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BATTLESTAR ——— GALACTICA A GAME OF STARFIGHTER COMBAT Introduction 2 ‘Game Components 3 Terms important For Pilots 4 Game Setup 6 Sequence Of Play 6 Movement 7 ‘Moves Possibie 7 ‘Stacking Counters 2 Number Of Moves Per Turn Z Recording Movement... esses oncaetl How Damage Atfects Movement 8 Fuol Supply a Using Fuel 8 Recording Fuel Use. a Recording Oamage To Fuel Supply 8 Firing Weapon Systems a Weapon Types»... - 9 Firing Arcs 9 Determining Weapon Hits rio: How Damage Affects Weapon Firing... « +0 Damage From Hits un Dotermining Dama The Damage Display iy n Bae The System Status Display... =. ae The Fuel Supply Display 3 Damage Descriptions Damage Conflict From Multiple Hite Replacing Cylons ids a Asteroids And Weapon Fire Skill Rolls And Increasing Skills, ‘Skil Rolls Using Gunnery Skill Croating Experioncod Pilots And Gunners Increasing Skill And Program Efficiency Fomilia Fighter Bonus. . « epee Using Base Ships. Base Ship Construction Firing Base Ship Lasers Base Ship Incoming Firo Destroying A Base Ship Fighter Take-Ofts Fighter Lancings Crashing Into Base Ships The Games Fightor Duo! Mass Attack ‘Campaign Game BATTLESTAR GALACTICA nor Playtesting Produetion “Jordan Weisman Michael Blocsoe Grephies And Artwork Chris Fol Dana Knutson Co-Designer 1 Ross Babcock, I Sule Leepet CR fee Development ; Martin Gant Typesetting Wine Jenn Whee David Gornart Karen Vander Mey perch aioe Mitcholl Koraky Proofreading Writing And Editing Donna Ippolito Wm. John Wi INTRODUCTION: Battle Alert! Scramble Vipers! Dnep-space scanners show a Cylon Baseship lurking near an asteroid field. its Raiders have been launched, and the fight is on. Can you, as a Colorial pilot fly your Viper in ‘a successful mission against the dreaded and deadly Cylons? Can you fly your fighter skilfully enough to put the enemy in your sights without colliding with an asteroid? Will you bo able to fire your lasers and torpedoes accurately enough to destroy the Cylon Raider before the Cylon erew can hunt You down and destroy your fighter? ‘This boarsgame simulates the fast-paced action of fighter combat from the television sories Battlestar Galactica iemay be pleyed by one or more gamers, taking either the Colonial human side or the Cyion side. Players mey man any of 3 types of fighters or play the base ships ofthe side they choose, 11979 Universal City Studios, Ine. All Rights recerved. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA™ ‘a trademark of and licensed by Universal City Studios, Ine GAME COMPONENTS: RULE BOOK This rule book gives all the information and data needed to learn and play this exciting game. I's written simply, with each step thoroughly explained, andit has many iustrations 0 that new gamers can learn how to play easily PLAYING BOARD Three 17” by 22” starfield mapshaets form the playing surface for the game, Each has a grid of 6-sidad areas called hexagons, or just haxes. The six hox-sides are used to deter ‘mine a fighter’s heading for movement and the way its guns ointec for firing (Ono of the mapeheots shows only stars; this"blank’ shoot {is used in all versions of the game, and isthe only one used nthe fighter duel game. The other two mapsheets show the bbase ships for bath sides, ona showing Battlestar Galactica ‘and the other the Cylon Beseship. PLAYING COUNTERS Thera are three typas of 1-inch.wide, 6:sidec, coloracs ‘counters that are used in this game, They show the & kinde of fighters, asteroid clusters, and explosions, 18 Viper Counters, The Galactica pilots fly the Viper, which is shown in the illustration. Thora are throe types, as shown by the small number on the counter. The pilot also is the gunner © mK 18 Raider Counters The Cylon pilots fly the Raider shown in the ilustration Its just 28 powerful a8 the Viper, but it takes damage in 6 different way. It also has three models. Three Cylons are ir ‘ockpit. one gunner, ane pilot, and one stancby, The ) player chooses which Cylon will da whieh 400, 11 Asteroid Clusters ‘Two huge asteroid clusters are provided, and 20 small clusters. The huge clusters are 7 times as big as the smaller clusters 20 Explosion Counters When a fighter blowe up, one these counters ie placed fn top of it, and when a base ship takes damage, one of these counters shows