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[ i] Bit by bit Where are you going, my little kittens?

Sink or swim We are going to town, to get us some mittens.
Live and learn What? Mittens for kittens?Do kittens wear mittens?
Chill out! Who ever saw little kittens in mittens?

[ i:] Extremes meet Pleased to meet you

Easy come, easy go Sweet dreams
A friend in need is a friend indeed Tea for me

[ e ] Help yourself Hector Protector was dressed all in green.

Any money left? Hector Protector was sent to the Queen.
Expensive cigarettes The Queen didn’t like him, nor did the King;
Are you ready, Eddie? So Hector was sent back to where he had been.
Ready, steady, go!

[ æ ] That’s flat A black cat sat on a mat and ate a bad fat rat.
Bad management. If you, Sandy, have two candies
Can you imagine that? Give one candy to Andy, Sandy.
If you, Andy, have two candies
Give one candy to Sandy, Andy.

[ Ʌ ] Under discussion It’s a duck

Just enough With a lot of pluck
Hurry up! Driving a truck
Such a fine day, you are lucky Changing its luck.

[ a: ] Calm down! It’s a shark

Start the car. Swimming in the park
How smart you are! In the dark
Far from eyes, far from heart. For a lark.
He laughs best who laughs last.

[ ɔ ] Jog on! All I want is a proper cup of coffee

What a swat! Made in a proper copper coffee pot.
Upon my word! You can believe me or not
Tom and his dog went to the pond. I want a cup of coffee
In a proper coffee pot.

[ ɔ: ] All abroad! It’s a stork

Your hobby-horse From New York
It’s all your fault! That hated Pork
George was born in August. Pulling out a cork
And holding a fork.

[ ] If only I could It’s a bull

It looks good That’s very full
A good puss Covered in wool
By hook or by crook And trying to pull

[ u: ] Do as I do It’s a goose
Don’t be rude Sitting on a moose
Who is on duty? On the loose
Who’s who? Wearing a noose

[ ə: ] Certanly, sir It’s a bird

A little girl with a pretty curl. Looking absurd
Upon my word. Saying a word
And eating curd.
Vowels and Consonants

Голосні звуки
парні (довгі-короткі) непарні дифтонги
[a:]-[ ʌ ] [ u: ]-[ u ] [ e ] [ æ ] [ ə: ] [ ə ] [ ei ] [ iə ] [ au ] [ uə ]

[ ɔ: ]-[ ɔ ] [ i:]-[ i] [ əu ] [ ɔi ] [ ɛə ]

Приголосні звуки
парні (глухі-дзвінкі) непарні
[ f ]-[ v ] [ t ]-[ d ] [ k ]-[ g ] [m] [w] [l] [n] [r] [j][η][h]

[ ∫ ]-[ ʒ ] [ p ]-[ b ]

[ Ө ]-[ ð ] [ t ∫ ] - [ dʒ ]

Таблиця читання голосних літер під наголосом

Літера 1 тип 2 тип 3 тип 4 тип
(відкритий склад) (закритий склад) (голосна + r) (голосна + r + e)
a [ ei ] name [ æ ] flag [ a: ] part [ ɛə ] hare
o [ əu ] rose [ ɔ ] stop [ ɔ: ] sport [ ɔ: ] store
e [ i: ] Pete [ e ] pet [ ə: ] Bert [ iə ] here
u [ ju ] music [ ʌ ] bus [ ə: ] fur [ juə ] pure
i [ ai ] Mike [ i ] pin [ ə: ] sir [ aiə ] fire
y [ ai ] type [ i ] Syd

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