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Gisela Imelda Pattipeilohy

NPM: 15.31.2045
Composed in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan
in English Language and Education






Summary of Excute of Thesis Writing

This is to Certify the summary o Excutive of Thesis Writing


Gisela Imelda Pattipeilohy





Has been corrected and approved by the advisor

Ruteng, July 29th, 2019

Approved by

Advisor I

Tobias Gunas, S. S., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0807127404


GISELA IMELDA Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
NPM.15.31.2045 Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu
Paulus Ruteng


Pattipeilohy, Gisela Imelda. 2019. Ellipsis Yang Digunakan Dalam Novel “The
Other Side Of Midnight” Karya Sidney Sheldon. Tesis. Program Pendidikan Sarjana.
Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng. Pembimbing I: Tobias Gunas, S.S,
M. Pd. Pembimbing II: Ignasius Loy Semana, S. Fil., M. Hum.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ellipsis yang digunakan
dalam novel The Other Side of Midnight oleh Sidney Sheldon. Penelitian ini berfokus
pada jenis elipsis. Ellipsis adalah bagian dari kohesi tata bahasa. Ellipsis mengacu pada
kelalaian dari klausa satu atau lebih kata yang digunakan untuk menghindari
pengulangan. Ellipsis dibagi menjadi tiga jenis, antara lain; ellipsis nominal, ellipsis
verbal dan ellipsis klausal.
Penelitian ini dirancang dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dimana data yang
diambil berkaitan dengan ellipsis digunakan dalam novel “The Other Side Of Midnight”.
Data tersebut dianalisis secara kualitatif berdasarkan jenis dan fungsi elipsis. Kemudian,
data dianalisis berdasarkan klasifikasi elipsis yang diajukan oleh Halliday and Hassan.
Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan note taking sebagai instrumen
penelitian. Note taking digunakan untuk mendapatkan data yang relevan dalam novel
tersebut. Data dikumpulkan melalui dua prosedur; Prosedur pertama yang digunakan
adalah membaca novel The Other Side of Midnight oleh Sidney Sheldon. Prosedur kedua
adalah mencatat. Dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan tiga langkah yaitu,
reduksi data, tampilan data, penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua jenis ellipsis ditemukan
dalam novel. Jenis-jenis ellipsis tersebut antara lain Elipsis Nominal, Elipsis Verbal dan
Elipsis Klausa. Berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan, ellipsis yang ditemukan dalam novel
ini yaitu dari bab 1 hingga bab 15 dan berjumlah sembilan puluh elipsis. Dari sembilan
puluh elipsis, terdapat tujuh Ellipsis Nominal, tiga puluh satu Ellipsis Verbal, lima puluh
dua Ellipsis Klausa. Dalam ellipsis nominal, sebagian besar kata benda dari ellipsis
nominal dihilangkan dan diganti dengan elemen numeratif. Sedangkan dalam elipsis
verbal, elipsis leksikal lebih banyak dihilangkan dibandingkan modal elipsis. Dalam
Ellipsis Klausa, baik elemen modal dan elemen preposisi digunakan dalam novel.
Berdasarkan hasil dalam penelitian ini, penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa
semua jenis ellipsis dalam novel The Other Side of Midnight oleh Sidney Sheldon
ditemukan. Dalam ellipsis nominal, sebagian besar kata benda dari grup nominal
dihilangkan dan diganti dengan elemen numeratif. Sedangkan dalam elipsis verba, elipsis
leksikal dihilangkan daripada modal elipsis. Dalam elipsis klausa, elemen modal dan
elemen proposisional digunakan dalam novel. Elips preposisional sering digunakan dalam
novel. Dari total jumlah elipsis yang dianalisis, ada lima puluh dua elips klausal yang
ditemukan dalam novel. Fungsi elipsis sebagian besar menggunakan ekonomi speaker. Ini

berarti bahwa pembicara dan pendengar saling membatasi satu sama lain karena itu
interaksi antara pembicara dan pendengar menghasilkan elipsis hanya jika pendengar
memahami maksud pembicara.
Kata Kunci: Ellipsis, Novel.


