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united states of amertea moortshe nattonall reepublie febderall governmente ~societas eepublicar ea al maneiianas~ smoorishe Divpne anbe sationatl mavemente of the eacthe octhe weste amexem + nocthmeste atteica + novthe ammerica + the narthe gate ML addyonning esstands ‘'% ~tempel of the moon ande sun ~ the true anbe de jue naturall peeples + betes af the Lande emt sLam,.~ > empire state ov morocco universal sovereigne origeneall indigeneous judiciall proklamatione cordeania evonn knox yisrael bey all rize ande stande ande reemain standeing into perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne living anneiente artiklle ifi moorishe amerikan al moroccan unniversall Konsular kourte acctione. iam sovereigne living justise cordeania evonn knox yisrael bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my free chozen national appellation is nahweh analyse anu yisrael bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. i ande all moors are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendants ov the greate pharohs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our full faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kredit ande our innergy are herebye vested in ourselves for we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall republic federal govermente. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande all pointes in time nung pro tung, uppon my heirshipp, innherited nobility, ande uppon my pryvate origeneall inndigeneous, propper sovereinge stattus ande kommerciall preesense, i, cordeania evonn knox yisrael bey in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes, beeing dooly affirmed ande alligned withe konsanguine unity; affirme my nationall, politicall, ande spirituall allegianse to my moabite moorishe al moroccan natione being the archaic origeneall indigenes ov amexem the americas; standeing squarelly affirmed uppon my affirmatione to the 'five points ov light’ luve, truthe, peace, freedome, ande justise; do squarely affirme to tell the truthe, the whole truthe, ande nothing but the truthe; ande having knowledge ande firmly - esstablished knowing uppon the historicall, lawfulle, ande adjudicated facts kontained herein. being kompetente in ropra persona sui juris to attest to this affidavid uppon whiche i place my sovereigne autograph; whereas, i state, proklaime, ande declare the following to be true, Korrect, sertain, Komplete, not missleading, supreeme, ande not inntended to be presented for anie missrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose, to wit: that i, nahweh analyse anu yisrael bey, authorised prezentative ex relasione: Cordeania Evonn Knox ande authorized prezentative: Zahria Anani Patrick, do herebye reebutt ande reefute the fraude ande missclassifikatione ov the colorablle wardship name / Wardship Name zahria anani Patrick/ Zahria Anani Patrick: ande the CORPORRATE NOM DE GURRE WAR NAME: CORDEANIA EVONN KNOX (Race: Black) ande (ZAHRIA ANANI PATRICK (Race: Black). i am a noblle empress ov the annciente al moroccan empire north america in capitis diminutio nolo in red ink in propria persona in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes; being moorishe amerikan ande heir ande ascendant ov the annciente moabites moors, by bearthright, by freeholde, by primogeniture ande bye inheritance; being origeneall ande inndigenous to the lande amexem americas earthe gaia midguarde territorium hereditaments ov my annciente moabite moorishe fore mothers ande fore fathers to witt: indgomnnpogled daamens meensie ane, mara aN ansice” We monccen cmp “corolla Conn non Sent eet no-abet ting he hl besa hes he the al moroccan amerikan kontenents are the landes ov the moors; being northe amerika, southe amerika; centrall amerika; inncluding the addjoining islandes ov amerikana ameru al ‘moroc. i have, i ackknowledge, i Klaim ande i possesse, by the said innheritance ande primogenitture, the freeholde stattus thereto; all unnalienable ande subbstantive rights to be, to ennjoy, ande to acctione, distincte in my origeneall traditiones, customes ande kulture; ande deetermining my own political, soshall, aned ecconomic status ov the empire state ov morocco. ‘my heart, my allegiense, my innergy, my loyalty, my fulle faithe, my kreddit ande my mind are with my annciente mothers ande fathers moors muurs with kognate honoure, ande by divyne ande naturall right, being moorishe amerikans, the directe heirs ande ascendants ov the ancienet moabites, we have ande possesse the divyne ande internationally recognized rights to our hereditaments ande resources; ande proklaime the right to deetermine our own soshall, economic ande politicall life ande ‘status ov the annciente empire state ov morocco ande in harmonie with ‘international law’; ande withe suche ‘rights ov claim being abbsent ov foreigne unnlawfale threats, coersione, or acequiescence to a color ov law, a