this. Fires in the landing bays or launching bays also are shown by these counters. GAME SHEETS ‘A pad of 2sided Game Sheets is provided for recording movement and damage. One sice of each sheet has the in formation used by the Viper pilot, and the other nas the information used by the Raider pilot. DICE Two Bisided dice are provided for resolving combat and damage. One of these dice ie red and tho other is white. Sometimes one is rolled (the color does not matter), and at other times both are rolled. Dice rolls are required 10 resolve weapon fire and to determine damage, The colors make & dltfazence when damage is determined Before any pilot can realy understand those rules, there: ‘are a few torms that he should learn. This section gives the ‘meanings of thaso terms all in one place. The definition for ‘most of those terms is repeated the first time tie mentioned in the rules. Pilots who do not understand the way a torm is used in ather parts of the rules can look it up here eesily ASTEROID CLUSTER Pilots may fly into this cluster of space debris, and they ‘may shoot from itor into it, But Both of these tasks are harder than normal. BASESHIP This huge ship is the home base of the Cylon Raider las, thas launching bays, landing bays, and laser turrets, sed in the Mase Attack game or the Campaign Gamo, ‘Though it has many lasers, the targeting system is not 3s eccurate 2s the fighter leser system. It may seem invulnera- ble, but accurate hits can destroy it BATTLESTAR GALACTICA ‘This huge ship is the home base of the human Viper ‘the Cyion Baseship, it has landing and launching lasers. It, 100, can be destroyed by eccurate fire. It the Mass Attack Game and the Campaign Game, COLLISION ROLL When a fighter flies into an asteroid cluster, he must rol 2 dice to see if his piloting is good enough to evoid collisions. {the number is greater than or equal to his piloting Skil ‘Target, no collision occurs. If a colision occurs, damage is rolled as if the fightor took a weapon hit. DAMAGE When a shot hits a fighter, it automatically takes some damage. Sometimes the damage will be light, and some- times heavy enough to make the fighter blow up! Usually, as the fighter takes damage, it becomes slower end herd to ‘meneuver; it also becomes harder to hit targets or to remain {in contrat. V/han the fighter takes enough damage, it will not bbe able to fy any longer. ‘The Damage Chart gives tho exact offocte, whether the damage is given to the fuselage, the engines, the weapon targeting system, the life support system, the steering sys- tem, oF to the cockpit. This damage is recorded on the Game ‘Shaet, in the Damage Display. DAMAGE ROLL ‘This isa dice roll thot is used to determine the damage that results from a successful shor. This damage is deter. mined by consulting the Damage Resvits Tablos. Tne red i tells which table to use, and the white di tells whet the result is. Hits from some weapons change the table number to give more or less damege than average, DAMAGE CHART ‘The Damage Chart tells what the effect of a successful ‘weapon shot does to the target. Ont are 38 different damage effects in tables. The tables sre numbored 1 ~ 6; thegroatar the table number, the greater the damage. DISRUPTED. ‘Whenever a Cylon Raider is hit, there is chance that ‘one oF moro of the Cylons will exporience a powor surge that temporarily disrupts its programming. When this hap- pens, the Cylon cannot function a its job. if the pilot is ¢is- ruptad, tne Raider fles randomly. if the gunner is disrupted, the lasers fire randomly. Disrupted Cylons can come back ‘on line by making a successtul Skill Rol FIRING ARC Lasers and torpedoos have fixed firing ares. They only fire diectly infront of the fighter or slightly left andi right FUEL SUPPLY The fuel supply is what allows the fighter to move end fire; each fighter nas 30 fuel points. As the game progresses, the fighter has lose and loss fuel, either hecause it has been sed, or because its fuel tanks have Deen damaged. When its Ll supply ie gone, 2 fightor may not move or fire. In the campaign game, the fighter can be refucled. Fuel use and ‘damage to the fuel supply is shown inthe Fuel Record boxes bolow the Damage Display, FUSELAGE ‘The fuselage is the plesmetal that forms the body, the tailfins, the canopy, and all that holds