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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

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Intercrops as foraging habitats for bees: Bees do not prefer sole legume
crops over legume-cereal mixtures
Felix Kirsch a, 1, *, Annika L. Hass a, 2, Wolfgang Link b, 3, Catrin Westphal a, c, 4
Functional Agrobiodiversity, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Göttingen, Grisebachstraße 6, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
Divison of Plant Breeding Methodology, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Göttingen, Carl Sprengel-Weg 1, D-37075 Göttingen, Germany
Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use (CBL), University of Göttingen, Büsgenweg 1, D- 37077 Göttingen, Germany


Keywords: Enhancing crop diversity is an option to make agriculture more sustainable and biodiversity friendly. Inter­
Pollination cropping grain legumes together with cereals leads to higher crop diversity and has a broad range of agronomic
Behavior and ecological benefits. However, sole crop stands of grain legumes might be richer in floral resources than grain
legume-cereal intercrops and thus are probably more useful to mitigate the lack of flower resources in agri­
Plant traits
cultural landscapes, which is a main driver of pollinator decline. Yet, little is known about differences between
V. faba both cropping systems and different legume genotypes in terms of attractiveness for pollinators and how these
differences moderate the pollinators’ foraging behavior and consequences for grain legume yields. In a field trial,
we analyzed the abundance of flower visiting insects, the foraging behavior of pollinators and related effects on
grain yield per plant across six different faba bean genotypes (Vicia faba L.) grown as sole crops or as intercrops
with wheat. As foraging behaviors, we considered legal flower visits (i.e. frontal visits) and illegal flower visits (i.
e. nectar robbing through bite holes). We recorded characteristics of V. faba genotypes on crop stand level
(V. faba plant height, number of V. faba inflorescences and leaf area index (LAI)). V. faba-wheat intercrops and
sole crop stands of V. faba were equally attractive foraging habitats for pollinators, implying that intercrops are
as suitable as sole crops to mitigate the lack of floral resources. Yield per V. faba plant was positively affected by
bee pollination, with this effect being determined by the number of illegal flower visits, suggesting that this
foraging strategy does not adversely affect V. faba yields and even has a positive effect. Intercrops had higher
yields per V. faba plant than sole crop stands of V. faba, indicating agronomic advantages of this farming practice.
Although V. faba genotypes differed in their plant traits, these differences could not explain shifts in the number
of flower visiting insects. However, illegal flower visits increased with a higher number of inflorescences whereas
the number of legal flower visits declined. Based on our small-scale experiment, we conclude that the use of
V. faba-wheat intercrops brings agronomic benefits while serving as a foraging habitat for pollinators that proved
to be as attractive as sole crop stands of V. faba.

1. Introduction agricultural systems more resilient (Lin, 2011) and promoting

agro-biodiversity (Brandmeier et al., 2021; Fahrig et al., 2011; Hüber
Global challenges, such as climate warming, the increase of the et al., 2022; Järvinen et al., 2022; Norris et al., 2018; Sirami et al.,
world population and biodiversity losses require urgent action to 2019). Higher levels of crop diversity can be achieved by intercropping,
transform agriculture in a more sustainable direction (Foley et al., 2005; i.e. the simultaneous cultivation of different crops on the same land
Godfray et al., 2010; Wagner et al., 2021). Crop diversification is sug­ (Hufnagel et al., 2020; Vandermeer, 1992). Intercrops are considered
gested as a possible strategy to address these problems by making more complicated to manage and harvest than sole crops (Lithourgidis

* Correspondence to: University of Göttingen, Functional Agrobiodiversity, Grisebachstraße 6, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany.
E-mail address: (F. Kirsch).
Received 3 March 2022; Received in revised form 7 November 2022; Accepted 10 November 2022
Available online 18 November 2022
0167-8809/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

et al., 2011), but also offer several agronomic advantages. For example, understand the effects of intercropping on pollinator densities, their
they can help to control crop pests and diseases, reduce soil erosion and behavior and the consequences for crop yields to estimate the potential
sustain soil fertility (Dahmardeh et al., 2010; Sharma et al., 2017; of V. faba intercropping systems as supplementary foraging habitats and
Trenbath, 1993). In addition, intercropping systems can attain higher highly productive cropping systems. So far, the effects of different
yields compared to sole crops due to better resource utilization through V. faba cropping systems on the foraging behavior and related yield
niche complementarity, e.g. in root distribution, improved soil micro­ outcomes are not well understood.
bial communities and nutrient mobilization (Brandmeier et al., 2021; In addition to the cropping system, visitation rates and behavior of
Brooker et al., 2015; Hauggaard-Nielsen and Jensen, 2005; Li et al., pollinators could also be influenced by plant traits that could be spe­
2014, 2006). In particular, the combination of legume and non-legume cifically taken into account in plant breeding (Irwin et al., 2004; Palmer
plants has many advantages as the non-legume partner benefits directly et al., 2009; Widrlechner and Senechal, 1992). Plant breeding mainly
or indirectly from the legume’s ability of biological N-fixation (Brooker focuses on producing crop genotypes suitable for intensive sole crop
et al., 2015; Fujita et al., 1992; White et al., 2013). This can result in systems (Barot et al., 2017). The objective of breeding is usually the
reductions of fossil-based N-fertilizer applications and thus contribute to improvement of certain agronomic key traits, e.g. high quality of har­
mitigation of climate warming (Jensen et al., 2020; Senbayram et al., vested plant products, tolerance of crops to pests, diseases and adverse
2015). Additionally, legumes often provide floral resources for polli­ soil and climate conditions and high total biomass or yields (Litrico and
nating insects. This function is very important since the lack of floral Violle, 2015; Priyadarshan, 2019). Crops combined in an intercropping
resources in modern agricultural landscapes is regarded as a main driver system should also meet these requirements and in addition complement
of pollinator decline (Potts et al., 2010; Rhodes, 2018; Scheper et al., each other positively (Litrico and Violle, 2015). Consequently, new
2014). Therefore, legume intercropping might contribute to mitigate plant genotypes with traits suitable for intercropping are required.
pollinator losses (Potts et al., 2010; Rhodes, 2018) and help to sustain Ideally, crop varieties should be combined in a way that they provide
vital crop pollination services (Klein et al., 2007). multiple services, including stable yields, pest and pathogen resistance
The grain legume faba bean (Vicia faba L.) has been identified as a but also ecosystem services, such as climate change mitigation or
suitable intercropping partner for cereals like barley, maize and wheat resource provision for pollinators and other organisms (Barot et al.,
(Agegnehu et al., 2008, 2006; Li et al., 1999). Additionally, fields with 2017). Nelson et al. (2021) identified an intermediate leaf area index
V. faba can serve as foraging habitats for bees (e.g. bumblebees Bombus (LAI) and limited height of V. faba plants as important traits that mod­
spp.) (Beyer et al., 2020; Veloso et al., 2016). With its flowering period in erate yields of V. faba-wheat intercrops. This was related to less
May and June, V. faba has the potential to provide pollen and nectar for competition for light between the intercropping partners and less lod­
pollinators during the so-called “June gap”, a period of especially low ging (i.e. fewer plants fell over and laid on the ground) (Nelson et al.,
flower availability during the year (Timberlake et al., 2019). Due to this 2021). Both plant traits could also influence the visitation rate of
function as a forage resource, the cultivation of legumes, such as V. faba, pollinating insects and their foraging behavior since they presumably
together with non-insect pollinated crops, such as wheat, can lead to an improve or reduce the perceptibility of V. faba flowers (Cohen and
increased abundance and diversity of flower-visiting insects compared Shmida, 1993; Schlinkert et al., 2015). For pollinators the number of
to pure stands of these crops (Bannert and Stamp, 2007; Brandmeier flowers provided by different genotypes can also be an important plant
et al., 2021; McGregor, 1976; Norris et al., 2018; Stoddard and Bond, trait facilitating cross pollination (Marzinzig et al., 2018). Knowledge
1987). However, it can be assumed that V. faba-wheat intercrops are not about complementary traits could help to breed V. faba genotypes that
as attractive to pollinators as sole crops stands of V. faba when similar perform well in intercrops, represent attractive food resources for
sized fields are compared with each other. The reason for this is that in pollinating insects and simultaneously enhance pollination services and
an intercropping system, unlike in a sole crop stand, V. faba cannot crop yields (Suso et al., 2016).
occupy all the available space but has to share it with the wheat plants. In a field trial with two different cropping systems (intercrops vs. sole
Logically, there are fewer flowering V. faba plants (Brandmeier et al., crop stands) and six genotypes of V. faba, we investigated differences in
2021) resulting in a lower nectar and pollen density per unit area for flower visitation and foraging behavior of pollinators and the associated
pollinating insects. effects on crop yields. Additionally, we analyzed how different V. faba
Additionally, the lower flower availability in V. faba-cereal in­ plant traits on crop stand level influenced crop yields and flower visi­
tercrops might change flower visitor behavior with possible conse­ tation of the different genotypes.
quences for the pollination services provided (Beyer et al., 2022; We tested the following hypotheses:
Marzinzig et al., 2018). To collect pollen and nectar, V. faba flowers can
be entered legally (i.e. from the front). Legal flower visits are often 1) Fewer flower visits (legal and illegal) take place in V. faba-wheat
conducted by long-tongued bee species, like Bombus hortorum (L.), intercrops than in sole V. faba stands due to lower numbers of in­
leading to higher seed-set and cross-fertilization (Marzinzig et al., 2018). florescences in the intercropping systems.
Through bite holes at the base of the corolla tube illegal flower visits are 2) Yields of V. faba are influenced by the number of flower visits and the
carried out to exploit the nectaries. Nectar robbing is mainly done by foraging behavior of pollinators:
short-tongued bee species, such as B. terrestris (L.) or Apis mellifera (L.) a) An increasing number of flower visits (both legal and illegal)
(Kirk, 2004). However, A. mellifera is usually a secondary nectar robber leads to higher yields of V. faba.
that uses holes bitten by other bee species (Kirk, 2004). The impact of b) V. faba yields are related to the foraging behavior of pollinators
illegal visits on pollination services is not well studied. High numbers of and increase more strongly with legal than with illegal flower
illegal flower visits in V. faba stands could lead to fewer legal flower visits.
visits by opportunistic secondary nectar robbers like A. mellifera (Ken­ 3) V. faba genotypes differ in their traits on crop stand level leading to
dall and Smith, 1975) and therefore reduce seed production, as observed differences in the number of flower visits and the foraging behavior
for other plant species (Mackin et al., 2021). However, some studies of pollinators:
indicate that nectar robbing behavior causes little damage on V. faba a) Higher LAI per crop stand results in a lower number of flower
flowers and does not affect pollination by legal flower visitors, seed set visits (both legal and illegal) due to decreased flower
and pod development (Kirk, 2004; Stoddard and Bond, 1987). More­ conspicuousness.
over, V. faba is a partially autogamous crop (Brünjes and Link, 2021; b) The number of flower visits (both legal and illegal) increases with
Ebmeyer, 1988) and thus illegal flower visits could still indirectly the height of V. faba plants per crop stand due to increased flower
contribute to pollination by shaking self-pollen to the stigma (Kendall conspicuousness.
and Smith, 1975; Soper, 1952). For this reason, it is important to