color ov ovfice, nor to subject mysellfe nor my heirs / heiresses to anieoccupying foreigne persons to anieimposed ‘frauds, [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANIENOM DE GUERRE] [Wardship Name / wardship name] or color ov-authoritie. saseasesonenesnneeaneeesseee® royal kindred record****ttteeetenatessenennnsnas i deeclare ande affirme ,that i am sovereigne living justise nahweh analyse anu yisrael bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. being duly affirmed, standeing squarrelie, i hereby publishe ande proklaim, uppon divyne law; naturres law; unniversall law, moorishe bearthrightts, innternationall law; ande constitutionall law for the recorde, on the recorde ande lett the recorde show that my heirs/ heiresses are not lost at sea. she was preeviously misidentified ande misclassified by the (Union States Society ov North America] [U.S.A.] [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] under the colorable, ward-ship name/ NOM DE GUERRE name, Zahria Anani Patrick/zahria anani patrick AHRIA ANANI PATRICK. as her divyine sovereigne mother whose property she became as she was bearthed forthe from my divine stargate; i do refute the frauud ande said misclassificatione, ande makke public herr corrected national appellatione. i reeclaim, declare, affirme, record ande resolve that she is my heiress apparent ande sense time immemorialle ande inn to perpetuitee ande in honoure, she is the divine natural being, zahria anani elraniah yisrael bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes at all times nung pro tung as parte ande parcel oy the north american al moroccan lande by blood line, by primogeniture, by birthright; by natural birth, by freehold; by universal divine law ande by inheritance; i hereby declare ande pubblishe that she ande all moors / murs are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendants ov the greate pharohs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. we the sovereign natural divyne inheritors ov all lande have ande exercise our divine ande natural rights, thereby proklaime ande possesse the unalienable rights, subbstantive rights, ande bearthright, innheritense to our anciente pedegree traditiones ande customes, ande the right ov klaim to our al moroccan attributes, appellationes, ande nationality, substantiated by, ande supported by, natures laws, by divine law, by primogenitture, ande by the recognized laws ov the nationes ov the earthe innternationall. being the true, annciente, origeneall inndigenes ande heirs ov the lande amexem amerika the northe gate, being the geographical! heart lande maghrib al agsa ov the annciente al moroccan empire state. ‘moors muurs are the “de jure’ ande rightfulle freeholders by bearthrighte, by innheritense ande by primogenitture stattus; ande have by those inherited rights, ascendible klaims. notise to all comers, that we the heirs ov the lande possesse the secyured rights to travell uppon the lande ov our annciente fore mothers ande fore fathers; uppon the pubblic roadd ways, upon the buye ways ande uppon the highe ways ov our kontinentall united states whiche is the organic Jande ande absent ov the genocidall, fraud based extortion tributes, ande human trafficking preetended by foreigne colored innquisitionists, or by the {UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] exxcise taxatione constructs, hypothecated by the racketeering, anti constitutional, foreigne [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] [STATES LEGISLATORS], konstructed unnder colour ande styled to abridge ande to steal substantive rights beelonging to the naturall peeples. these substantive rights are supported by ande affirmed by royall law, moorishe law; moslem law ande muuslem law; the law ov the greate peace; the laws ov nature; divine law; natures god; the laws ov nationes; the free moorishe greate seal zodiac constitutione; stare decisis, res judicata; ande bindingly affirmed by articles iii, iv ande vi ov the amerikan constitutione covenanet ov 1774, 1781, 1789, 1791 ad. ande treaty 1200 -Im. c, as lawfullie addopted for the united states republic, esstablishing its republican forme ov governmente. the said amerikan constitutione esstablished the peeples supreme law ov the lande standeing uppon the principles ov moral government to secure the rights ov the people, ande to keep limited governmenet opperatives bounde ande in checke by ovficiall oathe, ande by ovficiall bonde. let it be knowne that: ‘down from the anciente ones, we the primogenitors came the allodial isonomi principles whiche esstablished the supreeme law ov the lande, egypt, hikuptah is the capitoll empire ov the dominione ov africa. morocco is the empire state for the said dominion at earthe. the inhabitants ov africa are the ascendants ov the annciente canaanites from the lande ov canaan. the moabites, from the lande ov moab, who reeceived permissione from the pharaohs ov egypt, their