the fighter togethe tis tha easiest part of a target to hit, but it can take more ‘damage than other parts of the craft before the damage be- ‘comes critical. Damage to the fuselage is recorded in the Fuselage wadge of the Damage Display. GAME TURN ‘A game turn begins when pilots record thelr moves and ‘onde after all chots have been resolved. Fighters are limited inthe number of movements, steering changes, and weapon shots they may make in @ game tur. LASER ‘The wospon with the longest range and the best chance tohitis the laser. Dopending on the type, a fighter may have 1,2, 0F 3 lasers. Lasers mey be rearmed and fired again in each new game turn, Damage to the laser firing system ia recorded on the left sid of the Game Sheet LUFE SUPPORT SYSTEM This isthe complex electronic and electrical system thot ‘controls the oxygen and heat necessary to keep Viper pilots alive. Damage tothis systernisrecordedin the Cockpit wedge of the Damage Dispiay. Cylon fightors do not have this system. MOVEMENT Movernents are the way the fighters go from place to aceon the mapsheet. Forward movements cause the fighter to move straight ahoos. Diraction changes, callodvee- tor changes, cause the fightor to move forward and then rotate either right of left; these ere used to steer the fighter in one direction or another. Undamaged Vipers and Raiders can make up to 3 movements without turbos and 6 move- ‘monts with turbos. PROGRAM EFFICIENCY For Cylon pilots, program efficiency replaces piloting ‘kil or gunnery ski. In advanced scenarios or tha Campal Game, program aficieney is used to help the Cylon restore full functioning after being disrupted and to fire weapons: more accurately. I also is used to remove movernent restric tions and to avoid collisions. See SKILL ROLL. RAIDER ‘This i the Cylon fighter. The Mark | has 3 very accurste: lasers and the most offciont tucba thruster. The Mork I has 2 lasers and 2 torpedoes. The Mark ll has | laser and & very accurate torpedoes; its turbo thruster isthe least efficient. “Three Cylons fy inthe cockpit. One isthe fighters pilot, another the gunner, and tho third is a standby. Any of the three Cyions can do either job; as the Cylons take damage, iis up to the playar to decide which one does which job. SKILL In determining if collisions occur in asteroid clusters, Viner pilots use thei piloting Skill. New pilots have piloting skill of 0, Successful missions add 10 their piloting sil. Pilot ing skill also is used when making Skill Rolls in advanced scenarios or tho Campaign Game. Soe SKILL ROLL. {In advanced scenarios or the Campaign Game, human pilots also have gunnery skill, which allows them to fire weapons moro accurately. Baginning pilots have a gunnory skill of 0. Successful missions increase this value, which de ‘creases the base To-Hit Number ‘SKILL ROLL In advanced scenarios, whenever daniage to the fighter results in movement restrictions or whenever the fighter tes Into asteroid clusters itis the pilot's piloting skill or program tifcieney that is used to remove the restriction or to avoid 4 collision. Then 2 dice are rolled. If the number rolled is, {9Feator than oF equal to the Skil Target, the roll was success: {ul f the number rolled is less then the Skil Target, the rol felled ‘A successtul Skill Roll allows the pilot to remove the movement rastriction (Stabilizer damage, heading change restriction, turbo thrusters out, or spood change restriction), and allows him to fly the fighter normally in the next turr AA successful Skill Roll allows the pilot to avoid collisions with asteroid clusters Suecosstul Skill Role for Cylons allow them to restore ‘normal functioning ater their progrems have been disrupted. SKILL TARGET The piloting Skil Target Is determined by subtracting the piloting Skil or Program Efficiency from 7. This is uted in making Skill Rolls, Colision Rolls, and rolls to restore Gyion program functioning after it has been disrupted. STABILIZER “The stabilizer controls the direction that the fighter will tly. It takes damage, the pilot has no control aver where his fighter will go. TO-HIT NUMBER “This is the number that a pilot needs to roll for a success: ful shat wath any weapon. In general, the following is true about To-Hit Numbers: The farther eway the target, the higher the To-Hit Number Targets or