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

c) The number of flower visits (both legal and illegal) increases with stands and 160 seeds per m2 in V. faba-wheat intercrops. Sowing took
higher numbers of V. faba inflorescences per crop stand. place in rows with a between row distance of 22.5 cm (i.e. row inter­
cropping) (Vandermeer, 1992). All crops received a base application of
2. Material and methods P, K and Mg, but no N fertilizer.

2.1. Study sites and experimental design

2.2. V. faba plant traits
Our study was carried out at two study sites on the experimental
farms of the University of Göttingen close to Deppoldshausen For each plot, we recorded several plant traits and calculated crop
(51◦ 34’54.8"N 9◦ 58’08.8"E) and Niedernjesa (51◦ 29’07.1"N stand characteristics based on these measurements (hereafter termed as
9◦ 55’23.3"E) (Fig. B.1, Appendix B). At both study sites, field trials were V. faba plant traits). For trait measurements, we established three 1 m2
established as part of a large interdisciplinary project addressing a va­ sampling plots in each plot. Each sampling plot comprised four sowing
riety of research questions on intercropping (e.g. Bonke and Musshoff, rows, either four rows of winter wheat or V. faba in the case of sole crop
2020; Nelson et al., 2021; Streit et al., 2019). stands, or two rows of V. faba and winter wheat in the case of intercrops
At each study site, field trials consisted of four field blocks (repli­ (Fig. 1 (B)).
cates) (=eight blocks in total) (hereafter referred to as block) with each We counted the number of V. faba plants within these sampling plots.
block comprising of 48 field plots (Fig. B.1, Fig. B.2, Appendix B) A V. faba plant was regarded as the sum of all above-ground tillers
(Nelson et al., 2021). During our study, we focused on a subset of 20 belonging to the same plant. Since below-ground tillering occurred
plots per block, including eight sole crop stands of eight different V. faba (personal observation), tillers belonging to the same plant may have
genotypes, eight corresponding V. faba-wheat intercrops of the same been accidentally counted as two plants if no above-ground connection
eight V. faba genotypes and the winter wheat cultivar Genius and four was visible. Additionally, the number of inflorescences was counted on
sole crop stands of the winter wheat cultivar Genius (Fig. 1 (A); Table two V. faba plants per sampling plot (i.e. six plants per plot). Plants were
A.1, Appendix A; Fig. B.3, Appendix B). In total, we considered 160 always selected from the same sowing row and from the same location
plots. within each sampling plot to ensure comparability. By multiplying the
Each plot covered an area of 27 m2. Plots consisted of two 10.5 m2 average number of V. faba inflorescences per V. faba plant by the sum of
subplots (1.5 m x 7 m) separated by a narrow path of uncultivated land. all counted V. faba plants in the three 1 m2 sampling plots, we estimated
(Fig. 1 (B)). Sowing took place at the subplot level, so that a total of the number of V. faba inflorescences in the 3 m2 sampling plot area. In
21 m2 of land was covered with crops in each plot. When variables are the calculation, we rounded the average number of inflorescences per
given at plot level, we refer to this 21 m2 cultivated area. The sowing V. faba plant to the nearest integer because we wanted to create a var­
density of all V. faba genotypes was 40 seeds per m2 in sole crop stands iable representing discrete count data. Next, the estimated number of
and 20 seeds per m2 in V. faba-wheat intercrops. The winter wheat V. faba inflorescences in the 3 m2 sampling plot area was multiplied by 7
cultivar Genius was sown with a density of 320 seed per m2 in sole crop to estimate the number of V. faba inflorescences in the cultivated area
per plot (21 m2) (hereafter termed as number of V. faba inflorescences

Fig. 1. (A) Reduced schematic representation

of a block. Each block comprised 48 plots, but
here we only show the subset of 20 plots visited
for pollinator surveys. We visited eight plots
with sole crop stands of V. faba (green), four
plots with winter wheat (orange), different
V. faba-cereal intercrop combinations (green
with orange hatching). Studied crops and crop
combinations are indicated by bold numbers.
(B) Schematic representation of a study plot.
Each plot covered a total area of 27 m2. Within
each plot, two subplots were established with
six sowing rows of either V. faba, winter wheat
or the mixture of both. Subplots were 10.5 m2
in size (1.5 m x 7 m) and separated by a narrow
path of uncultivated land. V. faba plant traits
(number of V. faba plants, number of inflores­
cence of two V. faba plants) were recorded
within three sampling plots (1 m2) which were
always located at standardized locations. All
three sampling plots included either four rows
of V. faba in case of V. faba sole crops or two
rows of winter wheat and two rows of V. faba in
V. faba-wheat intercrops. During the pollinator
surveys we walked around the two subplots at a
constant pace. The walking path is shown as a
dashed red line. The starting point of these
observation walks is marked with a red dia­
mond, the walking direction with a red arrow.
Green plant symbol is used with permission of
© BFlores (WMF), CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://cre­ > , via
Wikimedia Commons. Modified graph is shared
via Wikimedia Commons to fulfill license terms.
Graphs are generated with QGIS (, 2020).