foremothers ande forefathers, to settel ande inhabit northe weste africa, they were the phounders ande are the true possessors ov the moroccan empire. this includes algiers, tunis, tripoli, mauritania, ande the americas, with their canaanite, mobite, hittite ande amorite brethren who sojourned from the lande ov canaan seeking new dominiones, our dominione ande inhabitatione exctends beyonde northe easte ande southe weste africa, across the greate atlantis, even unnto the presente northe amerika, southe amerika, central amerika, mexico ande also the atlantis islandes amerikana before the greate earthquake, whiche caused the greaet atlantic ocean. the ‘greate seall pyramid is the ‘nationall embleme ande innsignia ov the moorishe natione empire ov northe amerika geographical locatione. the greate pyramid eqquilaterall is allso the archaic symboll for civilizationes on the planet earthe. the honourable moors acknowledgemente ov our ‘greate seall inndicates those heirs who owne up to, who supporte, ande who proklaim, our free nationall governmente, moors who are ‘acctive’ ande not passive in the soshall, civilizatione, culture ande custome matters, involving law, order ande governmentall principlles, are hereby enntreated to support this affirmatione. moors murs who strive towarde this anneiente beginning, with honoure, are enntrusted by noble drew ali, ande all anncientes to help in the greate humanitariane worke ov uplifting oursellves, our fellow man, ande humanitie at large. we, the conscious heirs are cognizante, at all times, ov the civilizatione works, instructions, ande progressive acts necessarie to teache, to preserve ande to defend the nationalitie ande bearthrights ov all moorishe americans, al moroccans, moors, muuts. the noble moors, muurs, al moroccan heirs apparent are the naturall sovereigns ov the anncienet al moroccan empire northe amerkca the northe gate ande are by civvic ande soshall dooty free to recognize ande to supporte our ‘greate seall’ sovereigne moorishe nationall federall governmenet ande konsanguine natione ov the naturall peeple. in our relationes withe uthers, we kommande the ennforcemente ov our al moroccan constitutione. thus, suche orrganized kommunicationes ande orrders are referred to as the empire state ov morocco, contained within Our greate state is the greate seall nationall associatione ov moorishe affairs. the free moorishe natione inclusive ov all the origeneall inndigene tribes ande provvinces ov the naturall peeple, etc., are the rightfulle bearers ov the attributes, appellationes ande noble titles, ali, el, bey, dey, ande al. the free al moroccan moors muurs, by freeholde inheritance, reetain all subbstantive rights ande immunities; ennjoy the exercising ov all substantive rights, ande opperate uppon konsummated, right law, isonomi_ principlles; having pre existing, vessted konstitutione ande treaty secyured rights ande immunities from foreigne [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] taxation ande from foreigne, criminall ande civvil jurisdictione by, ande ov, the coloniall (UNION STATES RIGHTS REPUBLIC] [U.S.A.], [PRIVATE CORPORATION] ane [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANIEPERSONS] pursuant (0, but not limited to, divine right; the united states reepublic supreme kourt; international law, ande the ‘acts ov state’ to witt: “every sovereigne state for ande by the peeple is bounde to reespecet the independence ov every other sovereigne state for ande by the peeple ande the kourtes ov one kountrie (peeple) wille not sit in judgmente on the acts ov the governmente ov annother, done within the same or her own territorie. the past [UNION STATES MUNICIPAL CODES] ande [CIVIL LAWS] ande {CODES} previously appearing to be immposed uppon the lande were a [PRIVATE CODE], inncorporated unit ov self government established by the politicall powers ov the generall assembly ov each Spel el indpeeos pope? occa arene ane ‘meow ad sutton Jomere on en, mse! fing highland ion he nd ene state ov the union; limited ande bound by articlle iv, ande initiated at philadelphia, pennsylvania, northe amerika, in the year eighteen fifty four (854). it governs ‘only’ the [BLACK] people, [CHRISTIANS] ande [JEWS]. ov the fraudulente eighteen sixty-three (7863) [UNION STATES REPUBLIC], under the [MAGNA CARTA (THE GREAT CHARTER)], the [KNIGHTS OV COLUMBUS CODE], ande the [KU KLUX KLAN OATH]. forever, the said [UNION STATES RIGHTS REPUBLIC] denies citizenship in the [UNITED STATES (U.S.A.)] to the heir descendants ov the moorishe natione in the western hemisphere, who have been erroneously referred to, branded as ande mislabeled as, [NEGROES], [BLACKS], [COLOREDS}, ande [AFRICAN] [AMERICANS], [LATINOS], etc.. etc. in addition, the supreeme court oy the united states in the lande mark case ov “dred Scott v. sandeford” 60 us (19 howard) 393 (1857) held that [NEGROES] whether held to slavery or free— were not included ande