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! <1&. JOURNAL
~ <I~ ' "
Vol. XXIII, No. 1 October 1991

Issue Editor
Ernesto M. Serote

Managing Editor
Delia R. Alcalde

Editorial Assistant Layout Artist

Edith P. Dela Rosa Visitacion P. Nuval

Circulation Manager
Emily M. Mateo

The Philippine Planning Journal is published in October and April by the School of Urban and
Regional Planning, University of the Philippines. Views and opinions expressed in signs and articles are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the School of Urban and Regional Planning.
All communications should be addressed to the Managing Editor and orders for subscription should be
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1 Socia-Spatial Structure of the Colonial Third World

City: The Case of Manila, Philippines

Ernesto M. Serote

15 Traffic Simulation Models for the Digital Road Map

System of Metro Manila

Herculano A. Felias, Jr. & Hisao Uchiyama

32 Makati: Contrasts in Urban Planning

Jejomar C. Binay

42 Urban Development and Administration in the

Philippines: An Institutional Response

Asteya M. Santiago


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Ernesta M. Serote

Introduction sion of labor. Along with this, the state of

technological development also affected city
Of the few things that Third World countries structures. Finally, changes in the TWC struc-
have in common, we can cite the fact that near- ture resulted in part from specific colonial
ly all of them have come under domination by policies of the European nations that were
one or more European/North American coun- engaged in colonialism.
tries. Their colonial experience has had a pro- In this paper, the evolution of the socio-
found impact on their social and economic spatial structure of the TWC will be analyzed
structure. The structure of society that emerged according to the framework outlined above.
from such colonial contact has, in turn, in- First, general patterns of the changes in so-
fluenced the physical and spatial structure of cial structures and urban forms which are the
their cities. effect of the transformation of world capital-
The evolution of spatial forms of the Third ism will be sketched. Then the case of Manila,
World City (TWC) therefore, can be traced to Philippines will be presented to highlight the
the changes in the social organization of the ways in which the Philippine colonial exper-
colonized inhabitants imposed on them by, or ience is similar to, or varies from the general
in response to the policies of their colonial mas- pattern. Variations will be shown to be a func-
ters. These policies are in turn shaped by the tion of the aims and motivations of their
global political economy, on the one hand, and colonial masters, in this case, Spain and the
the specific purposes that the particular colon- United States, and also of the kind of indi-
izing power wanted to accomplish, on the genous society that existed at the point of
other. European contact. The paper will conclude
Initial changes in the social organization of with identification of some of the surviving
the colonized peoples varied according to the effects of such colonial experience - social
level of civilization they have attained at the traits, institutions and artifacts-that seem to
moment of European contact. In some coun- underlie some of the important urban prob-
tries, European urban civilization was easily lems of today.
superimposed on the indigenous society that
was essentially rural. In other countries that Colonialism: Some concepts defined
had already developed a high level of urban
civilization, the indigenous urban forms were Colonialism is defined by King (1976) as
modified but not entirely supplanted. the "establishment and maintenance, for an
Subsequent changes in the social structure extended time, of rule over an alien people
of the colonial TWC would depend in part on that is separate and subordinate to the ruling
the transition of capitalism from mercantilism. power." For colonialism to take place, certain
Social restructuring in the TWC took place conditions must be satisfied, which King enu-
as it reorganized itself to perform the func- merates: (1) That a contact situation occurs
tions assigned to it by the metropolitan power between two cultures and the value systems
within the whole scheme of international divi- on which they are based. (2) That the contact


t.akes place between two cultures which have terized by the dominance-dependence
different forms or 'level' of economic, social, relationship, the power structure in the
technological and political organization and colonial city is such that the colonial
development. (3) That the relationship in which society is dependent on the metropoli-
this contact takes place is one of dominance- tan one. Consequently, the colonial set-
dependence where the ultimate source of so- tlement is primarily devoted to political,
cial, economic and political power rests in the military and administrative functions.
metropolitan society, with physical force The colonial settlement contained the
being the ultimate sanction in the colonized managers of the colonial system while
society. industrialization took place in the metro-
Further expounding on the three conditions politan society. The economy of the
of colonialism, King (1976, Chapter 2) extracts colonial society was therefore confined
three variables which are inherent in the con- to the tertiary sector (in the city) and
cept of colonialism and which are essential for primary sector in the rural area. More-
understanding the socio-spatial structure of over, the indigenous and colonial parts
the colonial TWC, namely, culture, technology, of the city were kept apart from econo-
and power structure. mic, social, political and racial reasons.
(1) Culture. The colonial city is the product The enforcement of segregation was
of a contact between at least two dif- either explicit or implicit. Explicitly,
ferent cultures. Hence, there exists, in distinct areas for different social groups
the indigenous and colonial sectors, with separate and unequal facilities
areas of urban spaces allocated by power were created. Implicitly, residential areas
relations of colonialism which are per- were so characterized by cultural or
ceived, structured and utilized accord- economic deterrents as to prevent infil-
ing to value systems unique to the cul- tration except by those willing to adopt
ture in question. It is these value sys- the attributes and life-styles of the
tems that legitimize the religious, so- colonial inhabitants.
cial, economic and political institutions King summarizes these generalizations
of the culture and it is these institutions by drawing a picture of the ideal type
which determine the spatial form of structure of the TWC consisting of three
each settlement area. sectors: the indigenous sector, the Euro-
(2) Technology. The colonial settlement is pean sector, and squatter settlements.
also a product of cultures with very
different forms of technological, social,
Evolution of the Socio-Spatial Structure of
economic and political organization and
development. Whereas the indigenous
settlement area is the product largely
The picture of the colonial Third World
of an agrarian and craft-based economy
City drawn by King is viewed, as it were, with
using mainly animate sources of energy,
a telescopic lens. The image is clear but the
the European sector expresses the phys-
depth of field is lost. We shall now attempt
ical, spatial and social forms of the in-
to get a historical perspective of the develop-
dustrial city which, in turn, result from
ment of the structure of TWCs.
the use of inanimate energy. In spatial The need to place the ideal-type colonial
terms, the indigenous sector is charac- TWC in historical context stems from the fact
terized by mixed land uses. The colonial that the soclo-spattat structure of the TWC has
sector, in contrast, exhibits a spatial changed through time. These changes were the
segregation between work, non-work, result of the interplay of three major factors,
and recreational spaces.
two of which are internal to the cultures that
I (3) Power structure of colonialism. Charac- came in contact and the third external to both.

Socio-Spatial Structure

Hence, the need to view the formation of the discrete self-contained neighborhoods. Sense of
socio-spatiat structure of the TWC as an evolu- community was fostered through provision by
tionary process. the wealthy of utilities and servicesand thrOUgh
According to Lowder (1986, Chapter 3), communal rights over property, especially land
the colonial period spans four centuries, more (Lowder 1986, Chapter 2).
or less, from 1550 to 1950. The earliest and Countries with such high levels of civiliza-
longest players were the Spaniards and the tion include China, India, the Middle East, and
Portugese, lasting from the Columban con- parts of West Africa. Although in some cases
quest of the 1500s to the first quarter of the they were radically altered, the indigenous
1800s, by which time nearly all Latin American cultures in these countries were otherwise pre-
colonies had become independent. Thus, served. Exceptions to this were the Aztecs of
Iberian colonial rule was practically over when Mexico and the Incas of Peru which had
other European countries began theirs. It was achieved a high level of civilization but were
not until the middle of the nineteenth century completely obliterated by Spanish conquest
that the British occupied India, Ceylon and and replaced with entirely new forms. In other
Malaya. Africa's colonial experience is rela- places where the indigenous society was basical-
tively brief, lasting for 50 to 70 years. The ly rural, European urban civilization was super-
Middle East was under protectorate status for imposed with greater ease.
even shorter period, two decades between the
two world wars. The most enduring colonies Motivesof Colonial Powers
were the small isolated islands of the Carribean
(Cuba, West Indies), the Pacific (Philippines) All colonizing powers were motivated by
and the Indian Ocean (Singapore, Hong Kong, economic expansion. An exception was Spain
Macao). These islands lay along principal sea which added a religious motive to her colonial
routes, or on the "doorstep of powers" that exploits. The bulk of the Spanish conquerors
the Europeans could not colonize (Lowder consisted of redundant veterans of the Moor
1986,52). wars who were imbued with a hig'" sense of
The impact of European expansion trans- "intolerance for anything other than strict
formed the structure of TWCs. The nature and Catholic conformity" (Lowder 1986, 52). The
extent of such transformation depended on a large number of clergy that accompanied the
number of factors, the major ones being: the Spanish expeditions gave these voyagesa sem-
level of urban civilization already attained by blance of missionary journeys. It turned out
the indigenous society at the time of the Euro- later that the friars succumbed to the tempta-
pean contact, the aims of the coloniZing tion of accumulating wealth themselves. In
powers, and the stages in the development of short, the aims of Spanish colonialism were
capitalism and technology. to discover and found new territories to provide
wealth~ to the Crown and to subjugate indi-
genous populations to be "civilized" and con-
Pre-eolonial Civilizations verted to Catholicism (Gilbert and Gugler 1981,
15). Spanish colonial cities invariably sport the
Indigenous cities of the pre-colonial period most prominent symbol of their evangelization
were creations of complex societies that had motive, the Catholic church, which dominates
political systems sophisticated enough to or- the landscape of every town they founded.
ganize and extend their territories even without Moreover, asserts Gilbert, the Spaniards used
the benefit of modern communications. Al- the city as the instrument of conquest. Each
though predominantly agrarian, these societies urban area was granted a tract of land together
exhibited the capability to accumulate surplus with its dependent population. The Spanish
wealth and to transform this wealth into works settlers preempted land surrounding the towns
of art, fine architecture, jewelry, and textiles. they founded and incorporated lands held in
Their internal structures showed evidences of common by the inhabitants into private owner-


ship. The city became the seat of the local aris- sailing caravel or the Mexican galleon. In
tocracy which served as the main link in the cases where the colonizers penetrated far-
chain of political control by Spain (in Gilbert ther inland, primitive communications such
and Gugler 1981,15). as caravan trails were established.
Other European colonial powers did not
intend to settle in their colonies for longer than
profitable trading required. Some trading posts Industrial capitalism. The advent of the in-
were in fact abandoned in favor of more pro- dustrial revolution has led to faster changes
fitable ones. A curious case is that of Africa. in the structure of both metropolitan and
According to lowder, the main motive of colonial cities. With the expansion of pro-
colonial expansion in Africa was the rivalry duction capacity of metropolitan factories,
among European powers and that the con- the colonial city was increasingly seen as
tinent only served as the stage on which they the supplier of raw materials and, to a minor
acted out their rivalry (1986, 54). degree, a market for finished products.
European capital investments began to
Impact of Capitalism and Technology pour into TWCs for the establishment of
production facilities. This has brought
The most profound impact of European about the integration of the Third World
colonial expansion in TWCs relates to the countries into the international division of
transition of capitalism from mercantilism labor. The use of steamships and the opening
through industrial capitalism and finally to of the Suez Canal have helped considerably
monopoly capitalism. in the hastening of the integration of the
world economy. The period of industrial
Mercantile capitalism. Mercantilism repre- capitalism has also led to marked changes
sents an era of primitive capital accumula- in the social structure and morphology of
tion when emerging capitalist states were the TWC.
acquiring the initial capital to launch capi- Beginning with the late nineteenth cen-
talism as a world economic system (Cons- tury, Gilbert observes, Third World cities be-
tantino 1975, 17-18). During this period, gan to look increasingly similar (in Gilbert
which also saw the flourishing of piracy and Gugler 1981, 22) He attributes this to
and slave trade, the colonizers were inter- the similarities in the kind of facilities for
ested mainly in trade and so they had a extraction and transport of raw materials
very limited impact on the internal struc- set up during the period of industrial capi-
ture of the TWC. Changes in the colonial talism. Every colony, for instance, had a
society came in the form of metropolitan major port city that served as its link with
institutions like the Christian religion and the metropolitan power. From the port city,
private property in land. These did not railways invariably radiated to the hinter-
lead to social restructuring as long as the lands from which the products of planta-
pre-capitallst modes of production, subsis- tion and mines were collected. In some
tence agriculture, artisanal industries, handi- cases, these products were transported in
crafts, and the like, remained unchanged. their raw form direct to Europe. In other
Metropolitan traders had to deal with auto- cases, break-of-bulk or intermediate proces-
nomous producers or with middlemen who sing was necessary. Morphologically, TWCs
were mostly nationals of a third country. were looking increasingly like imitations of
The cities founded by the colonizers were metropolitan cities, down to such details
invariably oriented to the sea, reflecting as names of streets, parks, and public build-
their main function as collection and dis- ings. For the first time, the segregation
patch points for products exported to between work and residential spaces oc-
Europe. Transport technology then was curred as artisanal and handicraft workers
dominated by the cumbersome Spanish converted to factory workers.

Socio-Spstis/ Structure

The introduction of the capitalist mode mic growth are made in the metr~­
of production gave rise to a new social struc- politan centers of Europe and the Um-
ted States, and the Third World ur-
ture. In agriculture, the emergence of large ban functions and form have come to
estate plantations encouraged the cultiva- reflect provincial status. The Third
tion of cash crops. Small landholdings were World city forms part of the world
bought up by the landed estates and former economy but its population does not
owner-cultivators turned tenants and share- share equal access to the world's re-
sources. For this reason, and despite
croppers or else became paid laborers in the countervailing power of government,
haciendas or in city factories. Thus, indus- inequality is being perpetuated within
trial capitalism has transformed once-auto- the Third World (Gilbert and
nomous workers into paid laborers and Gugler, 1981,25).
their products were replaced by imported
Morphologically, TWCs have come to look
goods from the metropolitan powers.
not only like the metropolitan cities but
This stage of capitalism has accentuated
also look like one another. Whether the
the status of dependency of the Third World
TWC is in Latin America, Africa or Asia,
countries. This role in the dominance-de- the ubiquitous high-rise tower blocks, large
pendence relationship that the colonized residential complexes in sprawling suburbs,
country enjoyed has limited the range of mass transit systems, expressways with
functions that the TWCs were allowed to multi-level interchanges dominate the urban
perform. They were never allowed to be- landscape. This is due to the internationali-
come major manufacturing centers. Because zation of building technology, transport en-
of the limited manufacturing activity that gineering, and urban planning and design
they were allowed to do, TWCs were charac- concepts. But of course, unlike its metro-
terized as "passive-industrial cities". (De politan counterparts, the TWC still invaria-
Brui/ne in Ross and Telkamp 1985, 233). bly sports its distinctive feature-slums and
They did not produce large amounts of in- squatments.
dustrial goods but accepted and distributed
In the case study that follows the monopoly
huge quantities of imported European goods
capitalism phase will be omitted for two
which heavily competed with local products.
reasons: it falls outside the colonial period
This has totally ruined indigenous handi-
and that it has taken away much of the dis-
tinctive character of individual TWCs.
Monopoly capitalism. The period of mono-
Manila: A Colonial Third World City
poly capitalism covers for most Third World
countries the post-independence era. Being
Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is
independent politically however, did not
automatically guarantee economic indepen- situated on the western shore of the island of
Luzon, the largest of more than 7,000 is-
dence as well. In fact, under monopoly
lands comprising the archipelago. It lies on
capitalism Third World countries are coop-
ted into the world economy but continue to the mouth of the Pasig River which drains into
be given a peripheral role not only as sup- the Manila Bay, a well protected cove facing
plier of raw materials as in the earlier phase the South China Sea. The flood plain of the
Pasig constituted the rich agricultural hinter-
of capitalism but also as source of cheap
land of Manila. A greater portion of this once-
labor. In short, independence has not
shielded the colonized Third World from vul- agricultural delta is now built up and forms
nerability to new forms of colonialism. One part of Metropolitan Manila.
more quote from Gilbert: Morphologically, the present metropolitan
area extends fan-like from the Manila Bay
"Today the essential decisions about toward the interior. Integrated in 1975 under a
technology, employment and econo- metropolitan authority, Metropolitan Manila

embraces four cities including the city of Manila, strictly speaking, did not and could
Manila, and thirteen municipalities covering not grow. It was confined within the walls, its
nearly 636 square kilometers. Manila, the city, internal structure was laid out at the beginning
is a much smaller jurisdiction with an area of and remained unchanged up to the end of the
38 square kilometers but accounts for one-fifth Spanish rule (which lasted for 333 years).
of the total metropolitan population. Manila Urban growth occurred instead outside the walls
was incorporated in 1903 during the American within the jurisdiction of surrounding towns
occupation. It consists of thirteen districts, which were later incorporated as districts of
one of which is Intramuros. Intramuros was the City of Manila. These towns and the spaces
the city of 'Manila during the Spanish regime. between them, are now completely built up
As its name Implies, Manila was a walled city but the original layout of the town center
only 1.2 square kilometers in area. Within this is still discernible in many of them. To appre-
tiny enclosure all the institutions of Spanish ciate the evolution of the socio-spatial struc-
colonial administration, both civil and eeclesias- ture of Manila, therefore, we need to look at
tical, were established. From this enclave; Spain these surrounding towns where the real contact
extended its power to the entire country. Secu- between colonizer and colonized took place.
lar administration was carried out through a
hierarchy headed by the Governor-General
and below him the Alcalde Mayor (governor) Structure of Pre·Hispanic Filipino society
of every province, and the Gobernadorcillo
(petty governor or municipal mayor) of every At the time of the Spanish conquest (second
town. Ecclesiastical authority was exercised half of the sixteenth century), the natives
by the Archbishop of Manila at the apex and were found settled in villages (barrios) and were
the bishoprics and parishes scattered all over divided into kinship groups called barangays,
the islands. The parishes were manned by composed of 30 to 50 families. The barangay
priests or friars representing the five religious was stratified into free men [maharlika] who
orders then participating in the evangelization were bound by blood ties, and under them
of the Philippines. (See Figure 1.) were serfs (aliping namamahay or living-out
The city was supplied through a flea market servants) and slaves (aliping sagigilid). The
in the Chinese quarter. just outside the north- head of the barangay was the datu or patri-
east gate. The Japanese who served as live-out archal chief. The serfs had property rights to
domestics were also assigned their own quarters their homes and the land they cultivated.
outside the walls. Filipino carpenters and They gave half of their harvest and their labor
masons who worked during the day inside the to the free men in exchange for the protection
city went home in the evening to their towns given by the free men who constituted the
farther afield. All Spaniards lived within the warrior class. The slaves, on the other hand,
walls except the friars, civil officials and sol- had no property rights but they belonged to
diers who were assigned elsewhere. The wealthy their masters who either acquired them through
Spaniards however, built their second homes capture in war or through non-payment of
in choice locations to escape from the heat debt. The latter practice of debt slavery was
and humidity of the walled city. They built common in Southeast Asia (Cushner 1976,
vacation houses along the bay so that they 7-B).
could savor the salubrious sea breeze while Arable land was held in common. Each
watching the golden sunset. Others built family had only usufructuary rights which they
mansions in country estates along the river. enjoyed only as long as they stayed on the
Malacanang Palace, the official residence of land. The datu allocated land according to the
the Philippine president, was one such country food requirements of each family. Acquired
estate. Another favorite was Antipolo, a hilly territorial range by shifting cultivation was
town 32 kilometers east of Manila overlooking also held in common by the barangay and use
the Bay and the valley below. (See Figure 2.) rights of cultivators were only for one recog-

Socia-Spatial Structure








o IKM.
I ,


~ Pasi9 River and ,.'.rtu
ERIITA Principal suburb.
$'@ Hi9h defl.ity urban area (Intra",uros)
to"'l/;;I Low den.ity suburban areas (scattered country estat.)


