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J. agric. Sci., Catnb.

(1975), 85, 359-368 359

With 5 text-figures
Printed in Qreat Britain

Biuret and urea in maintenance and production diets of cattle

Department of Animal Industries, Queensland Agricultural College, Lawes, Queensland, Australia
Dow Chemical (Austr.) Ltd

{Revised MS. received 17 February 1975)

A series of five field trials with cattle was carried out to study the comparative
efficiency of utilization of urea and biuret in various maintenance and production
nutritional situations. It was shown that in maintenance diets with energy intake
above 8 Mcal/head/day and where half of the nitrogen requirements of the animals
was contributed by one of the two non-protein nitrogen (NPN) sources, biuret was
utilized 30 % more efficiently than urea. No difference in the degree of utilization of
urea or biuret was apparent when the energy was reduced to 6-7 Mcal/head/day. On
the other hand, a high intake of nitrogen in production rations had a masking effect on
the nitrogen contribution of the NPN sources and no significant differences in body-
weight gain were recorded.

Cheng & Wise Burroughs, 1955; Berry, Riggs &

INTRODUCTION Kunkel, 1956; Hatfield etal. 1959;Iwatae«oZ. 1959).
Intensification of ruminant production, and (2) The slow rate of hydrolysis of biuret would
especially of beef produced primarily under grazing be expected to allow a more efficient rate of ammonia
conditions has, in many cases, imposed problems utilization in the rumen when high or low energy
associated with needs for supplementary nitrogen. rations are fed (Karr et al. 1965; Tollett et al. 1966;
To fill the gap between the crude protein available Raleigh & Turner (1968).
in pasture and the optimum requirements for (3) Biuret is more palatable and easily accepted
maintenance and production, various sources of by cattle in contrast to urea which has to bo given
non-protein nitrogen (NPN) and especially urea in special preparations or mixed in the feed (Hat-
and biuret have been tested and used successfully field et al. 1959; Hutchinson, 1966a, b, c; Palm &
(Meiske et al. 1955; Repp, Hale & Wise Burroughs, Ioset, 1966; Schaadt, Johnson & McClure, 1966;
1955; Repp, Hale, Cheng & Wise Burroughs, 1955; Raleigh & Turner, 1968).
Anderson et al. 1959; Hatfield et al. 1959; Raleigh Although biuret-hydrolysing enzymes in the
& Wallace, 1963; Johnson & McClure, 1964; Clark, rumen develop only after the introduction of this
Baratt & Kellerman, 1965; Henderick, 1967; Mies, compound into the diet (Clemens & Johnson, 1973a,
Thomas & Newman, 1967; Tollett et al. 1969). 6; Johnson & Clemens, 1973), urea, a naturally
Nevertheless, due to the limited supply of biuret, occurring substrate, can be rapidly hydrolysed
the higher cost per unit crude protein and inexperi- (Ewan, Hatfield & Garrigus, 1958; McLaren et al.
ence in its application for ruminant nutrition in 1959; Johnson & McClure, 1963; Gilchrist, Pot-
Australia, urea has been more widely used in this gieter & Voss, 1968; Schroder & Gilchrist, 1969).
country and in the U.S.A. (Klett, 1972; Chalupa, Recent experiments (Kondos, 1975; E. M. Gil-
1972). christ, personal communication) have shown that
The main advantages in favour of biuret are: adaptation of the rumen to biuret can easily be
(1) It is slowly hydrolysed in the rumen and achieved, is relatively fast and, apparently, of a
consequently risks of ammonia poisoning are long-lasting nature.
remote compared with urea (Dinning et al. 1948; In view of the importance of biuret as a feeding-
Gallup, Pope & Whitehair, 1953; Repp, Hale, stuff and the better understanding of its properties
* Present address: Rumevite Pty. Ltd., Boundary from recently accumulated literature, the present
Eoad, Wacol, Brisbane, Queensland. investigations were conducted in an attempt to
study the comparative nutritional value of biuret During the production periods 4 and 5 (Fig. 1),
and urea in maintenance and production diets of the same basic treatments as used in the first three
cattle. Observations were made under closely con- stages were applied, but feed intake in all groups
trolled pen conditions in an endeavour to accurately was increased to allow animals to gain weight at
establish some basic principles relating to the two different rates up to a body weight of about
utilization of these two compounds. 400 kg. These two production stages lasted more
than 20 weeks.
PROCEDURE Animals. Twenty-four 2-year-old and relatively
small-framed Hereford steers weighing 309-313 kg
General. Five experiments using cattle were were selected from a group of 32 for even size and
carried out over a period of 2 years in order to study growth rate after a pilot 2-month grazing trial
the nutritional value of biuret and urea fed with period. The animals were then evenly allotted to
varying levels of energy and nitrogen intake. The four treatment groups of six animals each. At the
general plan on which the experiment was based is beginning of stage 1 their condition was assessed
shown in Fig. 1. Body weight represents the as score ' 7 ' . This assessment was made from a
approximate average weight at which cattle score list of 1—10 in which 10 represents animals in
entered each experimental period. fat condition. All groups were kept in open yards
In the first three experimental periods or stages, (30 x 30 m) and were drenched against parasites
maintenance conditions were applied and in each before commencement of the experiments and at
case intake of the basal diet was adjusted at a level regular intervals thereafter.
slightly above maintenance requirements of the Wet conditions at the end of the second stage
animals in the control group. The first period was compelled continuation with the third experi-
repeated twice (trials a and 6) in an effort to test mental stage in concrete yards. The last two stages
the effect of a second energy level. After each of of feeding for production (4 and 5) took place in
the first two experimental periods, the body weight the original yards. Animals on biuret were adapted
of all animals was intentionally decreased by 35- to the utilization of this compound for 4 weeks
40 kg and, following a short period of body-weight before the actual experiment commenced.
adjustment, the efficiency of biuret and urea During the entire experimental period, all cattle
utilization was tested. Good-quality feed-grade remained healthy except one steer in the urea
biuret (81%) and urea contributed up to about group which died of poisoning after accidentally
50 % of the total nitrogen content of the diets. consuming the daily urea allowance for the whole