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

per plot (21 m2), Fig. 1 (B); Table A.2, Appendix A). Additionally, we flowering weed species (n = 10) were very rare. Additionally, flower
recorded flowering weed species and the number of weed flowers within visits in sole crop stands of winter wheat were not very common (n = 9),
the three 1 m2 sampling plots. These plant and inflorescence measure­ and all these visits were conducted by non-bee pollinators. For that
ments were conducted on the same day as the surveys on pollinating reason, our statistical analysis was merely based on flower visits of bee
insects (2.3). pollinators on V. faba in sole crop stand of V. faba and V. faba-wheat
We also recorded the V. faba plant height and the LAI of the crop intercrops. Furthermore, we had to exclude observations of sole crop
stand on plot level. The LAI of each plot was recorded three times at stands and intercrops of two V. faba genotypes (Diva, Cote d’ Or/1) from
three growth stages of V. faba with an AccuPAR LP-80 ceptometer (i.e. at our statistical analysis because the pollinator surveys did not cover their
start of flowering, during full bloom and at end of flowering) (Nelson complete flowering period.
et al., 2021; Siebrecht-Schöll, 2018). Knowing the LAI at these devel­
opment stages, we were able to calculate daily LAI increase rates and, 2.4. V. faba yields
thus, could estimate the LAI for each visited plot on the day of the
pollinator survey (2.3) (hereafter termed as LAI per plot (21 m2); Table Harvesting took place between the 6th and the 8th of August 2019 at
A.2, Appendix A). Likewise, plant height was measured on ten repre­ both study sites. The central area of each plot was harvested with a
sentative V. faba plants per plot during the same three growth stages combine harvester. A total of six rows were harvested and three buffer
(Nelson et al., 2021) to calculate mean height values for each plot and rows remained unharvested on both sides of the plot. The harvested area
growth stage. We calculated daily average height increase rates and then partially covered both subplots and amounted to 10.5 m2. By doubling,
could estimate the average height of V. faba plants in cm per plot we extrapolated the yield from the harvested area to the cultivated area
(21 m2) on the day of the pollinator survey (2.3) (Table A.2, Appendix per plot (21 m2), which represents the total V. faba yield per plot (g/
A). 21 m2) (Table A.2, Appendix A).
Additionally, the start and end of the V. faba flowering period was
recorded for each plot since the flowering phenology can be an indicator 2.5. Statistical analyses
of different growth stages that are related to plant trait characteristics,
such as number of inflorescences, LAI and plant height. Flowering The statistical analyses were conducted with R (R Core Team, 2018).
phenology is represented by the number of days between the onset of For each response variable, we calculated either linear mixed effects
V. faba flowering and the day of the pollinator survey (hereafter termed models with the nlme package (Pinheiro et al., 2021) or generalized
as days after onset of V. faba flowering; Table A.2, Appendix A). linear mixed effects models with the glmmTMB package (Brooks et al.,
2017), depending on which model type had the best-fitting residuals (for
2.3. Pollinator surveys an overview of all calculated models see Table 1). Model residuals were
checked with the R base function plot (R Core Team, 2018) for linear
Pollinator surveys were conducted between the 18th of May and the mixed-effects models or with the simulateResiduals function from the
8th of June 2019 during the flowering period of V. faba. For this pur­ DHARMa package (Hartig, 2020) for generalized linear mixed-effects
pose, we visited each of the 160 plots of our subset once. Study sites and models. In addition, the performance package (Lüdecke et al., 2021)
blocks as well as plots within blocks were visited in a random order. was used to test for multicollinearity in models containing at least one
Randomization was done by rolling a virtual dice. Surveys were carried numerical variable. Following James et al. (2013) and Lüdecke et al.
out between 09:30 and 18:00. Chance decided whether a plot was (2021), we consider VIF values of less than 5 to indicate low correlation
visited in the morning or in the afternoon (Table A.17, Appendix A). of one predictor with other predictors. We found VIF values below 4 for
During surveys, the average temperature, average cloud cover (%) and all considered variables (see Table A.18 - Table A.26, Appendix A). Mean
average wind speed were 27.2 ◦ C ± 5.2 (SD), 44.5 % ± 25.2 (SD) and VIF values were 1.64 ± 0.79 (SD). Furthermore, we used the DHARMa
1.5 m/s ± 1.6 (SD), respectively. In each plot, flower-visiting insects fuctions testDispersion and testZeroInflation (Hartig, 2020) to test for
were recorded on V. faba and co-flowering weed species during a 6 min zero inflation and over and under dispersion in case of generalized linear
period of pure observation time. During the observation time, we mixed-effects models. Models were not zero inflated. Neither over
walked with constant pace around both subplots (Fig. 1 (B)). We dispersion nor under dispersion could be detected, with one exception
restricted our field of vision by looking only in the direction we were (Table 1, model 7, see below). For better model fit, continuous explan­
walking without turning around. In this way, we were able to observe a atory variables were transformed into z-scores. Explanatory variables
strip of each subplot extending from their edges about 75 cm to their were included as main effects. Each block was given a unique block ID,
core zones. As our perspective changed during the observation walk, we which consisted of the block number and the name of the study site
were able to cover the whole plot (both subplots) during the observation where the block was located. This ensured that all blocks were treated
time. We categorized observed flower visits on V. faba as either (1) legal separately. These block IDs were added as random factors to each model.
(i.e. frontal flower visit) or (2) illegal visits (i.e. cases of nectar robbing) We refrained from adding study site directly as a random factor to the
(Fig. B.4, Appendix B). Flower visits on co-flowering weeds were models because this variable has too few levels to be used as a random
generally considered legal. factor (Bolker, 2015), instead study site was included as covariate in the
Foraging bee pollinators were identified to species level. In case of fixed model term. Using the AICc function from the MuMIn package
honeybees (A. mellifera) and bumblebees (Bombus spp.), this was done (Barton, 2018), we compared each model with its corresponding null
directly in the field. B. terrestris, B. lucorum (L.), B. cryptarum (F.) and models.
B. magnus (V.) were aggregated because they are very difficult to First, we fitted generalized linear mixed effects models to analyze the
distinguish in the field. Non-Bombus wild bees were caught with an in­ effects of the cropping systems and the V. faba genotypes on the number
sect net, killed and sent to bee expert Dr. Reiner Theunert for identifi­ of flower visits. Explanatory variables in these models were the cropping
cation (Umwelt & Planung Dr. Theunert, D-31249, Hohenhameln, systems (i.e. sole crop stands of V. faba vs. V. faba-wheat intercrops) and
Germany). The same procedure was applied for non-bee hymenopteran the V. faba genotypes (Bering, S_069, S_062, Hiverna/2, Malibopop,
flower visitors, which were identified by Mike Kuschereitz to family Augusta). Additionally, models included also the study site (i.e. Dep­
level (Entomologische Bestimmung und Präparation, Mike Kuschereitz, poldshausen and Niedernjesa) as co-variable. Each model was calculated
D-37077, Göttingen, Germany). Non-hymenopteran flower visitors were with a different response variable: We used the total number flower
recorded in the field on family (Syrphidae) or species level visits per plot (21 m2) (i.e. sum of legal and illegal flower visits per plot)
(Lepidoptera). (Table 1, model 1; Table A.2, Appendix A), the number of illegal flower
Flower visits of non-bee pollinators on V. faba (n = 3) and on co- visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, model 2; Table A.2, Appendix A), and