ROBERT R. REED, 1978 )

Sot;io..spatial Structure •

nlzed cropping cycle. A subsistence economy Morphology of the typical town

existed based on one-crop wet-rice agriculture
supplemented by hunting and fishing. Due to The new social structure was reflected in the
their excellent location, the villages around morphology of the town which the Spaniards
Manila had some kind of barter trade with the established out of their mission fields Or over-
Chinese (Cushner 1976,8-9). sized villages. A typical town at the suburbs of
Intramuros is described by Reed (1978,60-61)
as displaying a characteristic morphology which
Spanish influence
included a central plaza. On one side of the
plaza stood the Catholic church and on another
Apart from the introduction of Catholicism,
the municipal hall. A few large residences of
the strongest Spanish influence on native so-
modified Spanish design owned by wealthy
ciety was the change in land tenure. They in-
families, a marketplace featuring Chineseshops,
troduced the concept of private property
rectangular residential blocks where the native
ownership. This concept carried with it such
principalia and other landowners resided, made
rights as alienation by individuals, taxation and
up the urban area called poblscion. An en-
confiscation of land by political rulers, and
circling zone in which dispersed houses be-
the right of political rulers to make land grants
longing to the landless tenants situated among
to individuals. Spanish law also declared that
rice paddies, fruit trees and bamboo thickets,
uncultivated land reverted to the patrimony
constituted the rural hinterland. Due to the im-
of the Crown. Thus, arable farms left in fallow
portance of the church in the life of the people,
or forest clearings left to regenerate automa-
the rural dwellers were advised by Spanish law
tically became the property of the Spanish
to reside within earshot of the church bells.
sovereign with the dispossessed villagers ig-
norant of what had happened.
Benign neglect of the colonial economy

Resultant social stratification The administration of the towns was left

almost entirely in the hands of the friars. Civil
The institution of private property owner- authorities in Manila could not provide enough
ship in land resulted in social stratification that Spaniards to serve as municipal mayors so the
is based on economic power since land is re- friars often served concurrently as parish priest
garded as the real form of wealth. In a typical and mayor. Central government authorities
town, the social structure had the Spaniards were interested in the towns only _as a source
at the top, usually the friars who were often of tax revenue, tributes, and conscripted labor.
the only Spaniards in town. They acquired big The Spanish administrators ensconced in Intra-
landholding through donations in the name muros or enjoying the opulence of their second
of the church, purchase, or outright trickery. homes were too engrossed in the galleon trade
Then there were the native principalia. These to care about the local economy.
were the traditional ruling cia. 1$ who were The galleon trade was the closest the Philip-
coopted into the civil administration due to pines ever came to participating in the world
the shortage of. Spaniards, and were accorded mercantilist system. In reality, it was a trade
the privilege to appropriate municipal com- between China and Mexico handled by the
mons for their private property. At the bottom Spaniards with Manila serving as a mere trans-
of the social scale were the landless masses shipment point. Outbound for Acapulco, the
who worked the land as tenants, Spanish galleon collected Chinese goods that
or as paid laborers. In the towns near Manila, had been brought in by Chinese junks. Inbound
a fourth layer was composed of the Chinese it brought Spanish civil servants, royal orders
who were considered slightly higher than the from the Spanish Crown, and Mexican silver
masses. . for China. Imported goods that were distri-


buted in Manila were for the consumption of Philippine society was also being trans-
the Spanish community and wealthy natives. formed. The flourishing domestic and interna-
The only native products that were exported tional trade gave rise to a new entrepreneurial
to China were forest and marine products ex- class composed of Spaniards, Chinese, mestizos,
tracted by hunting. Local trade and artisanry and urbanized natives. They bought up large
were dominated by the Chinese who had come estates and turned them into plantations to
in great numbers, vastly outnumbering the meet the demand for export crops. In the
Spanish settlers. In the towns the friars were process the old native principalia was increasing-
busy consolidating their landholdings. They ly being displaced and dispossessed. Members
had become the biggest landlords. If they were of this new middle class were relatively well
knowledgeable, which was rare, they taught informed having invariably pursued higher
the natives advanced agriculture. For two hun- education in Manila or in Europe. They had
dred years, therefore, Philippine economic de- transcended their provincial outlook, been
velopment suffered from benign neglect by exposed to liberal ideas, and developed a na-
the Spaniards. tional consciousness. It was this class that led
the propaganda movement against Spain in
the late 1800s and provided intellectual support
Industrial capitalism to the revolution at the turn of the century.

The Philippinesbegan to be coopted into the American occvpation

world industrial capitalism after the 18305.
Spain had just lost her colonies in Latin Amer· The Filipinos were on the threshold of self-
ica and the galleon trade had ended. This made rule when the Americanstook possessionof the
Spain rethink her policy toward her remaining archipelago from lSes to 1946. The Americans
colony. The opening of the Suez Canal had Were fighting the Spaniards in Cuba and
also facilitated direct trade with Spain and the thought of finishing them off by taking the
rest of Europe. Spain made efforts to promote Philippines as well. Although their short stay
the cultivation of cash crops which were in was geared mainly to prepare the Filipinos for
demand abroad like sugar, indigo, tobacco, self-rule, the Americans nonetheless had left
hemp, and coffee. But Spain's efforts came too an enduring influence on the Philippines.
late. The British, in combination with the Being an industrial power, unlike Spain,
Chinese, had been in control of the export the United States was in a better position to
trade. dominate the indigenous economy. For exam-
The landscape of Manila, rather the subur- pie, to increase efficiency in the export of cash
ban towns near the port namely, Tendo, Bi- crops, the Americans built railways.One rail-
nondo and San Nicolas, was being transformed way line extended to the north to collect
drastically. Banking houses were established to tobacco, gold and copper ore. Another line
support the cultivation and export of cash went to the southeast to convey hemp fiber,
crops. Near the port in Tondo, cigar factories gold and iron ore. Both lines converged at the
were put up to process tobacco from the north port of Manila. They also upgraded the facili-
(ttoeos) and rope factories to process hemp ties of the port of Manila to international stand-
fibers from the southeast (Bicol).Sugar was for ards and thereby pav.e(j the way for American
some time being refined in Manila but when and European multi-national companies to
the West Visayan port of Iloilo was opened, establish in Manila. Thus, the Americans ex'
millingand shipping of sugar were done directly tended the period of industrial capitalism and
in the provinces. The manufacturing activity introduced the country into the era of mono-
in the city no matter how limited had attracted poly capitalism.
migrants from the provinces and the suburban With regard to changing the socio-spatial
towns near the port area began to experience . structure of Manila, the Americans probably
rapid urbanization. had done more in forty years than the Span·


lards in three hundred years. By introducing a Manila one of the more monumental cities
system of public education, the Americans after Washington, Paris, or New Delhi. Un-
changed the rules of social mobility from one fortunately, construction had barely gone half-
based on property ownership to one based on way when the Second World War reduced
educational attainment and technical know- Manila to rubble. After the war, the Philip-
how. The increasingly technical requirements pines became independent and the Burnham
of the modernizing economy and the Filipiniza- plan was abandoned. (See Figure 3.)
tion of the government bureaucracy had en-
couraged career mobility through education Conclusion
(Doeppers 1984, 2). More and more migrants
flowed into Manila either to take jobs in the To conclude this paper, we compare the ex-
foreign firms or enroll in the colleges and uni- perience of the Philippines with the ideal type
versities that started to proliferate. constructed by King and given a historical
The urban landscape likewise changed in perspective by Gilbert and Gugler and Lowder.
character. In the provincial towns, the public Regarding King's conditions of colonialism:
primary school became an added feature of first, there was indeed a contact between two
the plaza complex. In provincial capitals se- cultures in which one culture was superior to
condary schools, trade schools and teacher- the other; second, the level of technology of
training schools were put up. In Manila, uni- the two cultures also differed; and third, the
versities, both public and private, became a power relation between colonizer and colonized
major institutional land use. was reflected in the spatial organization that
By the first decade of the twentieth century separated the colonizer and the colonized and
Manila had grown by leaps and bounds. It had other foreign nationals. The third condition
literally leapt out of the walls of Intramuros was the strongest feature of the Spanish era;
and become an extramural city. In 1903 the the first two leave some basis for doubt. The
City of Manila was formally created, incor- American influence, on the other hand, was
porating twelve of the fast-growing suburban strongly characterized by the second and the
towns and the walled city which had now be- third in a subtle way. The first was likewise
come just one of the thirteen districts. dubious. Why?
The increasing demand for housing due to At the point of Spanish contact, the natives
rapid in-migration led to another change with were clearly the inferior culture. They were
respect to land disposition: urban land devel- subsistence farmers and hunters, had no religion
opment. The Americans reinforced the Spanish except perhaps natural animism, and had no
institution of private property ownership and suprafamily system of political organization.
introduced the business of real estate develop- For this reason the Spaniards were able to sub-
ment. They bought up large estates belonging jugate and convert them to Catholicism. But
to the religious orders, subdivided them and there remained certain tribes, the Muslims in
sold them to prospective homeowners. The na- Mindanao and the Igorots in northern Luzon
tive elite with extensive landholdings likewise who were never subjugated by either Spain or
converted their agricultural lands to urban America. The reason is that they had a higher
housing development. level of culture and political organization than
The biggest influence that the Americans their lowland counterparts. The imperviousness
would have made on the physical structure of to foreign influence of these groups comprising
Manila was the deliberate attempt to control about 15 percent of the population, is the main
its growth through a master plan. In 1905 they reason for their being granted regional auto-
commissioned Daniel Burnham, the famous nomy in the Constitution (Art. X, Sec. 15·21),
exponent of the City Beautiful Movement to a short stop to independence which they
do a master plan for Manila. The Burnham wal'lted. The Americans who introduced Protes-
plan, if fully implemented, would have made tant Christianity simply proselytized the



200 00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

W 11II L;;;;;;;;jIi p------mj METERS



Socio-Spatial Structure

Catholics because they, too, could not pene- elite, and the status quo was further streng-
trate the strong tribal minorities. thened by the Americans, it has not been easy
Technology was obviously America's to democratize land ownership. Land reform
strength; not so with Spain. The Spaniards has been a hot issue in the Philippines for over
neglected the Philippine economy for two forty years now. The Americans did try to re-
hundred years not because they were too busy distribute urban lands but it was strictly a
with the galleon trade but that they had business proposition; they sold land as a com-
nothing much to impart. Spain had been a modity of trade. At present, the real estate
dependent power in Europe since the start of business in the Philippines remains the most
the industrial revolution. It was the British and opportunistic and speculative and government
the Americans who brought the country to efforts to regulate it have only been a partial
full integration into the world industrial capital- success. These problems are typical of TWCs,
ism. as Taylor and Williams (1982, 12-13) tell us.
Spatial segregation in Manila under Spain Eisenstadt and Shachar (1987, 37), recognize
was based on social status and racial lines. In that "the crucial element in shaping the inter-
Intrarnuros, as in other towns, the Spaniards nal structure of cities is the control of land
conspicuously set themselves apart from the and the mechanisms of land allocation" be-
rest of the population, native or other foreign cause control of land allocation is "all im-
nationals. The Americans, on the other hand, portant in determining building locations, the
transferred the seat of government outside extent of open spaces, and their land use."
Intramuros and treated the former Spanish en- Owing in no small way to the colonial
clave as just another district of the new City experience of Manila, and of the Philippines
of Manila. But the Americans also reinforced for that matter, it is obvious who has control
the role of the native elite because it was over land and its uses, and that lies at the
through this group that they easily gained the root of many urban problems that the country
allegiance of the masses (Steinberg, in Bresnan, currently faces.
ed. 1986, 48). Evidences of elitist perquisites
still exist today in the form of exclusive subur-
ban subdivisions, land hungry recreational
activities in the midst Of congested districts
like golf courses and polo fields, and the
restrictive admissions policies of certain Amer- Abu-Lughod, J.L. ed. (1980). Third World
ican schools. Urbanization, London: Methuen.
Contanstino, R. (1975). The Philippines: A
Two more ideas related to Philippine colon- Past Revisited. Manila: n.p,
ial experience need to be explored briefly: de- Cushner, N.P. (1976). Landed Estates in the
pendency status and land tenure patterns. Un- Colonial Philippines. Yale University South-
der Spain, it was not clear who was dependent east Asia Studies Monograph Series No. 20.
on whom. Clearly, Spain did not have much Doeppers, D.F. (1984). Manila 1900-1941,
to offer in return for the wealth she extracted Social Change in a Late Colonial Metropolis_
from the colony. The colonized people had Yale University Southeast Asia Studies
been self-supporting and had to support the
Monograph Series No. 27.
colonizers, too. It was therefore a relationship
Drakakis-Srnith, D. (1987). The Third World
wherein the colonizer was both exploitative
City. London: Methuen.
and parasitic. America, however, exploited
Einsenstadt, S.N. and A. Shachar (1987).
and made the Philippines parasitic. Either way,
Society, Culture and Urbanization. Beverly
the Philippines was in a no-win situation.
Hills: Sage Publications.
Finally, on land tenure: Ever since the Gilbert, A. and J. Gugler (1981). Cities, Poverty
Spaniards introduced private property owner- and Development, Urbanization in the Third
ship and concentrated lands in the hands of the World. London: Oxford University Press.


King, A.D. (1976). Colonial Urban Develop- Morphogenesis. Berkeley: University of

ment. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. California Press.
Lowder, S. (1986). Inside Third World Cities. Ross, R. and G.J. Telkamp, eds. (1985). Coto-
London': Croom Helm. nial Cities. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff
Philippines, Republic of the (1986) "The Publications.
Constitution of the Republic of the Philip- Steinberg, D. (1986) "Tradition and Re-
pines". The Constitutional Commission of sponse", Chapter II in Bresnan, J. ed.
1986. Quezon City (Pamphlet). Crisis in the Philippines, the Marcos Era and
Reed, R.R. (1978). Colonial Manila: The Con- Beyond. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
text of Hispanic Urbanism and Process of University Press.


Herculano A. Felias, Jr. and Hisao Uchiyama

This paper presents three computer traffic testing of proposed traffic management stra-
flow simulation models which are intended to tegies prior to implementation. They are
be used as analytical tools for a digital road practical and attractive tools to transporta-
map system (DRMS) developed for the city of tion planners because of the following rea-
Metro-Manila. These three models individually sons: (1) they entail little cost, (2) they give
focus on different levels of the network name- results in less time compared to actual field
ly: a road segment, an intersection, and a speci- experiments, (3) they can generate data which
fic area represented by a collection of several may not be practically obtained empirically,
network links and nodes. Each simulation mo- and (4) they do not require expensive physi-
del may be used for testing traffic stream res- cal changes to existing facilities which cannot
ponse to proposed changes in the network or be undone later on. 3
traffic management schemes applied. The models presented in this paper do not
incorporate radical simulation innovations,
BACKGROUND rather they were developed as specific appli-
cation modules of the Metro-Manila DRMS.
This paper is a follow up to two previous These modules, when used with the existing
papers submitted to the Japan Society of Civil database of the DRMS, are envisioned to pro-
Engineers! (JSCE) and the World Conference vide some practical tools for analyzing traffic
on Transport Research 2 (WCTR). In these pre- flow inherent to Metro-Manila and hence help
vious papers, the authors discussed the making in formulating more realistic trat.ic manage-
of a digital road map system (DRMS) for ment schemes applicable to the conditions
Metro-Manila. The DRMS implements a two- of the metropolis.
level digital map, a database for major nodes The models to be presented in this paper
and links of the road network, an information focus on three specific levels of the network.
system, and some traffic management applica- The first simulates vehicle movement along a
tions such as minimum path search over the road segment, the second traces vehicle move-
two-level network and network assignment. ment within an intersection, and the third
In this paper, the authors present three si- models traffic flow in a defined area which
mulation models which can be integrated with encompasses a collection of several road seg-
the abovementioned DRMS. Traffic flow si- ments and intersections.
mulation is not entirely a new technology. These three models were tested as follows:
Traffic flow modeling as a science and an art the road segment model was used to analyze
had been vigorously explored soon after the the effect of a man-made road impedance (for
introduction of digital computers. To date. example, a road repair activity which necessi-
several simulation models are available for use tates the closure of a portion of one lane in a
in a wide range of transport planning applica- two-lane road) to traffic flow; the intersection
tions. These applications include among others: model was used to analyze the effect of a traf-
vehicle design, highway engineering, route plan- fic signal in a two-lane by four-lane intersec-
ning, area-wide traffic control, etc. The im- tion; and lastly, the network model was used to
portance of these models stems from the fact analyze the performance of three different
that they help in greatly expanding the op- networks subjected to varying traffic manage-
portunities for the development of, and/or ment schemes. Two networks from Japan and


one network from Metro-Manila were used. Generation of Input Vehicles

The Metro-Manila network represents a sim-
plified network within the busy commercial The simulation model uses two types of ve-
area of Mabini. hicles categorized by size. The small vehicles
(cars) are assigned a length of 5 meters whereas
SIMULATION ALONG ROAD SEGMENT the big vehicles (trucks) are assigned a length
of 8 meters. Because the road is a two-lane
Description of the Model road, two separate queues are implemented
for lanes L1 and L2 . Vehicles are ran-
Simulation .Frame domly generated at the entry point using a
random function based on the exponential
This model simulates the movement of vehi- distribution of headway" as shown in equa-
cles along a straight two-lane road segment tion (1).
between two reference points. The simula-
tion frame is shown in Figure 1. f(t) = l/(t'-to) exp[-(t-to)/(t'-to)] ,
In this model vehicles are randomly gen- where:
erated and fed into the simulation frame at t' average headway
point A. From this entry point each vehicle to minimum delay
moves within the simulation frame accord- t headway
ing to the positions and speeds of other ve-
hicles in its immediate periphery until it reaches Equation (1) is implemented by the model as
point B where it is removed from the simula- a random function shown in equation (2)
tion frame. The road segment parameters
f(t) = -(l/A) In (l-Ri) (2)
are likewise shown in the same figure. These
are lane widths equal to wI meters, a shoulder where:
width of W s meters, and a segment length of
Ir meters. Lane L1 is the inner or fast lane Ri random number
while lane L2 is the outer or slow lane. These A. observed volume at the entry
road parameters also affect the movement of point
vehicles and may be freely changed to suit the
conditions of the road being modeled. Three The generated vehicle is randomly assigned to
simulated vehicle detectors may also be placed the vehicle flow in either lane L 1 or lane L2 .
freely within the simulation frame to monitor A free speed is randomly assigned to the
vehicular volume, speed, and headway. generated vehicle individually according to the
normal distribution shown in equation (3)

f(v) = 1/(sqrt(2n» exp[-(v-.u)2I2cr 2] ., (3)

A (entry) I sidewalk: Ws (exit) B
..................... -1; ' . where:

v free speed
Lan~ : outer lane: WI
J.l mean
a standard deviation
Lane} : inner lane : WI

Equation (3) is implemented by the model as

Frame length: lr a random function shown in equation (4)
f(v) = cry X {(R1+R2+..+R12)-6}+lly .. (4)
where Ri is generated according to uniform
Figure 1 - Simulation Frame For Model 1 distribution.

