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Tourism places

1. What's your favorite tourist destination, and why do you like it?
2. Have you ever visited a famous landmark? If so, which one, and what was your
experience like?
3. What factors do you consider when choosing a travel destination?
4. How do you think tourism impacts local communities and economies?
5. What's the most memorable tourist attraction you've ever been to, and why was it
special to you?
6. Is there a place you dream of visiting someday? Where is it, and what attracts you to
that destination?
7. Do you prefer visiting natural sites or historical monuments when you travel? Why?
8. What's the most beautiful landscape you've seen during your travels?
9. How do you think technology has changed the way people experience tourism
10. Have you ever experienced culture shock while visiting a foreign country? How did
you handle it?
11. Do you prefer traveling alone, with family, or with friends? Why?
12. What are some lesser-known tourist spots you would recommend to others?
13. How do you think sustainable tourism can benefit both travelers and local
14. Have you ever taken part in any adventure tourism activities? If not, would you like to
try any in the future?
15. What precautions do you take to ensure your safety while traveling to new places?
16. Describe a time when you had an unexpectedly pleasant experience while traveling.
17. How has social media influenced the way people choose and experience tourist
18. Do you think it's important to learn about the history and culture of a place before
visiting it? Why or why not?
19. What's the most exotic cuisine you've tried while traveling? How did you like it?
20. Share a story about a memorable encounter with a local resident during your travels.

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