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

Table 1
Model terms of fitted generalized linear mixed-effects models and linear mixed-effects models calculated with the glmmTMB package (Brooks et al., 2017) and the
nlme package (Pinheiro et al., 2021).
Model number Response variable Explanatory variables (main effects) Random factor Family Package

1 Total number flower visits per plot (21 m2) Cropping system Block ID Poisson glmmTMB
2 Number of illegal flower visits per plot (21 m2) V. faba genotype
3 Number legal flower visits per plot (21 m2) Study site
4 Total number flower visits per plot (21 m2) Cropping system Block ID Poisson glmmTMB
5 Number of illegal flower visits per plot (21 m2) V. faba genotype
Study site
6 Total number flower visits per plot (21 m2) Number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2)
7 Number of V. faba inflorescence per plot (21 m2) Cropping system Block ID nbinom2 glmmTMB
V. faba genotype
Study site
Days after onset of V. faba flowering
(Days after onset of V. faba flowering)2
8 LAI per plot (21 m2) Cropping system Block ID Gaussian nlme
V. faba genotype
Study sites
Days after onset of V. faba flowering
(Days after onset of V. faba flowering)2
9 Average V. faba plant height in cm per plot (21 m2) Cropping system Block ID Gaussian nlme
V. faba genotype
Study sites
Days after onset of V. faba flowering
(Days after onset V. faba flowering)2
10 Yield per V. faba plant (g) V. faba genotype Block ID Gaussian glmmTMB
Study sites
Total number flower visits per V. faba plant
11 Yield per V. faba plant (g) V. faba genotype Block ID Gaussian glmmTMB
Study sites
Number legal flower visits per V. faba plant
Number of illegal flower visits per V. faba plant
12 Yield per V. faba plant (g) Cropping system Block ID Gaussian glmmTMB
V. faba genotypes
Study sites
Total number flower visits per V. faba plant
13 Yield per V. faba plant (g) Cropping system Block ID Gaussian glmmTMB
V. faba genotypes
Study sites
Number legal flower visits per V. faba plant
Number of illegal flower visits per V. faba plant

the number of legal flower visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, model 3; analyze the effects of the cropping systems, V. faba genotypes and
Table A.2, Appendix A). In case of 16 flower visits, it was not clear number of flower visits on V. faba yields. The yield per V. faba plant (g)
whether the observed bee was conducting a legal or an illegal flower was used as response variable in these models. We compared V. faba
visit. Thus, these cases were only included in the model for the total yields at the plant level rather than at the plot level as V. faba densities
number flower visits per plot (21 m2). Since no sign of over or under were system-inherently reduced in the intercrops resulting in higher
dispersion could be found, models were fitted with Poisson error dis­ total yields per plot (21 m2) in sole crop stands of V. faba than in V. faba-
tribution. In addition, we ran three models with the same model struc­ wheat intercrops. Yield per V. faba plant (g) was calculated as follows:
ture that included the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) We estimated the number of V. faba plants for the cultivated plot area
as an explanatory variable to test whether possible effects of cropping (21 m2) by multiplying our counts of V. faba plants in the three 1 m2
systems and V. faba genotypes could be caused by differences in the sampling plots by 7. This represents the number of V. faba plants per plot
number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, model 4, (21 m2). Then, we calculated yields per V. faba plants (g) by dividing the
model 5, model 6). total V. faba yield per plot (g/21 m2) by the number of V. faba plants per
Secondly, three models were fitted to analyze the effects of the plot (21 m2) (Table A.2, Appendix A). We excluded one plot from the
cropping systems and V. faba genotypes on V. faba plant traits (i.e. analyses because the measured yield was exceptionally high in com­
number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2), LAI per plot (21 m2) parison to all other plots (average yield per V. faba plant = 7.4 g ± 3.1
and average V. faba plant height in cm per plot (21 m2)). The explana­ (SD) / yield per V. faba plant (Outlier) = 55.9 g). This big difference in
tory variables were cropping system, V. faba genotype and the co- yield was caused by a transmission error that could not be traced back.
variable study site. Besides, we added days after onset of V. faba flow­ In correspondence with the response variable yield per V. faba plant (g),
ering as a linear factor and as a squared factor to account for non-linear we converted all explanatory variables included in the yield models to
effects of the flowering phenology. We calculated a generalized linear the plant level. This was the case for the total number of flower visits per
mixed model for the response variable number of V. faba inflorescences plot (21 m2), the number of illegal flower visits per plot (21 m2) and the
per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, model 7) that was fitted with negative bino­ number of legal flower visits per plot (21 m2). We converted these
mial error distribution due to over dispersion. Linear mixed effects variables to the plant level by dividing them by the total number of
models were fitted for the response variables LAI per plot (21 m2) V. faba plants per plot (21 m2) (Table A.2, Appendix A).
(Table 1, model 8) and average V. faba plant height in cm per plot The first model included the total number of flower visits per V. faba
(21 m2) (Table 1, model 9). plant as an explanatory variable to investigate the effect of flower visits
Finally, we fitted four generalized linear mixed effects models to on yield per V. faba plant independent of foraging behavior.