Traffic SimUlation Models

Vehicle Movement

While within the simulation frame, a vehicle

changes its speed and/or lane depending on the
position and speed of four other vehicles in its
vicinity at each time increment of the simula-
tion. For example, a vehicle under considera-
tion (target vehicle) and the four vehicles that
affect its movement are shown in Figure 2.
The speed of the target vehicle can range
from zero (a complete stop) to a maximum
speed equal to that initially assigned when the
vehicle was generated at the entry point. This Figure 2 - Target Vehicle and The Surround-
is under the assumption that different drivers ing Vehicles That Affect Its Move-
regardless of the speed limit, tend to maintain ment
a maximum speed that is perceivably "safe".
This speed can be lower or higher than the a portion of a lane is under repair say, for a
legal maximum speed limit. A safe distance limited length of time. The simulation condi-
between the target vehicle and the front vehi- tion is illustrated in Figure 3.
cle is defined in such a way that if the head-
way between the target vehicle and the front Points A and B in Figure 3 indicate possible
vehicle is less than this distance, the target conflict points in as much as flows on the
vehicle decelerates (unless it can change lanes) two lanes merge and diverge at these points,
to maintain that safe distance. If the headway respectively.
is greater than this distance, the vehicle ac-
celerates in order to achieve the initial speed The data used in the simulation test case
assigned when it was generated. were obtained from detector data maintained
along the Meishin Expressway. Along this ex-
A vehicle will tend to keep on using the lane
pressway, vehicle detector data are recorded
where it was assigned when it was generated
daily on a 5-minute interval basis. On Septem-
at the entry point, hence .after changing lanes
ber 20, 1989 a 3,000-meter portion of a lane
(to avoid a slow front vehicle) it returns to its
was closed for repair on this expressway for
original lane at the earliest opportunity. A
about 1 hour and 20 minutes. The detector
vehicle in the fast lane will tend to give way
data recorded during this period were used in
to the vehicle behind jf that vehicle has a faster
evaluating the results of the computer sirnula-
speed. This, however, is not true in the slow
lane where the faster vehicle behind is left
the task of overtaking the target vehicle at the
earliest opportunity. Finally, if a vehicle at-
tempts to change lanes, the positions at the
next simulation increment are checked for
collision conditions. Lane changing is then
allowed if such conditions are not detected.

Testing the Model

Simulation Condition Figure 3 - Simulation Condition

The model was tested by simulating the ef- The relevant parameters used in simulating
fects of the closure of a section of one lane on vehicle generation during the simulation are
vehicular flow. Such closure often occurs when listed ln Table 1.

Car Truck This listing gives a summary of the main

Average 25.0 21.0
Speed (kmIh) simulation parameters, l.e., time length of
Variance 3.0 2.0 simulation (SIM-TIME = 1 hr], simulation in-
SLOW (kmIh) crement (SIM-INCREMENT = 1 sec), vehicle
LANE Maximum 37.0 27.0 volumes (CAR-VOL and TRK-VOL), etc. The
Speed (kmIh)
Minimum 20.0
length of the road segment is SIM-SPACE-
Speed (kmIh) FRAME = 3999 m. The length of the lane
Average closure is CONST-LENGTH [m] = 500 m,
Speed (kmIh) 28.0 22.0 and the total time the lane was closed is
CONST-LENGTH (min) = 30 min. The start
FAST 4.0 3.0
LANE Maximum location of the lane closure and the position
Speed (kmIh) 40.0 27.0 of the simulated vehicle detectors are with re-
Minimum ference to kilometer post 0 at the start of the
Speed (kmIh) 20.0 17.0
simulation frame. The detector data are vehicle
Table 1 - Simulation Parameters count (veh/5 min), average speed (krn/hr},
and average time headway (sec) recorded every
Three vehicle detectors were also simulated 5 minutes.
to monitor vehicular flow during simulation Although the main output of the simula-
runs. These were placed before, within, and tion model is the summary of detector data
after the closed lane to record vehicle counts, shown above, the model likewise has graphic
speeds, and headways like their real counter- output capabilities. Figure 5 shows two sam-
parts. ples of the screen graphic output wherein the
actual movement of the vehicles within the
Simulation Output simulation frame may be observed. These
screens were taken after 5 and 15 minutes into
The output of this simulation model is a the simulation run respectively. The buildup
summary of detector data from three vehicle of the congestion is noticeable after about 15
detectors placed at strategic locations within minutes of simulation.
the simulation frame. A sample listing of such For maximum visibility, a section of the
output is shown in Figure 4. road segment is displayed at anyone time.
This section is further divided into five equal
SIM_TIME 3600 (sec)
subsections and may be scrolled to the left
1.0 (sec)
SIM_SPACE_FRAME : 3999 (m) or to the right. The location of the detectors
CAR....VOL 851 (vph) are indicated by the detector numbers (1, 2,
TRK30L 795 (vph) or 3) just below the displayed subsection
CONST_START(mpost) : 1500 wherever relevant.
CONST_LENGTH (m) : 500 The average vehicle speeds from the detec-
CONST_LENGTH (min) : 30
tor data (located 500 meters before the lane
Detector locations (m post) : 1000 1600 2350 closure) which were accumulated during the
5mprd Det Count (vph) ave.spd (kph) ave.headway simulation run were plotted against the actual
average speeds taken from the real detectors.
[ 5] III 90 79.8 3.3
112 67 44.9 4.5 This graph is shown in Figure 6. The resulting
#3 53 65.1 5.7 graph clearly shows that the model can dupli-
cate existing vehicular flow.
[ 10] #1 102 85.2 2.9
112 92 43.7 3.3 The model was further tested for reproduci-
#3 91 71.7 3.3 bility, i.e., its capability of producing consis-
[ 15] #1 103 83.1 2.9 tent output for the same condition to be si-
112 91 43.7 3.3 mulated. For this test, a different set of detec-
113 95 72.8 3.2 tor data was used. This set was taken on Feb-
Figure 4 - Simulation Detector Output ruary 26, 1990, when a 2.1 km section of a
Traffic Simulation Models

Sll1JlJlTICtl IN PRCffiESS: 318.0 of 3599.0 sec (5) min Volumes

sirwlation frame: 3600 meters Qcar: 851 vph
( 1] : 5-min detector data Qtruck: 795 vph
Der: coont<vph) soeed(kph) headwav(sec) ~mber of vehicles---
ttl 00.0 79.8 3".3 generated enter: ne
It2 cUI 44.9 4.5 cars: 55 frame: 73
US 53.0 65.1 5.7 trucks: 57 out 37
ftpp',m, iii i i i iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii i , , I i

I [j ~---------------------[j------------------------iLJ!!-.


i'~ rq iii , iii iii iii iii iii I i i ., iii iii iii i I

__0 __ 9 [J__

)~Il\ iii I I I iii i .. I , iii iii iii F iii iii

- - o---- o ____ CL o
2 1999 m

SB1JlJlTlCtl IN PROORESS: 902.0 0 f 3599.0 sec ( 15) min Volumes

sirwlation frame: 3600 meters Qcar 851 vph
[ 31 : 5-mindetector data Qtruck: 795 vph
Det: oount(vph) soeed(kph) headwav(sec) ----ItJmber of vehi oIes---
Itl 103.B 83.1 2.9 generated enter: 314
It2 91.0 43.7 3.3 cars: 160 frame 92
US 95.0 72.8 3.2 trucks: 156 out 222
~~.m i i i I i i i I I iii iii iii i I iii iii iii iii i i

0 0 0

o 0
il~ rq I I Ii' Iii i I Iii i I I iii Iii, Iii i I Iii iii i

o 000000000000000000000 0 0
-------ij----tj-tny CltHj-[j titfotitfootio-EJ"ooo -------------- -----
,1q0'1"l iii i , iii iii Iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii I
___ ~ Q g ~ ~ 9 ~ _
2 1999 m

Figure 5 - Two Sample Simulation Graphics

Screens Showing Congestion



2 .0

< 20

o 10 20 30 n u '0 100 III

15 25 35 n 15 15 9S 105
TIme (min)

Figure 6 - Actual vs. Simulated Speeds

lane (also in the Meishin Expressway) had to freely changed to suit the conditions of the in-
be closed for repair for about 10 minutes. The tersection being modeled.
detector used in this test was located 250
meters before the lane closure and Figure 7 Generation of Input Vehicles
shows the plot of real data versus results from
three simulation runs . This graph indicates the As in Section 2, vehicles enter the simula-
consistency of the simulation output. tion frame randomly according to equation
(2) and the speed of each vehicle is randomly
assigned according to equation (4). Unlike in
INTERSECTION SIMULATION Section 2 however, four major vehicular flows
are defined, i.e., North to South and South
Description of the Model to North in the minor road and West to East
and East to West in the major road. Vehicle
Simulation Frame movement along the major road before and
after the intersection, e.g., acceleration, de-
This model simulates the movement of vehi- celeration and lane changing is implemented
cles at signalized intersections. The simulation as in Section 2.
frame used by the model is shown in Figure 8.
A four-lane (two lanes per direction) major Vehicle Movement
road and a two-lane (one-lane per direction)
minor road feed the intersection. The width Thrue and left turn vehicles enter the in-
of the lanes in the major road is wa meters tersection only during the green phase of the
while the width of the lanes in the minor road signal cycle . Turning vehicles need to check
is wb meters. All vehicle movements, i.e., several conditions before they are allowed to
thru, left , and right turns, are allowed for navigate the intersection. For example, the
both major and minor roads but exclusive right mesh system shown in Figure 9 is defined for
turning bays are not provided. There is also a vehicle turning right from the major road to
no exclusive right turn phase and right turners the minor road. Th is figure likewise lists some
must turn on a chance basis usually during the of the cond itions that must be met before the
yellow or the all-red phase. The lane widths vehicle is allowed to turn right. These sets of
affect the movement of the vehicles and may be conditions pertain to the presence or absence

Traffic Simulation Models

of vehicles within the defined grids of the mesh intersection which fits this configuration was
together with the current state of the signal. found along National Route No.6 in Minami
In the figure shown above, the turning vehi- Hanajima Ward. (Route No.6 is a major ar-
cle is in the inner lane of the East to West flow terial not unlike EDSAY., To determine the
and is trying to merge with the South to North simulation input parameters, the vehicle ac-
flow . A mirror image of this mesh system tivity in this intersection was videotaped for
(flipped on both the horizontal and vertical analysis. These parameters and the signal attri-
axes) is checked for the case of right turners butes are summarized in Table 2.
from the opposite flow i.e., West-East flow
merging to the North-South flow. Simulation Output
For the case of a vehicle turning from the
minor to the major road, another mesh system The main output of the model is a listing
is defined and is shown in Figure 10. The three of the accumulated delay times due to the red
conditions that are checked to determine phase of the signal and delay times due to right
whether the vehicle may turn right or not are turning vehicles for each of the legs of the in-
likewise listed in this figure. tersection. A sample output is shown in Figure
The model, while simulating vehicular move- 12.
ment, accumulates the waiting time due to the The model also provides a graphic display
red phase of the signal and the waiting time of actual vehicle movement during the simula-
caused by right turning vehicles imposed on tion run . A sample simulation graphic screen
thru vehicles that have to stop while right turn output is shown in Figure 13.
vehicles in front of the queue wait for an op-
portunity to turn right. The general simula- Simulation Results
tion flow is illustrated in Figure 11.
To test whether the model is properly dupli-
Testing the Model cating actual existing conditions, the accumula-
ted number of vehicles that utilized the inter-
To test the simulation model, an ocular section taken from the video tapes was graphed
survey of several intersections was made to against those which used the intersection during
locate one which has the same configuration the simulation run. The resulting graph is
as the simulation frame discussed above. One shown in Figure 14.

g" 80-

a 60-
1 40-

-< Acnul
20 Simula~

9 5 Ie 15 3S

nmo (miD)
Figure 7 - Actual Speed vs. Simulated For
Several Simulation Runs

North-South: Wb meters Condition 1:

- No vehicle in A
a .: .··lll·Hl.i~i . - Right turner in B or
No vehicle in B
"i.. ~ - Left turner in C or
No vehicle in C
1- .. - No vehicle in D

000 Condition 2: Condition 3:

RGY - No vehicle in A or - Right turner in A
Right turner in A - No thru vehicl e in C
- No vehicle in D
West-East: Wa meters - Signal phase is red

Figure 8 - Simulation Frame for Model 2 Figure 9 - Right Tum Logic For Major Road

Figure 8 - Simulation Frame for Model 2 Figure 9 - Right Turn Logic For Major Road

Ivehicle Generation
.~ Condition 1:
- No vehicle in B or Generation of Vehicle Movement I
. . ·~tl'\
. . Right turner in B
- No vehicle in A or
Right turner in A or
I At Intersection (Left, Thru, Right)

Opposite Car III Calculation of Delay Signal I

..... ·· ·1··· · .... Left turner in A or
Speed of vehicle in A I Effects II Time Due To Signal Parameter

is 0 (stopped).

Condition 2: Condition 3:
- No vehicle in B .:. Signal is red I Do Right Tum I I Go Thru I I Do Left Tum I
- Right turner in A or - No thru vehicle in B l l l
Left turner in A or "I Leave Simulation Frame I
No vehicle in A
Figure IO - Right Tum Logic For Minor Road Fiaure 11 - General Simulation Flow

Figure 10 - Right Turn Logic For Minor

Road Figure 11 - General Simulation Flow

Traffic Simulation Models

AveSpd Var MaxSpd Min Spd

(kph) (kph) (kph) (kph)
W-E Car 15.4 2.4 22.2 9.7
Trk 13.7 2.1 19.4 6.9
N-S Car 14.0 2.0 20.0 8.0
Trk 12.0 2.0 18.0 5.0

Phase Green Yellow All Red Red Co (sec)

<1>1 30 3 3 107 143
<f>2 101 3 3 36

Table 2 - Simulation Parameters

<Intersection Simulation Run>

No. of Phases; 2 Cycle length: 143 sees
Splits: Green Yellow All..Red Red direction
sec PI: 30 3 3 107 N->S S->N
sec P2: 101 3 3 36 E->W W->E
Volumes: North East South West (vph)
Car: 168 2499 154 2499
Truck: 10 305 2 298
%Throu2h: 59.6 93.0 78.4 98.5
%Rignt: 20.2 4.0 6.2 0.2
%Left : 20.2 3.0 15.4 1.3
Delays: North East South West (sec)
Turn yyyy yyyy yyyy TOTAL
C 1: 178 1345 285 2
o 55.5 o o 655
C 2: 3025 52.5 215 10655
12.5 7115 7.5 o 2358
C 3: 129 2711 248 5455
6.5 18015 o o 54415

Figure 12 - Simulation-Printout


This graph attests to the capability of the stream calculation), the traffic demand and
model to reproduce existing conditions. actual demand served in the previous simula-
To simulate the effect of vehicle volume and tion increment are recorded for each network
signal cycle length on total delay, several si- node . After recording these values the link
mulation runs were made using different vehi- densities, link volumes, and link travel times
cular volumes. At each vehicle volume, the cy- are computed. At the current simulation incre-
cle length was varied and the total delay noted. 5 ment, the model determines the actual demand
The summary of the results from these simula- on each junction (those that need to exit the
tion runs are plotted in Figure 15. node) then using junction capacities, deter-
This graph shows that the current signal cy- mines how many vehicles could not be served
cle length is not optimized for current condi- during the simulation increment. The vehicles
tions. This could however be attributed to the which could not be served are said to be backed
fact that the intersection serves a very minor up on thei r current links.
road, a condition where it is sometimes neces- A second series of calculations (called
sary to give a higher priority to the major flow. downstream calculation) is then performed
to compute the queue lengths on links where
NETWORK SIMULATION backed up vehicles exist . During th is calcula-
tion process, the backed up vehicles may stay
The third model, unlike the first two pre- at their current links (if link capacities allow)
sented, is a macroscopic model which simulates or may overspill to backward links . In Figure
vehicular flow in a general network . This model 16, for example, backed up vehicles on link
is based on a simulation method developed by CoD may overspill to links A-C and B-C. The
the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Corpora- upstream calculations proceed from node to
tion (TMEC) called the Input/Output (IO] node starting from the main ingress node (us-
Method . 6 The main purpose of the simulation ually the expressway entrance) until the main
method developed by TMEC is to simulate vehi- egress node (the main toll gate) is reached.
cular flow in expressways, where the target The series of downstream calculations pro-
network is an open network with clearly iden- ceed in the reverse order of nodes.
tified ingress and egress nodes . The model to
be presented here extends the basic principles The 10 Method As Applied
of the TMEC 10 method so that it can be ap-
plied even to a closed network. It should be noted that with the above
simulation setup, i.e., an expressway network,
10 Method Basic Principles vehicles entering the expressway in fact, ulti -
mately leave the simulation system . This is
Figure 16 shows a simple open network not necessarily true in the case of a closed
which will be referred to in order to explain network.
the basic principles behind the 10 method . In order that the basic principles of the 10
In the foregoing figure, nodes A and Bare method described above can apply to a general
defined as ingress nodes, nodes E and Fare network configuration, the closed network
egress nodes, node C is a merging node, and is simplified by representing it as collection of
node D is a diverging node. The input data for several network trees. Each tree in the collec-
the simulation are i_~put flows in the ingress tion has an ingress node for its root and all
nodes and output flows in the egress nodes possible egress nodes in the network as a ter-
recorded at regular intervals (usually taken minal node. This way, the network is re-
from detector data). Additional data are duced to a series of open networks where the
average turning rates at the merging and diverg- 10 basic principles can be recursively applied .
ing nodes. Within each increment of the simula- The trees in the abovementioned collection
tion period, two calculations are performed. may be said to represent all possible paths
In the first series of calculations (called up- from all ingress nodes to all egress nodes. A