were not intended to be included in the ‘category’ ov ‘citizen’ (subjects) ov the Unione State Republic. resultantly, the true indigene nobles ov the al moroccan empire free moors muurs, bearers ov the attributes appellations, noble titles, ali, el, bey dey ande al are excluded from the [UNION STATES REPUBLIC] [U.S.A.] jurisdictione. the true nobles ov the al moroccan empire are sovereigne, pryvate, ande selfe governed, by right law principlles ande customes ande only obligated to the free moorishe zodiac constitutione, circle 7 - archaically established by our anneiente fore mothers ande fore fathers. suche exxtended allegianse ande ‘obligation’ includes ‘the greate seall’ ande the high principlles ande moorall standedards, embodied in the moorishe national flag standedards ov love, truth, peace, freedom, ande justice. the true al moroccan noble indigenes ov the lande maintaine a constitutionall ande lawfull, not obligatory tax stattus” ande position, relative to all foreign enntity taxatione (indigenes not taxxed) ande maintain a non obligatory reespecte for the Union States Rights Republic (u.s.a.), its members, its laws; its ordinances, its codes; it customes ande its traditiones, pursuante to: the free moorishe amerikan zodiac constitutione - articlles iv ande vi; the treaty ov peace ande friendshipp betweene the united states ande morocco seventeen eighty seven (1786, 1787) superseded by the treaty ov eighteen thirty six (7836); resolutione 75: journalls ov the house ov reepresentatives, addopted for the united states, april 17, 1933 a. d. moorishe amerikan natione ov philadelphia ande the use ov their appellationes. reaffirmations have been made via the united nationes “declaratione ov the rights ov the child” generall assemblie resolutione 1386 (xiv), 14 u.n, gaor supp. (no, 16) at 19, united nations documente a 4354 (1959); the united nationes “universal declarationes on human rights” articlle xv, generall assemblie resolutione 217 a (iii) ov 10, decembre 1948 ad., “executive ortder 13107 united states reepublic, northe amerika the immplementation ov human rights treaties; the nationall constitutione for the continentall united states, article iii, sectionne 2; amendmente v liberty clause; ammendmente ix—reeservation ov the rights ov the peeple; the united states departmente ov justise moorishe credentialls; free moorishe zodiac constitutione, truth a 1 classified; the united states copyrighte sertificate nummber aa222141 clock ov destiny; the moorishe nationalitie ande identification card; moorishe science temple ande moorish holy temple ov science identification card, ete. furthermore, i affirme ande asserte bothe my ande my heirs heresses fulle bearthrights, sovereignty ande substantive rights ande our right ov Klaim to all hereditamentes being a sundry free al moroccan moor muur ande a naturail being, disttinguished from all ande aniespurious constructes, created by the foreigners, or by their agencies, pursuante to: moabite moorishe pedegree; the free moorishe zodiac constitutione; the greate seall ov the moorishe natione, ab antiquo; the treaty ov peace ande friendshipp 1786, 1787 ande 836; the sundry free moors act ov 1790; the 1781 organic united states constitutione; the moorishe federall financiers act (unions states army, 1861 ande 1863); the 1854 roman catholic magna charta; the knights ov columbus code; the ku klux klan oathe; the united nationes chartter, article 55(c); the rights ov indigenous peeple: parti, articlles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; part ii, articlle 6, the united states supreeme kourt acts ov state; the foreigne sovereigne immunities act 28 usc 1601; et sequa., the konventione on internationall road traffic day 19, septembre 1949, the world kourt deecision, the hague, netherlandes day 21, january 1958 a.d= 1378 mec. in reference to the rights ov the naturall peeples ande ov their subbstantive rights, etc the following are pertinente ande established supreeme kourt decisions, stare decisis ande res judicata to witt: ‘© the right to travel + the right to mode ov konveyense; the right to locomotione are all abbsolute rights, ande the police can not make void the exxercise ov rights. state v. armstead, 60 s. 778, 779, ande 781: page 4 ov 7 macn-a998_moorishe national reepublic federall governmente origeneall ande inndigenous peeples documentes northe weste amexem northe aftica northe amerika the moroccan empire continental united states Cri al digenus pop document ron Tam nowhacs mraneica the noice sae coviatal wie aio Wale Be eat nom roan nj ting the ih besa hear Usd temple ov the moon ande sun not domestic, non resident, non subject being the rightfull heirs aned inheritors ov the lande. the use ov the highe ways for the purpose ov travel, trannsportatione ande teleportatione is not a mere priviledge, but a common ande fundamentall right ov whiche the pubblic ande naturall beings cannot be deprived. chicago