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Life in IIM’s

Once in their lifetime, there is a moment to be in the top B schools of the

country. In India, there are many management colleges, but it's the IIMs, the
crème de la crème of B-schools of India. Every fresh graduate from the different
streams wants to go there. These colleges offer international education
standards with updated curriculum and world-class faculties.

Here at IIMs, you get the opportunity with the finest brains of the nation. Be it
gold medalist graduates or the state toppers; you study with all of them under
one roof and on the same seats.

But what makes IIMs so desirable that lakhs of students fight one of the
toughest exams in India to get into these colleges? The exposure, learning,
experience, and company you get there are matchless. From foreign study tours
to high-salary packages, IIM has everything to offer.

But life in IIM is not that easy. Everything in this world comes with a price tag,
and IIM is no different. Even after getting into an IIM, you have to work very hard
to excel and beat the competition. Everyone here is a jack of all trades and
master of their respective field, but that doesn't mean the life inside IIM is dull or
not worthy. Believe me; you will get the most incredible experience of your life.

Getting a selection call from IIM is undoubtedly the proud moment for anyone,
but that's just the beginning; more excitement starts when you enter the
premises. Today we will discuss life inside IIM.

How is life in IIM?

Soon after admission to the college, there is an induction process for all new
students through which you will be guided to the existing functioning, rules, and
the group activities you're going to participate in. This induction aims to make
you familiar with your batchmates and to learn management practices.

At an IIM, the regular classes start at 10 am and end at 5 in the evening. The real
struggle begins after the classes because this time is usually consumed by your
assignments, presentations, and their submission before the deadlines. IIM
teaches you to meet deadlines under pressure without degrading your
performance while studying rigorously to get good grades.

On the campus, you also get the opportunity to become a member of different
committees, making your schedule more hectic than usual. Students don't bunk
their classes as often as they did in their graduation because there are grades
for class participation. But on some occasions, they do the same to meet
deadlines, and while doing so, the quality of their assignment also deteriorates.
But it is advisable not to bunk the classes because you will learn from the
country's best faculties and the more you learn, the more you grow.

Another significant pressure comes when you have a guest lecture after your
classes. This further drains your energy and makes you feel anxious because you
have your assignments to complete and tasks to perform. But don't get
disheartened by all of this because those guest speakers are industry experts
from different domains and help you gain insight into the corporate world.

Now comes the time to evaluate what you have studied—the mid-term and end-
term examinations. Your final grades depend upon your overall performance in
the classes, assignments, quizzes, and of course, the exam scores.

All these things are designed to groom your overall personality. You should
maintain a healthy lifestyle and balance between your study and social life. Try
not to procrastinate and push the assignment deadline so that there would not
be much on yourself.

As you can see by yourself, the curriculum of B-Schools is designed to assist you
in learning business management, strategic alliance, etc. The case studies given
to you are the real example of stuff that works on ground zero.

Activities inside IIM

The fascinating thing about IIM is that they have a Students Activities Council
(SAC). This council performs the primary task at IIM like organizing college fairs
and fests, the most memorable part of your college life.
This is indeed the other side of the coin. You saw the hustle and bustle of IIM
students' life, but there are ample opportunities to grow both professionally and
personally. Here you have sports activities like football and basketball and
various other sports to increase team coordination and leadership skills. Apart
from the classes and assignments, you have cultural and music fests to lighten
up your mind. There are stage shows of celebrities to cheer up the students.

The life Inside may be restless and frantic, but it's never dull. The vibrant,
bustling culture of IIM fills your body and mind with new enthusiasm every day.

Opportunities at IIM
IIM offers both educational and professional opportunities to its students.
Suppose you are selected for the student exchange program (another rigorous
process). In that case, you get the chance to study abroad for one whole term,
which is an excellent educational opportunity one can get in IIM.

On the campus, placement drives you can easily fetch a handsome salary offer
both domestic and international. But salary would not be the sole purpose to get
admission into IIM; they have more to offer than an ample career opportunity.
You will experience a 360-degree change in your personality.

Life inside an IIM is undoubtedly not a cakewalk, but it's a fascinating path of
your 20s. This is how the life of a student changes after getting into a top
management college. You prepare for it, and You get it.

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