Traffic Simula tion Models

Sll1.JI.ATlrn IN ~SS : 173.13 of 3601.0 sec

Phase Status : Co = 143 sec <2-phase)

I' 'I
Phase: Green Yellow ALlRED Red direct ion
sec PI: 30 3 3 107 N->S S<~
P2: 101 3 3 36 E- >W W<-E

-.11.. __..__
- ----- - ---------
Volumes : tbrth East South West
voh Cars : 168 1123 154 1123
Trucks : 10 137 2 134
Movement :
%Throus:lh : 59.6 96.13 78.4 98.5
Ris:lht : 20.2 4.13 6.2 0.2 Generated -
left : 20.2 13.13 15.4 1.3 II Cars 102
Trucks 21
IElohase : 170.5 9.5 251.13 11.0 Entered 123
IELturn : Ita 200.0 13.0 88.5 Frame 101
TOTde lay : 738.5 (sec) Exited 22

Figure 13 - Graphics Screen Output

11 "'"'
f-4 .....,
a c:: 2000
(J 0
~ .~ 1500
> U
"0 ...
2 c:: 0
1~ Simulated
8-5 sao

8 ~ 0
<::> 0 20 40
time (min)

Figure 14 - Accumulated Intersection



3000 -0-0 = 1798

0 =3000

-. 2500 - o=~ooo
.......... 2.000
~ 1500


soo (min)
0 80 100 UO 140 160 180

Figure 15 - Tota l Delay vs. Cycle Length

E'- f- A

Figure 16 - 10 Method Basic Principles

Traffic Simulation Models

sample network and one possible tree whose different paths from ingress node 1 to egress
root node is ingress node 1 is illustrated in nodes 5 and 9 respectively can be clearly seen.
Figure 17. Second, downstream calculation in the ori-
In setting up the collection of network ginal implementation proceeds from the main
trees, each tree is automatically " pruned" , trunk exit up to the main trunk entry node.
so that only logical paths are retained. As an In the current implementation, downstream
example, Figure 17 shows two possible paths calculation is based on the tree structure of
from ingress node 1 to egress node 8 . These possible paths, thus overspilling vehicles are
are path 1-2-3-7-6·2-8 and path 1·2-8. It is carried up the tree along the path currently
obvious that vehicles entering the system at being considered. For example, the backup
node 1 will not take the roundabout path to process for path 1-2-6-5 in Figure 17 pro-
leave the system at node 8. Hence, it can be ceeds along the reverse direction, i.e., 5·6-2-1.
seen why the only path 1-2-8 is retained in the The backup process however, pauses at every
tree representation. tree junction and attempts to redistribute the
Since there is no way of know ing what vehicle overspill to other branches before pro-
egress node a vehicle will use when it enters ceeding to the root node. Hence the over-
the simulation system, vehicle volumes are spill at link 6-5 is first attempted to be loaded
distributed to forward links according to the at link 6-7, the excess vehicle after this pro-
average turning movements at each departure cedure is done (if any) is then carried up to
node. For example, the vehicle volume on link link 2·6. If an overspill occurs at link 2-6
1·2 in Figure 17 will be distributed during the after adding the overspill volume from link
upstream calculations as follows : percent 6-5, the overspill is attempted to be redistr i-
thru to link 2·3, percent left to link 2-6, and buted to links 2-8 and 2-3 first before it is
percent right to link 2-8. carried up to link 1-2. Any overspill at this
Some major departures from the original point is carried up beyond ingress node 1
implementation of the 10. method are as fol- and becomes part of the waiting queue which
lows: First, because the implementation of is added to the input flow at the start of the
the 10 method is based on the above-men- next simulation increment.
tioned tree concept, there is the possibility Lastly, considering that the main inputs
of a link being scanned several times during to this simulation model are vehicular flows
the simulation period. -An example of this at timed intervals at the different ingress and
implementation can be seen in Figure 17 egress nodes, the model implicitly assumes
where the repeated use of links 6-5 and 7-9 in some system equilibrium in that what goes into

Figure 17 - Sample Network and Derived Tree


the system (as recorded by detectors at the Testing the Model

ingress nodes) ult imately leave the system (as
recorded by detectors at the egress nodes). The network simulat ion model was tested
In the original implementation of the 10 on three networks, two are in Japan and one
method, all vehicle origins and destinations are der ived from the Mabini area network in
clearly outside the expressway network, hence Metro-Manila . The first test network, located
vehicles entering the network ultimately exit at Matsudo City, Chiba prefecture is shown in
via some egress node. This is str ictly not the Figure 18.
case in the general networks for which the cur- Detector data on a 30 -minut e interval was
rent network simulation model is intended available for all links . These data were collec -
to be used. One reason for this is because the ted in July 1990 from 7 :00 a.m. to 7 :00 p .rn.
network configuration used in the actual simu- The simulation output is summarized on a 5-
lation is usually a simplified network where minute interval basis. These results were aggre-
most of the t ime some minor links have to be gated into 30 -minute intervals and compared
deleted. These links however minor are in real- to actual data. Figure 19 shows the result of
ity possible entry or exit links . In addition, ordinary least square (OLS) analysis on simu-
some vehicles might have their destination lated and actual input flows while Figure 20
points within the network, hence they are re- shows the OLS results on output flows . Very
corded as entering the system but never leave high correlation coefficients of 0.98 and 0.97
it . In contrast, others might originate within respectively were calculated " showing the
the network being modeled, hence they are re- model can simulate existing conditions.
corded as leaving the system when in fact they The next network on which the model was
were not recorded coming in. To take these tested is shown in Figure 21. This network
into account, the model defines some source is located in Kashiwa City, also in Chiba pre-
and sink factors for each link which are itera- fecture. The data used were taken in Decem -
t ively changed during the model calibrat ion. ber 1989 from 7:00 a.rn. to 7 :00 p.m . The

Figure 18 - Matsudo Test Network

Traffic Simulation Models

Actual Volume (000 vph)

o O. 2 0.' O. 6 O. 8 r, 0 1. 2
Figure 19 - Scattergram For Input Flows

__ 1. 6

o 1. 2
~ 0.8

~ O. 4
Actual Volume (000 vph)
en O. ,
o O. 8 1. 2 1. 6
Figure 20 - Scattergram For Output Flows

fl §=§~s:=t ~::to': ~
- :::§: 7§g: : §

Figure 21 - Kashiwa Test Network


model was run to simulate the 'conditions on

the n~twork using the above data and regres- Speed Density
sion " analysis was performed on the simulated (vlhr) (v/km)
results versus the actual data gathered. A cor-
relation coefficient of 0.87 was recorded for 23.0 142.9
input flow analysis whereas a correlation co-
efficient of 0.95 was recorded for the output CW 25.0 138.5
flow analysis. These high coefficients again CCW 24.5 143.1
attest to the ability of the model to simulate
existing conditions.
The third network tested is shown in Figure Table 3 - Comparative Case Responses
22. This figure shows a simplified network
available. The computed correlation coefficient
(only major links) of Ermita, one of the busier
was rather low (R 2 = 0.582). From the model-
commercial areas in Metro-Manila. Segment ing experience in the other networks. it is felt
1-12 is Roxas Boulevard. 2-13 is Taft Avenue, that more detector data will increase this cor-
3-5 is Pres. Quirino. 6-8 is Vito Cruz. and 9-11 relation coefficient during model calibration.
is Sen . Gil Puyat Avenue. Although detector Two traffic management schemes were
data were available in all the entry and exit tested after the network was calibrated. These
nodes. only six out of the possible 13 links perta in to one-way implementation on link
had detector data which were available for pair 16-17 and 21-22 in the first scheme. link
model calibration. The d~tector data provided 16-17 was made one-way northbound and link
by the Traffic Engineering Center were . re- 21-22 made one-way southbound. This scheme
corded on August 14. 1991. Because of this implements a limited clockwise, (CW) one-way
lack of data. the ordinary least square analysis vehicle flow about links 16-7-21-22-10-17-16.
~as done Ibintly for both input and output The second case implements a limited one-way
flows at intersections where detector data are vehiclet/ow in the opposite direction. i.e.•
counter-clockwise (CCWI scheme.
The comparative oterall average network
response. i.e.• averages for all links. is shown
in Table 3.
Comparing the three cases. it is clear
that implementing a one-way scheme for the
abovementioned link pairs will lead to better
network performance. Comparing the two
one-way schemes. it can be seen thatthe clock-
wise implementation is preferable compared
to the counter-elockwise scheme.



This paper discussed three simulation model~ '

which . are intended to be used as supportingi .
analytical tools for the Metro-Manila digita~
road map system also developed by the authorsc~
These models individually focus on different;'
levels of the network. i.e.• a road section. ani:
intersection. and an area composed of sever~"
"road sections and intersections. Tests we.. rrCf'.'i
. Figure 22 - Mabini Test Network made on each of the three models and resymt;;

TnIIic,~ Models

of these tests show that all the models even at tations from the first two models . This model
their current implementation have good capa- will undoubtedly overburden even the best
bilities to duplicate existing situations. microcomputers at their current'• • of tech-
The Digital Road Map System (DRMS) for nologies but with the rapid p~.hhe state
Metro-Manila maintains a database of the of the art in both computer softwJiaitand hard-
Metropolis' road network . This database in- ware, such a model (with practical applications)
cludes road configurations, intersection geo- may soon be realized.
metries, public transport routes , link attributes,
etc. At present, data for major links and nodes
are already available (from previous studies
like MMUTSTRAp8 , JUMSUT9 ) . Extensive sur- END NOTES
veys must still be done to complete this data-
base but once this undertaking is finished, the 1. Felias, Herculano, Jr. and Uchiyama, H. To-
DRMS is perceived not only to be a common wards A Digital Road Map System (DRMS)
source of traffic-related data but also a major for Metro-Manila (Part I) I"frastrueture Plan-
tool for practical transport planning activities. ning Review. JSCE. No. 14(2). November
The models presented in this paper illustrate 1991. pp. 133-139.
some dynamic utilization of this database. 2. Felias, Herculano, Jr. and Uchiyama,H. 'To-
The development of the models is an initial wards A Digital Road Map ,SYstem
for Metro-Manila (Part II) '6th 'World ' Con-
try at adding simulation capabilities , to the
DRMS, hence the models tend to handle sim- ference on Transport Research. Lyon,
ple configurations. Further improvements of France. (To be published, 1993).
the models therefore, are necessary. In the road 3. Morlok, E. Introduction to TranSportation
segment simulation for example, multiple lanes Engineering and Planning. MacGraw 'Hill.
1978. '
and curves should beaddressed. In the intersec-
tion simulation model, right-tum bays must be 4. Hashiba, H. Development of A Traffic Simu-
lation 'MOde! for' the Anaiysi~ of Congestion.
included and exclusive right tum phases (and
other phase implementation) ' must also be Unpublished ~raduate ThesiS. Science Uni-
handled. TIle network simulation model, in versity qf Tokyo, March 1990.
its current form . has no information on vehi- 5. Webster, F.V: TraffIC 'S;g~ Setting. Road
cular 00, therefore with the tree implementa- Research Technical Paper. No. 39; 1958.
tion of the 10 method, flows entering ingress 6. Japan ~ighway Public CtJrfolOi"ation, Nagtiya
nodes are distributed along the tree paths until Managemen~ Office. Road PlilnninJi:It:'vesti-
they exit from the network via some egress gation Into Estimation Systerrl .of COnges~
nodes. The distribution of vehicular flow is tion in Nagoya. Technical . ~aPer. Ma~ch
currently simply implemented using average 1990.
turning movement percentages. Thus, the 7. Saitol1, Y. A Study on the Effecf$onArea
model must be further improved by adding f;ontrol of Intersection andNetWOrlc F/~Ws.
perhaps a route selection model based on ac- Unpublished Masters Thesis:: ~i~nCe U~iver-
tual , 00 data. Moreover, the source and ' sink ' sity of Tokyo. March 1992~ · " : . · " ,
factor generation must be improved by per- 8. MMUTSTRAP RePort : Me1:rO-M~ija· Urbi.'n·
haps some trip generation/attraction model Transport Planning Study. MaiUa. 1984. .
on a microscopic scale. Finally , the network 9. JUMSUT Report : Metro-Manii~:Tran~rta­
model may be reorganized to operate at the tion~~a!,ning Study. Manila.t~:
microscopic level, combining the implemen-


Jejornar C. Binay

INTRODUCTION By themselves, contrasts are

innocuous, though they may . be
To understand Makati one has to symptomatic of conflicts. Conflict here is
situate it against the varied forces that defined as a clash of policies, strategies,
helped shape its socio-political structure. objectives, attitudes, procedures within
There was the interplay of historical one sector or among several sectors (H.
events and socio-economic forces. The Henward, 1985). As different actions and
colonial era, for instance, Introduced -a decisions of the various development
system of landholding ·w hich. created . a actors- the government, private sector
great impact 'on its current structure. and the households- interact, possible
Makati~ territory is largely owned by the conflicts or integration result. Scott
private sector which developed a planned theorized that this integration occurs ina
community known as the New City. It theoretical space called the urban land
contrasts with the informally developed nexus (in Serote; 1988).
areas of the old poblacion and the military
reservation, Fort Bonifacio. This student of planning attempts to
identify several conflicts in a municipality
Contrasts are made more 'distinct in of which he is privileged to be the Chief
thephvsicaland urban planning sense. Executive. One needs to understand the
For example, the income classes have areas of tension to better appreciate how
been spatially polarized such that the the city operates; (The tenn "citv" is used
affluent live ". in the closely secured here in a generic sense "and not in the
SUbdivision enclaves while the have-nots administrative-political sense). There are
squat in either government or private subtleties and complexities intrinsic to
lands; the adequacy of basic services in urban management and identifying these
some parts of Makati and the inadequacy nuances contributes to making our cities
in others; the mix and density of activities better managed.
in an average residential area reflecting a .
distinctly Asian character and the THE STUDY AREA
exclusivity of land uses in the ·villages·
suggesting Western influence. The use of Historical Context
the term villages in the names of the
affluent residential subdivisions is a ' In 1571, when the Spanish Conqueror
deliberate play on irony since the peculiar Miguel Lopez de Legaspi sailed into the
image that these residential enclaves . Manila Bay, he found some forty
exude is anything but rural. settlements clustered along the Bay and

on the banks of Pasig River . Makati was
Co .!
h irt lkbBn PllJnning

called Greater Manila, later.r$ferred .toas

one of those and he dismissed it as a Metropolitan Manila, grew .at ,8
worthless piece of swampland. For nearly phenomenal rate. By theen• .i lf the 19th
three centuries, no phenomenal change century, the metro ~ea. '" a mixed
occurred in Makati. While the City of population of 150,000 with Americans,
Manila served as the entrepot for the Dutch. and British as weB as large
transshipment of goodsfrQl11'China,o numbers ofSPanish and Chinese.
Mexico during thefifteElnth4o.i~iglltee.nth
century, the "vis ita " or "dist rict " of After the Second World War, Metro
Makati was almost wholly agricultural Manila grew in all directions: government-
with 'rice and horse fodder as its primary led development to the west; population-
products. forced expansion to the northwest; ' and
private sector-led expansion to the north,
The galleon trade which was the main south and east. Population increased from
preoccupation ofthe Spanish government 1. 7 million to .6.9 miHion between the
brought economic progress to the period 1945-1980 and around 200,000
Philippines. And apart from a brief period people were estimated to be added on to
in the eighteenth century, when it WCl$ the .metro population' yearly.
occupied :by the British, the Philippines
was the .cent er of Spainis Asian colonial The geographical spread of Metro
activities. Manila, increased frpmeig~tkilomElters
radius from the mouth of ttle Pasig River
after the War to around fourteen
During this period, a system called the
kilometers in 1985. ThiS' growth from the
"encomienda" opened the opportunity for
seventeenth century is illustrated in
favored . government officials or the
Figure 1,
religious orders -to own Jarge tracts of
land whichincludedSan Pedro de Makati- The city of Manila alone had spread
. now known as Makati. From the
from beyond the walled SPanish town of
Spaniards, big landholdings in Makati Intramuros to what then Were described
were eventually acquired by the Roxas- as its suburbs of Quiapo,S8I'I Miguel and
Zobel de Ayala family. Binondo. .

Towards the end of the Spanish Makati

regime, tWe galleon trade declined and
policies ~ere shifted to promote domestic Makati which is'one of the suburbs of
economic development. Agriculture was Mani'a,gr~ from , 2,700 in 1903 to
being stimulated in the surrounding 372,631 in 1980~ Makati could be
regions of Manila. Foreign capital also geographically divid8dinto: the old town,
became available to Filipino .and Chinese the New City and the military reservation
mestizo landowners and cultivators thus of Fort Bonifacio. Theinnml develOpinent
accelerating agricultural export: These took place in the tidal flat larrdS of the old
paved the way for the opening of Manila Poblacion. This waS Whete small lots
to world trade. The growth of commercial Wefe- allocated for .Iow cOst h~ng by
and industrial activities was also seen. the Ayalas. .Later the 'higher groundt <of
approximately 800 "hectares - riearty balf
Metro Manila of Ayala's properties ;' 'WSs-develoP*t as
the new city.
Given the strategic location and role
of Manila as the country's political, In 1970-80 Makirt'i's poputation
economic and military center, the area tended to concentrate in .the western and

r ··r_.._.·
\ -, ,..J:

1677 1948

1966 1985

Con~i'J ' Utban Planning

northwestern portions. These were the Basic Services

areas of Bangkal, Singkamas, San
Antonio, Olympia, Tejeros and Poblacion - Makati seems to project ~() different
mostly parts of the old town. The trend urban areas. One side of ~ portrays
was reversed in 1980-90 when growth modernization and sophistication. Along
was greater in the eastern portion, the Ayala Avenue, line office buildings,
particularly in the baranqavs of Fort banks and hotels, A large commercial
Bonifacio . complex containing the most varied retail
shops sits in a big piece of prime real
Conflicts and Contrasts in Urban Planning estate. Around this complex are posh
residential subdivisions catering to the
Urban planning is a form of upper crust of the society where basic
government intervention which refers to services like water, Sanitation and
the process of making decisions about the garbage collection are rarely in~equate in
physical environment 'and the effect of this part of the municipality. The affluent
changes in this environment on people employ private contractorS ··t o •regularly
and the environment. These days, collect garbage and constrUcfde~p wells
.> • .; l .f · '

practitioners of urban planning are also to increase their water sUpply . As a

referred to as urban managers. In the consequence, most of the 'd'eeP w eUs are
20th century, cities - have increasingly found in the posh vill~~ :~ .study
been plagued with serious problems (Development Agenda forMakati~'1986)
whose magnitudes, complexities ' and suggests that this~ntri~testo the
scale have never . been before enlargement of the . c()l'le.~j~t ·depression
experienced by the decision makers. (the deepest water leve. !jn,~,of 70 m)
Scarce resources have to be managed. which could have .partly.induced salinity
Choices have to be made whether to keep of the water table. .
on building new infrastructures or
maintaining existing ones. and a host of ln contrast, the less affluent side at
other thingsthatneed to be dealt with. the western part of the municipality -
BarangaysSingkamas, Tejeros, La Paz,
In the face of these many options or San Antonio, Palanan, San ISidro and Pio
decisions, one practitioner puts it · ·we del Pilar get flooded at an' 8\ierage of 18
cannot afford It o plan anymore, we need to 20 times a ·year. As informal housing
to manage," activity seems .to have increased over the
years, a number of barangays particularly
Three things were considered in the in the newly emerging residential areaa ,of
discussion of the conflicts described here. Fort Bonifacio are faced with low water
One, the growth and development of pressure and lack of sanitation .
Makati into a largely upper social .class
area has historical underpinnings. Two, In a survey conducted in September
the lack of coordination among many 1991 , it was estimated that there were
actors of development operating in the 13,948 squatters in Makati~ The biggest
different tiers in the public sector, on one . squatter populations were found in
hand is contrasted to the unitary decision- Barari~j'ays Bangkal, Tejeros and San
making of a robust private sector, on the Antonio along railway tracts, the estero
other. Three, the uniqueness of Makati in Tripa de Gallina, and . the Trinidad
its form and structure creates a sort of Compound. A big proportion of them
planning dilemma, a situation which this fetch water from public faucets and rely
writer calls . " m an ag ed planning o...n-public or communal systems for ·their
schizophrenia ." sanitation.