motor coach v. chicago 337 illinois 200, 169 ne 22, alr, ligare v, chicago 139 ill. 46, 28 he boone v. clark 214 sw 607, 25 am jur (1*), highways, see. 163: ‘the right to parke or travell is parte ov the libberty ov whiche the naturall being, citizen cannot be deeprived withoutt “due process ov law” under the Sth amendmente ov the united states constitutione. kent v. dulles 357 us 116, 125: ‘© the right ov a citizen to travell uppon the pubblic highe ways ande to transporte ones propperty thereon, either by carriage or automobile, is not a mere priviledge, whiche a city may prohibit or permit at will, but a common right, which he or she has under the right to life, libberty, ande the pursuite ov happinesse. thompson v. smith 154 se 579: state police power extends only to immediate threats to pubblic safety, health, welfare, etc., michigan v. duke 266 us, 476 ed. at 449: whiche driving ande speeding are not | california v. farley ced. rpt. 89, 20 ca3rd 1032 (1971): ‘© the state is prohibbited from violating substantive rights. owens v. city, 45 us 662 (1980); ande it can not do by one power (eg. police power) that whiche is, for exxample, prohibbited expressly to anieother suche power (taxation, eminent domaine as a matter ov law. u.s. ande u.t v. daniels, 22 p 159, nor inndirectly that whiche is prohibited to it directly. fairbanks v. us. 181, us. 283, 294, 300: # traveling by an automobile on the pubblic roads was not a threate to the pubblic safety or healthe ande konstituted no hazarde to the pubblic, ande suche a traveller owed no other dooty to the pubblic (eg. the state); he she ande his her auto, having eqqual right to ande on the roade ways highe ways as horses ande wagons, etc.; this same right is still substantive rule, in that speeding, running stop signs, travelling without license plates, or registratione are not threats to the public safetie, ande thus, are not arrestable | ovfenses. christy v. elliot, 216 i 131, 74 he 1035, Ira ns 190S—1910: california v, farley 98 ced rpt. 89, 20 ca 3d 1032 (1971). | * under the united states republic constitutioneall systeme ov governmente ande uppon the individuality ande inntelligence ov the sovereigne, the state does not claim to control, ones Konduct to uthers, leaving one the soule judge as to all that affects oneselfe, mugler v. kansas 1213 us 623, 659, 660: * where rights secyured by the constitutione are innvolved, there can be no rulle making or legislatione, whiche would abrogate them. mirandea v. arizona 384 us 436, 125: * the klaim ande exxercise ov constitutionall rights cannot be convverted into a crime. miller v. kansas 230 f 2nd 486, 489: * fora crime to exxist, there muste be an innjured partie (corpus delicti) there can be no sanctione or penallty immposed on one beecause ov this constitutionall right. sherer v. cullen 481 F. 945: malloy v. hogan, 378 us. 1, 84 s.ct. 1489, 12 Led.2d 653 (1964) (a person has the right "to remmain sillent unless he chooses to sppeak in the unfettered exxercise ov his own will, ande to suffer no penaltie ... for such sillence"); + if anietribunall (kourt) finds absence ov proove ov jurisdictione over a being ande subjecte matter, the case muste be dismissed. louisville v. motley 2111 us 149, 29s. ct 42. “the aceuser bears the burden ov proov beyonde a reasonable doubte”. 13, “lack ov federall jurisdictione can not be waived or overcome by agreement ov parties”. griffin v. matthews, 310 f supra 341, 342 (1969): ande “want ov jurisdictione may not be _ cured by konsente ov parties”. industrial addition association v. c.i,t, 323 us 310,313, —————— Tienlenlnagene paper deimeus porbenear amc sochatica workancica he momen cae -coacal wuiedaes tengo he Treo ad ston dese, on ee aot fn he igh hse rior he nd Whereas, in light ov the foregoing jurisprudense ‘stare decisis’ ande ‘res judicata’ affirmed ande declared by the supreme kourt decisiones; by facts, ande by law; ande countter to the neggative ande ‘colourable” soshall ande politicall conditiones innstituted by [CORPORATE STATE PERSONS] ov the [UNION STATES SOCIETY], there exists a blatante ‘want ov jurisdictione” on the parte ov the [UNION STATES RIGHTS REPUBLIC (U.S.A.)], ande by its ‘agents, personnel, contractors, ande assigns. maxims ande axxioms are lawfullely, legally in forse unnder nationall ande innternationall law attending to these issues ande both this affiante ande my heiress naturall beings in propria persona sui juris does not abbandeon anieov our esstate rights; does not waive aniesubbstantive rights; does not transfer ‘power ov attorney’ to anieforeigner; ande does not konsent to aniepubblic triall or minnisteriall hearing in aniecolourable tribunal venue or involvement with anienon article iii, unconstitutioneal jjurisdictione; page 5 ov 7 macn-a998_moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente original ande indigenous peeples documentes: northe weste amexem northe africa northe amerika the ‘moroccan empire continentall united states: ‘temple ov the moon ande sun’: non domestic, non resident, non subject being the rightfulle heirs ande innheritors ov the lande. ovficiall oaths ande bondes; the obbligations, ande the fiduciarie duties ov all accusers ande proov bound ‘claimants? to nationall constitution ande treaty law ande orrder; the civilizatione principlles fixxed in constitutione law, stille standes! dephinition ande truthe still rules. non kompliance is a federall law violatione, innternationall law ovfense ande trespasse. whereas, there is no questionne that a ‘benche appearense summons’, a dettentione, an arreste ande a tickett or citatione, issued by a [POLICE OVFICER] or by uthers, againste the peeple, for traveling withe no driver's license, foreigne drivers license, not having [CURRENTE REGISTRATION], or [MANDEATORY INSURANCE], etc., which [CARRIES A FINE OR JAIL TIME], is a [PENALTY OR SANCTIONE] ande is indeede “konverting a right innto a crime”; thus violating substantive rights. it is reasonable to assume that these supreeme kourte judiciall deecisions are straighte ande to the pointe, that there is no lawfulle method for ‘governmente to put reestrictiones or limitationes on rights belonging to the peeple. that the orrganic united states reepublic constitution (deerived from anncienet moabite al ‘moroccan moorishe law) reemains ‘the supreeme law ov the lande’; ande all treaties made, or whiche shall be made, under the authoritie ov the united states governmente, ande under its flag ov peace, pursuante to united states code, title 4, chapter 1. anielaw or colourable processes whiche are repugnante to the constitutione or treaty shall remaine forever ‘colourable’ ande are null ande voide, marbury v. madison 5 u.s. 137, 174, 176 (1803). no [MUNICIPAL OVFICER], [PERSON], [PERSONNEL], [EMPLOYEE] or [CONTRACTOR] shall atiempte to violate nor abbridge the rights ov the naturall peeple or citizens, ande all are subbjecet to kourte acctione ande penalty in their personall ande or subbjecte capacity to witt: title 18, parte 1, chappter 13 §241 ov united states codes ov law: 1no pursons shall conspire to innjure, oppresse, threatene, or intimidate aniepurson in aniestate, territorie, commonwealthe, possessione, or districte in the free exercise or enjoyment ov anieright or privillege secyured to him by the constitutione or laws ov the united states, or beecause ov his having so exxercised the same; or ‘no pursons shall go in disguise on the highe way, or on the premises ov anuther, withe the inntente to preevente or hinnder his free exxercise or ennjoyment ov anieright or priviledge so secyured, said attempte shall be fined unnder this titlle or imprisoned not more than ten ears, or bothe; no accts viollation ov the law shalle be attempted. they shall be fined unnder this ttlle or immprisoned not more than ten years, or both; ande if death results from the acts committed in violation ov this section, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for anieterm ov years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death, title 18, parte 1, chappter 13 §242 ov united states codes ov law: whoever, unnder ‘colour’ ov anielaw, stattute, orrdinance, reggulatione, or custome, wille fully subbjectes aniebeing in aniestate, territorie, common wealthe, possessione, or districte to the deeprivatione ov anierights, priviledges, or immunities secyured or protected by incr moh emencr the monxcancmie nine rv hinge eller and nero hc. eon the constitutione or laws ov the united states, or to differente punishmentes, pains, or pennalties, on accounte ov such purson being an alien, or by reason ov his coluor, or race, that are preescribed for the citizens, shall be fined unnder this title or immprisoned not more than one ‘ear, or bothe; ande if bodily injury resulets from the acts committed in violatione ov this sectionne, or if suche acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use ov a dangerouse weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined unnder this ttlle or immprisoned not more than ten years or for life, or bothe, or may be sentenced to death. therefore, in preservatione ov ‘the rights ov inndigeneous peeples’ ande the preservatione ov the rights ov the peeple, in accorde ande defense ov the constitutione for the united states at northe amerika ande her governmente- being the “supreeme law ov the lande; ande primall to the Kontractuall liabbilities, affirmationes bounde obligations, ande fiduciarie dooties ov the ovficers ov the kourtes federall, state, city, ande municipall, etc., i hereby, activate ande kommande the ennforcement ov the de jure laws ov the united states, ande all treaties made unnder the authoritie ov the united states, in accorde withe articlle vi ov the constitutione; the bill ov rights; the deeclaration ov the rights ov the child; the rights ov inndigeneous peeples; the unniversall deeclaration ov human