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a) Өмнөх хичээлийн гэрийн даалгаварт цээжилсэн “Дүрмийн бус үйл үгний хувирал”-аа сэргээн
санаж, дараах үгийн сүлжээг бөглөнө. Бөглөхдөө үйл үг тус бүрийн Past Simple хувиралыг
хүснэгтэнд бичнэ. Жишээлбэл: Forgive биш, Forgave гэж бөглөх юм.

b) Дараах хүснэгтийг “Дүрмийн бус үйл үгний хувирал”-аа ашиглан бөглөж бичнэ үү.


1 go went
2 forget
3 risen
4 see
5 gave
6 fell
7 fly
8 grow
9 clung
10 drawn

c) Англи хэлний өгүүлбэрийн араг яс буюу цөм дөрвөл-ийг зөв дарааллын дагуу бичнэ үү.

a) “a or an” article-уудаас тохирох article-ийг нөхөж бич.
1. …a....... house 11. ………. economic problem
2. ………. ice-cream 12. ………. hour
3. ………. owl 13. ………. airport
4. ………. rose 14. ………. very nice orange
5. ………. watch 15. ………. English teacher
6. ………. eye 16. ………. engineer
7. ………. horse 17. ………. university
8. ………. island 18. ………. small animal
9. ………. dress 19. ………. alligator
10. ………. adult 20. ………. eraser

b) ….. -ийн оронд “a, an ,the” article-уудаас тохирох article-ийг нөхөж бич.
Zero article байх тохиолдолд хоосон орхино.
1. We stayed at ..a.. hotel. ….. hotel was very nice.
2. This morning I bought ….. newspaper and ….. magazine. ….. newspaper is in my bag.
3. My friends live in ….. old house in …… small village. There is …… beautiful garden behind …….
4. Do you still live in ….. Ulaanbaatar?
5. The Mississippi river is in …….. United States of America.
6. With a good telescope, you can see craters on …… moon.
7. There are …. dark clouds in ….. sky.
8. ……. Mr. David lives in …… beautiful apartment.
9. Where is Boldoo? He is in ….. bathroom.
10. Turn off …. light and close ….. door.

c) ….. -ийн оронд () доторх adjective болон adverb-аас тохирохыг сонгож бич.
1. It was a bad game. (bad/ badly)
2. Our team played …… . (bad/ badly)
3. I am a ……. driver. (careful/ carefully)
4. I drive my car ……. . (careful/ carefully)
5. She is a ……. girl. (perfect/ perfectly)
6. She speaks English ……. . (perfect/ perfectly)
7. Can you speak ……. ? (slow/ slowly)
8. Maria …… opened her present. (slow/ slowly)
9. The lesson was …… . (quick/ quickly)
10. The dinner smells ….. . (delicious/ deliciously)
11. She sings ….. . (happy/ happily)
12. She sounds ….. . (happy/ happily)
13. Sally is very …… . (quiet/ quietly)
14. Sally speaks very ….. . (quiet/ quietly)
15. It was a …. exam. (good/ goodly/ well)
16. We did it ….. . (good/ goodly/ well)

d) Хүснэгтийг ашиглан дараах өгүүлбэрүүдийг гүйцээж бич.
Subject, Object-ийн Pronoun-ыг анхаар!

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

I I know Jek. Jek knows me. me
We We know Jek. Jek knows us. us
You You know Jek. Jek knows you. you
He He knows Jek. Jek knows him. him
She She knows Jek. Jek knows her. her
They They know Jek. Jek knows them. them
It It is good Jek knows it. it

1. I want to see her but …she… doesn’t want to see …me… . (Example)

2. They want to see me but …… don’t want to see…… .

3. She wants to see him but …… doesn’t want to see…… .
4. We want to see them but …… don’t want to see…… .
5. He wants to see us but …… don’t want to see…… .
6. They want to see her but …… doesn’t want to see…… .
7. I want to see them but …… don’t want to see…… .
8. You want to see her but …… doesn’t want to see…… .

e) Доорх өгүүлбэрүүдийн хоосон зайнд ямар үгсийн аймгийн үг тохирох вэ?

Зөв хариултыг олж дугуйлна уу.

1. The pizza smells ___________.

a. adjective b. adverb c. pronoun
2. He was ____ football.
a. adjective b. verb c. auxiliary
3. She had ________ playing the piano for ten years.
a. verb b. auxiliary c. pronoun
4. I bought a ___________ dress at the mall.
a. auxiliary b. adjective c. noun
5. If we finish our work ____________, we can go to the movies.
a. adverb b. auxiliary c. verb

6. I want to go to a ___________ in the United States.

a. adjective b. verb c. noun
7. Jana _____ cereal, but Paul _____ pancakes.
a. noun b. verb c. adjective
8. When it stops raining, we will play __________.
a. noun b. article c. adjective
9. I drink a glass of _________.
a. verb b. noun c. adverb
10. ________ is a kind of sport.
a. verb b. adjective c. noun

11. Reading English book ________ knowledge.

a. article b. verb c. adverb

12. Some people________ words to memorize.
a. article b. noun c. verb

13. An English grammar book can be a _________.

a. adverb b. article c. noun
14. Memorizing new words ______ helpful for learning English.
a. adverb b. adjective c. verb
15. Drinking_______ is bad for health.
a. article b. noun c. auxiliary

16. Last year, it _______ a lot.

a. auxiliary b. verb c. noun
17. _______ will rain soon.
a. pronoun b. verb c. adjective
18. We ________travelling by car.
a. auxiliary b. noun c. adverb
19. Dorj _________ a movie.
a. verb b. article c. noun
20. I ______you.
a. verb b. adjective c. adverb

f) Дараах өгүүлбэрүүдээс хаалтанд бичигдсэн үгсийн аймагтай тохирох үгсийг түүж бичнэ
1. walked (verb) He walked around the corner.
2. _____________(pronoun) Paul hopes that she will sing with the choir.
3. _____________(pronoun) Can Jerry help him with the science project?
4. _____________(noun) Have you seen the eraser?
5. _____________(noun) The lock was stuck.
6. _____________(preposition) She purchased the ice cream with him.
7. _____________(adjective) Older people tire more easily.
8. _____________(adjective) Steven is honest.
9. _____________(adjective) Kind people are often rewarded.
10. ____________(adverb) The officer ran fast.
11. _____________ (noun) I am eating an apple.
12. _____________ (adjective) I read an interesting book.
13. _____________ (adjective) He is agile.
14. _____________ (adjective) I am happy.
15. _____________ (adverb) My sister answered the question intelligently.

g) Хүснэгтэнд байгаа үгсийн аймгийг ашиглан өгүүлбэр дотор тодруулсан үгсийн алинд
тохирохыг нөхөж бичнэ үү.
noun article verb adjective

pronoun adverb preposition auxiliary

1. ____NOUN_____They attended the concert last weekend.

2. _______________Several cats ran into Rob’s garage.
3. _______________The truck driver delivered the package quickly.
4. _______________Fast runners won all the awards at the track meet.
5. _______________My friend and I walked home after school.
6. _______________I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch.
7. _______________She was counting the ballots during civics class.
8. _______________The troops scattered throughout the woods.
9. _______________Will they finish the test on time?
10. ______________The diagram was fairly complicated.
11. ______________The sky is clear; the stars are twinkling.
12. _______________ Jimmy, eat your spaghetti.
13. _______________ He used this umbrella in Alabama.
14. _______________ I like peanuts and potato chips
15. ._______________ Have you seen the eraser?

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