PHILIPPINE PLANNING JOURNAL Vol. XXIII, No. I Oetooer 1991 Contrasts in Urban Planning




lAS OF 1990)

Total Population 452.734

Area ($q. krn.1 29,86 sq. km. o. 4.8% of MMA

Density 15,162 personslsq. km

Number of Households 83.310

Average Household Sile 5.0

Growth Rate 1.97%

l'ercentag" of Population in Illegal Settlements 3%

l'ercenlagllof Population between 15-64 66.2%


Average Family Income P 127.037.00

Low Income 2.95%
Middle Income 40.75%
Upper Income 56.30%

House Connection 60%
Public FalK'els, Community Water 31%

Percentage of Garbage Collected 80%

Literacy Rate 99.3%

Mortality: Leading Causes heartdiseases,eerebrovaseular.accidenlsandrna!iognant


Mofbidity: Leading Causes diarrhea, dermatitis and anemia



t (--- ~
. """'.LLEGEND:

.-- .-"





36 37

Coordination Public Works), the nine barangays of Fort

Bonifacio previously zoned wholly as a
Another conflict reflects the disjointed military reserve, namely, Cembo,
government structure as against a nearly Comembo, East Rembo, Pembo, Pitogo,
unified decision making system within the Post Proper Northside, Post Proper
private sector. As in other big cities. Southside, South Cembo, and West
Makati has to contend with the presence Rembo lacked enforceable regulations and
of development actors pursuing programs had been seriously plagued with squatting
independently of one another. problems. With the enactment of RA
1730 only two barangays are now
National government agencies retained as military reservation: the Post
implementing projects in Makati and, in Proper Northside and Post Proper
other cities and municipalities for that Southside.
matter, pursue their sectoral programs
independently. The Department of Housing for the Poor
Transportation and Communications, the
Department of Public Works and Housing the low income was largely
Highways, the Metro Manila Waterworks supply driven and not demand driven.
and Sewerage System, and shelter related Perhaps this is a reaction to the high
agencies implement large infrastructure standards being projected by Makati. In
projects in the different cities and an attempt to upgrade housing conditions
municipalities of the Metro area. The among the lowest segment of the
private sector on the other hand have a population, the approach taken was
long term plan which guides their supply driven, that is. structure,
projects. For its part, the local infrastructure and other related amenities
government of Makati adopts an annual are constructed above the need or
investment program (and in some sectors, demand for them, For instance, the mass
three .year plans) on which to base housing project during the Marcos regime,
investment decisions. The timing of the popularly known as BLISS hOUSing. failed
'implementation of all these projects is not to cater to the urban poor. Indicative of
synchronized. Such a situation lessens this was the number of foreclosures due
the projects' overall effectiveness and to arrearages incurred, or for non-
creates dissatisfaction among citizenry. payment of amortizations. Monthly
amortization fetched as high as Jl2400
Planning Standards (1990). Clearly this was beyond the
affordabitity of the intended market.
The Ayala-owned property has the
benefit of an integrated plan and adheres From the vantage point of the
to strict planning standards. For instance, implementors the issues being asked are:
in the New City, only sixty (60) percent Should the process be incremental
of the lot area is utilized for building adopting low standards?; or Should this
structures while leaving 40% to open be done outright with "visually pleasing"
space. In contrast, the Building Code results?; What about the long term
implemented by virtue of P.O. 1096 considerations of building self reliance?;
requires developers to allocate only 30% Could it be sacrificed in favor of the "here
of the area to open spaces. and now?"
On the military reservation, before the There are also ethical considerations
enactment of RA 1730, An act to Amend to consider in looking at this issue.
a Certain Item in Section Three of RA Basically, they constitute the opposing
1411, (An Act Appropriating Fund for interests of the haves and have-nots. An~
Contrasts in Urban PJ8nning

Makati being part of Metro Manila where kilometers or 36.68% of the total land
approximately 60% of the population live area. However, this area has become a
below the poverty line (1990) is not medium density residential area with the
spared of such dilemma. As Ricardo Puno occupation of illegal settlers within the
had said "The conflicts are many: the area. With the turnover of a big portion of
fundamental human right to shelter versus the area by the military to the civilian'
the much touted right of property owners government, the municipality has become
to use and abuse private property; the a predominantly residential area. Biggest
law abused to protect the asocial residential lot areas are found in
behavior of the haves versus the illegal Dasmarinas, Forbes Park, Magallanes,
behavior cif the have-nets: the moral San Lorenzo and Urdaneta all aggregating
legitimacy of the have-nets to provide an area of 10.16633 square kilometers or
themselves shelter when the mainstream 26.93% of the total area. The commercial
society does not versus the factual ability area ranks third, with 8.81 %. Institutions
of the haves to freely ignore the shelter have a modest share at 1.37% and
needs of the poor in land use and government and road lots' share are
investments; the common good as 3.52% and 5.66% respectively.
interpreted from the viewpoint of the Land use incompatibility arises when
propertied versus the common good as areas zoned for a specific purpose are
interpreted from the propertyless." actually devoted to other uses. In general,
however there are not many damaging
Land Use incompatible land uses or land use
conversions surveyed in Makati. Please
As has been indicated earlier, see the land use map in Figure 2. Several
Makati's most desirable location for conversions have been noted in few
development has been preempted by the areas: the area along Estrella and Camia
private sector. Urban growth in Metro Streets (Rockwell Plant) which was zoned
Manila for that matter has historically as high intensity industrial (highly
been led by private sector investment. pollutive and highly hazardous)
The new city occupies at least two thirds incorporates such institutions as Colegio
of the land in Makati. de Sta. Rosa and Metropolitan Sports
Club within its zone area; in Bangkal,
Being part of the Guadalupe Plateau, which was zoned high density residential,
a physiographic zone which has excellent some sections now undergo conversion to
potential for urban development, Makati medium intensity commercial; and along
possesses good foundation for all types the strip fronting the Magallanes Village,
of structures, is relatively safe during an exclusive residential enclave along the
earthquakes, has good drainage, Epifanio de los Santos Avenue,
dependable wastewater systems and conversion to medium intensity
moderate slopes. Intensive development commercial is now apparent. The latter
would have cost much less if it is located two instances may suggest that
in areas now occupied by low density landowners are making location choices in
villages. For instance, Forbes Park rates response to the operations of land and
excellent in terms of physiographic other markets. In the first case mentioned
characteristics. But it continues to be a it was <the decision by the institutions to
low-density residential area. locate in that area despite the existence
of the industrial plant. These institutions
The survey in 1986 shows that the and the plant all there prior to the
military reservation has the biggest land enactment of the zoning regulations in
utilization with total of 11.5486 square 1978.

Other mixed land uses have been as the cornerstone of more effective local
observed in Guadalupe Viejo where two- governments, the Code embodies
storey residential units have commercial legislative measures aimed at
spaces at the ground floor and residential decentralizing responsibilities from the
spaces at the second floor. While this central government to the local
residential cum commercial use is authorities. The intention is to give them
tolerated by the loning ordinance, a freer hand to manage their own affairs.
regulations are needed to protect the With the transfer of responsibilities comes
privacy, health and safety of the from the transfer of resources to the local
residents. governments to undertake governmental
functions like road maintenance, school
In the New City which was zoned as building, etc. As an offshoot of this
high intensity commercial use or C3 arrangement, better management of
according to the Metro Manila Zoning resources is anticipated.
Ordinance, several government offices
(classified as institutional) are located The Code has often been overrated as
here. These are mostly shelter-related though it holds mega solutions to local
agencies and government banking governments' problem. Indeed, the Code
institutions. came in one drastic stroke that a number
of local institutions have been reluctant to
Also, in the Ayala-owned property accept bigger responsibilities and
plans are being finalized to make way for resources from the national government.
the construction of three skyscrapers - a
mammoth cultural center and a multi-level Makati, learning from the past, has
underground parking complex on the park gradually prepared itself by conducting a
in the Ayala triangle. This will take up 1.1 series of trainings and studies. A set of
hectares of green space. While these uses visions for the year 2020 is being outlined
do not conflict with the predominantly to guide the directions and gf ..>Nth of
commercial use and character of the area, MakatL The document incorporates a
the potential vehicular traffic congestion more active private-public sector
and air pollution that they could generate partnership in the delivery of basic
necessitate serious consideration. services particularly in housing,
environmental sanitation, employment,
In the exclusive residential health care and education.
subdivisions, particularly Forbes Park and
Dasmarinas Village, the presence of The resources of the non-government
several institutions has been noted during organizations will likewise be tapped and
the ocular survey. Most of them are their participation in the development
offices of the consulates which do not effort institutionalized through their
create nuisance to their adjoining membership in the local development
residential areas. The real exception of council and other committees attached to
course, is during abnormal times when the municipal council.
protest rallies or demonstrations are
staged in front of these consulates. Another piece of legislation which is
expected to change approaches to
PROSPECTS housing and urban development is the
Urban Development and Housing Act (RA
The tensions described here would 7279). For instance, one of its provisions
hopefully be eased with the enactment of requires developers to allocate twenty
the Local Government Code. Considered percent (20%) of the total subdivision

ContFasls in Urban PllInning

area or total subdivision project cost Development Authority (FBDA) of Makati

within the same municipality, whenever was created. Fort Bonifacio has a total
feasible for low-cost housing. This is area of 11.65 square kilometers with
viewed as a fulfillment of. their social 8.46 square kilometers being used by the
obligation to the community and a military. In effect, the area utilized solely
departure from mainly profit. motive for military reservation has been reduced
orientation. The local governments are as portions were removed from the
also required to inventory sites : for military's jurisdiction for disposition by
socialized housing and resettlement areas the municipal government through the
for the immediate and future needs of the FBDA. The opening of Fort Bonifacio has
underprMleged and homeless, taking into given Makati the chance to expand given
consideration the degree of availability of that the western portion has already been
basic services and facilities, their built-up. Plansfor integrated development
accessibility and proximity to job sites of residential cum commercial and light
and other economic opportunities, and industry uses are now in the blue print.
the actual number of registered
beneficiaries. The buzzword nowadays is
devolution. The challenge for local
Makati has done part of its share to managers is how to build more effective
this commitment. In 1986, Proclamation local institutions - capable of coping with
No. 2475 was enacted. To implement the changes and handling conflicts and
provisions of this law, the Fort Bonifacio complexities.

Ayala land. Inc.• 21st Century Makati, Metro Manila. "Makati," Makati Municipal Government. 1992.
[s.l.:s.n.1. 1989.

Doeppere, Daniel F•• Manila 1900-1941; Social Change Metropolitan Manila: Regional Development Framework
in a Late Colonial Metropolis. Quezon City: Ateneo Plan, 1986-1994, Quezon City: Metropolitan
de Manila University Press. 1984. Manila Commission. 1984.

Drakllkis-Smith. David W.and Rimmer.PeterJ., 'Taming Metropolitan Manila Capital Investment Foilio, Towards
the Wild City: Managing Southaast Asia's Private lind Investment Strategy for Metropolitan Mllnila.
Cities Sinee 196()'s,' Asian Geographer: . Quezon City: Metropolitan Manila Commission,
Office ()f the Commissioner for Planning, 1984.
friedman. J. and Wulff. Robart. The Urban Irensition
Comptmltive Studies of Newly Industrializing Puno, Ricardo, 'My Viewpoint' Philippine Stll(;
Societies. london: Edward Arnold, 1976.
Santos, Milton, 1976 The ShllrerJ Space, Methuen,
Hanward, Howard 8. Jr.. "Metro Manila, Philippines: London 81 New Yolk.
Conflicts and illusions in Planning lkban
Development.' Cities in Conflict: Studies in Serote. Emesto M.. 1988 The Urban Land Nexus in the
Planning and Management of Asian Cities. Context of a Third World City. Dissertation.
Washinton, D.C.: The World Sank, 1986. submitted to the Graduate School in Arts and
Social Studies. University of Sussex.
1986 Development Study: Fort Bonifacio Development
Authority, Makati. Metro Manila: Makllti Municipal The Local Government Code of 1991
Government. 1986.
Urban Development and HOUlling Act of 1992
Makati Profile 1990. Makllti. Metro Manila: Municipal
Government. 1990 World Sank. 1983 LNming by Doing, Washington DC.


Asteya M. Santiago

1. General in urban policy formulation and implementa-

tion that have taken place in the country, es-
A. Introduction pecially after the advent of martiallaw.4
Both the most recent Philippine Develop-
The Philippines has, for quite sometime, ment Plan prepared by the top economic plan-
been grappling with the problems arising from ning body, the National Economic and Devel-
an acceleration in its urban growth in which the opmentAuthority or NEDA, and the Multi-
absolute number of urban population has been Year Human Settlements Plan formulated by
increasing, auguring in the future a sustained the Ministry of Human Settlements or MHS
fast pace of urbanization. t A country with a have extensively catalogued the nature and
majority of its population in rural areas, it has extent of urban growth of the country. Its
been showing definite trends towards more cen- socio-economic implications such as the need
tralized forms of settlement, dictated to a large for the re-allocation of human and financial
extent by the degree of the economic trans- resources; shifts in the nature and location of
formation of those areas.2 Although forwamed infrastructure facilities and services; changes
by the experience of other developing coun- in existing land tenure and housing concepts:
tries, the Philippines still had to confront and new thrusts in regional development and the
hurdle many of the serious problems that reorganization of local governments as the basic
were unavoidable in a situation of steadily conduits for the delivery of basic services have
growing urban and rural populations, with likewise been carefully studied and recorded.
urban areas registering large increments to Sociologists, and social scientists; have also
their base population.3 produced a number of studies and surveys
The response of the Philippines has been a documenting the many areas of personal and
prompt and simultaneous attack on its urban social life drastically affected and influenced
problems, sometimes overwhelming to those
who, for the past decade or so have been
watching with keen interest developments both 4 By virtue of Proclamation 1081 dated September
21, 1972, Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos declared a state
of martial law in the country aimed at saving the Re-
·Paper delivered in the Symposium on "Urban public from the war waged by lawless elements of the
Growth in Asia: Implications for Development Policy communists and other armed' aggrupetions and to reo
Implementation," held in the University of Sydney, form Philippine society. One of the effects of Martial
Australia, November 18, 1983. Published in the Law was to vest in the President broad lawmaking
Monographs and Occasional Papers, Planning Re· functions and, in certain cases, even law adjudicating
search Center, University of Sydney, 1985. functions thrilU9h the military tribunals. The President
proceeded upon the theory that martial law had the
lCorazon Mejia-Raymundo. "Population Growth effect of concentrating in the Commander in Chief
and Urbanization," Population of the Philippines: Cur- (namelv the President! all the powers of the State and
rent Perspectives and Future Prospects, edited by not merely one branch of the government. Victoriano
Mercedes Concepcion. National Economic and De- A. Hipe. The Legel Aspect of Martia! Law in the Phil-
velo~ent Authority, Manila, 1983, p. 65. . ippines: Negotiating between Precedents and Innovs-
3Ibid., p. 66. tions." College of Public Administration, Univer-
. Ibid. sity of the Philippines, Manila, 1976, p. 5 .