GISELA IMELDA English Language and Education

Faculty of Teacher Training and
NPM.15.31.2045 Educational Sciences
Indonesia Catholic University of Saint
Paul Ruteng

Pattipeilohy, Gisela Imelda. 2019. Ellipsis Used in the Novel “The Other Side
of Midnight” Written by Sidney Sheldon. Tesis. Under Graduate Program of Education.
Indonesia Catholic University Of Saint Paul Ruteng. Advisor I: Tobias Gunas, S.S, M.
Pd., Advisor II: Ignasius Loy Semana, S. Fil., M. Hum.
This research was aimed at analyzing the ellipsis used in the novel The Other
Side of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon. It focused on the types of ellipsis. Ellipsis is a part of
grammatical cohesion. Ellipsis refers to the omission from a clause of one or more words
which is used to avoid repetition. Ellipsis divided into three types; they are nominal
ellipsis, verbal ellipsis and clausal ellipsis.
This research was designed in descriptive qualitative method which the main data
related to ellipsis used in the novel The Other Side Of Midnight. The main data were
qualitatively analyzed in terms of types and function of ellipsis. Then, the data were
analyzed based on the classification of ellipsis proposed by Halliday and Hassan. In
collecting data, the researcher used note as instrument of the research. The note was used
to obtain the relevant data in the novel The Other Side of Midnight. Moreover, the note
was also employed while reading the novel. The data were gathered through two
procedures; The first procedure is reading the novel The Other Side of Midnight by
Sidney Sheldon. The second procedure is taking notes. In analyzing the data, the writer
used three steps that are, data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing.
The result of this analysis shows that all types of ellipsis are found. There are
nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis and clausal ellipsis. Based on the data, ellipsis found in
this novel from chapter 1 to chapter 15 are ninety ellipses. From ninety ellipses, there are
seven Nominal Ellipsis, thirty one of Verbal Ellipsis, fifty two of Clausal Ellipsis. In
nominal ellipsis, most noun of the nominal group is omitted and replaced by numerative
element. While in verbal ellipsis, the lexical ellipsis is frequently omitted than modal
ellipsis. In clausal ellipsis, those modal element and propositional element were used
which the prepositional ellipses frequently used in the novel.
Based on the finding in this study, it can be concluded that all the types of ellipsis
in the novel The Other Side of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon were found. . In nominal
ellipsis, most noun of the nominal group is omitted and replaced by numerative element.
While in verbal ellipsis, the lexical ellipsis is omitted than modal ellipsis. In clausal
ellipsis, those modal element and propositional element were used in the novel. The
prepositional ellipses frequently used in the novel. From the total number of ellipsis
analyzed, there are fifty two clausal ellipses found in the novel. The function of ellipsis
mostly use speaker economy. It means that both speaker and hearer constrain each other

therefore the interaction between speaker and hearer results in ellipsis only if the hearer
understand the speaker means.
KeyWords: Ellipsis, Novel.

Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking within a text or sentence

that holds a text together and gives it meaning. Cohesive devices have function as

connector between two sentences and indicator the relationship between them.

Text cannot be said intact reading without cohesion because the text is less

isolated element of that, which is not related to each other. Term for one

occurrence of cohesive relation items call a “tie”. It means that, relation between

the first words to other word which refers to the first word. The concept of tie

makes the possibility to analyze a text in terms of its cohesive properties, and give

systematic account of its pattern of texture. This relationship implies the

continuity between sentences to another.

Halliday and Hasan (1976:170) said that cohesion refers to the resources

within language that provide continuity in a text, above and over that is provided

by clause structures and clause complexes. Kafes (2012: 85) stated that cohesion

is a matter of the semantic relation that establishes cohesive device and enables a

passage of speaking or writing to function as a text. It can be found within and

between sentences since it is a semantic relation. Bachman and Palmer (1996:13)

suggest that “a good text should be cohesive”. The paragraph in novel should be

tie together. They link one word to others closely by using cohesive devices.