325 -1


Fig. 1. Plan of the biuret-urea maintenance and production experiments. Numbers 1-5 show experi-
mental periods or stages and their duration in weeks. Period 1 consisted of trials a and b. Maintenance
experiments included periods 1, 2 and 3 to a total of 53 weeks. Production experiments included periods
4 and 5 which covered 20 weeks. See Procedure for details.
Biuret and urea in cattle nutrition 361
group. This animal was immediately replaced and were used for a direct comparison of the nutritional
the experiment continued uninterrupted. Body efficiency of biuret against that of urea in treat-
weights were recorded before feeding in the morning ment 4.
at 2- to 3-week intervals. During the entire experi- Maintenance experiments. Four treatments were
mental period, no feed intake problems were applied in which the performance of cattle fed
encountered in any of the treatment groups. maintenance diets with two levels of biuret and
Feeds and feeding. Composition of the basal diet one of urea were compared.
is given in Table 1. Lower-quality grass hay was The four treatments in the first experimental
used for its low protein content, small variation in stage were:
composition and availability during the whole
experimental period. Treatments Diets
The grain was feed-grade wheat containing 12-3 1. Control Basal
and 15-1 % crude protein (CP). Biuret, supplied by 2. Biuret Basal + 75 g biuret/head/day
Dow Chemicals Company in Queensland, was high- 3. Biuret Basal + 37-5 gbiurefc/head/day
4. Urea Basal + 66 g urea/head/day
quality commercial grade containing hot less than
81 % of the compound. Urea was ordinary feed The control treatment consisted only of the basal
grade containing about 91 % urea. All feeds were diet (Table 1), the level of which was adjusted to
analysed for nitrogen content by the method of approximately meet maintenance requirements in
Mackenzie & Wallace (1954). Calcium and phos- energy and nitrogen for the control group in each
phorus were supplied in the form of bone meal of the first three experimental stages (Fig. 1).
(Calphos) at the rate of 0-4 % of the diet, common The daily allowance of dry matter (D.M.) in the
salt at 0-5% and a specially prepared mineral basal diet and the energy and protein intakes
mixture which supplied each animal daily with during the first three stages are shown in Table 2.
40-50 mg Cu, 0-5 mg Ca, 200 mg Zn, 200 mg Mn, According to ARC recommendations and pre-
0-1 mg Se, 0-5 mg I, 40r50 mg Fe, was added at liminary observations, the daily maintenance
0-4% of the diet. requirements for a steer of 300 kg body weight are
In addition to the mineral mixture, sulphur was 9-10 Meal ME and 375 g CP. Consequently, the
supplied in the form of Na2SO4.10H2O at the rate above figures of daily energy intake were adjusted
of 0-2%. Water was available ad libitum. to be somewhat higher than the calculated ARC
All diets within each experimental stage were maintenance recommendations iii order to allow a
kept isocaloric and the diets in treatment 2 (biuret) sufficient energy margin for promoting any possible
and 4 (urea) were isocaloric and isonitrogenous, growth responses to NPN supplementation.
whereas the NPN nitrogen level in treatment 3 was Production experiments. During production stages
only half of that in 2 and 4. Treatments 2 and 3 4 and 5 (Fig. 1), intake of the basic diet increased

