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Navigating Relationship Expectations.

1 Let's Learn Some New Vocabulary!

to meet someone's expectations
to let someone down
to compromise
to be on the same page
high standards
a match made in heaven
tall order
to give and take

2 Time to Read!
When you're looking for a partner, it's important to have some expectations. You want to find
someone who is compatible with you and who you can trust. It's also important to think about
what kind of relationship you want and what your standards are. However, it's important to
remember that finding the perfect match is not always easy and it may take some compromise.
Having high standards is good, but it's also important to be realistic. Sometimes, we may have
a tall order for what we want in a partner, but it's important to remember that nobody is perfect.
We need to give and take in a relationship and be willing to compromise.
Trust is an essential part of any relationship. Without it, it's hard to build intimacy and let
someone in. If someone lets you down or doesn't meet your expectations, it can be difficult to
move forward. However, it's important to communicate with your partner and try to work
through any issues together.
It's also important to make sure you're on the same page as your partner. If you have different
expectations or deal-breakers, it can cause problems in the relationship. It's better to be
upfront about what you want and what you're looking for in a partner.
Sometimes, you may feel like you've found a match made in heaven. This is a great feeling, but
it's important to remember that relationships take work. You need to continue to communicate
and compromise to make sure you're both happy.
In conclusion, having expectations in a relationship is important, but it's also important to be
realistic and willing to compromise. Trust and communication are key, and finding someone
who is compatible with you can lead to a fulfilling and happy relationship.
3 Have a look at these awesome collocations!
1 to look for a partner

2 to have expectations

3 to trust someone

4 kind of relationship

5 high standards

6 to have a tall order

7 to give and take in a relationship

8 an essential part of a relationship

9 to build intimacy

10 to meet expectations

11 to communicate with a partner

12 to work through issues together

13 different expectations

14 to cause problems in a relationship

15 to look for in a partner

16 to find a match made in heaven

17 to compromise

18 a happy relationship

19 to be compatible with someone

20 a fulfilling and happy relationship

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