firing ships that have moved using turbos have higher To-Hit Numbers, Shooting from or into asteroids gives higher To-Hit Num- bers, The greater the skill (program) of the gunner, the lower the To-Hit Number. More experienced pilots and gunners have lower To Hit Numbers TO-HIT ROLL This is @ roll with two Gice that is used 10 determine if the pilot's shot hit the enemy. The roll is successful if iis (greater than or equal to the To-Hit Number. ‘TORPEDO. In general, the torpedo givos more damage than the laser, with more chences to hit the cockpit or to destroy the target. Depending on the type, a fighter may have 0, 2, or 4 torpedoes in its rack. The Mark ll Vipers and Raiders, which carry 4 torpedoes, have specially designed torpedo firing Byateme that aro quite accurate. After a torpedo has been fired, itis gone. Damage to tho torpedo firing systom is ro cordad on the left side of the Game Sheet. In the campaign game, fighters may reload torpedoes if they land. TURBO Each fighter has @ turbo thruster system that allows it to make extra movements. An undamagad fighter may make movements without the turbo thruster and 6 with the turbo nruster. Movernent with the thruster uses fuel more rap than without it, When the fighter takee damage, it cannot use its turbos a8 well, a8 shown in the Engines Wodgo of the Damage Display. Damage to the turbo thruster itself is recorded in the upper left comer of the Game Sheet. TURN In this game, this word only refors to one game tun. Steering (turning) the nose of the fighter is called making a vector change to avoid confusion UNCONSCIOUSNESS ROLL When 8 Vipor pilot takes more than two wounds, he may poss out. Then, he eannot perform his job. f the pilot passos Out the craft flies randomly, and no weapons may be fired. To determine if this happens, 2 dice are rolled. On the thie hit, ifthe roll ie equal to or greater than 8, the roll is sucessful. On the fourth hit ifthe rol is equal 0 or greater than 10, the roll is successful. On the fifth hit, if tho roll is equal to oF greater than 12, the roll is successful, ifthe roll is successful, then the pilot does not lose con- sciousness. It he is unconscious already, he regains con- VECTOR CHANGE ‘When a pilot steers (turns) the nose of his fighter in a ifforent direction, he makes a vector change. This points the nose of his fighter to the fight oF the left of tho way he was facing. Gontle vector changes turn the nose ofthe fightor only slightly, but hard vector changes turn ita great deal ‘A vector change can only be made AFTER the fighter hhas been moved forward, and so a fighter cannot spin in place Vector changes are recorded in the Movernent Log. Dam lage ta the steering mechanism is recorded in the Steering Conteots wedge of the Game Sheet Damage Display. VIPER This is the fighter from the Galactica, It ig flown by a single human pilot who also fires its weapons. Like the Cylon Raider, Mark | Viper has 3 very accurate lasers and the most ffficient turbo thruster system. The Mark Il has 2 lasers and 2 torpedoes. The Mark Il, designed as a torpedo ship, has 1 laser (the least accurate) end 4 torpedoes; its torpedo firing system is the most accurate, but its turbo thruster system is Players first should choose sides, tying to Keep the numberof players on aside as close to the same as possible. Ten they choose which game thay wil pay, Fighter Duel, Mase Atack, or the Campaign Game. LAYING OUT PLAYING BOARD Depending on the game, one oF more starfeld map- sheote ere lsd out on a fat surface between tho playe For Fighter uel games, only one mapsheet is used, the cone with nothing on it but stars, There is no speciel way this Shoot must be late oUt For the advanced écenarios of the Mass Attack game, two mapsheets are laid out ane showing the ship boing attacked, eter Batlestar Galactica or the Cylon Beseship. and the blank mapshont. The lustration below shows how those shoots are put togothar to make the playing surlace The mapsheet with the ship should bp closest the playor playing it For the Campaign Game, all tree mapsheets are laid out, 50 that Battlestar Galactica and the Cylon Baceship ara shown. The illustration shows how the sheet it together PLACING PLAYING COUNTERS Players select ther fighter counters and place hem on the mapeheet. The rules for this are givon in the sections on the various games. ifasterolds are tobe used, players determine how many willbe laid out. Than the asteroids are placed on the map- ‘Sheet, Therulesforthis are givan inthe section on Asteroids This completes the setup for the game. FILLING OUT GAME SHEETS Each Viper or Raider pilot takes a Gamo Shoot to record ‘movement ond damoge; thsi filed ot as described below. ‘Most stops for filing out the Game Sheet are idertical for Vipar plots and Raider pilots. Whore they differ, the iffar- fencos are ted Recording Viper Pilot Data ‘Lin the upper right corer, fil in the pilor’s Piloting Sxl For now pilots, th i 0. 