Table 1. Composition* of basal diet used in maintenance stages 1, 2 and 3

MEf (Meal/kg CP
Ingredients % in diet of diet) (% of diet)
Mixed grass hay 87-0 1-635 4-17
Wheat grain 11-5 0-328 1-41
Salt 0-5 — —
Mineral mixture 0-4 —
Calphos 0-4 — —
Sodium sulphate 0-2 — —
1000 1-963 5-58
* Mixed grass hay = 1-880 Moal ME/kg,. 4-8 % CP; wheat grain = 2-850 Meal ME/kg, 12-3 % CP; mixed basal
diet = 1-963 Meal ME/kg, 6-58 CP %.
f Metabolizable energy.

Table 2. Daily intake of D.M.., ME and CP per head during each of the first three maintenance stagea
Experimental Mean body D.M. ME CP
stage wt (kg) (kg) (Moal) (g)
1 310 5-9 11 6 329
2 270 4-5 8-9 251
3 235 3-4 6-7 189

Table 3. Composition of production diet fed during stages 4 and 5

Ingredients % in diet Meal ME/kg CP % in diet
Grass hay 820 1-541 3-93
Wheat grain* 16-5 0-470 2-49
Salt 0-5 — —
Mineral mixture 0-4 — —
Calphos 0-4 — —
Sodium sulphate 0-2 — —
1000 2011 6-42
* Crude protein content 15-1 %.



i? 310

Stage 1


10 12 14 16
Fig. 2. Body-weight changes in each group in stage 1 (trial a). # 0 , Control;
0 0 , biuret 75g; x x, biuret 37-5g; O O. u r ea i

to meet metabolizable energy requirements for a mented animals gained significantly more weight
gain of 0-7 and 0-9 kg/head/day respectively. The than the control.
basal production diet (Table 3), contained more Animals in the high-biuret group (75 g/day)
energy and slightly more crude protein than that gained body weight at a significantly (P < 0-01)
used in the maintenance experiments, and was fed greater rate than the control. Body weights in the
at the rate of 8-5 and 10 kg/head/day during stages urea and low-biuret groups were not significantly
4 and 5 respectively. All treatments of NPN different between themselves, but were greater
supplementation were the same as in stages 1, 2 (P < 0-05) than the control and below (P < 0-05)
and 3. the high-biuret group.
Analysis of variance was used for determining
statistical differences. Stage 16
The first stage was repeated approximately 2
RESULTS months after completion of the first, with the only
difference an increase in energy intake. Each
Stage la. See Fig. 2 and Table 4. animal was supplied daily with an additional
During the 12-week observation period the con- 0-23 kg of dehydrated molasses. In this second test
trol group maintained an average body weight of the overall growth rate was slightly increased
about 313 kg/head, whereas all NPN-supple- but the general growth patterns and statistical
Biuret and urea in cattle nutrition 363

Table 4. Body-weight changes (kg) in stage 1, trial a (12 weeks, condition score 7)
Mean initial Mean final Total actual Actual gain
Treatments body wt body wt Mean gain gain/head per head/week
1. Control 310 312 2» 0 0
2. Biuret, 75 g 305-5 330 24-5b 22-5 1-87
3. Biuret, 37-5 g 307 320-5 13-5° 11-5 0-96
4. Urea, 66 e 310 327-5 17-5" 15-5 1-29
b greater than a (P < 001).
c and d greater than a (P < 005).
b greater than c and d (P < 005).
c and d, not significantly different.

Table 5. Body-weight gain (kg) in stage 1, trials a and b*

Trial a Trial 6
Total actualf Actual gain Total actual Actual gain
Treatments gain/head per head/week gain/head per head/week
1. Control 0 0" 0
2. Biuret, 75 g 22-5" 1-87 240" 20
3. Biuret, 37-5 g 11-5C 0-96 120 c 10
4. Urea, 66 g 15-5" 1-29 15-5a 1-37
* Intake was increased by 0-23 kg of dry molasses per head/day above intake in trial a.
t The ' actual weight gain' represents total gain minus gain of controls.
b greater than a (P < 001).
b greater than c and d (P < 005).
c and d not significantly different.