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

Additionally, V. faba genotype was considered as an explanatory vari­ plot (21 m2). It was 34.7% higher in sole crop stands of V. faba than in
able and study site as a covariate. We excluded the variable cropping V. faba-wheat intercrops (3.22 ± 1.54 (SE) and 2.39 ± 1.15 (SE),
system from the model because we wanted to test the effect of flower respectively, Fig. 3 (A); Table 1, Model 3; Table A.6, Appendix A). In
visits per V. faba plant on yield per V. faba plant independent of potential terms of total number of flower visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, Model 4;
yield differences due to the cropping systems (Table 1, model 10). A Table A.7, Appendix A) and legal flower visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1,
second model with the same model structure included the number of Model 6; Table A.9, Appendix A), these results remained unchanged
illegal flower visits per V. faba plant and the number of legal flower visits when the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) was
per V. faba plant instead of the total number of flower visits per V. faba considered in the models. However, the cropping systems also differed
plant to explore the importance of both foraging behaviors on yields per slightly in terms of the number of illegal flower visits per plot (21 m2)
V. faba plant (Table 1, model 11). Again, 16 flower visits were excluded when the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) was included
from the analysis because it was not clear whether they were legal or in the model (Table 1, Model 5). We then observed almost one third
illegal. The third model considered the total number of flower visits per more cases of illegal flower visits in V. faba-wheat intercrops than in sole
V. faba plant and V. faba genotype as explanatory variables, and the crop stands of V. faba (6.42 ± 1.36 (SE) and 4.83 ± 1.03 (SE), respec­
study site as covariate. In this model, however, we also included the tively, Fig. 3 (B); Table A.8, Appendix A).
cropping system as an explanatory variable (Table 1, model 12). This Furthermore, the foraging behavior was significantly influenced by
was done to explore whether differences in terms of yield per V. faba the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2). We found an in­
plant were related to cropping system effects. Finally, a model with the crease of the number of illegal flower visits per plot (21 m2) with an
same model structure was calculated including the number of illegal increasing number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) (p = 0.030,
flower visits per V. faba plant and the number of legal flower visits per Fig. 4 (A); Table 1, Model 5; Table A.8, Appendix A) while the number of
V. faba plant as explanatory variables (Table 1, model 13). Models were legal flower visits per plot (21 m2) declined slightly with increasing
fitted with Gaussian error distribution. number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) (p = 0.047, Fig. 4 (B);
Using the r base function cor.test (R Core Team, 2018), we tested for Table 1, Model 6; Table A.9, Appendix A). The total number of flower
pair-wise correlation between the V. faba plant traits number of V. faba visits per plot (21 m2) was not significantly influenced by the number of
inflorescences per plot (21 m2), LAI per plot (21 m2) and the average V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) (p = 0.905; Table 1, Model 4;
V. faba plant height in cm per plot (21 m2). Table A.7, Appendix A).
We created the figures with the R package ggplot2 (Wickham, 2016). We found a significant difference between V. faba genotypes in terms
Pairwise comparisons in boxplots were calculated with the emmeans of the total number flower visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, Model 1;
function of the emmeans package (Lenth, 2020). We used the Bonferroni Table A.4, Appendix A; Fig. B.7 (A), Appendix B), the number of illegal
correction method to adjust obtained p values for multiple comparisons flower visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, Model 2; Table A.5, Appendix A;
(Jafari and Ansari-Pour, 2018). For a better visualization, untrans­ Fig. B.7 (B), Appendix B) and the legal flower visits per plot (21 m2)
formed values of the response variable are presented in the figures and (Table 1, Model 3; Table A.6, Appendix A; Fig. B.7 (C), Appendix B)
predicted means and confidence intervals were back-transformed. when the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) was not
considered in the models. The highest total number of flower visits per
3. Results plot (21 m2) could be observed on the V. faba genotype Hiverna/2
(12.05 ± 3.43 (SE)). The total number of flower visits on Hiverna/2 was
We recorded a total number of 1.130 flower visits by bees on the six almost three quarters higher than on the least frequently visited V. faba
considered V. faba genotypes. Illegal flower visits were conducted in the genotype Augusta (6.97 ± 2.02 (SE)). Additionally, Hiverna/2 was also
majority of cases (57.7 %, n = 652), while legal flower visits made up the V. faba genotype with the highest number of illegal flower visits per
40.9 % of all visits (n = 462). We were not able to classify the foraging plot (21 m2) (8.16 ± 1.92 (SE)). Nearly twice as many illegal flower
behavior in 1.4 % of flower visits (n = 16). On average, we observed 4.8 visits took place on Hiverna/2 compared to the V. faba genotype Bering
± 5.3 (SD) legal flower visits and 6.8 ± 5.9 (SD) illegal flower visits per which received the lowest number of illegal flower visits per plot
plot (21 m2). (21 m2) (4.21 ± 1.04 (SE)). In terms of legal flower visits per plot
Most flower visits were conducted by bumblebees (Bombus spp., (21 m2), S_062 was most often visited (3.53 ± 1.721 (SE)). This geno­
n = 801), followed by honeybees (Apis mellifera, n = 286). Non-Bombus type was visited slightly more than twice as often as the genotype
wild bees were the least frequent group of bee visitors (n = 43; see Table Augusta (1.75 ± 0.872 (SE)) which was least frequently visited for legal
A.3, Appendix A, for a complete list of flower visiting insects). Bum­ foraging.
blebees conducted illegal flower visits in 67.3 % (n = 539) of cases. Apart from minor variations, the differences observed between the
Illegal flower visits were also regularly performed by honeybees (39.5 V. faba genotypes in terms of the total number of flower visits per plot
%, n = 113). However, legal flower visits by honeybees were more (21 m2) (Table 1, Model 4; Table A.7, Appendix A; Fig. B.8 (A), Ap­
common (59.4 %, n = 170). Bumblebees performed illegal flower visits pendix B), number of illegal flower visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1,
significantly more often than honeybees (Fig. B.5, Appendix B). No Model 5; Table A.8, Appendix A; Fig. B.8 (B), Appendix B) and number
nectar robbing was observed for non-Bombus wild bees. Co-flowering of legal flower visits per plot (21 m2) ( Table 1, Model 6; Table A.9,
weed species were not visited by the bees. Furthermore, no flower Appendix A; Fig. B.8 (C), Appendix B) remained similar when the
visits of bees could be observed in sole crop stands of the cereal Genius. A number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) was included in the
schematic overview of all results of our statistical analysis can be found models.
in Fig. 2.
3.2. Effects of cropping systems and V. faba genotypes on V. faba plant
3.1. Effects of cropping systems on flower visits traits

V. faba-wheat intercrops and sole crop stands of V. faba neither The number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) was almost
differed in the total number of flower visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, two thirds higher in sole crop stands of V. faba (4564 ± 348 (SE))
Model 1; Table A.4, Appendix A; Fig. B.6 (A), Appendix B) nor in the compared to V. faba-wheat intercrops (2787 ± 215 (SE)) (Table 1,
number of illegal visits per plot (21 m2) (Table 1, Model 2; Table A.5, Model 7; Table A.10, Appendix A; Fig. B.9 (A), Appendix B). Moreover,
Appendix A; Fig. B.6 (B), Appendix B) when the number of V. faba in­ the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) varied significantly
florescences per plot (21 m2) was not included in the models. However, between V. faba genotypes (Table 1, Model 7; Table A.10, Appendix A;
a significant difference was found in the number of legal flower visits per Fig. B.9 (B), Appendix B). The highest number of V. faba inflorescences

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

Fig. 2. Schematic summary of the statistically

significant findings, i.e. effects of different
explanatory variables on response variables at
the (A) plot level and at the (B) plant level.
Colored boxes represent explanatory variables.
White boxes represent response variables
(except the number of V. faba inflorescences per
plot (21 m2) in (A) which is both a response and
an explanatory variable). Effects of an explan­
atory variable on different response variables
are depicted as arrows of the same color. P
values are shown on the respective arrow and
plus or minus signs indicate whether the influ­
ence on the response variable is positive or
negative. If the explanatory variable is a factor
with two levels (i.e. cropping system, study
site), the p values indicate whether there is a
significant difference between factor levels.
Plus and minus signs show effects of one factor
level (indicated in brackets) compared to the
other one. Since significant differences between
factor levels cannot be summarized with a sin­
gle p value or a single plus and minus sign when
the explanatory variable is a factor with more
than two levels (e.g. V. faba genotypes), no box
with a p value and a plus and minus sign is
added to the arrows in this case. The graph is
based on the results of models 1–13 (Table 1).
Green plant symbol is used with permission of
© BFlores (WMF), CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://cre­ > , via
Wikimedia Commons. The graph is shared via
Wikimedia Commons to fulfill license terms.
Graphs are generated with QGIS (,

