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By Sadaf Shafi

Make a five bcqs on potentially malignant disorder?

1.A white lesion is on the lateral borders of the tongue which has shaggy
surface, painless and soft plague and that lesion is mostly associated with HIV
infection. What will be the diagnosis?

a. Frictional keratosis
b. lichen planus
c. hairy leukoplakia
d. tobacco associated leukoplakia.
e. geographic tongue.

2.Which of the following statements is true:

1) All leukoplakia lesion undergo malignant transformation
2) Leukoplakia with a red component is more likely to become malignant
3) Leukoplakia that show dysplastic changes are unlikely to develop into
4) Leukoplakia occurring in patient who never smoked have a greater
chance for malignant change
5) Leukoplakia occurring in smokers and non-smokers have an equal
chance of malignant change
6) Leukoplakia lesions in the tongue, have a significantly higher malignant
transformation rate in women than in men.

a. 1,2,3,4'
b. 2,3,4,5,6
c. 1,3,4,5,6
d. 3,4,5
e. 2,4,6
3.Which type of oral lichen planus is more susceptible of becoming malignant?

e.Both A & D

4.Malignant transformation rates is very high (vary from 14% to 50%)in which
premalignant lesion?

a.Sub lingual keratosis

b.oral erythroplakia
d.oral submucous fibrosis
e.erosive lichen planus
5. A 38 year old male patient came with a chief complain of reoccurrence of ulcers in
oral cavity. In addition, the patient suffered discomfort and a burning sensation
affecting the oral mucosa, particularly when eating spicy foods, The patient
confirmed that there was a long history chews betel-quid and chews supari (a
sweetened form of areca-nut) Intra-oral examination revealed a number of ulcers that
were characteristic of recurrent minor aphthous stomatitis. Oral hygiene was poor
and the dentition required some restoration. Further examination revealed that the
buccal mucosa was pale and fibrous bands were palpable within the buccal mucosa.
Mouth opening was reduced. What will be your diagnosis?

a. Scleroderma
b. Anemia
c. Oral sub mucous fibrosis
d. Oral lichen planus
e. erythroleukoplakia

Spot 1
Describe the picture
The picture shows oral cavity with edentulous maxilla irregular whitish plaque on the hard
palate measuring approximately 2cm × 3 cm the boundaries of the lesion appeared to be well
a. What are the differential diagnosis ?
Homogenous type leukoplakia
Oral lichen planus
Chronic Hyperplastic candidiasis
Nicotine stomatitis
Chemical burn
White sponge nevus
Lupus erythematosus

b. What are possible risk factor ?

Smoking tobacco
Smokeless tobacco
Betel nut
Dietary deficiencies (iron, vitamins A,C,E)
 Repeated cheek or tongue biting.
Describe the slide?
The picture is describe as there is a middle age man showing his oral cavity with
limited mouth opening and doctor is examine the opening of the patient.

a. What is the diagnosis ?

Oral sub mucous fibrosis
b. What are the other causes ?
1. Ankylosis
2. Arthritis synovitis.
3. Meniscus pathology.
 Odontogenic
1. Pulpal
2. Periodontal
3. pericoronitis
 Non odontogenic
1. Tonsillitis
2. Tetanus
3. Meningitis
4. Parotid abscess
 Trauma
1. Fractured mandible
2. Fracture zygomatic arch
 Dental treatment related
1. Post extraction
2. Local anesthetic injection.
1. Trauma to the TMJ due to wide and prolonged opening .
2. Myofacial muscle spasm.
3. Internal derangement.
 Tumours and oral care
1. primary and secondary tumours of pharyngeal and parotid region & jaws .
2. Submucous fibrosis
 Drugs
1. Tricyclic antidepressant.
2. Halothane.
 Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
1. Osteoradionecrosis
2. Post radiation fibrosis
 Congenital
1. Hypertrophy of coronoid
2. Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome.

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