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Official Report

In the professional world, decision makers rely on two broad types of report: Some reports focus
primarily on information ('what is being done now,' or 'what the survey/research found). But beyond
merely providing information, many reports also include analysis ('what this information means for
future policy,' 'what courses of action should be considered,' 'what action should be taken and why').

• Register formal
• Language impersonal and factual (avoid first person “I” and emotive vocabulary)
• Uses cautious language e.g. “may'” and “could” etc.
• Uses straightforward but precise language
• Content is logically organized and concise
• Use bullet points.
• Use Headings and Sub-Headings

Organization of Content
• Report Title
 Introduction: The introduction paragraph provides background information, states the
purpose of the report, and outlines the scope of the investigation. It sets the context and
informs the reader about the focus and objectives of the report.
 Body: The body of the report explains all the major discoveries, broken up into headings and
subheadings. To support your analysis, you can cite some of the credible sources “quotations”,
referencing research studies, presenting data or statistics, and using logical reasoning to
support their arguments.
 Conclusion: The conclusion paragraph summarizes the main findings, highlights key insights,
and may offer recommendations or suggestions for further action. It is important to offer
specific recommendations or suggestions for action in the report. Recommendations provide
practical guidance and help stakeholders make informed decisions based on the findings and
analysis presented in the report.

Analyze the following task:

Every year your school organizes an excursion to an English-speaking country to learn about its way of
life, and its customs and traditions. However, the cultural element of the trip this year was weak and
boring. As a senior student who has been on three of these excursions, you are well able to compare
them. Write a text which describes the limited experience of the country's way of life, contrasts these
with the different experiences in previous years, and explains why the previous experiences were more
interesting and stimulating.

Note: I have used neither bullet points nor research style such as methodology, findings, discussions
and so on. However, you can use them as you like to structure your writing. Therefore, I have utilized
a narrative one in the form of paragraphs.
Excursion to an English-Speaking Country: A Comparison of Cultural Experiences

Every year, our school organizes a short journey to an English-speaking country to learn about its way
of life, customs, and traditions. As a senior student who has been on three of these excursions, this
report is written to provide an analysis of the recent excursion organized by our school to Australia as
an English-speaking country. The report aims to highlight the limited experience of the country's way
of life, compare it with previous years' excursions, and explain why the previous experiences were
more interesting and stimulating.

Limited experience of the country's way of life

This year's school trip to an English-speaking country was limited in terms of experiencing the country's
way of life. The trip plan was focused on visiting tourist attractions and shopping centers, which did
not provide an authentic experience of the country's culture. The tour guide lacked sufficient
knowledge about the country's history, traditions, and customs. For instance, according to a quotation
from a student who participated in the recent excursion, “It was a bit disappointing because we visited
some touristic places, but it felt more like a surface-level experience. We didn't have many
opportunities to interact with locals or dig into the country's traditions and customs. It left us wanting
more.” Thus, the cultural activities we take part in were not enough to watching a few performances
and visiting a museum.

Contrast with previous years' experiences

In contrast, the previous years' excursions provided a more engaging experience of the country's way
of life. The itinerary included visits to historical sites, cultural events, and local markets. The tour guide
provided detailed information about the country's history, traditions, and customs. Moreover, the
cultural activities were diverse and interactive, which allowed students to participate in traditional
activities, and explore the country's unique customs and traditions. One student stated, "We had the
opportunity to visit a local school and interacted with the students, participate in traditional activities,
and engage in meaningful conversations with locals. It made the experience more memorable and
educational." Unlike the current excursions, the previous excursions provided a deeper understanding
of the country's way of life among the students.

Reasons for previous experiences being more interesting and stimulating:

Several factors contributed to the success of previous experiences. Firstly, the previous excursions had
a well-designed plan that included a variety of cultural activities, such as visits to historical sites,
museums, and local markets. These activities allowed students to actively engage with the local culture
and gain firsthand experiences. Additionally, the presence of knowledgeable guides and experts
provided valuable insights and enhanced the learning experience. The tour guide provided detailed
information about the country's history, traditions, and customs, which promoted our understanding
of the country's culture. According to data collected from surveys conducted after previous excursions,
95% of the students reported a high level of satisfaction with the cultural activities and interactions.
In conclusion, this year's excursion to Australia as an English-speaking country fell short in providing a
comprehensive cultural experience. The insufficient interactions, lack of depth in activities, and missed
opportunities for immersion stopped the students' understanding and appreciation of the country's
way of life. It is recommended that future excursions could prioritize cultural immersion, incorporate
a diverse range of activities, and provide opportunities for meaningful communications with locals.
Word Count: 548 words
Answer Key

Green highlighted areas mean ‘strong vocabularies’

Pink highlighted areas mean ‘structures and grammar points’

Blue highlighted areas mean ‘strong cohesive devices or connectives’

Underlined words mean synonyms (Your turn is to find each synonyms).

Assignment (450-600 words)

Your English class has successfully raised $1000 as part of its CAS programme to support
a group of 10 refugee children. Write a text type in which you propose the school
administration how the money should be allocated between two options: providing
clothes or investing in English lessons. Present a detailed analysis of the potential
benefits of each option and provide a well-justified recommendation.

Official report Blog Essay

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