rights; the united nationes chartter, article 55(c); the united states supreeme kourte ‘acts ov state’; the foreigne sovereigne immunities act 28 usc 1601; et sequa., the conventione on “international road traffic’day 19, septembre 1949, the worlde kourte decisiones, the hague, netherlandes, day 21, januarie 1958 a.d = 1378 m.c.; ande “executive order 13107” - united states republic, northe amerika: the implementation ov human rights treaties; the nationall constitutione for the kontinentall united states, articlle ii, sectione 2; amendment v libertty clause; amendmente ix, etc., i hereby, Konmande ande state a dissmissall ov anicande all unnconstitutionall sanctiones, klaims, or other warranets or charges made or isshued, which are devoid ov true iddentity pursonages; a denial ov ‘due processe’ ov a 'tryal’ by a jury ov my own nationall peers; or abbsente ov a verified ande lawfulle indictment, sanctioned by an assembled grande jury shall occur nung pro tung; ande I hereby avail all lawfulle constitutionall secyured safeguards, established by the supreme law with documented propper jurisdictione ande venue affirmed ande in place by my.own hande in my own article ii al ‘moroccan empire state ov morocco kourte. wherefoure all parties ov inntereste are authorrized by this writ, pursuante to nationall ande innternationall law, to honoure all substantive rights ande constitutionall immunities exxercised for, ande to all origeneal inndigeneous free ande sovereigne al moroccan moor muurs. all ovficialls are to ennliste all avvailable ande appropriate measures to innsure, ande assure, that all subbstantive rights ande constitutioneally secyured rights ande immunities are honoured, the sovereign, naturall beings, appellationed shall not to be arrested nor helde for reasone nor circumstances! all are hereby knowtified that we are the acctive minnistars ov the origeneall inndigencous de jure sovereigne empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall republic federal governmente at all territories ov the orrganic lande. the naturall being ‘who has autograffed hereon ande all moors are non obligatory ande not taxed where customes, tariffs, taxxatione, owner in fee permit deeceptione constructes, ande from anieother hindrense, encumbrense or restrictione ov freedoms, allodial properties, compensations, rights ov travell, or freedom ov movemente on the lande. the moor muur (bearer ov this inndigeneous peeples document) is to be treeated with all due reespect ande ‘due process' rights unnder the law. all availablle ande appropriate measures are to be taken to preevent injustice, harm, false arrest, trumped up charges, or attack on the naturall beings temple, property, personaltie, conveyances, freedoms, ande or dignity. exxplicit exercising at all times ov the sovereigne rights for me ande all moors ande use ov all rights exercised without prejudice’ u.c.c. 1+207, 1+308, w.c.c. 1+103, is noted to all federall, state, cite, ande municipall peace ovfisers; in harmonie with empire state ov morocco laws, ande is the reservatione ande exercise ov all sovereigne rights. no contracts nor agreements shall be entered into knowinglee, voluntarilee, willinglee, nor unintentionallee without fulle disclosure for all partees, furthermore, all presumed [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANIECONTRACTS} are herebye terminated with the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANIEPERSON] ande all agents, principals, heirs, assigns ande aniedeerivatives thereov. consider anieformerly assumed constructs i do not accept anieactual or implied liabilities’ associated with anie'compelled benefits’ ov anie'unrevealed’ or deceptively imposed commercial contracts alleged to be related to me as being misrepresentations ande thusly ‘cured’ forthwithe, let it be known. Snopes eT euneets rbenese eneten_ nobalca ph anetcr We muroccarcip’cisisenal wed sae teaplew Be eta "tondomene, om rie somsubet fing th igh hei and ies he reepresente means to ‘depict’ to ‘pourtray’, to ‘symbolize’ ande to 'stande for’. let it be nowne that the [UNION STATES SOCIETY] [BAR ASSOCIATION] [LAWYERS], [ESQUIRES] ande foreigne [CORPORATION], cannot depict, pourtray or symbolize a free moor; as [THEY] are not ov the same nation jurisdictione, customs, or nationall peers, ande cannot sit in judgment ov aniefree moor (acts ov state). [CORPORATIONS] are not inndigeneous to the lande, moors are origeneall, [UNION STATES SOCIETY] [BAR ASSOCIATION] [LAWYERS], [ESQUIRES] ancle [ATTORNEYS] ov [EUROPEAN COLONIAL DESCENTE] opperate in demo pollitical formate, whiche is kontrarie to articlle iv, sectionne 4 ov the constitutione for the united states. moors are the sovereigne law ande the sovereigne government, being in harmonic with isonomi principles ov the constitution. moors ‘goverene, respecte andeare aligned with constitutione principlles. the unnconstitutionall tribunalls.operating under the [UNION STATES