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Hello. My name is Imafraidofducks #8878.

A group of people associated with the game The W

(WIP) - Roblox decided that me being LGBT+ and challenging their stupid beliefs makes me
both underaged and a pedo. I will start by saying, yes, I do believe Maplee is a pedo. I will
attach the time where he attacked me for being Bi below:

All I did was call him a bigot (which he fits the definition of) and ask him to elaborate. He
proceeded to insult me and my hobbies.
He said that beating your kids for “mocking god” is ok. Apparently anything unchristian is wrong.

Now he pulls the “Ok liberal card”, and says a slur. A woman standing up to her abusive
husband, or becoming an educator, is also a sin. “I do not permit a woman to teach or to
exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” — Timothy 2:12
Notice how he tells me not being christian makes you a degenerate.

Now he asks for my age.

Corrective rape is an actual problem.

I also linked it.

So apparently it’s ok when straight people do it?

Now here he is justifying corrective rape, moments after being told what it was. Also, how come
letting kids be gay is bad, but literal rape is ok?
You’re the one who started it…nice way to project.

Just because I’m a guy, I need to go to my dad?

And what? Become a bigoted, abusive piece of shit?

My status was “If homosexuality is a sin, why did god make men so pretty?”.
No problem with Maplee justifying rape, but with a MC profile picture.

And then he goes justifying it.

Now he’s threatening that I’ll regret being gay.
In olden days, people were raped constantly, bigotry was blatant, and hate crimes were justified.

What if I’m infertile and can’t have kids?

So now he’s saying it’s our fault for being oppressed. He is telling rape victims it is their fault for
being raped, murder victims for being murdered, and justifying all sorts of abuse. Also, STDs
can happen from straight sex too. They also think that being tortured and raped will “help” us, so
they have no veracity talking about mental health.
They literally tell people with mental illnesses that they don’t need therapy, but that they should
become religious. They’re also encouraging hate crimes against us.
Now he deletes the message of someone telling him to stop. What happened to freedom of

Like Tuba said, hypocritical.

I never called him a gun nerd.
So he’s a conservative.
What happened to free speech?
Now he’s saying LGBT activists should be killed.

Now he denies modern science.
Not really easy.

He then went on a rant about religion. Kollow, who realized his position in the community would
be compromised, started defending Maplee.

Here is the first direct messages we had.

So he said a slur, and then said racism is funny. Very mature.

You can’t even spell right. Shut up.

So he thinks outing people, and putting their lives and wellbeing in jeopardy, is “based”.

He thinks hitting kids for disagreeing with you is ok, and specifies that you shouldn’t leave scars.
Scars that could reveal what’s happening at home. Similarly, The Don’t Say Gay bill is just
So then why do you only want to argue in places where your cronies will back you up?
It’s funny because they keep saying they’ll ask, then don’t.
That’s just some bullshit.
So he admits that kids should be religiously indoctrinated, and being against it is the same as
teaching about sodomy.
So calling us pedos and groomers is ok? And if we have a problem with being called that, we’re
supporting them?
“I’m Anti-Semitic, but I don’t hate jews”

So asides from admitting that “help” meant conversion therapy…

I never mentioned any race, and that’s what I did.

“Not homophobic” my ass.

The video was mocking a girl who killed herself because she was bullied, and her sibling is
asking for advice. OP is also making a reference to corrective rape.
Here he is admitting to hating us, and calling it “based”. Ironic how he talks about protecting

This guy is supporting genocide and harassment, while calling us slurs…

So apparently being gay is more traumatic then being raped…

So it turns out their hypocrites, and will involve other people.

I didn’t? You're prolonging it.

By other servers, specifically the ones that will back him up.

It’s actually kinda funny; they looked at Organ Failure’s doc first.

The Cryofiles
This is the document they made about me.

So apparently you guys are the ones counter arguing?

I literally included what I was saying. The original document had no commentary, just images of
his messages. Hate speech isn't an “opinion”, and you guys are the ones messaging me.

I never alienated anyone. I had no friends in that community, and everyone was on Maplee’s

So you basically agree with him. If you were writing politely, you wouldn’t have repeatedly
pinged me, or spam minion memes in my DMs.

I accused him of pedophilia because he said kids should be fucking raped.

I never laid any “traps” , you're just a paranoid piece of shit.

You’re justifying homophobia, calling it criticism. You’re made at Luna because she brought up
valid points, which you won’t show anyone. You aren’t getting banned for one misunderstood
word, you're getting banned for raiding the server and sending death threats to it’s members.
“Maplee is a cool badass who breaks all of the rules the minorities made!!!11!! He’s built

So now he talks shit about another religon, tells us to go to conversion therapy, and says people
should be punished for being gay.

Now he goes on a rant about sex-ed and porn, and then acts as if Christianity is the only correct

So now he brings my abusive parents into this, mocks my sexuality, and then lies. I never
messaged anyone on your server. I also didn’t block you.

So apparently pedophilia is justifed when the victims are in the LGBT?

can this fucker stfu
He also only took pictures of my messages, not his.

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