Cohesive devices are important aspect to create texts and to make the sentences

relate together. There are two kinds of cohesion, they are grammatical cohesion

and lexical cohesion (Halliday and Hasan 1994:170). Grammatical cohesion is the

way that grammatical features are attached together across sentences boundaries.

It consists of reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Lexical cohesion is

the way aspect of vocabulary link parts of text together. It consists of reiteration

and collocation.

In this research, the researcher only discusses about ellipsis as a part of

grammatical cohesion. The writer analyzed about ellipsis which defined as

something unsaid in utterance but has been understood. It usually refers to an

intentional omission of a word, phrase or clause from a text, often because the

omitted items have already been referred to earlier and thus not necessary to be

mentioned more.

Considering with the statement above, the researcher is interested in

analyzing the types of ellipsis used in each sentence of the text of the novel, which

formally exist as an important role in making sentence more concise and

meaningful in an English novel. Halliday and Hasan (1976: 13) have found that

“there are three types of ellipsis that are nominal, verbal, and clausal ellipsis.

Nominal ellipsis is the one which operates on the nominal group, the structure of

nominal group consists of head with optional modifier. Verbal ellipsis is the one

which operates on the verbal group, and the clausal ellipsis is omission of the

non-finite part of the verbal group, all complements and adjuncts are also


In this research, the researcher conduct the analysis of Sidney Sheldon’s

novel entitles The Other Side of Midnight. In the novel, dialogues mostly use

ellipsis in their elements. The dialogues between speakers mostly use omission

style in the utterance or in saying an expression. The researcher is interesting in

analyzing this novel because this novel used dialogues rather than explanation,

and this is easier to the researcher to know and analyze the ellipsis in utterances or

sentence which occurred in the novel. Based on the previous explanation above,

the researcher wants to concern how are the types of ellipsis found in novel The

Other of Midnight and it makes the researcher is really motivated to conduct a

research entitled Ellipsis Used In The Novel “The Other Side Of Midnight”

Written By Sydney Sheldon.


The research design used in this research was qualitative research which

the main data related to ellipsis used in the novel The Other Side Of Midnight. The

main data were qualitatively analyzed in terms of types and use of ellipsis. In

addition, the data were analyzed based on the classification proposed by Halliday

and Hassan. For this research, the data were obtained from the novel The Other

Side of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon. The types of data referred to any words,

phrases, and sentences related to ellipsis used in the novel The Other Side of

Midnight by Sidney Sheldon.

In collecting data, the researcher used note as instrument of the research.

The note was used to obtain the relevant data in the novel The Other Side of

Midnight. Moreover, the note was also employed while reading the novel. The

data of this study were gathered through the following procedures: The first

procedure is reading the novel “The Other Side of Midnight” by Sidney Sheldon.

It was done to find the main data related to the types of the ellipsis in the novel.
The second procedure is taking notes. The purpose of taking notes is to obtain the

data related to each types of ellipsis.

In technique of data collection, the researcher selected the relevant data

related to the ellipsis used in the novel. There were three steps of data analysis

based on Miles and Huberman’s theory (1994: 10-11) such as data reduction, data

display and conclusion. First procedure is data reduction. Data reduction refers to

an analysis sharpens, sorts, focuses, and organizes data in such way that final

conclusion can be drawn and verified. In this procedure, the researcher identified

and classified the data regarding the ellipsis used on the novel “The Other Side of

Midnight” by Sidney Sheldon. The data organized based on the types and

meaning of ellipsis used on the novel “The Other Side of Midnight” by Sidney

Sheldon. Second procedure is data display. Data display is organized assembly of

data that permits conclusion drawing and action taking. It deals with the way of

displaying collected research data before drawing a conclusion.

In this study, the data were presented in table. The data includes the words,

phrases, and sentences used by the characters on the novel. The last procedure is

conclusion drawing or verification. The researcher concluded the result of this

study which is the ellipsis as the main focus. The ellipsis is analyzed based on the

classification proposed by Halliday and Hassan.