2 Subirect the Piloting Stl from 7 to find the Pileting Skit, TTorget, Record this numbar inthe spece provided. 3-Fill ithe pilo’s Gunnery Skil. For new pilot, this Recording Cylon Date 4. In the Cockpit wedge of the Damage Display, for each Cylon, record the Program Efticlency. For new Cyions, ths ieo 2, For each Cylon, matk en X on the OPER circle to show that its operational '3.Choove which Cylon wil bo the pilot circle he Pta show tis, 4. OF the remaining two Cylons, choose which will bo the ‘unner: cle the 6 to show t 5 Circle the $ 10 show that te last Cylon is on stan. Choosing A Fighter “There are tee types of fighters, with the Viper and the Raider baing equal for each type. Type | is designed for fast maneuverable dogtight; it has only lasers, but they are the bost availabo. Type Il isan all purpose fighter, with both lasers end torpedoes; its turbos are of average offciency, and its weapons do not fire 28 well os ether of the more Specializes ighters. Type lis a torpedo gunship: ivhas the ibast efficient turbos and only one ater, butithas-4tarpedoes in ite rack, ond they fre very occuratoly. The table below compares the three types. 0. ‘Comparison Between Fighter Types Turbo Fuel Twe Losers Torpedoes Tu hoFi Number Weapon Number Weapon Base Base 6 4 Recording The Fighter Data 1. At the top center of the sheet, circle the fighter typo. 2 Inthe Systems Status Display atthe left of he Game Sheet, tecord the turbo fuel cost in the blank provided in the Turbo ‘Status Box. Make an X on the OPER circle to show that the turbo thrustors are operational. 3. In the Laser Stotus Box, for each laser that the fight make an X on the OPEA circle to show that the system is ‘operational. Cross off any extra lasar systems. 4. In tha Torpedo Status Box, make an X on the OPER circle to show thet the system is operational. Cross off any extra torpedoes, or the whole system if using a Type | Vi Raider. 5. In the Targeting wedge of the Oamage Display, fillin the Weapon Baso numbers, beginning with the outer arc, anc ‘adding 1 to the Weapon Base for each arctoward the cont [SEQUENCE OF PLAY Aocording Movement 1, Viper and Reider pilots choose theirmovements and record them secretly on the Game Sheet. They crass off fuel boxes 10 show theit move. Moving The Fighters 2. Vipers and Raiders are moved. I any have statilirer dam: age or are moving randomly, one dieis rolled for each move: ment to determine direction, 3. I any fighter flies into an asteroid cluster or attempts to land, a collision Skill Rol is made. Ifa collision occurs. dam- age is rolled, Resolving Fire 4, Fire from Vipers, Raiders, Battlestar Galactica, and the Cylon Baseship is resolved. Damage is recorded by the targets, 5. Fighters or asteroid clusters that have been destroyed are temaved from the gamé 6, Explosion countore are placed on tho Battl Gylon Baseship to show successful hits. 7. Rolls are made for steering restrictions, weapon damage, and unconsciousness for the nex: turn; this lasts for atleast Turn. Ski Ron 8, Skill Rolle aro made to remove steering restrictions, to become conscious, or to restore full program efficiency from ‘damage taken in previous turns. Continuing Game ‘8, Repeat steps 1 through 9 until one side is the winner. 