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Leidy Nikol Castillo León

María Paz Pulido Pinto

Fundación Universitaria Juan De Castellanos

Departamento de Idiomas

Lengua Extranjera V

Diana Patricia Suescun Tambo


14 de agosto de 2023

At the Old Swimming Hole Sara Paretsky

Victoria Warshawski is a private detective, she used to be friends with Alicia Dauphine,

they met at school. By then, Alicia was interested in two things: swimming and engines. Alicia

studied engineering at university and then joined the Berman Airplanes swim team. . . Alicia had

invited Victoria to a swimming competition at the University of Illinois.

A tragic homicide occurred in the competition, initially the organizer changed the

positions of the swimmers, leaving the first lane empty. The starting signal was fired and six

competitors jumped into the water. The water around the second swimmer was turning red.

Victoria jumped into the water and helped pull that woman out of the water. The woman died a

few minutes after this accident. Her name was Louise Carmody. She was twenty-four years old

and worked for the Dearborn Bank. Victoria told the police everything necessary and took Alicia

to her house. Victoria wanted to know what was happening at the pool, so she asked Alicia since

it seemed to her that the one she was trying to kill was Alicia, but since they had changed lanes

no one knew who was who. Alicia didn't say anything to him.

At night Victoria's phone rang and a voice on her phone told her that Alicia was lucky,

but next time she wouldn't be lucky. Alicia could hear this conversation so she ran out of the

house. Victoria called Ernesto by phone, who, being part of a criminal group, asked him to help

her find out what he was going through with Allicia. Victoria had to find Alicia because she had

it for her. She went to Alicia's house; the door was closed and no one was there. She went to the

side of the house and saw a broken window in the kitchen, she went into the kitchen and saw

something strange, she saw things mixed up on the floor. Someone had to be there before her.

She went upstairs and there was nothing interesting and no one. She looked at the door

above the stairs, saw a hand with a gun. Then she started to run, but the bullet hit her. She did not

stop and ran out of the house. Many children were found in the place in front of the house and

they called an ambulance. At the hospital she was very tired and weak. The FBI agent asked him

questions about her accident. Peter Carlton, an FBI agent, told him that Alicia had big problems,

the FBI believed that she was selling secrets to the Department of Defense to the Chinese.

Victoria didn't believe him.

By the next day, Victoria had learned from Ernesto that Alicia owed a debt of seven

hundred and fifty thousand dollars to Art Smollensk, the gambling king. She went to look for

Alicia, her idea was that Alicia had been at the old high school. She was Alicia's favorite

swimming teacher; Victoria's premise was correct.

Alicia was there, she talked to Victoria and told her the whole story about her, her brother

Tom, hers, he was the one who had been playing on her behalf, since it was, he who had the debt

with Mr. Smollensk. One day Tom had taken some important records from Alicia's work when

he was visiting her house. Those records were the ones that the police couldn't find and that's

why they thought that Alicia was selling the secrets of her country.

Alicia didn't know the FBI was looking for her. Alicia called Tom; she wanted the

records back. Alicia was behind the wall and Tom was walking through the girls' locker room.

There was another man with him.

When she saw that Victoria was here, Tom started shooting at her, the bullet hitting the

place where she was standing. Victoria jumped and swam underwater, Alicia appeared there and

a gunshot voice was heard. Alicia was on the floor. The FBI agents were there and Alicia told

them the whole story and then she died. Victoria spent a few days in prison because the FBI

wanted to punish her for not telling the FBI where Alicia was.


Paretsky, S. (1998). Crimen Story Collection. Penguin Books

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