per plot (21 m2) was found in genotype S_062 (4727 ± 439 (SE)). The Malibopop with the highest (5.4 ± 0.29 (SE)) and S_062 with the lowest
number of inflorescences per plot (21 m2) was more than three quarter LAI (3.9 ± 0.27 (SE)) (Table 1, Model 8; Table A.11, Appendix A; Fig.
higher than in Bering, the genotype with the lowest number of V. faba B.10 (B), Appendix B). We found a positive increase in LAI per plot
inflorescences per plot (21 m2) (2583 ± 279 (SE)). With a more than (21 m2) with days after onset of V. faba flowering as a linear factor
40% higher number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) in Nie­ (p = 0.007; Table 1, Model 8; Table A.11, Appendix A; Fig. B.10 (C),
dernjesa than Deppoldshausen (4276 ± 425 (SE) and 2975 ± 294 (SE), Appendix B).
respectively), a significant difference was also found between the two The average V. faba plant height in cm per plot (21 m2) was signif­
study sites (Table 1, Model 7; Table A.10, Appendix A; Fig. B.9 (C), icantly higher in sole crop stands of V. faba than in V. faba-wheat in­
Appendix B). The flowering phenology (i.e. days after onset of V. faba tercrops (84.5 cm ± 3.92 (SE) and 79.0 cm ± 3.92 (SE), respectively;
flowering until sampling date) had no significant influence on the Table 1, Model 9; Table A.12, Appendix A; Fig. B.11 (A), Appendix B).
number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2), neither as a linear nor However, this difference was with 7 % relatively small. V. faba geno­
as a squared factor (p = 0.663 and p = 0.538, respectively; Table 1, types differed significantly in the average V. faba plant height in cm per
Model 7; Table A.10, Appendix A). plot (21 m2) (Table 1, Model 9; Table A.12, Appendix A; Fig. B.11 (B),
The LAI per plot (21 m2) was significantly higher in sole crop stands Appendix B). Plants of the tallest genotype S_069 (88.6 cm ± 4.23 (SE))
of V. faba than in V. faba-wheat intercrops (5.17 ± 0.23 (SE) and 4.39 were almost a quarter taller than those of the smallest genotype S_062
± 0.23 (SE), respectively, 17.8 %; Table 1, Model 8; Table A.11, Ap­ (71.1 cm ± 4.05 (SE)). The average V. faba plant height in cm per plot
pendix A; Fig. B.10 (A), Appendix B). In addition, significant differences (21 m2) increased over time (i.e. with the variable days after onset of
in LAI per plot (21 m2) were found between crop stands with different V. faba flowering as a linear factor, p = 0.001; Table 1, Model 9; Table
V. faba genotypes varying by almost 40 % between the genotypes A.12, Appendix A; Fig. B.11 (C), Appendix B).

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

Fig. 3. Effects of the cropping systems (A) on the legal number of flower visits Fig. 4. Effects of the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) (A) on
per plot (21 m2) and (B) on the illegal number of flower visits per plot (21 m2). the number of illegal flower visits per plot (21 m2) and (B) on the number of
Different letters above groups indicate significant differences (significance legal flower visits per plot (21 m2). We calculated the number of V. faba in­
level: α = 0.05). Predicted means and 95 % confidence intervals are displayed florescences per plot (21 m2) as follows: The inflorescences were counted on
in red. The figure is based on model 3 and model 5 (Table 1). 6 V. faba plants in 3 sampling plots (1 m2) (i.e. 2 plants per sampling plot).
Additionally, all V. faba plants in the 3 sampling plots (1 m2) were counted. We
No strong correlation between the number of V. faba inflorescences multiplied the number of V. faba inflorescences, averaged over the 6 V. faba
per plot (21 m2) and the average V. faba plant height in cm per plot plants considered, by the sum of all V. faba plants counted in the sampling plots
(1 m2). The average number of V. faba inflorescences was rounded to the
(21 m2) (R2 = − 0.084, p = 0.417) and the number of V. faba in­
nearest integer to represent discrete count data. Then the result of this calcu­
florescences per plot (21 m2) and the LAI per plot (21 m2) (R2 = 0.12,
lation was multiplied by 7 to estimate the number of V. faba inflorescences
p = 0.245) could be found. However, there was a strong positive cor­ within the cultivated area per plot (21 m2) which represents the number of
relation between average V. faba plant height in cm per plot (21 m2) and V. faba inflorescences per plot. The Y-axis is sqrt-scaled for graphical reasons.
LAI per plot (21 m2) (R2 = 0.75, p = <0.00). Figures are based on model 5 and model 6 (Table 1).

3.3. Effects of cropping systems, V. faba genotypes and flower visits on 4. Discussion
yield per V. faba plant
Given the need for sustainable and biodiversity-friendly cropping
Yield per V. faba plant (g) differed between V. faba genotypes (Fig. 5 systems (Garibaldi et al., 2017), our study is the first to link potential
(A); Table 1, Model 10; Table A.13, Appendix A). The highest yielding benefits of intercropping systems as foraging habitats for bee pollinators
V. faba genotype was Bering with a yield more than twice as high as the compared to sole crop stands of legumes to bee foraging behavior (legal
V. faba genotype with the lowest yield S_062 (11.13 g ± 0.54 (SE) and vs. illegal visit), trait differences of genotypes and yield outcomes.
5.46 g ± 0.55 (SE), respectively).
We found an increase of the yield per V. faba plant (g) with an 4.1. Cropping systems, number of V. faba inflorescences, flower visits and
increasing total number of flower visits per V. faba plant (p = 0.023, foraging behavior
Fig. 6 (A); Table A.13, Appendix A). Furthermore, the number of illegal
flower visits per V. faba plant had a positive effect on the yield per Intercrops between non-flowering and flowering plants, such as le­
V. faba plant (g) (p = 0.015, Fig. 6 (B), Table A.14, Appendix A), gumes, can be beneficial for pollinators and other arthropods (Brand­
whereas there was no significant effect of the number of legal flower meier et al., 2021; Norris et al., 2018). As the visitation rate of
visits per V. faba plant (p = 0.951, Table A.14, Appendix A). These pollinating insects is positively affected by the density of flowers (Beyer
positive effects of pollination were found when the variable cropping et al., 2022; Vrdoljak et al., 2016), we expected intercrops with V. faba
system was not included as an explanatory variable in the models to be less attractive than sole crop stands of V. faba. Indeed, we found a
(Table 1, Model 10, Model 11). lower number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) in intercrops
However, when cropping system was included as explanatory vari­ than in sole crop (see also Section 4.2). However, the number of V. faba
able in the models, the effects of the total number of flower visits per inflorescences per plot (21 m2) did not affect the total number of flower
V. faba plant (p = 0.774, Table A.15, Appendix A) and the number of visits per plot (21 m2) by bee pollinators. Furthermore, the total number
illegal flower visits per V. faba plant (p = 0.652, Table A.16, Appendix of flower visits per plot (21 m2) was also not lower in V. faba-wheat
A) were not significant anymore (Table 1, Model 12, Model 13). Instead, intercrops than in sole crop stands of V. faba, suggesting that both
we found significant differences in terms of yield per V. faba plant (g) cropping systems are equally attractive for foraging insects. Based on
between the two cropping systems. Yield per V. faba plant (g) was 46.7% our study, it is difficult to identify the underlying mechanisms. We as­
higher in V. faba-cereal intercrops compared to sole crop stands of sume that other characteristics than the number of V. faba inflorescences
V. faba (8.78 g ± 0.32 (SE) and 5.99 g ± 0.32 (SE), respectively, Fig. 5 per plot (21 m2) could explain our findings. For instance, V. faba-wheat
(B); Table 1, Model 12; Table A.15, Appendix A). intercrops were characterized by a lower LAI per plot (21 m2) than sole