differences remained similar to those in the first Considering the results on a supplementary nitrogen
experiment. unit basis, the weight gain on the high-biuret treat-
Table 5 shows the actual weight gain per treat- ment was by about 28 % higher than gains on the
ment in the two experiments of stage 1. Results isonitrogenous urea treatment. At that energy level
have been expressed as differences from the control there was a tendency for the low-biuret level to
which was adjusted to zero gain. On actual body- support the same or even higher weight gain than
weight gain, the first stage showed that biuret was the urea supplement.
about 30 % more effective than urea. The apparent response of animals to supple-
mentary NPN was reduced with the effected
Stage 2. See Fig. 3. reduction in total energy intake. Biuret at all levels
The basal diet was fed as shown in Table 2. After supported better growth than urea. The low-biuret
the end of stage 1, all animals were fed less of the level was associated with weight gains equivalent
basal diet until the mean body weight was reduced to those corresponding to twice the nitrogen
to about 275 kg. Their condition at the beginning supplemented in the form of urea.
of stage 2 was medium to poor (score 5). The main
observation period continued for 11 weeks during Stage 3. See Fig. 4.
which the controls maintained a fairly constant Feeding levels are given in Table 2. Stage 3 com-
body weight of about 279 kg. menced at an average live weight of about 245 kg,
All NPN supplemented groups gained weight and and continued for 12 weeks. The animals were in
by the end of the trial period were significantly poor condition (score 3) and remained in the same
above (P < 0-05) the control. There was no sig- groups as in the two previous experiments.
nificant difference between any of the NPN supple- Although trends were evident and the NPN
mented groups. The actual total average gain per supplemented groups consistently maintained body
animal in each group, when the weight change of weights above the control, the recorded differences
the control was taken as zero, is shown in Table 6. between any of the four groups were not significant.

300 -




260 -

I l l I i i i i .
1 0 1 7 9 11 13 15
Fig. 3. Body-weight changes in each group in stage 2. %, Control; \ • , biuret 75 g;
x x , biuret 37-5 g; O - -Oi urea 66 g.

Table 6. Mean body weight and weight gain (kg) of animals in stage 2(11 weeks, condition score 5)
Mean body wt (kg)
Actual total Weekly
Initial Final rain gain/head gain/head
1. Control 2750 2760 la 0 0
2. Biuret, 75 g 276-5 295-5 19 b 18 1-63
3. Biuret, 37-5 g 2760 2910 15° 14 1-27
4. Urea 277-5 291-5 14" 13 1-18
a less than b, c and d (P < 0-05).
b, c and d not significantly different.



« 240

6 10 12

Fig. 4. Body-weight change in each group in stage 3. • • , Control; t 9 , biuret 75 g;

x x , biuret 37-5 g; O O, urea 66 g.
Biuret and urea in cattle nutrition 365

330 -




Stage 5

Stage 4


Diet change


10 12 14 16 18
Fig. 5. Growth rate in production stages 4 and 5. # # , Control; # 9 , biuret 75 g;
X X , biuret 37'6; O O. urea 66 g. For details see production experiments under Procedure.

