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A day with NO rules

by Radu Alexandru Nicolae

In my opinion, in a day with no rules life would probably be much harder. I don’t say it won’t be
cool too, just do whatever you want, but at the same time it will be quite dangerous, and it won’t
make sense for some people.

To start off I will talk about our instinct that when we have no rules, we make our own ones, so
we can live for something. First of all, think about driving: as I grew up, I always wanted to drive
the car. In a world with no rules I could do that. If kids could drive, they won’t put just their life in
danger, but others’ too. It won’t be safe for anyone. People won’t respect any traffic laws, they
would drive while they are drunk and that means that people would be killed with no judgment
for the guilty ones.
Let’s take another example: doctors. If there won’t be any rules they won’t have to go to work or
even if they would go, they won’t respect the hygiene rules and lots of people would get sick. If
doctors won’t go to work, a lot of sick people would just die and that would be catastrophic.
Now let’s talk about my life in a day with no rules. I would definitely not go to school in a day like
this! I would borrow an expensive car and drive it through the city doing whatever I want. I will
eat only fast food and drink coke all day. I would probably go rob a bank so that I have money
when the day ends. Basically, I would enjoy every single second in that day! But, if I won’t go to
school, I won’t get a good job later, so I won’t have any money to support myself – that means
my life will be a great mess.
I guess the most important thing is that whatever we do, there will always be someone that no
one can beat or outsmart, and that person would eventually create some rules. For instance,
look how it goes for the animals: the pray becomes the predator and the predator eventually
becomes the prey. It’s the same thing for people: there is all about that someone who is over
you – this is the so called “hierarchy”.
In conclusion, I think living with no rules would create disasters, a lot of people would die
and the ones who are lucky enough and don’t die, won’t really have a great life. In my view,
living with no rules would be impossible and we will always make our rules to live by them.


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