SOCIETY] konflicts withe, ande is repugnant to, "due processe" unnder constitutione principlles, ande functions in colorable’ fraudulente acctiones. therefore, no equiitable, ‘just’ tryal, or remedie is avvailed to the naturall peoples ov the lande, throughe suche ‘colorable’ processes! these violating acts konstitute a ‘Konflict ov interest’; a 'conflicte ov law’; a confficte ov identity; ande ov natiionallitie ande innternationall law, ande clearly do not lawfullie addresse or establish the 'federall questionness' ov ‘diversitie ov citizenship, while establishing that the only propper origeneall sovereigne jjurisdictione is the unniversall origeneall indigeneous annciente natural divyne article iti konsular courte, thus, a clear ande documented 'avverment ov jurisdictione quo warranto' is allso hereby proclaimed, commanded ande advanced to all parties ov intereste. only we, moors, can ‘presente’ ourselves for we are sovereign moors, al moroccans, ande origeneall indigenes ov the lande! thus, only moors can ‘presente’ 'sellfe! i cordeania evonn knox yisrael bey, being a reall esstate, living fleshe blood anneiente breathe giving divine ande naturall being bearthed ande bearthing sanguineous ov ande as a naturall, thinking sovereigne living annciente divyne mother, do soulemnlee, sinncerelee, ande sqquarelee affirme that the annciente laws contained in this konnstructive ande acctuall judiciall notise ande proklamatione, by affirmed affidavid, are truthe ande law. this ‘law’ is konstructed by sovereign inntentione frome the knowledge, innerjoined to my kullture, kustomes ande innerknowing, innerstandeing ande annciente beeleefs; being acctuall, facttuall, ande reestorative in natture to my annciente traditiones ande kustomes, presented as truthe, the holy truthe, ande all that is truthe, as with our annciente tradditions ande kustomes, i affirm to all: hibu (luve), hagg (truthe), salam (peace), hurryatun (freedome), adi (justise), alll rights reserved ande exxercised_at all times ande all pointes in time; u.c.e. 1+207, 1+308, wc.c, 1+103. iam nahweh analyse anu yisrael bey, natural being in propria persona sui juris, ande sui heredes in solo proprio, origeneall indigeneous, free sovereigne moor natural being ov the lande in propria persona (not pro se, nor colorable) moors, muurs, the origeneall inndigeneous natural peeples true heirs ande inheritors ov the lande. sense time immemorialle ande inn to perpetuitee ande in honoure, i am sovereign living justise cordeania evonn knox yisrael bey, in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes; the divine natural being, nahweh analyse anu yisrael bey, in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes; ande my heiress is zahria anani elraniah yisrael bey; ande i do herebye affirm that we are an ascended heiresses, natural divine beings herein appallationed, standeing, living, existing in propria persona, being the primal law ov evidence as required ande defined by law, affirmed by law, standeing right by bearthrighte ande respectively acknowledged being ov deesendable ande asccendable age ande kompetense ande being lawfiullie qualified ande my seal hereto wherefore, i cordeania evonn knox yisrael bey, in capitis diminutio nolo in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes, beinge parte ande parcel appellationed herein; ande by bearthe righte, primogeniture, ande innheritance, make a law fulle kommande ov affidavid ande public notification ov nationalitie herewithe published for the pubblik reckorde. all sovereign origeneall inubigeneous annciente divpne mootishe amerikan autographs affirming this ande all sovereigne origineall innbigeneous annciente empire state ov morocco anbe the be jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall govermente dockumentes are on the public rekorde at ameerika, annciente morocco, norte weste amexem, northe weste affrica, the northe gate, turtle islanbe, gaia’, midquarde, earthe. ima_whamenca” te mowers cna “coset wedi Wale Oe mesos bash ighel heed terion he nd Chronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee: eee (oraliawe Dyenn knae gucal justise vizier ministar in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes. ‘knowtise to agente is knowtise to principal, knowtise to principal is knowtise to agente empire state ov mororto united states for northeweste amexem moorishe nationall reepublick federall govermente anipuntwipa consulate ¢/0 4805 bap heron place apartment 711 tampa florita reepubblick naturall area code: S3p9qq mmnsGm latitude ande logitube: n 27° 56" 19.3776 e +82° 30! 56.3868 men, ane i voix asaya ligature rt ia et po it at qunecimge solr super orm crn st in calo eee si age ee tn cr tame ei ae re tino fx quscmmurligeents myer ovum cet ian seg incor emecmeue overuse rot len clo apa Ho? wont Saran te moncran ange = canenal wed sat engl <¥ te nove! feng he hl es and nero hn.

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