1 oF the oe MOVEMENT sos MOVES POSSIBLE “There ara five ways that a fighter may move. may 90. straight anesd. It may make a gentle turn to the left or righ these tuene are called vactor changes so they will not be confused with the words game turn. It also may make a hard vecior change 10 the left or right. It must mave; though it may end up in the same place, it cannot stay where itis nor can it spin in place To go from place to place on the mapsheet,fightors uso from 1 to 6 movements, Each of these movernents is de- scribed below, beside an illustration that shows how each looks on the mapsheet Forward Movement ‘The fighter moves into the hex that its nose points to- ward. Itcan never meve in ravarse. This movernant may be combined with eny other movement, as long as damago does not prohibit it ‘Changing Direction In order to change the direction its heeding, the fighter ‘must first move farward: it cannot spin in placa, Whenever 1 vector change is made, the fighter counter first moves straight ahead into the hox that its nose points toward. Thon it rotates fet or right 1 hexside for a gentle vector change fr 2 hex-sides for a hard vector change. A gontlo vector change costs 1 of afighter's movements; ‘a hard vector change costs 2 movements. Undamaged fight fers may make up to 3 vector chenges in a twin; damaged fe fighters may not be able to make thet many. One vector change may be combined with another or with forwerd ‘movement, as long as damage does not prohibit it. STACKING COUNTERS ‘More than one fighter may occupy the same hex on the ‘mapsheet. Thay are assumed to be at different elevations with respect to one another, and they will not colide. When this occurs, simply stack the countors one on top of another asteroids are used and a fighter flies into 8 hex contain: Ing an asteroid counter, simply stack the fighter on top of the asteroid NUMBER OF MOVES PER TURN Normal Movement ‘As long 28 it is undamaged, @ Viper or @ Raider may make up to 3 movernents in a game turn using normal en Gines. This means that it may move in any pattern the pilot sires, a¢ long as it makes no more than 3 gontle vector ‘changes. It oan only make 1 hard veetor change whon using normal engines, becouse the hard vector change costs 2 ‘movements. The fighter may move straight abead, make {gentle vector changes, or make a hard vacior change. or any ‘combination. A pilot does not havato make all 3 movements. if he chooses, he may make 1 or 2, but ho must make at loast ‘one. If the pilot chooses, a fighter may be moving 3 hexes fone turn and 1 hax the next. When a fighter takes enough damage, the number of rormal movements it can make wil be reduced. When it ean no longer move, it blows up. ‘Turbo Movement As long as it is undamaged, « Viper or a Raider may make up te 6 movements in @ game turn using its turbo thiusters. This costs more fuel than normal movement, but It means that the fighter may make 6 movements in any pattern the pilot desires as long as he dos not make more than 3 vector changes (either gentle or hard) Vector Changes As long a it is undamaged, any fighter may mako 3 vector changes in a game turn. This means that can change ditections up to 3 times in any direction the pilot desires. It may make no vector changes, 1 change, 2 changes. or 3 changes. The choice is up to the pilot. Gentle vactor changes cost 1 movement, jus ikomoving forward. Hard vectorchanges cost 2 movements. This means that a fighter may make 3 genile vecior changes using is 3 normal movements, but only ONE hard vector change. Only when @ fighter uses its turbos can it make more than 1 hard voctor change. Making 3 hard vactor changes in the samo turn allows the fighter to make @ complete circle. RECORDING MOVEMENT Movement is recorded on the Movernent Log at the bot- tom of the Game Sheet. The Moverent Log is made up of lines showing arrows and dats; these lines are ealled Move- ‘ment Records. Each Movement Record has 3 groupe of eym: bos, each with 1 lat arrow, 1 dot, and i right arrow. To the left of each Movement Record is blank and a circle. In each game turn, after a pilot decides on his move- ‘ments, he writes the turn number in the blank beeide the Movoment Record where ho will cord his movement. If he will use his turbos, he may need 2 Movement Records to Give him enough groups te show his movement, In this ease, fhe numbers them bot ‘Secone, if he is using his turbos, he crosses off the ciclo to tho left of the Movement Record to show this, Then, he draws circles around the arrows or dots to show what he wants to do for each movement he will make, He makes only one cirelo par group of symbols, but he may Lif hie fighter ie not damaged) draw a circle in es many 08 5 groups, Forward movement