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Nama : saskia nur rahma

Kelas : XI IPA 3
Write a text of Analytical Exposition.
Covid 19
Hello, good morning ma’am inna and friends, I would like to tell you about the
corona virus or can be called covid-19. There have been of Covid-19 in the last two years
to be exact in 2020, in Indonesian. The first time there was a case of covid, in country
China, in the city of wuhan in 2019. Well, the fact is that the number of people infected
with the COVID-19 virus is still increasing in Indonesia, but some people still ignore
health protocols by not wearing masks and keeping their distance.
First, the government must be firm with people who do not comply with health
protocol by giving them sanctions so that the community feels ashamed and will not do it
again. Sanctions given, for example not wearing a mask, will be sweeping the street by
wearing cleaning clothes belonging to the cleaning staff.
second, if sanction violators of health protocol, they will be more responsible.
Because we can prevent the covid virus by complying with health protocol, for example
wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, and
limiting mobility (5M).
Based on the arguments I said the covid-19 virus is very dangerous. It is important
for us Indonesians to maintain our health and avoid the virus as much as possible. because
we may not feel that we are infected with the virus, but we must prevent bad things by
keeping our distance and wearing masks.

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