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

Fig. 5. Effects of (A) the V. faba genotypes and (B) the cropping systems on Fig. 6. Effects of (A) the total number of flower visits per V. faba plant and (B)
yield per V. faba plant (g). We calculated the yield per V. faba plant (g) as of the number of illegal flower visits per V. faba on yield per V. faba plant (g).
follows: A 10.5 m2 area of each plot was harvested in August 2019. By We calculated the yield per V. faba plant (g) as follows: A 10.5 m2 area of each
doubling, yield was converted from the harvested area to the cultivated area per plot was harvested in August 2019. By doubling, yield was converted from the
plot (21 m2), which represents the total V. faba yield per plot. Additionally, the harvested area to the cultivated area per plot (21 m2), which represents the
number of V. faba plants was counted in 3 sampling plots per plot (1 m2). The total V. faba yield per plot. Additionally, the number of V. faba plants was
number of V. faba plants in the cultivated area per plot (21 m2) was estimated counted in 3 sampling plots per plot (1 m2). The number of V. faba plants in the
by multiplying counts of V. faba plants in the three 1 m2 sampling plots by 7, cultivated area per plot (21 m2) was estimated by multiplying counts of V. faba
which represents the number of V. faba plants per plot. Yield per V. faba plant plants in the three 1 m2 sampling plots by 7, which represents the number of
(g) was calculated by dividing the total V. faba yield per plot (g/21 m2) by the V. faba plants per plot. Yield per V. faba plant (g) was calculated by dividing the
number of V. faba plants per plot (21 m2). Different letters above groups indi­ total V. faba yield per plot (g/21 m2) by the number of V. faba plants per plot
cate significant differences (significance level: α = 0.05). The Bonferroni (21 m2). The total number of flower visits per V. faba plant and the number of
correction method was used to adjust p values for multiple comparisons. Pre­ illegal flower visits per V. faba plant were calculated by dividing the total
dicted means and 95 % confidence intervals are displayed in red. V. faba ge­ number of flower visits per plot (21 m2) and number of illegal flower visits per
notypes are ordered according to the predicted means. Figures are based on plot (21 m2) by the number of V. faba plants per plot (21 m2). The Y-axis is sqrt-
model 10 and model 12 (Table 1). scaled for graphical reasons. Figures are based on model 10 and model
11 (Table 1).
crop stands of V. faba. Thus, the lower number of V. faba inflorescences
per plot (21 m2) in intercrops could be compensated by a higher visual Consequently, an increase in inflorescences beyond a certain point
perceptibility of inflorescences, resulting in a similar total number of would not translate into higher number of flower visits by bees, resulting
flower visits per plot (21 m2) (Cohen and Shmida, 1993). In some mix­ in a similar number of visits in both cropping systems. Such diminishing
tures of plant species, above- and below-ground plant interactions have returns were observed for increases in flower cover in terms of wild bee
been found to influence important floral traits that are relevant for abundance and species richness (Alison et al., 2022). In our experiment
flower visiting insects, such as nectar quality and quantity, and thus are with rather small study plots arranged in blocks, we could not detect any
likely to alter their attractiveness (Baude et al., 2011). Similar mecha­ difference between sole crops stands and intercrops. However, it has
nisms could also influence the attractiveness of V. faba plants: As LAI been shown that bees react differently to flowering resources depending
was measured on crop stand level, overall lower LAI levels of on the spatial scale (Veddeler et al., 2006). For this reason, future studies
V. faba-wheat intercrops could be due to the presence of winter wheat are needed to investigate whether our findings can be confirmed at
plants. Interspecific competition for light between V. faba plants and larger spatial scales, e.g. at field scale.
winter wheat plants in intercrops could be lower than intraspecific While the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) did not
competition in sole crop stands of V. faba. Consequently, reduced influence the total number of flower visits per plot (21 m2), we found a
competition for light could allow V. faba plants in intercrops to allocate moderation of the bees’ foraging behavior. The number of illegal flower
more assimilates in rewards for pollinators (e.g. higher nectar sugar visits per plot (21 m2) increased with an increasing number of V. faba
content) at the expense of other traits which are more relevant under inflorescences per plot (21 m2). A similar effect was reported by Mar­
light competition (e.g. plant height) (Gruntman et al., 2017). This is a zinzig et al. (2018) who observed an increase of both legal and illegal
theory that we cannot confirm based on our study. However, there is flower visits with an increasing number of V. faba flowers. However, in
evidence that photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and radiation contrast to Marzinzig et al. (2018), we found a slightly decreasing
use efficiency (RUE) are higher in intercrops than in corresponding sole number of legal flower visits per plot (21 m2) with an increasing number
crop stands, although an increase in RUE is not necessarily found in all of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2). There might be a short-term
combined crops (Gou et al., 2017). Another explanation why there was increase of both foraging strategies (as Marzinzig et al., 2018 re­
no difference between both cropping systems could be that the supply of ported). However in the long run, an increased number of illegal flower
floral resources in V. faba-wheat intercrops was already sufficient to visits by primary nectar robbers (B. terrestris) preferring mass-flowering
attract the maximum number of pollinating bees in our system. resources (Bänsch et al., 2021; Walther-Hellwig and Frankl, 2000) could

