation to help them
Do any Positive come true for you faster. Once you’ve removed any
conflicts with the positive thought, you can muscle
Vibrations test to see if it would benefit you to use the
statement as an affirmation. This will be especially
need to be helpful for phrases that have never felt true for you,
or ones you’ve experienced great difficulty with.
used as Test to see how many times per day you need to
say it aloud and for how long, and keep a record of
Affirmations? that information below.

Other Issues or Keep track of other issues that were addressed

here, followed by the underlying causes. If you

Imbalances cleared random imbalances you can also keep

track of those here.


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Abundant Mode: %

Stagnant Mode: %

Mode and Alignment Lack Mode: %

How aligned are you (or “am I”) with achieving your (or my) financial goal?

Alignment: %

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