Based on the data analysis, ninety data of ellipsis were found in the novel

The Other Side of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon. Those data were classified related

to the types of ellipsis. There are three types of ellipsis; they are nominal ellipsis,

verbal ellipsis, and clausal ellipsis. The description related to the types of ellipsis

while analysis related to the used. The theory of ellipsis is proposed by Halliday

and Hassan. Based on the table used in this research, it shows that there were 90

examples of ellipses used in the novel The Other Side of Midnight. The

classifications as follows: Nominal Ellipsis (7), Verbal Ellipsis (31), and Clausal

Ellipsis (52).

Nominal Ellipsis

In the following parts, the researcher presents the data related to nominal

ellipsis. The data are as follow:

“She looked around the sound stage at the uniforms.

Most were badly fitted and the men wearing them looked ill at ease.”
(Sheldon, 1974:179/D65)

The data above pointed out nominal ellipsis. Nominal ellipsis means the ellipsis

within the nominal group or the common noun that may be omitted. As Halliday

and Hassan (1976:150) stated that nominal ellipsis is the omission head of noun in

a nominal group in which its modifier is combined with another structure. In the

second sentence of the data, the word uniforms as the noun of the nominal group

of is omitted and replaced by the word most. It can be described that the word

most is as numerative. Halliday and Hassan (1976: 161) stated that the

numerative element in the nominal group is expressed by numerals or other

quantifying words, which form three subcategories: ordinals, cardinals, and

indefinite quantifiers. The word most is specially called as indefinite quantifiers.

The indefinite quantifiers are items such as much, many, most, few, several, a

little, lots, a bit, hundreds, etc (Halliday ans Hassan, 1976:162). It is used to

devote to those elements in language that referred directly to the situation.

Although Based on this explanation, the non-elliptical structure of the sentence

could be as: ”She looked around the sound stage at the uniforms. Most uniforms

were badly fitted, and the men wearing them looked ill at ease.”

”Catherine was facing the door, when she saw the extra walk in, the three
girls hanging on him, each pushing to get closer to him. “
(Sheldon, 1974:182/D68)

The data above is nominal ellipsis. Nominal ellipsis is the omission head of noun

in a nominal group in which its modifier is combined with another structure

(Halliday and Hassan, 1976:150). In the last phrase of the data, the word girls as a

noun is omitted band replaced by the word each. It can be described that the word

each is such kind of non-specific deictic. Halliday and Hassan (1976:157) stated

that the non-specific deictics are each, every, any, either, no, neither, a and some.

All occurs as head of an elliptical nominal. While the word one is as numerative

because it is called as numerals. It is specifically called as cardinal numeral. It is

used to devote to those elements in language that referred directly to the situation.

While, the word him refers to a man named O’ Brian, the assistant director. Based

on this explanation, the non-elliptical structure of the sentence could be

as:”Cathetrine was facing the door, when she saw the extra walk in, the three girls

hanging on him, each of the girls pushing to get closer to him.”

Verbal Ellipsis

In this part the researcher presents the data related to verbal ellipsis. The

data are as follow:

“Have you ever had sexual intercourse with a man?”

“ Never.”
(Sheldon, 1974:37/D2)

The data above is verbal ellipsis, which is called as lexical ellipsis. Lexical ellipsis

is the type of ellipsis in which the lexical verb is missing from the verbal group

(Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 170). The word had as the lexical verb is

unmentioned after the modal operator never in the sentence. It should be filled out

by the word had as lexical verb because it is as the head of the verbal group. The

function is as speaker economy. It means that both speaker and hearer constrain

each other therefore the interaction between speaker and hearer results in ellipsis

only if the hearer understand the speaker means. Therefore, the non elliptical

structure of the sentence above could be as: “I never had sexual intercourse with a


“Can you cook?”

“Yes, “Noelle replied.”
(Sheldon, 1974:50/D3)

The data above is verbal ellipsis, which is called as lexical ellipsis. The answer

“yes” is elliptical verbal groups consisting of modal operator as a lexical ellipsis.

