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Distinguished delegations, Itis an honor and a privilege to extend the warmest welcome to this significant gathering, where we have convened to address a matter of utmost importance and relevance. On behalf of the entire organizing team and the people we represent, we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for your gracious presence here today. We have convened with a clear objective in mind: to foster constructive and enlightening dialogue that allows us to delve deep into the subject of human rights within correctional facilities. We recognize the significance of this discourse and the imperative to find effective solutions that uphold the respect and dignity of those deprived of their liberty. For today's discussion, you are members of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) commission, established in 1946 to create the legal and international framework that safeguards our fundamental rights and freedoms. It serves as a forum where all countries, regardless of size, non-governmental groups, and human rights advocates from around the world can voice their concerns. We take as a starting point the emblematic case of the prisons in San Salvador. Among the legal reforms that accompanied the launch of the state of exception, notable are the modifications made to the Penal and Procedural Penal Code, which have allowed for the indiscriminate use of pretrial detention by the agents of justice. This has not only constituted a violation of the right to freedom and the right to be tried or released within a reasonable time, but has also led to a serious issue of overcrowding in the prisons. Currently, El Salvador records a prison population exceeding 100,000 individuals, positioning it as the country with the highest rate of incarcerated individuals in the world, with over 1.5% of its population in detention. We are fully confident that the deliberations to be held here over the coming days will yield fruitful and enriching outcomes. Each voice and each viewpoint are integral in charting a course toward a penitentiary system that is more equitable and upholds the fundamental rights of every human being. Once again, we extend our sincere appreciation for your presence and active engagement in this event. We are convinced that together, we will achieve significant strides in the pursuit of solutions that positively impact the lives of those most in need. May we engage in a productive and enlightening discourse! A warm welcome to everyone!

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