by the urban growth phenomenon, calling at- and social opportunities. 8 This is being under-
tention to adjustments and behavioural modi- taken simultaneously with the strengthening
fications. New social and economic institu- of local governments to make them self-reliant
tions, ·both formal and informal, have also and autonomous units to support their own
emerged, aimed at reducing the economic and development. The spatial distribution of popu-
social dislocations that may arise or have al- lation in rural and urban areas is sought to be
ready arisen from rapid urban growth. S considered in relation to the expected absorp-
tive capacities of the various regions in terms
B. General Overview of the Philippine Ap- of prospective livelihood opportunities and
proach ability to provide basic needs. As a corollary
to this, it seeks to rectify unbalanced urbani-
The response of the Philippines to the devel- zation by developing intermediate·sized cities
opment problems of the country has been two- to ease the pressures on metropolitan areas and
pronged: that of gearing and mobilizing the ur- large cities. 9
ban areas for the increase in their population Institutional changes in urban administra-
and the influx of migrants with their concom- tion in the Philippines which is the main theme
itant problems; and that of rural sector to of this paper can be characterized as equally
weaken or delay the push factor which has prompt and dynamic. This response will be dis-
exacerbated the problems faced by the urban cussed shortly in great detail. At the risk of tak-
areas.6 Equal emphasis has been given to the ing a very restrictive view of the subject of the
industrialization efforts and countryside devel- institutional response to urban development,
opment under a balanced 19m-industrial stra- this paper adopts as focus one major response
tegy aimed at democratizing social and econo- and this is the institutionalization of a central
mic opportUnities which is believed to be the organization to encompass all areas of urban
substantiation of the true meaning of social development and related activities.
justice.7 Regional development, undertaken
within the Human Settlements framework C. ThePhilippines 8$ 8 Case Study A "!:8
aims to rectify the imbalance among and within
regions as manifested by the disparities in in- The choice of the Philippines as the country
come and welfare and access to economic to illustrate the institutional response to urban
administration may be due to two main rea-
sons: first, it is in the Philippines that in short
5Among the more widely read of these studies are span of a decade, a comprehensive and highly
Landa Jocano', Slum as {I Way of. Life (Quezon City: complex administrative machinery has been
Univ. of the Phil.) 1975; Aprodicio Laqulen, Slums set up in response to the many problems of
are fQr People {Manila: Local Government Center,
C.P.A., U.P.l 1968; Sylvia Guerrero, "The Culture of human settlements, one major component of
Poverty in Metro Manila: Some Preliminary Note,: which is the fast growth of urban areas. The
"Phil. Sociological Review, Vol. 21, nos. 3 & 4, July- reason for this feat is the fact that this organi-
October 1972, pp. 215, 221; Richard Poethig, "The
SqUetter Community: A Dead End or a Way Up:' zation received unprecedented political man-
Phil. Sociological Review, Vol. 17, Ncn. 3 & 4, July- date and financial and other resource support
Oct. 1969, pp. 132-135. hitherto not experienced by any other agency
6 Tan YeBr DeveioPmant Pillfl of the Philippines, or government instrumentality in the country.
1978~1987; included in the Central Luzon (Region
lin Five Year Development Plan, 1978-1982, (San
Fernando, Pampanga, September 1917) Five Year
Philippine Developmant Ptsn, 1983-1987; (National
Economic and Development Authority, Manila) May
7Ferdinand E. Marcos. The Philippine Develop-
ment Plan: An Instrument for the Democratization of SFive Year Development Plan, 1983-1987, op. cit.
Development, Five Year Development Plan for Region p.17.
III, Philippines, 1977, p. XXIV. 9/bid•


The second reason which is related to the legal support in meeting the overwhelming
first one, and partly explains it, is that it is in problems of urban administration.
the Philippines that a government agency has This paper will be confined to the unique
been set up purposely to ensure that the execu- experience of the Philippines in responding
tive branch of the govemment remains respon- to the changing needs of urban and rural settle-
sive and relevant to the needs of the people ments through the evolution not only of an
that it services. This government agency is the administrative structure but of major policies
Presidential Commission on Reorganization affecting human settlements, in general. It is
which, since 1969, has been in the forefront the uniqueness of this experience which makes
of the reorganization effort of the Executive it unusually interesting even as this also serves
branch of the government, assisting the Presi- as its own limiting feature for possible replica-
dent in ensuring the efficiency, effectiveness tion.
and economy of public administration. 1 e
The Philippine case could very well be illus-
trative of the e-xtent to which institutions in II. Politico-Administrative Framework
other countries could re-spond given the full
and unqualified political-le-gal support. One of The next paragraphs aim to place in proper
the major reorganization efforts that the de- politico-legal perspective the Particular institu-
cade of the 1970sto 1980 would be remembered tional response discussed in this paper.
for, would be the process in which an adminis-
trative structure and planning system for com- A. Martial Law Regime
prehensive human settle-ments planning has
been fashioned and finally evolved. As some Eleven years ago, on SePtember 21, 1972,
knowledgeable observers have remarked, the martial law was declared in the country by the
de-velopment that took place within this period, incumbent President, Mr. Ferdinand E. Marcos
insofar as urban administration is concerned who was then on mis second four-year term of
would, under different circumstances taken at office, the maximum limit allowed by the Phil-
le-ast double the time and effort that it did. ippine Constitution of 193&. Among the situa-
It will not be an exaggeration to say that it tions which necessitated such a drastic action
would be difficult to duplicate in the future was what the President perceived as an armed
the favorable circumstances and the extraor- insurrection undertaken by lawless ele-mentsof
dinary combination that contributed to such the communists and other armed aggrupation
development, namely, the concentrated pOwers which had assumed the magnitude of an ac-
in a one-man lawmaking body and a very tual state of war against the RepUblic of the
powerful official in governments planning. Philippines.
It is not to say that there were no trade offs One of the fe-atures of this political regime
in the process, which will be taken up later in which is relevant to this paper was the aboli-
the concluding remarks. Suffice it to say at tion of the bicameral legislative body, the
this period, it enjoyed unprecedented politico- Constitutionally authorized law-making body,
and the vesting of exclusive legislative powers
in the President. With this drastic change
brought about by the abolition of a major
branch of the government, namely its policy
IOThe Presidential Commission on Reorganization making body, the President emerged as the
was originally known as the Commission on Reorgani- center and ultimate repository of policy making
zation. It was created by law CRepublic Act 5436}
passed on July 8, 1968 to implement the poliey of the powers in the country. He thus proceeded to
legislature "to promote simplicity, economy and effl- promulgate various types of legal issuances.
ciencv in the government to enable It to pursue pro- some in his capacity as the new legislative body,
grams consistent with national goals for accelerated
social and economic development and to improve the namely the Presidential Decrees, and some in
service in the transection of the public business...." his capacity as Chief Executive such as Execu-

Urban Development

tive Orders, Administrative Orders and Memo- that the then economic planning body, the
randum Circulars.11 National Economic Council or NEC received.14
At the same time that these radical political At this time too, the period immediately
changes were happening, physical planning in preceding the declaration of martial law, or the
the country could be considered as relatively decade of the sixties, a dozen or so regional de-
inactive, although not moribund. There existed velopment authorities vested with develop-
a central planning body, the National Planning ment responsibilities for some regions and sub-
Commission (NPC) which was then 25 years regions were in existence. A majority of these
0ld I 2 but with very little to show for its exis- were, however, only paper organizations with
tence except for some insignificant plans, many very little financial and technical resources.
of which were either unimplementable or were Their usefulness, in the final analysis, rested
unimplemented. This was not entirely the in their having completed some resources sur-
NPC's fault. It received only nominal support vey and feasibility studies for specific projects
from the government and thus was unsuccessful and having served as forum for the exchange
in its operations. Because of this, the govern- of views and information on matters affecting
ment found no strong reason to grant it bigger the urban and rural areas constituting their
appropriations. Thus the NPC was caught in a region.
vicious trap from which it could not extricate With very few exceptions such as the laguna
itself. lake Development Authority or llDA in
There were also then, very few professional charge of the development of a lake area south
planners that the Commission could tap or of Manila and the Mindanao Development Au-
afford to recruit. 13 Although vested with plan- thority which transformed itself into Southern
ning powers for the country at large, unlike its Philippines Development Authority (SPDA)
predecessor the National Urban Planning Com- now under the umbrella of the Ministry of Hu-
mission whose concerns were limited to urban man Settlements, the rest of the Regional De-
areas, the NPC suffered miserably in compari- velopment Authorities, notwithstanding their
son with the attention and financial support very powerful charters made no <"':Jnificant
contributions in planning and developing the
largely rural areas constituting their regions.
They were not able to contribute much to the
efforts to hasten the dispersal of concentra-
tion of major industries in particular areas
IIThere is ostensibly a difference in the subject like Manila, the surrounding cities and also the
matter and legal effects of the various issuances of the chartered cities, which was one of the major
President which showed when he was issuing them in
his capacity as the legislative body and when he was
objectives of the early regional development
signing them in his capacity as the Chief Executive of authorities. 1 S
the country. However, this distinction later become
blurred as the President became burdened with the
legislative responsibilities of both offices.
I2 The immediate predecessor of the National Plan-
ning Commission (NPC) was the National Urban Plan-
ning Commission (NUPC) which was created in 1946 I4There was one budgetary period in the 1960s
and which was only concerned with the planning of when the NPC received a yearly appropriation of two
urban areas. Counting the short period within which hundred thousand pesos against the almost two mil-
the NUPC was in existence, the NPC would have been lion pesos of the National Economic Council (NEC).
25 years old when martial law was declared. The NEC was primarily an advisory body to the Pres-
ident on economic planning while the NPC per-
131n the early sixties, with a population of some formed line functions such as the preparation of local
35 million, there were only a dozen or SO profes- plans. Papers and Proceedings in the Preparation of
sional planners, all of them products of foreign the Physical Planning Legislation of 1968, Institute
schools. The country had not yet opened its first of Planning, University of the Philippines, 1972, p.
planning school, in the University of the Philippines, 18.
the Institute of Environmental Planning, now known
as the School of Urban and Regional Planning. 1Spapers and Proceedings, op. cit. p, 15.


In the local scene, local governments16 had to the rational and directed growth and devel·
some planning, zoning and subdivision func- opment of urban areas.2 0
tions which, however, were not exercised in a In short, planning as it existed before the
manner worth more than passing mention. declaration of martial law, was nearing a peri-
Local planning bodies or boards were created in lous state of deteriorating into a peripheral
local governments and were attached to the government function, even as the problems of
office of the city or municipal mayor. Their local governments, especially urban areas, were
composition varied from one locality to ano- nearing serious proportions. At this stage, it
ther, depending on the provision of the ordi- appeared obvious that solutions to the prob-
nances crea1ing them. Where there were no lems would continue to be approached from a
such ordinances, local planning was usually predominantly economic perspective with very
entrusted to the local engineers office. 1 7 The little consideration given to spatial dimensions
activities of these local planning bodies had nor to socio-cultural requirements.
been confined to assisting in the subdivisionof
local areas and the zonification of certain ur- B. Involvement of the First Lady in Urban
ban areas. As a consequence, the Engineers Development
Office of the local governments played a more
active role in the planning process through the With the emergence of the President as the
prosecution of public works projects than the sole law making. authority, concentrating in
designated planning bodies.1 8 Several legal him both the executive and legislative powers,
enactments were made during this period to (in short, policy making and policy execution)
make local planning bodies more active parti- it was easy to see that for the first time in Phll-
cipants in the performance of planning func- ippine history, whatever the President perceived
tions, with the National Planning Commission as deserving priority attention and the full sup-
serving as consultant in their activities.1 9 port of the government would definitely see
However, for various reasons, local planning fruition. He was now liberated from a legisla-
bodies did not make significant contribution tive body which in many occasions, he had
described as playing an obstructionist role.
The First Lady, Mrs. Imelda Romualdez
Marcos, who already showed signs even before
Martial law, as exceeding the performance of
16Although the National Census and Statistics all the previous First Ladies that the country
Office (NCSO) has provided a distinction between
urban and rural areas, the planning process did not ever had, was, at this time, only involved with
reflect this difference since the criteria used in the dif- predominantly socio-eultural activities of the
ferentiation were mostly socio-economic rather than country. Her activities in this area were capped
politico-administrative. Thus, the organization and
the powers and functions of planning bodies in urban by her successful although controversial com-
and rural areas were the same throughout the coun- pletion of a cultural center complex in the re-
claimed area in Manila Bay in the heart of Ma-
17Papers and Proceedings, op_cit. p. 16. nila. The First Lady now emerged as the se·
18Loc. ctt., p. 17.
cond most powerful force in the political
19Among these legal issuances were the Local arena in the country. This was because it would
Autonomy Law (Republic Act 2264) enacted in 1959 have been impossible for the President, with
which authorized local municipal boards or city coun-
cils to adopt zoning and subdivision ordinances or reo
gulations; Administrative Order 31 issued by President
Diosdado Macapagal which called on all local govern-
ments to create their own plans and Executive Order 20See Asteya M. Santiago and James L. Magavern.
121 issued by President Ferdinand E. Marcos, creating "Planning Law and Administration in Philippine Local
Provincial Development Committees to plan and Government:' Philippine Planning Journal Vol. III,
implement programs to enhance the economic, social No.1, October 1911, pp. 15·25 which provided for an
and industrial development and the general welfare evaluation of Philippine Local Planning, and made
of the provinces, the largest local government unit in proposals for reforms and new approaches to local
the country. planning.

Urban Development

the assistance only of his cabinet members politan Manila would be a convenient take off
numbering more or less twenty, to single- point since it was this urban area in which were
handedly take up the task of nation rebuilding. concentrated major forms of urban ills and
This was especially true in the face of the more problems. The City of Manila though levelled
grandiose plans and aspirations of the New So- to the ground during the closing days of World
ciety, as tne new Philippine National Com- War II attracted migrants from the provinces
munity come to be known. in increasing numbers and for which the city
It also became obvious at this stage that was not prepared. Uncontrolled growth, with
whichever activity or undertaking the First its inevitable consequence of urban blight, was
Lady would support would inevitably take off not confined to Manila but spread to the
and bring immediate results. Her reason for tak- various cities and municipalities surroundIng
ing a keen interest in physical planning was it. 24 From a 1939 population of 993,000,
something known only to those within her im- Greater Manila grew to 1,596,000 by 1948. By
mediate circle of advisers, but which never- 1970, it was nearly four million; by 1975, the
theless was surmised later from many of her year a government authority was created to
official press statements. 2 1 It seemed logical plan for its development, population had
for her to see the need to get involved direct- reached 6 million with an annual growth rate
ly in activities which brought her closer to the of 4.B5%.25 By this time, the quality of life
people, now that Congress which consisted of for a majority of its residents was substand-
the representatives of the people had been abo- ard and all indications were that the area was
lished and the local governments have become deteriorating daily.26 The area accounted for
fairly passive because government powers be- more than half of the total squatter population
come more centralized. It was hinted that her of the country; its land use was archaic; its
interest would be in serving the people direct- drainage system kept the streets flooded for
Iy in ways other than in an unofficial capacity. days after a heavy rain and its transportation
According to her, "the job ensuring progress problems reached a magnitude where com-
for the country's cities and municipalities muters spent half of their productive time in
does not belong to one person or government the streets. With this catalogue of urban ills,
entity alone, but to all citizens". 22 Therefore, it was felt that the First Lady's involvement in
she would "see to it that the gains of the New urban administration should start in this metro-
Society shall be directly experienced and felt polis.27
by every Filipino, by all the 46 million Fili- It will be recalled that soon after Martial
pinos.,,23 Law was declared, President Marcos commis-
The definite role of the First Lady did not sioned a study aimed at rationalizing the man-
emerge immediately but took sometime to agement and administration of the Philippines,
crystallize. It appeared most logical that Metro- primate city, Manila, and the surrounding
cities and municipalities, then known as the
Greater Manila area. Of the many proposals
21.'ln the Servi~ of Man: The Ministry of Human submitted, the Manager-Commission type was
Ecology "Philippines Today," No.3, May-June 1978, deemed most acceptable. On November 7,
p, 6. "Earth, the City of Humanity", by Mrs. Imelda 1975 the President declared the creation of
R. Marcos, address delivered in the HABITAT Plenary
Session in Vancouver, Canada on June 7, 1976; which Metropolitan Manila out of the integration of
appeared in Accent,Vol. IV, No.2, pp. 14-16; Romeo
R. Lacnlce, "Man as Focus of Development", Focus,
Vol. VI, No. 15, February 25, 1978 pp.13-17. Domini
T. Suarez, "Human Settlements is Simply Housekeep-
ing for 46 Million .Filipinos." Philippine Panorama, 24"The Metro Manila Experience," no author,
Vol. VI,!, September 3,1978, No. 36, pp. 17-21- Metro Journal, Vol. 1, No.3, July-August 1980, p. 4.
25 lbid •
22"ln the Service of Man: The Ministry of Human ~
Ecology" op. cit., p.7. 26/bid ,
23 lbid. 27Metro Manila Experienceop. cit., p, 4.


13 municipalities and four cities and created nounced as having been established with the
the Metropolitan Manila Commission to admin- election of a President held nationwide. The
ister it. a In response to public demand, he post was won by the incumbent President, Mr.
named the First Lady as Governor, her first Marcos. Again the description of the New Re-
official position in government. Immediately, public will be confined only to those aspects
she went about tackling the job of creating relevant to the theme of this Paper.
what she envisioned to be a City of Man. Her Earlier, a legislative body, known as the In-
own approach to urban development was to terim Batasang Pambansa consisting of 200
consider everything as apriority, where "every- legislators who were elected in 1978 for a six
thing must be done at once, one step at a time year term of office took the place of the Con-
but in many directions.',29 Her accomplish- gressof the Philippines which was abolished
ments for Metro Manila are well documented when martial law was declared. This marked
and need not be discussed in detail in this the re-institution of a collective law making
paper. body consisting of elected representatives of
The First Lady's exposure to urban adminis- the people. 3 1 However, the President retained
tration convinced her that it was not only his law-making or decree making power in sit-
Metro Manila which needed close government uations provided for in one of the amendments
attention and resources, but the rest of the to the Philippine Constitution in 1976, now
country. After all, the urban ills that used to known as the controversial Amendment No, 6.
plague only the major urban areas have spread This law making power existed "Whenever in
into many other parts of the country which the judgment of the President, there exist grave
were experiencing fast urban growth. The bene- emergency or a threat or imminence thereof
fit of the human settlements approach, the or whenever the interim Batasang Pambansa
President decided, should not be confined to or the regular National Assembly fails or is
Metro Manila but should reach the other parts unable to act adequately on any matter for any
of the country. Thus, on June 2, 1978, the reason that in his judgment, requires immediate
President signed into law Presidential Decree action. He may, in order to meet the exigency,
1936. creating what is now known as the Min- issue the necessary decree, orders or letters of
istry of Human Settlements. It is the evolution instructions, which shall form part of the law of
of this Ministry which is the main subject mat- the land." Although considered as a stand-by
ter of this paper and will be presently discussed. rather than a concurrent power, the President
It would suffice at this point to state that three had, in many instances, exercised it where he
years of exposure to the "human settlements was convinced that the long-drawn out parlia-
approach" to Metropolitan Manila, character- mentary procedure would jeopardize public
ized as an integrated and wholistic approach interests such as in cases of wage legislation and
where progress is actualized at the community investments incentives law.
level, had convinced the First Lady of the An added feature of the New Republic was
bright prospects of applying it nationwide. 3o the explicit declaration of an ideology for the
country which provides for a general frame-
C. The New Republic work for all government undertakinqs. Its ma-
jor components include a commitment to a
On January 17, 1981, President Marcos set of fundamental values, a concept of an al-
lifted martial law. A New Republic was an- ternative future and a program of action. As
embodied in this Philippine ideology, a commit-
ment to an egalitarian policy is made which

28This was by virtue of Presidential Decree 824.

29Metro Manila Experience, toe. cit. 31The interim Batasang Pambansa later became the
30primer on Human Settlements, Ministry of Hu- Batasang Pambansa whose next regular election was
man Settlements Publication. September 1978. p. 5. scheduled on May 1984.