According to Halliday and Hasan (1976: 170), lexical ellipsis is the type of

ellipsis in which the lexical verb is missing from the verbal group. The word can

as the lexical verb is omitted. The function is as speaker economy. It means that

both speaker and hearer constrain each other therefore the interaction between

speaker and hearer results in ellipsis only if the hearer understand the speaker

means. Based on this explanation, the non-elliptical structure of the sentence

could be as: “Yes, I can cook”.

“Do you have any families in Paris?”

(Sheldon, 1974:54/D6)

The answer “No” is elliptical verbal groups consisting of modal operator. It

includes as a lexical ellipsis which define as a type of ellipsis in which the lexical

verb is missing from the verbal group (Halliday, 1976:170). The function is as

speaker economy. It means that both speaker and hearer constrain each other

therefore the interaction between speaker and hearer results in ellipsis only if the

hearer understand the speaker means. It could be filled out by the lexical verb

have. Based on this explanation, the non-elliptical structure of the sentence could

be as: “No, I don’t have any families in Paris.”

Clausal Ellipsis

In the following parts the researcher presents the data related to clausal

ellipsis. The data are as follow:

”How old are you, Miss Alexander? “

(Sheldon, 1974:37/D1)

In the answer, the modal element (the subject I and the finite operator am) are

omitted, hence there is propositional ellipsis as a part of clausal ellipsis. Clause in

English, considered as the expression of the various speech functions, such as

statement, question, response and so on, it has a two-part structure consisting of

modal element plus propositional element (Halliday and Hassan, 1976:197). The

sentence is a question and response. This is the ellipsis that depends on the social

context for instance the speaker’s convenience. The sentence should be; I am

nineteen years old.

“Where are you from? “

(Sheldon, 1974:54/D4)

In the answer, the modal element (the subject I and the finite operator am) are

omitted, propositional ellipsis as a part of clausal ellipsis. (Halliday and Hassan

1976:197) stated that clause is as the expression of the various speech functions,

such as statement, question, response and so on, it has a two-part structure

consisting of modal element plus propositional element. This is the ellipsis that

depends on the social context for instance the speaker’s convenience. The

sentence should be; I am from Marseille.

”How old are you?”

(Sheldon, 1974:54/D5)

In the answer, the modal element (the subject I and the finite operator am) are

omitted, hence there is propositional ellipsis as a part of clausal ellipsis. Clausal

ellipsis considered as the expression of the various speech functions, such as

statement, question, response and so on, it has a two-part structure consisting of

modal element plus propositional element (Halliday and Hassan 1976:197). The

modal element consists of the subject plus the finite element. This is the ellipsis

that depends on the social context for instance the speaker’s convenience. The

sentence should be; I am eighteen years old.

“What do you want? “

“To have dinner with you.”
(Sheldon, 1974:58/D8)

In the answer, the modal element (the subject I and the finite operator want) are

omitted, hence there is propositional ellipsis as a part of clausal ellipsis. Clause in

English, considered as the expression of the various speech functions, such as

statement, question, response and so on, it has a two-part structure consisting of

modal element plus propositional element (Halliday and Hassan 1976:197). The

modal element consists of the subject plus the finite element. This is the ellipsis

that depends on the social context for instance the speaker’s convenience. The

sentence should be; I want to have dinner with you.

Based on the finding in this study, the researcher conclude that all the types of

ellipsis in the novel “The Other Side of Midnight” by Sidney Sheldon were found.

There were ninety data related to the types of ellipsis. In nominal ellipsis, most

noun of the nominal group is omitted and replaced by numerative element. While

in verbal ellipsis, the lexical ellipsis is omitted than modal ellipsis. In clausal

ellipsis, those modal element and propositional element were used in the novel.

The prepositional ellipses frequently used in the novel. From the total number of

ellipsis analyzed, there are fifty two clausal ellipses found in the novel. The

function of ellipsis mostly used speaker economy. It means that both speaker and

hearer constrain each other therefore the interaction between speaker and hearer

results in ellipsis only if the hearer understand the speaker means.


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