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

result in a higher number of biting holes in the flower tubes. This could that average V. faba plant height in cm per plot (21 m2), LAI per plot
then facilitate nectar robbing by causing shifts from legal to illegal (21 m2) and numbers of inflorescences per plot (21 m2) caused the
flower visits performed by secondary nectar robbers, such as honeybees observed differences between V. faba genotypes in the total number of
(Kendall and Smith, 1975; Newman and Thomson, 2005). Thus, high flower visits per plot (21 m2) or in the foraging behavior of the bees. As
numbers of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) could indirectly lead there is a strong positive correlation between LAI per plot (21 m2) and
to a decline of legal flower visits as observed in our study. In contrast, average plant height in cm per plot (21 m2), improved perceptibility of
Beyer et al. (2022) found that increasing local flower cover in faba bean V. faba inflorescences due to higher plants was probably compensated by
fields did not affect the nectar robbing behavior of bumblebees but a higher coverage of inflorescences with increasing LAI. Furthermore,
resulted in reduced nectar robbing by A. mellifera. At this point, it must other factors could determine the bees’ foraging decisions that were not
still be emphasized that the observed decrease in legal flower visits per recorded in our study. For instance, foraging decisions could be influ­
plot (21 m2) with increasing numbers of V. faba inflorescences per plot enced by differences between V. faba genotypes in floral rewards (e.g.
(21 m2) was small. That could be related to the fact that some bee nectar quality and quantity), floral architecture and display (Bailes
species such as Bombus hortorum and Bombus lapidarius almost always et al., 2018; Suso and Maalouf, 2010).
conduct legal flower visits (Marzinzig et al., 2018). In our study, this was
also the case (Table A.27, Appendix A): Bombus hortorum and Bombus 4.3. Flower visits, cropping systems, V. faba genotypes and yields
lapidarius were foraging legally in the vast majority of flower visits and
observed solitary wild bees (e.g. Andrena spp., Anthophora spp, Eucera We found a positive effect of the total number of flower visits per
nigroaenea) always carried out legal flower visits. These legal flower V. faba plant on the yield per V. faba plant (g) when cropping system was
visitors were not as abundant as the typical nectar robbers such as not included as explanatory variables in the models. This finding is in
Bombus terrestris agg or Apis mellifera (Table A.3, Appendix A). However, line with other studies that reported a positive influence of insect
as the number of flower visits by obligate legal flower visitors probably pollination on the yield components of V. faba (Bartomeus et al., 2014;
increased with a higher amount of flowering resources, as also observed Beyer et al., 2022; Varis and Brax, 1990). In our study, this positive
by Marzinzig et al. (2018), this could compensate to some extent the effect seems to be due to the number of illegal flower visits per V. faba
increase in nectar robbing. plant, which positively influenced yield per V. faba plant (g), while no
We also found differences between the two cropping systems in terms significant effect could be found for the number of legal flower visits per
of foraging behavior. Significantly more legal flower visits per plot V. faba plant. Marzinzig et al. (2018) identified B. hortorum, a
(21 m2) were made in sole crop stands of V. faba than in V. faba-wheat bumblebee species that conducts almost exclusively legal flower visits,
intercrops. This is surprising, as - following our theory above - sole crop as a very efficient pollinator of V. faba that increases seed set and
stands are characterized by a higher number of V. faba inflorescences per cross-pollination. Consequently, we expected legal flower visits to have
plot (21 m2) and should therefore be more dominated by illegal flower a positive effect on V. faba yield whereas we assumed illegal flower visits
visits. Thus, it could be that factors other than the number of V. faba to have a less strong or even negative impact (Mackin et al., 2021; Smith
inflorescences per plot (21 m2) (e.g. other plant traits, plant stand et al., 2021). The positive effect of illegal flower visits on V. faba yields
characteristics or abiotic and biotic factors) lead to a change in foraging in our study might be related to self-pollination of robbed V. faba
behavior of bees at the crop stand level (Baude et al., 2011; Chen et al., flowers, which could be increased despite the lack of direct pollen
2018; Cohen and Shmida, 1993; Schlinkert et al., 2015). Also contra­ transfer (Kendall and Smith, 1975; Soper, 1952).
dicting our theory, a higher number of illegal flower visits per plot The reason why, contrary to our expectations, we did not find an
(21 m2) was found in intercrops than in sole crops, even though they had effect of legal flower visits on the yield per V. faba plant (g) could be that
fewer V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2). Again, it could be argued the legal flower visits were less frequent than the illegal flower visits,
that this could be caused by crop characteristics other than the number both overall and on average per plot. However, this difference is not very
of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2). However, since this effect only pronounced. Another explanation could be that the majority of legal
occurs when the number of inflorescences per plot (21 m2) is added as flower visits in our study was not done by the most efficient V. faba
an explanatory variable to the calculated models, we assume that this pollinators (Marzinzig et al., 2018). For instance, flower visits by
effect is somehow related to the number of V. faba inflorescences per B. hortorum, although an efficient pollinator even at low densities
plot (21 m2). Unfortunately, it is very difficult to clearly identify the (Marzinzig et al., 2018), may still have been too rare to make a differ­
underlying mechanisms based on our experimental design. Although we ence (n = 23).
found statistical differences between the intercrops and the sole crops in Although we found an effect of bee pollination on the yield per
terms of foraging behavior, there was also a large variability within each V. faba plant (g), it must be noted that the observation time of pollinators
cropping system. The effect sizes of the differences in foraging behavior per plot was with six minutes relatively short and therefore may have
between the cropping systems were rather small and should therefore be limited representativeness (Fijen and Kleijn, 2017). Moreover, if we
interpreted with caution. included cropping system as explanatory variable in the models there
was no such positive effect of pollination. In this case, we instead
4.2. V. faba genotypes, flower visits and foraging behavior detected significant differences between the cropping systems in terms
of yield per V. faba plant (g). Pollination might play a role in deter­
We found significant differences between the V. faba genotypes in mining yield per V. faba plant, but in our study we cannot disentangle
terms of the total number of flower visits per plot (21 m2), the number of the effects of increased numbers of illegal flower visits in V. faba-wheat
illegal flower visits per plot (21 m2) and the number of legal flower visits intercrops and other beneficial agronomic aspects of intercropping
per plot (21 m2). However, we could not find clear links between flower systems. Therefore, it is possible that the higher yield per V. faba plant in
visitation and V. faba traits such as LAI per plot (21 m2), average V. faba intercrops compared to sole crop systems could mainly be related to
plant height in cm per plot (21 m2) and number of V. faba inflorescences favorable intercropping effects (e.g. complementary root distribution,
per plot (21 m2) as the bees showed very heterogeneous responses. For improved soil microbial communities and nutrient mobilization)
instance, the two V. faba genotypes with the highest total number of (Brandmeier et al., 2021; Brooker et al., 2015; Hauggaard-Nielsen and
flower visits per plot (21 m2), Hiverna/2 and Malibopop, were rather Jensen, 2005; Li et al., 2014, 2006; Streit et al., 2019).
different in their LAI per plot (21 m2) (second lowest vs. highest), Finally, we found significant differences between V. faba genotypes
average V. faba plant height in cm per plot (21 m2) (third smallest vs. in terms of yield per V. faba plant (g). The best yielding V. faba genotype
second tallest) and the number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2) was Bering which was characterized by intermediate LAI per plot
(second lowest vs. second highest). Consequently, we cannot confirm (21 m2) (third highest) and small plants (second smallest). This could be

F. Kirsch et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 343 (2023) 108268

related to an reduced lodging risk and lower light competition between Research Foundation. Felix Kirsch reports financial support was pro­
intercropping components, which are important aspects that determine vided by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. To create
the performance of V. faba-cereal intercrops in terms of yields (Nelson two graphs, we (the authors) used a green plant symbol created by ©
et al., 2021). BFlores (WMF), CC BY-SA 4.0 <
by-sa/4.0 > , via Wikimedia Commons. BFlores (WMF) has granted the
5. Conclusions authors permission to use this symbol for publication in Agriculture,
Ecosystems & Environment on the condition that: -> that the original
In our study, we could demonstrate that V. faba-wheat intercrops creator is credited by the authors of the publication. -> The modified
were used as foraging habitat by insect pollinators. Bumblebees and graph is shared via Wikimedia Commons to comply with the license
honeybees were by far the most abundant flower visitors. Despite a conditions. Neither BFlores (WMF) nor we have any financial benefit
lower number of V. faba inflorescences per plot (21 m2), V. faba-wheat from this agreement. We intend to comply with these conditions and
intercrops had a similar number of flower visits as sole crops stands of hope that Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment and Elsevier also
V. faba, indicating that both cropping systems have the same ecological agree to the use of the symbol in our publication.
value as a foraging habitat for bees. Thus, diversification of wheat
monocultures with V. faba could be considered as a potential measure to Data Availability
mitigate the loss of floral resources in intensively managed agricultural
landscapes and to bridge periods of floral scarcity. Moreover, we found Data is available in the GRO-Data repository under
that the cropping system influenced pollinator behavior. However, the 10.25625/ISYJJE.
main visitors of V. faba (i.e. honeybees and bumblebees) are very mobile
(Bänsch et al., 2020; Westphal et al., 2006) and adapt their foraging Acknowledgements
behavior to floral resource availability within agricultural landscapes
(Bänsch et al., 2020; Beyer et al., 2022). For this reason, future studies This study was part of the IMPAC3 project that was coordinated by
should broaden the spatial scope beyond this plot-scale experiment and the Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use of the University of
investigate pollinator behavior and pollination services in large fields Göttingen, Germany. IMPAC3 was funded by the German Federal Min­
with V. faba-wheat intercrops and combined sole crop stands of V. faba istry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant number 031A351A). We
and wheat of the same size. thank the Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht (NPZ) for the provided genetic
Yield per V. faba plant (g) were positively affected by bee pollination, material. We are especially grateful for the advice and help of Dr. Horst
with this effect being determined by the number of illegal flower visits Henning Steinmann, Regina Martsch, Tina Tietz, Vinay Challa, Aiza
rather than the number of legal flower visits per V. faba plant. This Fernanda Cantillo Rodriguez, Dr. Nicole Beyer, Dr. Reiner Theunert, Dr.
suggests that illegal flower visits do not adversely affect V. faba yields Marco Ferrante, Klara Küpers, Dr. Anjaharinony Andry Ny Aina Rako­
and may even have a positive effect due to self-pollination. However, tomalala and Mike Kuschereitz. Moreover, we thank Dr. Petit-Michaut
there were also differences between V. faba genotypes and cropping and the two anonymous reviewers for their comments that helped to
systems in terms of yields per V. faba plant, showing that these aspects improve the manuscript. CW is grateful for funding by the Deutsche
are as well important to increase V. faba yields. The fact that we found Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Project numbers 405945293 and
higher yields per V. faba plants in V. faba-wheat intercrops compared to 493487387).
sole crop stands might be related to agronomic advantages of this
cultivation technique (Brandmeier et al., 2021; Brooker et al., 2015; Appendix A. Supporting information
Hauggaard-Nielsen and Jensen, 2005; Li et al., 2014, 2006).
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average V. faba plant height in cm per plot (21 m2), number of V. faba online version at doi:10.1016/j.agee.2022.108268.
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