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Task 5:
Everyone need let the dogs
with necklace
Don’t throw out the trash on
the sidewalk
Could everyone please clean
the yard every weekend?
Would you mind tourn the
music off.
The neighborhood need turn
music down
Everyone needs keep their
pets inside
Task 6:
Hi Bro.
Hey I very sick I can’t go to
school and I need your help in
asks for the teacher, first
you ask the teacher if have
homework this week? second
I need what subjects the
talked in the class, third Could
you ask the teacher when had
the test?. Hey bro thanks
please don’t forget these
Task 7:
The festival flowers are the
better festival in Colombia
because is really amazing
because is
really beautiful the people
made this expression is
amazing, the people that made
silletas take a time to walk
over of back and this is really
heavy. The culture is pretty
have a
lot colors representation of
nature the town and village.
Task 8:
This is my brother mi brother
been marine for 4 long years.
He was a really strict and
in the marine. After that he
study manager enterprise and
in this moment, he is four
semester. He will a successful
manager and improve himself
Task 5 to 8

Task 5

 Everyone need let the dogs with necklace.

 Don't throw out the trash on the sidewalk.

 Could everyone please clean the yard every weekend?

 Would you mind toum the music off.

 The neighborhood need turn music down.

 Everyone needs keep their pets inside.

Task 6:

Hi Bro.

Hey I very sick I can't go to school and I need your help in asks for the teacher, first Could you ask
the teacher if have homework this week? second I need what subjects the teacher talked in the
class, third Could you ask the teacher when had the test?. Hey bro thanks please don't forget
these things.

Task 7:

The festival flowers are the better festival in Colombia because is really amazing because is really
beautiful the people made this expression is amazing, the people that made this silletas take a
time to walk over of back and this is really heavy. The culture is pretty have a lot colors
representation of nature the town and village.

Task 8:

This is my brother mi brother been marine for 4 long years. He was a really strict and angry in the
marine. After that he study manager enterprise and in this moment, he is four semester. He Will a
successful manager and improve himself.

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