Urban Development

rests on the broader spectrum of humanism, Commission by removing the word Urban and
that which upholds man as the center of all simply calling it the National Planning Com-
things. mission (NPC) indicating a more comprehen-
This political ideology is worth mention- sive thrust to what otherwise was considered a
ing because it has become the basis of the over- wholly urban-oriented approach. Now, the
all humanist concept of the Ministry of Hu- urban and rural areas became the twin concerns
man Settlements (MHS). Thus, pervading all of the government.
the activities of the MHS is the ideal that man The NPC was also vested with some regional
should be in the center of things, that the in- planning functions. Created merely by an Exe-
dividual should be the object and focus of cutive Order3 3 of the President, rather than by
development. In the Philippine dialect - this an act of the legislative body, it did not enjoy
philosophy is expressed as "HIGIT SA LAHAT, much political and financial support and until
TAO" and translated, it means, "Above all its abolition right after the declaration of mar-
things, Man". Although criticized as underscor- tial law on September 1972, had not success-
ing the obvious, the MHS patiently explains its fully performed its sworn objectives. It was able
meaning by referring to what the President has to prepare some local plans, notably for the
envisioned, that "mankind is the purpose, the City of Manila; issued model zoning and sub-
heart and center of development, and because division ordinances and rendered technical ad-
mankind lives incommunities, our vision neces- vice to national agencies and local governments
sarily defines development as the creation and but beyond this it was not able to accomplish
the production of the good life in human settle- much. When martial law was declared and the
ments".32 NPC was abolished, its powers and functions
were distributed between two departments,
I". The Evolution of Institutions for Urban its infrastructure development functions, to the
Administration Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and
Communications and its supervision of local
There are two major and distinct stages in planning to the Department of LOCi'll Govern-
the evolution of urban administration in the ment and Community Development.3 4
country and these are the stages of Planning At this stage too, the only planning school
Research and Policy Making and the Stage of in the country, the Institute of Planning,now
Actual Plan Implementation. the School of Urban and Regional Planning,
with the very able support from an Australian
A. Stage of Planning Research
planning expert 3 S was already conducting ma-
jor research projects on various aspects of
The first central organization for planning
physical planning which included the prepara-
that was set up by the government came right
tion of a National Framework Plan and the
after World War II when various cities in the
Metropolitan Manila Regional Plan in support
country suffered from very extensive damage,
of its academic program. At about this time
the worst hit of which was Manila,second only
too, a research program was started by the De-
to the destruction that Warsaw in Poland suf-
velopment Academy of the Philippines or
fered. Morethan 2/3 of its facilities and services
were destroyed and many buildingswere levelled
to the ground. The government then created a
National Urban Planning Commission mani- 33Executive Order No. 367 dated November 1"
festing its immediate concern for the rehabili- 1950.
tation of urban centers of the country. After 34The Integrated Reorganization Plan was adopted
two years, it changed the name and focus of the in 1972 by Presidential Decree 1.
3SThis was Mr. Walter Geoffrey Faithful who
helped secure United Nations Development Pro-
32Romeo R. Lachice. "Man as Focus of Develop- gramme (UNDP) funding and support for this new
ment," Focus, Vol. VI, No. 15, Feb. 25, 1978, p. 14. unit under the University of the Philippines.


DAp36 then a well-supported and prestigious like the relationship between physical and eco-
'research agency of the government. It started nomic planning; the nature and extent of
a program on human settlements which then powers that the planning organization should
spun off to become a Task Force on Human be vested with; and the kinds of plans that
Settlements 3 7 created to conduct studies would be produced including the legal sanc-
on the nature, policy issues and strategies rela- tions to be attached to them. Many of these
ted to comprehensive and integrated human issues were not resolved with finality at this
settlements program in the Philippines. Thus, time, The bill did not prosper beyond initial
from the post war period of the middle 50s to consideration in the legislative body. In its
the early seventies, spanning a period of more place, a two page Resolution was passed by the
than a quarter of a century, planning could joint houses of Congress adopting environmen-
very well be considered as concerned primar- tal planning as a strategy for economic develop-
ily with research and policy making and very ment.
limited implementation. All these developments underline the basic
The law making body of the country, the characteristics of the planning function at this
Philippine Congress also made its contribution time - its major contribution being in the area
through the passage of a Resolution adopting of planning, research, nominal plan prepara-
Environmental Planning as a means of promot- tion and the drafting of model legal instruments
ing economic development.i' 8 This was the ulti- for the guidance of local governments. Lacking,
mate product of extensive efforts in 1968 3 9 however, the basic local plans which these zon-
made by leading architects and some planners ing or subdivision ordinances would implement,
who were mostly from the academe toward only a few local governments had any effective
the formulation of a physical planning legisla- zoning legislations, relying still heavily on the
tion which would establish a comprehensive nuisance concept for protecting communities
planning structure. The resulting legislative from undesirable and incompatible uses.
proposal, unfortunately, did not receive enoug~
If the degree of urban management func-
support to pass into law. This proposed bill
tions would be measured by the infrastructure
which underwent several revisions was primarily
support and services rendered, thus determin-
concerned with creating an administrative struc-
ing to a large extent the pattern and direction
ture to manage and regulate urban-rural devel-
of urban and rural settlements, then without
opment. Many issues were raised at this stage -
doubt, it was the Department of Public Works,
Transportation and Communications that
would be considered extensively involved in
urban development. Since at this time too,
it was the Department of Local Government
36T he DAP was created by Presidential Decree 205
on June 6, 1973 whose main objective was "to foster and Community Deveiopment4 0 which was
and support the developmental forces at work in the rendering planning assistance to local govern-
nation's economy through selective human resource ments, and delivering community services to
development programs, research, data collection and
information services. , ." the people, then it too could be considered
37 The Task Force on Human Settlements was as engaged in urban-rural settlements planning.
created on September 19, 1973 by Exec. Order 419.
38T his was Senate Joint Resolution No. 1 which
endorsed the establishment of a comprehensive sys-
tem of Environmental Planning as one of the means
by which the social and economic policies enuncia- 40 The Department of Public Works, Transporta-
ted in another Resolution of the Lower House could tion and Communications and Department of Local
be achieved.
Government and Community Development have
39 T hese legislative efforts are documented in the since then been reorganized into a Ministry of Public
publication entitled "Papers and Proceedings in the Works and Highways and the Ministry of Local Gov-
Preparation of the Physical Planning Legislation, ernments, respectively. The latter's community de-
w~ . velopment functions have been vested in the MHS.

Urban Development

However, considering this paper's concern, and included prototype planning and regulation of
its approach of focusing on a central agency land uses all over the country. With limited
for planning, the abovementioned concerns personnel and financial resources, however, the
of these two departments would not detract HSC was not able to perform all the powers
from the theory that human settlements plan- and functions it was vested with under its
ning at this stage was primarily concerned charter. Notable among the policies that it en-
with policy planning and research. forced were those regulating development
along major highways which had become
B. Stage of Planning Implementation troublesome spots all over the country, and
that which rationalizes the conversion of agri-
In 1974, the President issued another cultural land to urban uses, notably for sub-
Decree (P.O. 933) creating a Human Settle- division purposes, through the application of
ments Commission, the government entity pre-established criteria. 4 1 It also enforced the
that took off from the then Task Force policy banning the establishment of industries
on Human Settlements which was created as a within 50 kilometers from Metro Manila, an
research and policy making body. The HSC offshoot of a big conflagration in Manila
as it then became known, was an inter-agency which started from an oil depot.
Commission with ex-officio members coming In 1978, when the government moved into
from the various ministries of the government a semi-parliamentary system, all its depart-
concerned with infrastructure development, ments were converted into Ministries, and again
economic planning, budget, natural resources, a major re-organization took place. It is in this
among others. At this stage, the First Lady was reorganization phase that the President created
already governor of Metro Manila and since the through still another Presidential decree, a full
HSC spun off from a primarily research blown department for planning of human set-
agency, this might partly explain why she was tlements called the Ministry of Human Settle-
not tapped to .head the Commission. Instead, ments, appointing to the position of Minister,
chairmanship of the HSC was given to one of the First Lady of the Land. It was at her swear-
the noted academicians of the country, who ing into office that she announced a policy of
was President of the Development Academy simultaneous attack on the ills that plagued
of the Philippines or DAP, the agency which both the urban and rural areas and which high-
mounted the first major research program on tened the disparity between them. This ap-
human settlements. This was Dr. Onofre D. peared to be a major turning point in the evolu-
Corpuz. At the time of his appointment to the tion of the institution of urban administration.
Commission, he was also concurrently the Pres- Organized as a regular department, the MHS
ident of the University of the Philippines, the would now engage in project development and
state University of the country. It was only implementation which included' new towns de-
logical therefore, that he would tap a number velopment, housing complexes, etc. Unlike the
of academicians of the University to support Metropolitan Manila Commission which was
him in this major undertaking. This will explain concerned onlv with the Metropolitan area of
why, even in the recent past, an examination of Manila, the MHS's domain was the whole coun-
the roster of the top officials of the MHS, will try.
reveal many of them as faculty members or The evolution of the Ministry best docu-
graduates from the University, more particu- ments the various phases undergone as a res-
larly from the School of Urban and Regional ponse of the government to the country's urban
Planning. Dr. Corpuz has since then left the
University and the HSC, and is at present a
member of the Cabinet, heading the Ministry
of Education portfolio.
The HSC existed for about four years, 41 Th ese were governed by two Presidential edicts,
exercising broadened planning functions which namely P.O. 399 and P.O. 815.


problems, shifting from a basically research- of land use regulatory powers. The HSRC
oriented 'thrust to that of a "wholistlc" or exercises centralized powers in zoning and sub-
total approach which includes project imple- division regulation with review and approving
mentation and direct grass roots delivery of powers over local plans and zoning ordinances.
basic services. This was made possible through Two government agencies which formerly
the adoption of the concept of human settle- existed as autonomous administrative bodies
ments which was concerned with improving placed under the supervision of the Office of
the quality of life in any human settlements, the Presisent, namely the National Environ-
rural or urban. mental Protection Council and the National
If the 'importance given to urban adminis- Pollution Control Commission have likewise
tration can be measured by the size and com- been attached to the Ministry. This has made
plexity of the government body vested with it clear that the main concern of the Ministry
this task, then this government function can be which is the regulation and management of
considered as enjoying top level priority. It is urban growth encompasses the area of envi-
because the MHS has accomplished what many ronmental protection and management.
urban administrators and observers have con- At no stage in the planning history of the
country has there been such a total and com-
sidered in the past as an impossible if not a
prehensive approach to urban problems. While
miraculous task, that of placing under one huge
umbrella organization a number of corporations the central physical planning bodies in the past
and agencies concerned, among others, with were concerned merely with policy formula-
tion, standard setting, and plan preparation
housing provision and housing finance, en-
with hardly any plan implementationfunctlons,
vironmental protection and management and a
the MHS was now engaged in policy formula-
comprehensive land use regulatory system.
tion, plan preparation, project implementation
Many of the entities performing these functions
and land use regulation, with extensive review
used to function independently of each other
and approving powers over plans and zoning
and coordination was effected both through
ordinances of local governments. This has
formal and informal channels. The MHS, how-
distinguished the MHS from the top econo-
ever, took under its wings these agencies as
mic planning body in the country, the National
part of the so-called wholistic or total approach
Economic and Development Authority (NE-
to urban development. DA), which has remained an advisory and con-
For instance, the MHS now has under it a sultativebody to the President and his cabinet
Development Corporation (HSDC) which serves with nominal and limited powers of imple-
as its implementing arm. Its functions are mentation. This distinction has come into focus
supplemented by a number of other corpora- with the re-examination of the theory that the
tions engaged in implementing and carrying only "implementation" functions that a central
out various human settlements projects. Urban planning body should possess should be limited
renewal and removal of urban blight, sites and to that of "coordinating implementation"
services functions are vested in a National since implementation is done by line agencies
Housing Authority likewise attached to the or the regular ministries of the government. The
Ministry. This has placed the Ministry in the fact that "human settlements" has been given a
forefront of housing, engaging as it does in liberal interpretation has further expanded the
massive home building and renewal of dep- scope of responsibilities of the MHS to include
ressed and blighted areas all over the country. various types of projects.
The MHS also has a regulatory and enforce- The MHS, like other ministries and agencies
ment arm known as the Human Settlements of the government, has been in a perpetual
Regulatory Commission or HSRC which is state of reorganization in response to expanding
gradually but certainly moving in the direction needs of the population and to keep abreast
of effecting a synchronized regulatory system of new development, both nationally and in-
(SRS) by consolidating in itself various forms ternationally. Indeed, the organizational struc-

Urban Development

ture of the government has undergone several claimed as a major step in this direction. The
major changes reflective of changes in poli- Code, for instance, authorizes local govern-
cies and approaches to urban development. ments to raise their own sources of revenues to
This can be read as part of the comprehensive augment their funding sources for development
institutional response to urban growth dyna- purposes. Selective decentralization and devolu-
mics. tion of functions to capable local governments
Reinforcing the work of the MHS in project is also made possible. The Code also mandate
implementation are various government offices the creation of the position of planning and de-
concerned with the implementation efspecific velopment coordinator in all local government
planning projects, which are multi-secteral in units to take care of local planning and imple-
nature and which cut across the responslbiti- mentation.
ties of several government ministries and agen- As earlier observed, the institutional res-
cies. This is exemplified by projects known as ponse to urban development has been two
integrated area development projects implemen- pronged - covering both the urban and rural
ted under the auspices of the NACIAD or the areas in a simultaneous and comprehensive ap-
National Coordinating Council for Integrated proach. This response regards urban problems
Area Development. 42 The lead agency ap- as multi-faceted and invariably, linked with
proach in administering multi-sectoral projects issues and conflicts that confront the rural areas
has been adopted whereby the agency primarily and the rest of the country.
concerned with the main component of the
project is made the head of the planning pro-
ject. This particular response underscores the IV. Summary
country's approach to urban-rural development
which is resource-oriented, totally unhampered It is not easy to put together in one paper an
by geographical limitations. extensive discourse of the institutional res-
Complementary to these institutional res- ponses that the Philippines has taken. A sum-
ponses are the more serious efforts to strength- mary would appear to be the most practical
en local governments all over the country, num- approach from which it is hoped tne specifics
bering several thousand units. The enactment of could be further pursued later. This may be an
the Constitutionally mandated Local Govern- oversimplistic approach but, then, it is difficult
ment Code 4 3 which is the codification of to capsulize the developments in the last 10
several existing laws on local governments, years in a single discussion paper.
intended to transform local governments into The following are what appear to be some
autonomous, self-reliant and true partners of of the more significant institutional reforms in
the national government if development is pro- urban administration.
1. More rational and operational linkage
between physical and economic plan-
ning effected among others, through
42 The NACIAD was created by Presidential Decree the following:
No. 1378 which has since then undergone a number of a. Inter-locking membership between
major amendments.
the two bodies, the MHS and the
43 The Batas Pambansa 337, otherwise known as NEDA.
the Local Gover~ment Code was enacted by the Ba-
tasang Pambansa on January 24, 1983 and approved
b. Requirements that the Multi-Year, and
by the President on February 10, 1983. It took some Annual Human Settlements Plan shall
10 years to produce this Code, work having started be in accordance with the Philippine
as early as 1973. The enactment of a Local Govern-
ment Code is in compliance with a Constitutional Economic Development Plan.
mandate for a Code on local government administra- c. Clearer delineation and allocation of
tion, defining "a more responsive and accountable functions such that national and re-
local government. . . ." Antonio Orendain, B.J. Phil-
ippine Local Government Code Annotated, (Alpha gional planning shall be vested in the
Omega Publications: Philippines) 1983. p. 1. NEDA and sub-regional planning in


the MHS. 4 4 istrative institutions created, modified, merged

2. A more serious effort at linking planning or expanded, all undertaken with the objective
with budgeting, both at the national and of providing the institutional mechanism to
regional levels. cope with the problems arising from urban
3. Adoption of regional planning, both as an growth, the track record of the country appears
approach and as an end to national dev- impressive. The problems arising from urban
elopment. growth have been attacked from all fronts:
4. More comprehensive regulation system housing and social services and facilities, econo-
which combines zoning and subdivision mic support systems, environmental protection
and 'building control measures. and zoning and regulation.
5. Introduction of a housing concept which A very dynamic response, however, is double
ties it up with its livelihood component. edged because the same feature of flexibility
6. Introduction of a movement which ena- could and has, in fact, in some instances, cre-
bles the ordinary citizen to engage in ated some of the difficulties that these institu-
small scale activities through what is tions now face. For one, while new institu-
known as Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaun- tions may easily be created, the human com-
laran or the KKK. Tied up with this is a ponents who operate these institutions do not
system of marketing, processing and easily adjust to such changes. This is under-
infrastructure support. standable because individual and group out-
7. Encouragement and incorporation of self look, attitudes and perceptions which have
help and community participation in long been developed and sustained can be
many of the programs for housing - deeply entrenched and cannot undergo imme-
including the submission to public hear- diate changes to match institution building and
ing of most of the local plans. 4 s innovations.
8. Joint public-private sector participation Institutional changes have, thus, been ac-
has also been encouraged and has actual- companied by corresponding upgrading and
ly materialized. training programs and seminars which seek to
reorient decision makers, implementors and
V. Conclusions their technical staff on the implications of these
innovations. Corporate planning which used
Judged by the numberof new policiesformula- to be the exclusive domain of the private sec-
ted or innovated on and the number of admin- tor has become a regular exercise aimed at
formulating specific programs of action of the
agency and regularly reviewing how far gone
44 V ery recently, on August 2, 1983. President
these activities are. Consisting generally of lec-
Marcos issued Letter of I nstructions No. 1350 en-
titled "Providing for the Institutional Framework tures and group dynamics, with a duration of
for National Physical Planning." Among others, it anywhere from several days to a few weeks,
created a National Land Use Committee (N LUC)
the impact of these training and re-orienta-
to prepare and periodically revise an integrated Na-
tional Physical Framework Plan to be consistent with tion programs cannot and should not be over-
the NEDA's Philippine Development Plans. LOI 1350 estimated. However, competing with a daily
is credited with delineating more clearly the functions
working environment which espouses and en-
of MHS vis a vis the NEDA. It provides that the NEDA
"shall be primarily responsible for physical planning courages practices different from those dis-
at the national and regional levels," (Sec. 3) while the coursed on in these short programs, it is too
MHS shall, "within the context of and consistent with
much to expect that these programs could
the national and appropriate regional physical frame-
work plans, be responsible for undertaking ... general effectively or immediately modify attitudes
human settlements planning at the subregional levels." and values supportive of re-structured insti-
(Sec. 4).
4S It is beyond the concern of this paper to look Likewise, an approach which tackles simul-
at how effective these community responses have
been except to say that in many cases, there have been
taneously all problems even if they are inter-
definite benet its arising from them. related, given the obvious financial and techni-