js recorded by drawing a circle around the dat in the Movement Record, A gentle vector Change lett is recorded by drawing a circle around the lett artow in the Movement Record. A gantle vacter change right is recorded by drawing a circle around the right arrow in the Movement Record. A hard vector change lott is shown by ‘drawing 2 circle around the left arrow and the dot in the Movement Record. & hard vector change right is shown by ‘drawing a circle around the right arrow and the dot in the Movement Record. The illustration shows how to record, ment on the Game Sheet. ch typo.of move Hard Vector Change Left ar BDO Gentle Veetor Change Lat O@er stroyed, the circle marked OSTRY is crossed off. When to ‘make those marks is discussed in tho section on Damag Descriptions below. Radio Damage “This damage is only used in gamos with more than ono person ona side. Every time the pilot is wounded, the radi in the fighter is damaged, Erase the mark on the OPER circle and mark OMGO. in the basic versions of the game, this ‘damage lasts 1 turn; in advanced scanarios, it may be re- Paired only after a successful Skill Rell Weapon System Damage ‘When a weapon system is damaged by a direct hit, this is recorded in the Systems Stotus Display, 08 shown in the iilustration, When a laser is damaged, then one ofthe circles ‘marked ‘Laser System’ is crossed off. When the torpedo rack ' dostroyed, then the circle marked for itis crossed off. How to determine which weapon system is destroyed is given in the Damage Descriptions section below. ‘THE FUEL SUPPLY DISPLAY ‘The fiahter’s fuel supply is recorded in the Fuel Supply Display just above the Movement Log, as shown in the il lustration. This display has 30 boxes, each representing 1 fue! point. When the fuol supply takes a hit, the fuel lost is ‘recorded on the Fuel Supply Display. For each fuel point lost, ‘one box is marked off on the Fuel Suppiy. The rules for this are given in the Damage Descriptions section below. DAMAGE DESCRIPTIONS Each of the damage results ie described bolow, along with the way the damage is recorded and the effect the dam- ‘age has on the play of the game. Fuselage Hit The fighter's fuselage has taken damage equal to the umber of points indicated ~ 1, 2, 3,4, or § goints. For oach damage point, cross off one circle in the Fuselage wedge of the Damage Display, When all 4 circles in an arc have been ‘crossed off, cross off tho whole ar. Damage to the fuselage also affects how fast the fighter ‘can move and how well it can target its weapons. When an arc has been crossed off, the fighter can no longer make as many movements of target any of Its weapons a5 woll as when it was undamaged. Furthermore, if the fuselage takes, ‘enough damage, this affocts how wall the fighter ean man- ‘euver. When 2 arcs have been crossed off, the fighter can ‘no longer make 2s mary vector changes as when it wos undamaged. The way this is recorded is called Sweeping Clockwise. When tha center arc has bean crossed off, the fighter blows up. ‘Sweeping Clockwise: When a Fuselage arc has been crossed Off, sweep the damage around the circle clockwise by cross- Ing off ine adjacent Engines arc and the adjacent Targeting are. The whole Engines arc is crossed off, no matter how done, the Display shows: possible {in the Engines wedge) and the new Weapon Base in the Targeting wedge). The arcs crossed off are shown in the first illustration. The swoop hae no affect on arce alroady crossed off When 2 Fuselage arcs have been crossed off, sweep the damage even farther around the circ than before by cross- ing off tno adjacent Enginos arc, the adjacent Targeting arc, jacent Heading Controls atc. After this is done, lay shows the new number of movements possible the Engines wedge), the new Weapon Base numbers (in Targeting wedge), andthe new number of vactor changes: that can be made (in the Heading Controls wedge}. The new ares crossed off are shown in the second ilustration; the tres already crossed off are not shaded. The sweep has no effect on arcs already crossed off Engines Hit The fighter’s engines have takon damago oqual to the number of points indicated — 1, 2, oF 3 points, For each damage point, cross off one circle in the Engines wedge of ‘the Damage Display. When all three circlas in an arc have Deen crossed off, eross