No definite growth response of animals to NPN experiment was terminated when animals reached
supplementation was recorded at the lowest level about 400 kg body weight.
of energy intake.
Stages 4 and 4. Production. See Fig. 5. DISCUSSION
During these experiments, which continued for When a basal diet low in nitrogen (5-58% CP)
20 weeks, all diets were gradually changed from low and supplemented with constant amounts of biuret
maintenance to production as shown in Table 2 or urea was fed to cattle at three levels of intake
and the actual D.M. intake/head was 8-5 and 10 kg (11-6, 8-9 and 6-7 Meal ME/head/day), the lowest
for experimental stages 4 and 5 respectively. of which was sufficient to maintain a body weight
During the 10 weeks of stage 4 of the production of 230 kg, it was found that biuret was utilized
phase, a weight gain rate of about 3-3 kg/head/ significantly more efficiently than urea at the two
week was maintained. The control group remained higher levels of energy intake. The differences in
significantly (P < 0-05) below the NPN treat- weight changes were not significant when the total
ments. In stage 5, body-weight changes in all NPN energy intake was reduced to the lowest of the
supplemented groups behaved in a way similar to three levels. This indicates that there is a critical
stage 4, but no significant differences between level of energy intake below which the efficiency of
treatments were recorded. During this production dietary nitrogen utilization in the rumen is lowered
stage, growth was about 6-8 kg/head/week. The to the extent that the special properties of biuret
offer no benefit to the animal. Under the conditions effect resulted from biuret fed to lambs maintained
of the present experiments this critical level on diets containing nitrogen in excess to their
appeared to be between 6-7 and 8-9 Meal ME. requirements, a result similar to that obtained in
Meiske et al. (1955) have also reported a signifi- stages 4 and 5 of the present experiments. Hatfield
cant increase in daily gains and feed conversion et al. (1959) used high feed-intake regimens in
efficiency in sheep fed a low-nitrogen ration supple- lambs and found the highest average nitrogen
mented with biuret, and Hatfield et al. (1959) retention to be associated with animals supple-
reported higher weight gains in lambs fed biuret mented with a biuret-urea mixture and not biuret
than urea. They also found a significantly higher only.
nitrogen balance in the biuret treatment. With reference to situations where the perform-
The higher efficiency of biuret nitrogen utilization ance of animals supplemented with urea was better
in the above mentioned and present experiments than others on biuret, insufficient rumen adaptation
could be attributed to the use of biuret-adapted to the utilization of biuret could have been respon-
animals and to the slower rate of ammonia release sible for the lower performance of steers on biuret.
from biuret (Dining et al. 1948; Repp, Hale & Wise Reports of results from early investigations on the
Burroughs, 1955), which under suitable nitrogen nutritional value of biuret, especially before the
and energy-intake conditions can be used more need for ruminal adaptation had been fully under-
efficiently by ruminal bacteria. The nutritional stood, are rather disappointing due to insufficient
value of biuret as NPN supplement in sheep and information given on the adaptation aspect (Berry
cattle diets has also been demonstrated by other et al. 1956; Meiske et al. 1955; Belasco, 1954).
workers (Berry et al. 1956; Campbell, Warner & McLaren et al. (1959) and Clemens & Johnson
Looslie, 1960, and others), but the aspect of energy- (19736) have also commented on the importance of
intake level below which non-protein nitrogen may rumen adaptation in experiments where the nutri-
not be efficiently utilized by rumen bacteria, regard- tional value of biuret was assessed. Campbell (1958)
less of the form in which it enters the rumen, should indicated that nitrogen utilization in lambs was
be carefully considered. Clemens & Johnson (1973) improved when the preliminary feeding period was
found that the presence of a readily fermentable prolonged beyond 10 days, which coincides with
carbohydrate in the diet of sheep facilitated the the minimum period necessary for adaptation to
utilization of biuret. biuret (Kondos, 1975). This aspect has also been
On the other hand, when similar diets were fed confirmed by Clemens & Johnson (19736). In the
at two production levels sufficient to promote 0-7 present experiments, a sufficient adaptation period
and 0-9 kg weight gain/head/day, no significant of 4 weeks was allowed.
differences in the efficiency of urea or biuret nitrogen The better growth response to the combination
utilization were apparent except for a definite trend of urea and biuret is a difficult phenomenon to
in favour of biuret and particularly at the lowest explain but it could be due to a two-stage effect:
of the two feed intakes. (1) a more efficient utilization of urea-ammonia
At these two rates of body-weight gain, the during the rapid ammonia release soon after intake
quantity of nitrogen contributed by the basal diet when the readily available energy fraction of the
in relation to the total requirements of the animals feed could also be released in the rumen encouraging
and the contribution and efficiency of utilization an increased bacterial activity, and (2) the slow
of supplementary NPN sources are difficult to dis- ammonia release of biuret during the rest of the
tinguish and accurately assess. None the less, at digestive period (Kondos, 1975) when it could bo
the lower of the two production levels (stage 4), the more efficiently utilized even under conditions of
significantly lower weight gain of animals in the relatively lower energy intake (Hatfield et al. 1959).
control group, below the NPN supplemented The results have shown that steers on mainten-
groups, indicated that the nitrogen intake of the ance diets and well adapted to the hydrolysis of
controls was limiting. In spite of this, no quantita- biuret utilized this nitrogen source more efficiently
tive differences in the growth promoting ability than urea when a sufficient level of energy intake
between the two NPN compounds was recorded, was allowed and the NPN source contributed
which leads to the conclusion that the form in approximately half of the nitrogen requirements of
which the supplementary non-protein nitrogen was the animals. At no stage was urea better utilized
given in these situations of high nitrogen intake than biuret when low nitrogen-containing diets, fed
was of no importance. This became more obvious at maintenance or growth level, were supplemented
when the difference in growth rate between treat- with these compounds. On the other hand, animals
ments was reduced to non-significant as intake on very low energy intake or high energy and
increased from one production level in stage 4 to nitrogen intake did not show any significantly
the higher level in stage 5. different response to urea or biuret supplementation.
Berry et al. (1956) have also reported that no From an applied aspect, it has become clear that
Biuret and urea in cattle nutrition 367
under conditions of low-nitrogen intake, biuret financial support of these investigations, to the
nitrogen can generally be more efficiently utilized Council of the Queensland Agricultural College for
than urea. making available the necessary research facilities,
and to Mr T. Chen for his valuable technical
The authors wish to express their appreciation assistance.
to Dow Chemical Company of Australia for the
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