Urban Development

cal constraints is not as effective as a more never implemented. Most of these policies have
selective identification and solution of the found themselves in various laws, Presidential
more serious problems, especially where the decrees and other forms of presidential and
efforts are sustained and continuing. legislative issuances, although some have been
A very dynamic response in institution verbally articulated by the President of the
building for urban administration has likewise Republic and some members of his cabinet. The
created some amount of overlapping and dupli- fact that these policies, both written and verbal,
cation of functions which have triggered the have been issued in such rapid succession has
creation of several inter-agency or inter-minis- resulted in a phenomenon which predictably
terial committees or ad hoc commissions. The is not peculiar to negate the beneficial effects
desire to avoid conflicts of jurisdiction and of those earlier issued. This has demanded the
ensure coordination and synchronization of ef- creation of a clearing house to ensure that poli-
forts has been responsible for many of these cies complement and enhance rather than con-
multi-sectoral bodies with membership from flict and negate each other.
practically all the agencies with planning or The frequency of the issuance of these
planning-related functions. This has made policies has not also been matched by the
these bodies unwieldy and sometimes un- promptness in their publication or dissemi-
productive. The fact that with the limited corps nation, thus keeping a lot of people affected
of senior professional planners in the country, by these policies usually unaware of their
the top posts in these bodies are generally occu- existence. In a few cases, even the ministries
pied by practically the same members has some- which are supposed to implement these policies
how counteracted the negative effect of large are not aware of the additional tasks with
inter-agency bodies. Coordination has come which they are mandated. Likewise, the offi-
about naturally in some cases, through the cials concerned are not usually prepared or
mechanism of inter-locking directorates. How- trained on the proper implementation of these
ever, much can be said about over burdening policies are now forewarned of their possible
these limited cadre of professional planners implications thus resulting to some amount of
who, in many instances have to delegate subs- otherwise avoidable confusion. In some
tantive decision-making powers to their subor- instances, some of the resulting effects of these
dinates who may not be prepared or inclined policies were, in fact, not foreseen and their
to assume such responsibilities. disadvantages have thus outweighed the
In the realm of policy making, at no stage benefits resulting from them.
in the planning history of the country has there The martial law period (1972-1981) which
been such a prolific production of new or modi- was characterized by the concentration of
fied policies ranging from the use and allocation legislative and executive powers in the President
of urban lands to the development of housing has led to a situation where policy making
schemes and techniques, and even to one parti- responsibility could not definitely be pin-
cular policy which attempted to limit migration pointed since, although promulgated under
to Metropolitan Manila,46 which, however, was the signature of the Chief Executive some of
these policies emanated from various officials
and unofficial sources. In some instances, self-
46T h is policy was embodied in Letter of Instruc- interest or even self-preservation of certain
tions (LOI) No. 712, which expressed the need for the
government not only to stop the exodus into Greater government agencies or officials and staff have
Manila but to reverse it. The LOI directed the Metro- resulted in policies which served parochial or
politan Manila Waterworks System, the National Hous- vested interests to the sacrifice of the greater
ing Authority and the National Pollution Control
Commission to undertake a study of the problem, and public interest.
possible solutions, particularly how the reversal of Policy modification or revisions under the
migration to Manila may be effected. It suggested the
politico-legal situation given above, were like-
prohibition of any movement for the purpose of resi-
dence into Metropolitan Manila unless there is proof wise not difficult. This has not helped the
of availability of facilities. situation any because, sometimes policies were


changed or modified, again with the concerned more selective. The emerging role of MHS in
agencies remaining unaware or uninformed. Poli- these difficult times would be to effectively
cies were also changed to meet particular exi- coordinate and orchestrate project implemen-
gencies or crisis situations, as perceived by the tation, rather than join the bandwagon of
decision makers or implementors. This, in turn, implementors. It should ensure that more than
has resulted in a community response usually lip service is paid to the planning cliche that all
characterized by a "wait and see" attitude. activities shall be "in accordance with the
This has been borne out of their personal ex- Plan."
perience that these policies may still undergo Third - With very strong clamor for stronger
changes anyway and that the best attitude is local governments and with growing planning
in action until all possible issues attendant to expertise in the countryside, MHS and other
them could be threshed out and resolved. Com- line ministries will decentralize its powers in
pliance with or conformity to these policies favor of local governments and local planning
has therefore been less than enthusiastic. units. There will definitely be a move in the
What lies ahead for urban administration in direction of de-regulation or at least, a simpli-
the Philippines in the light of the social and fication of the growing array of rules and pre-
political upheaval that now confronts the scriptions affecting both urban and rural areas,
country? There are as many answers as the with which, in some instances, have been coun-
Filipinos to whom this question will be posed. ter productive.
The following projections are based on the Fourth - With all these developments, pri-
perception of an academician who makes it vate sector participation is expected to expand
not from the relatively secure place in the and grow and become more meaningful. The
university but as one who has actually partici- way has been paved in other areas of govern-
pated in these reorganization efforts, I dare ment concern and there seems to be no other
make the following projections. way but to sustain these trends.
The underlying strand in these projections is
First - Institutional mechanism for urban
an optimism based on the fact that having built
administration will move in the direction of
up planning capabilities in the process of insti-
simplification. Having reached almost the apex
tution building, and having seen the various
of its development, with practically all the ma-
prospects and alternatives for urban adminis-
jor human settlements functions concentrated
tration, it is unlikely that the planners and ad-
in the MHS, the way points to a reduction and
ministrators who have all been participants in
consolidation of its functions, shedding off in
this exciting adventure would choose to aban-
the process, activities and undertakings which
don the effort. These administrators may, in
could otherwise be performed by other exist-
the meantime. agree to take a low profile and
ing agencies or regular ministries of the govern-
give way to what would be considered as more
ment. important priorities in the government, but
Second - With serious financial problems this will be temporary and only for the pur-
confronting the country now, project imple- pose of re-harnessing and regenerating their
mentation of certain categories, affecting, for energies for more directed planning activities
instance, infrastructure development, would be
in the future.
reduced; and development projects would be


JEJOMAR C. BINAY is a Graduate Student at the School of Urban and

Regional Planning, University of the Philippines. He is pursuing
a Diploma in Land Use Planning and he also holds a Bachelor of
Laws degree as well as a Master's Degree in National Security
Administration. He is currently the municipal mayor of
Makati, Metro Manila.

HERCULANO A. FELIAS, JR. is a Graduate Student at the Science

University of Tokyo, Japan. He is pursuing a Doctorate in Civil
Engineering (Transportation Option) and now holds a Master's
Degree also in Civil Engineering from the Kyushu Institute of
Technology, Japan. He currently works with the University of
the Philippines Transport Training Center.

ASTEYA M. SANTIAGO is Dean and Professor at the School of Urban

and Regional Planning . She obtained a bachelor's degree in
Law at the University of the Philippines and a master's degree
in Town and Country Planning at Sydney University. She has
written numerous articles in housing, public administration and
urban planning, and has served as consultant to various
government agencies as well as private organizations.

ERNESTO M. SEROTE is Assistant Professor at the School of Urban and

Regional Planning. He holds two master's degrees: Urban and
Regional Planning and Urban Studies at the University of the
Philippines and the University of Sussex respectively. He has
been involved in the drafting of the country's land use policies
with the National Land Use Committee and as a Consultant to
DEN R's Natural Resources Management and Development

HISAO UCHIYAMA is an Associate Professor at the Science University

of Tokyo, Japan. He has been involved as a specialist in various
transportation ventures in several countries. This includes his
involvement as a Visiting Professor at the University of the
Philippines Transport Training Center as an expert for the Japan
International Cooperation Agency.

Notes to Contributors

1. The Philippine Planning Journal publishes 4. The covering page of the manuscript should
articles which contribute to the body of contain the title, author's name, highest
knowledge in the fields of urban and region- educational attainment, current position,
al planning. Papers for publication should institutional affiliation with full address,
be sent in duplicate to: and the month and year of submission to
The Director the journal.
Research and Publications Division 5. Footnotes should be kept short and nurn-
School of Urban and Regional Planning bered consecutively using superscript arabic
University of the Philippines numerals. References should be cited using
Second Floor, SURP Building the author and year format, i.e. Carino
E. Jacinto St., UP Campus (1986). The complete Iist of references
Diliman, Quezon City cited should be provided at the end of the
Tel. No. - 96-21-20 manuscript following the standard biblio-
FAX - 9B-3595 graphic format.
2. Submitted manuscripts should be original 6. All diagrams, graphs, maps and photographs
unpublished work. Only manuscripts which should be labelled as figures and numbered
have not been submitted to other journals consecutively in the text of the report.
will be accepted. 7. An original copy of the photographs used
3. The manuscript should be typed double- should be submitted. Photographs should
spaced on one side of the page only. It be glossy and of good quality.
should not exceed forty pages including 8. A copy of the edited version of submitted
tables, figures and other annexes.. The manuscripts will be given to authors for
dimension of the paper should be B 1/2" x their verification and comments before
11". Along with the hard copy, the author it is published.
should submit a copy of his floppy disk 9. Authors will receive ten (10) copies of the
specifying the word processing program issues which contain their articles.



Urban and Regional


University of the Philippines

School of Urban and Regional Planning
The Master of Arts Program of the D.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning focuses on urban and
regional planning as a strategy for national development. It is designed to produce capable planners
whose training and outlook will fit the needs of developing countries such as the Philippines. It takes
three semesters to two years of full-time and about three years of part-time study to obtain the degree.
The Program is designed for those who plan to work mainly with public or private planning and development
agencies, those who wish to pursue Ph.D. degree training and expect to be engaged mainly in research
and teaching in this field, and those who intend to pur,sue individual careers primarily as private planning
practitioners. The Program includes two study options, thesis and non-thesis, and three alternative areas
of specialization: urban planning, regional planning, and transportation planning.

Admission Requirements

Thc minimum requirement to enter the Program is an undergraduate degree from a recognized university or college. Preference
is given to applicants who have work experience in planning and' planning related activities and who had their first degree
in planning, architecture, economics, business administration, engineering, geography, law and public administration.

The Study Program

Plan A (Thesis) Plan B (Non-Thesis)

Core Courses 12 units Core Courses 12 units

Field of Specialization Courses 15 Field of Specialization Courses 15
Master's Thesis 6 Special Problems 6
Electives 6
Total TOk11 39 units

Application forms for admission are available on request from the Admissions Committee. For more information write:
The Director of Graduate Studies, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Philippines, Dillman, Quezon
City, Philippines (Tel. 971637, 962120, Fax 983595)

The Faculty

Alex Q. Cabanilla, MURP Dolores A. Endriga, MRP Emesto M. Scrotc, MURP

Candido A. Cabrido Jr, Ph.D. Rosario D. Jimenez, MURP Federico B. Silao, MPA
Primitive C. Cal, Ll.B. Ph.D. Roque A. Magno, MTCP Cynthia D. Turingan, Dip. CRDP
Gerardo S. Calabia, MCRP Zenaida A. Manalo, Ph.D. Lita S. Velmonte, Dip. UrS
Benjamin V. CariI~o, Ph.D. Jaime U. Nierras, MUP Leandro A. Viloria, DPA
Arturo G. Corpuz, Ph.D. Asteya M. Santiago, Ll.B. MTCP



Urban and Regional

University of the Philippines
School of Urban and Regional Planning
The Ph.D. Program of the U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning focuses on urban and regional
planning as a strategy for national development. It is designed to equip students with qualifications
and highly specialized professional skills necessary for assuming responsible planning and related positions
in the public and private sectors. The Program is also designed for academics engaged in teaching
and research and for practitioners involved in the formulation and implementation of urban and regional
planning policies. The Program is open to candidates from a wide variety of disciplines, such as architecture,
planning, economics, geography, sociology, law, engineering, agriculture, relevant to urban and regional
planning and development.
Admission Requirements

Admission to the Ph.D. program in Urban and Regional Planning requires the applicant to have a bachelor's degree or master's
degree from a recognized institution and scholastic records that meet the University's standards. Applicants with substantial
work experience in planning or planning-related activities, or who hold or have held responsible positions or planning-related
activities are given special consideration.

The Study Program

Plan I Plan 2
Planning core courses 18 units 6 units Plan 1 is the course work for a holder
Specialized courses 21 9 of either a bachelor's degree or a
Cognate courses 9 9 master's degree in a non-planning field
Doctoral dissertation 12 12 whereas Plan 2 is the course work
Comprehensive exam for a holder of a master's degree in
Total 60 units 36 units planning.


Application forms for admission are available on request from the Admissions Committee. For more information write:
The Director of Graduate Studies, School of Urban and Regional Planning; University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon
City, Philippines (Tel. 971637, 962120, Fax 983595)

The Faculty

Alex Q. Cabanilla, MURP Dolores A. Endriga, MRP. Erncsto M. Scrotc, MURP

Candido A. Cabrido Jr, Ph.D. Rosario D. Jimenez, MURP Federico B. Silao, MPA
Prirnitivo C. Cal, Ll.B. Ph.D. Roque A. Magno, MTCP Cynthia D. Turingan, Dip. CRDP
Gerardo S. Calabia, MCRP Zenaida A. Manalo, Ph.D. Lila S. Velmonte, Dip. UrS
Benjamin V. Carino, Ph.D. Jaime U. Nicrras, MUP Leandro A. Viloria, DPA
Arturo G ..Corpuz, Ph.D. Asteya M. Santiago, Ll.B. MTCP

Land Use Planning

University of the Philippines
School of Urban and Regional Planning
The Diploma in Land Use Planning Program of the u.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning is
designed to enable professional planners, especially those employed by the government, to respond more
effectively to the steadily increasing demands of their positions. It caters especially to the needs of
local government planners, including those at the municipal, city, and provincial levels, who have been
tasked with much broader and more detailed planning duties and responsibilities by the 1991Local Government
Code. Other government planners involved in the use, regulation, and rehabilitation of land are also
expected to benefit significantly from participating in the Program. The Program can be completed
in two semesters. Diploma Program students may apply for admission to the School's masters program
after completing the four courses required for the first semester.

Admission Requirements

The minimum requirements to enter the Program arc: an undergraduate degree and planning or planning-related experience
of at least two years. Priority will be given to Municipal, City, and Provincial Planning and Development Coordinators
and other technical personnel of government planning offices. An admissions committee will evaluate applications and may
interview applicants and administer aptitude examinations.

The Study Program

First Semester Second Semester

P20t Fundamentals & Practice of Planning P21O.1 Urban Planning Workshop
P210 Urban Land Use Planning P213 Urban Plan Implementation
P2t4 Planning Analysis P222 Resource Use and Development
P299 Research Methods in Planning

Application forms for admission are available on request from the Admissions Committec. For more information write:
The Director of Graduate Studies, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Philippines, Dillman, Quezon
City, Philippines (Tel. 971637, 962120, Fax 9R3595)

The Faculty

Alex Q. CabaniJla, MURP Dolores A. Endriga, MRP Emcsto M. Scrote, MURP

Candido A. Cabrido Jr, Ph.D. Rosario D. Jimenez, MURP Federico B. Silao, MPA
Primitivo C. Cal, Ll.B. Ph.D. Roque A. Magno, MTCP Cynthia D. Turingan, Dip. CRDP
Gerardo S. Calabia, MCRP Zenaida A. Manalo, Ph.D. I.ila S. Vclmoruc, Dip. LJrS
Benjamin V. Carino, Ph.D. Jaime U. Nierras, MUP Leandro A. Viloria, DPA
Arturo G. Corpuz, Ph.D. Astcya M. Santiago. Ll.B. MTCP
****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

ASTEYA M. SANTIAGO, Ll.B. (cum laude), M.T.C.P., Certificate in Government Management, Dean
L1TA S. VELMONTE, B.S. (Social Work), Diploma in Urban Studies, Secretary
ARTURO G. CORPUZ, B.S. (Architecture), M. (Regional Planning), Ph.D. (URP),DirectorofGraduate
CANDIDO A. CABRIDO, JR., B.S. (Medical Technology/Biology), M.S. (Biology), Diploma & M.S.
(Environmental Engineering), Ph.D. (Environmental Science), Director of Research and
FEDERICO B. SILAO, A.B. (Political Science), M.P.A., Director of Training
NICOLAS R. CUEVO, B.S. (Commerce), Ll.B. Administrative Officer


Science), Diploma in Integrated M.A. (Economics), Certificate in
Surveys, M.U.R.P., Assistant Special Program in Urban and
Professor Regional Studies (SPURS), M.A.
CANDIDO A. CABRIDO, JR., B.S. (Medical (URP), Ph.D. (URP), Associate
Technology/Biology), M.S. (Biology), Professor
Diploma & M.S. (Environmental JAIME U. NIERRAS, B.S. (Architecture), M.S.
Engineering), Ph.0. (Environmental (Urban Planning), M.S. (Tranportation
Science), Assistant Professor Planning, Associate Professor
PRIMITIVO C. CAL, B.S.C.E., M. Eng. ASTEYA M. SANTIAGO, Ll.B. (cum laude),
(Transportation Engineering), Ph.D. M.T.C.P., Certificate in Government
(Transportation Planning), Ll.B., Management, Professor
Professor ERNESTO M. SEROTE, A.B. (English),
GERARDO S. CALABIA, B.S. (Agriculture), Diploma in Integrated Surveys,
M.A. (Community and Regional M.U.R.P., Master in Urban Studies,
Planning), Professor Assistant Professor
BENJAMIN V. CARINO, B.A. (P.A.) M.A. FEDERICO B. SILAO, A.B. (Political Science),
(Political Science), Ph.D. (Political M.P.A., Professor
Science), Professor CYNTHIA D. TURINGAN, B.A. (P.A.),
ARTURO G. CORPUZ, B.S. (Architecture), M. Diploma in Comprehensive Regional
(Regional Planning), Ph.D. (URP), Development Planning, Associate
Assistant Professor Professor
DOLORES A. ENDRIGA, A.B. (Psychology), L1TA S. VELMONTE, B.S. (Social Work),
M.A. (Sociology), M.R.P., Associate Diploma in Urban Studies, Associate
Professor Professor
Diploma in Comprehensive Regional Science), M.P.A., M.A. (Community
Development Planning, M.A. (URP), and Regional Planning), D.P.A.,
Associate Professor Professor
ROQUE A. MAGNO, B.S. (G.E.), M.T.C.P.,
Associate Professor

Research Staff
DELIA R. ALCALDE, A.B. (Sociology), EMILY M. MATEO, B.S. (Foreign Service),
University Researcher /I M.A. (URP), University Researcher I
CARMELITA R.E.U. L1WAG, A.B. (Political HONORIO T. PALARCA, B.S. (Architecture),
Science), M.A. (URP), M.R.R.P., University Research Associate I
University Researcher I

Training Staff
ATHENA F. AZARCON, B.S. (Business Administration), M.U.R.P., University Extension Specialist

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