off tne whole ar. to the engines affects how fast the fighter can is shown by the words and numbars in the Er ‘ings ares. As long as at least one circle in the outer arc remains, the fighter may make 6 movements per game turn Using turbos and 3 movements per game turn normally. When that arc has been crossed off, however, it may only ‘make 5 movemants using turbos, as shown by the Turbo 5 in the socond aro. When the canter arc, whore the 7 is, is crossed off, the fighter blows up. Like damage to the fuselage, damage to the engines affects now wall the fighter can target its weapons. When this atfects how well the fighter can meneuver. When 2 Engines ares have beon crossed off, the fighter can no longer make ae many vector changes as when it was unéam- aged. The way to record the effects on the other systems is by sweeping clockwise, just as with fuselage damage. In thi ‘case, howaver, the Fusolage arcs are not crossed off bocauso they are to the left of the Engines arcs. As above, sweeping ‘around has no effect on arcs that elready have been crossed supply has taken damage equal to the ‘umber of poinis indicated ~ 1,2. 4,6, oF 8 points. For each camage point, crass off ane box in the Fuel Supply. Cross coff tha box to the lot first, and eo on. When the Fuel Supply is completely gone, either because Cf fuel hits or because of fuel use, the fighter may not move fr fire; it goes dead in space. If the fighter is @ Viper, the pilot does not have enough fue lft to power his life support system, and he dies. i the fighter is a Raider, the Cylons use Up their power supply and their memory banks are wiped clean ‘Advanced rules allow the fighter o rafvel Viper Pilot Wounded The Colonial pilot has taken a hit. Cross off the top circle ‘on the Pilot's Condition column, ‘Unconsciousness: Human pilots can tako 2 hte without the possibility of falling unconscious. When thoy are hit, the of the top 2 eircies are marked off. When the pilot takes. ‘tho third hit, the third circle is marked off, and he might t Aer the third hit, the player must roll 2 dice and add the numbers together. The roll is compared to the number in the next circle. f the roll is squal t0 or greater than the ‘number in the circle, the pilot doa not fall unconscious, but if ts less than the number in the circle, he is unconscious for the next game turn. In the basic versions of the game, this condition laste for 1 tum: in advanced scenarios, the Condition continues until the pilot makes a successful Uncon- sciousness Roll The number in the fourth circle is 8, and so after the pilot's third hit, his roll must be 8 or more or he will fall Unconscious. Likewise, after one mote Ni, his roll must be 10 or more, a& shown by the 10 in the fith cicie. Aftor 2 ‘moro hits, hig roll must equal 12, a5 shown by the 12 in the sixth circle. When the pilot is unconscious, the fighter moves ra domly (just as though it took a stabilizer hit) and cannot fire weapons until the pilot revives. Regaining Consciousness: At the end of the next game turn, after all movernent end fring have token place, the player ‘rolls Zcice as above. If the rolis successtul, tho pilot regains consciousness and ean behave normally in the noxt turn. He ‘will not fall unconscious again unless he takes another hit. “Then the dice must be rolled ance more, as told above. Death: Afr taking six hits, a human pilot is dead. Cylon Damaged ‘One Cylon has taken damage; its program is aviomet ically disrupted and the Cyion’s function is lost, as described in the section on Cylon Disrupted. To find out whieh Cylon hhas beon hit, roll 1 die and consult the table below, Each of the 3 Cylons can tako 2 hits betore boing destroyed. When @ Cylon takes a hit, cross off the OMGO circle. If it takes another bit, cross off the OSTRY circ. Ifthe Cylon that is. hithas boon destroyed already, rercll so that an active Cylon |s damaged. Cylon Disrupted “The program of a Cylon has been disrupted by the hit, and that Cylon cannot perform its function until t has been returned to ful functioning In the basic versions of the game, the condition losts for 1 game turn; in the Campaign Game, the condition lasts until the pleyer makes @ successful Skil Roll Choosing Cylon Disrupted: To determine which Cylon was

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