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Group Assignment [MKT328m]

Name of group member Contribution (%)

1. Đặng Hoàng Anh 100%

2. Nguyễn Thị Tường Vy 100%

3. Lại Lê Ngọc Thư 100%

4. Phạm Huỳnh Như 100%

5. Hồ Đức Thịnh 100%

6. Dương Bảo Hân 95%

Cần Thơ, 21/10/2023

MKT328m-Digital Marketing 2
Assignment Group
Student Date 21-Oct-
Group 6
Group: Due: 2023

List of No of
group: Words:

Topic: Nhomnaybanso in digital world 2,866

I. Executive summary................................................................................................................ 2
II. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2
A. Brand analysis ...................................................................................................................... 2
1. Business model ................................................................................................................. 2
2. SWOT strategy ................................................................................................................. 3
3. Online presence ................................................................................................................ 5
4. Target customers............................................................................................................... 5
B. Marketing research ............................................................................................................... 5
C. Campaign objectives and KPIs ............................................................................................ 6
III. Campaign strategy and analysis ........................................................................................... 8
A. Channel strategy ................................................................................................................... 8
B. Content strategy.................................................................................................................... 9
C. Evaluation and control ....................................................................................................... 13
IV. Conclusion and recommendation ....................................................................................... 14
References .................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 17
I. Executive summary
“Nhom nay ban so” is a store of group 6 from class BA1709, at FPT Can Tho
University. We are so glad to see you visit the store "Nhom nay ban so" to discover our
unique products and services.
Because we saw the growing demand for notebooks in Can Tho, we decided to do a
small campaign to sell notebooks to serve that need. The highlight of our research was
understanding the power of small posts with big results. And that's the minigame
campaign we're going to talk about.
We will analyze specific components of our business: SMART goals, fanpage
performance analysis, survey form research, SWOT analysis, our special campaigns.

II. Introduction
A. Brand analysis
1. Business model
“Nhóm này bán sổ” is a store specializing in selling notebooks with the goal of
providing customers with quality and unique products. We understand that everyone has
their own style and preferences, so we have created a diverse collection of colors, styles
and materials, from traditional notebooks to innovative notebooks. With a combination of
quality and beauty, our notebooks are not only useful tools but also a look into your
personalization and style.
Key partners: We cooperate with Crabit with great influence on young people to
import and sell their products. They have up to 355 thousand followers and rated up to
4.9 stars on shopee. This shows that our business partners are extremely qualified.

Key activities: Our main activities include posting notebook content that we sell. We
carefully photograph and professionally edit.
2. SWOT strategy
To determine goals and plans. We must analyze the internals of our strategy. To do
this we use the SWOT tool to find Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. And
combine them to create small strategies and try to complete them in the future.
1. Product diversity: Nhomnaybanso has a wide selection of notebook product lines with
many different designs, which will attract customers with diverse needs.
2. Reach a large customer base: Because the group mainly sells on social networks, it has
a large number of users, opening up opportunities for “nhom nay ban so” to reach a large
customer base.
3. Direct interaction and communication: Nhomnaybanso always communicates and
supports customers promptly through the group's fanpage, this creates a favorable
communication environment to advise, support, and answer customers' questions.
1. Price: One of the main weaknesses of Nhomnaybanso is the product's price.
Nhomnaybanso's prices are higher than other competing stores, so customers can choose
to shop elsewhere to save costs.
2. No online sales website: Nhomnaybanso does not have a separate online sales website,
which may limit Nhomnaybanso's reach to some customers.
1. Cooperation with supply partners and manufacturers: If the order quantity is too large,
Nhomnaybanso can cooperate with supply partners and manufacturers to provide high-
quality products and prices more competitive. Partnerships can bring mutual benefits in
terms of market access, joint advertising, and supply of goods.
1. Fierce competition: It is easy to find many other notebook stores, competing in price
and service. This can be an obstacle to attracting and retaining customers.
2. Technological change: Advancement in technology leads to a change in the way
people choose other storage methods. For example, the popularity of laptops, tablets, and
smartphones may reduce demand for traditional notebooks.
3. New technology and trends: Advances in technology and new trends can cause rapid
From the above elements, we set out small strategies to optimize strengths, seize
opportunities quickly, overcome weaknesses as well as face challenges.
S-W Strategy
Optimize Product Diversity: Upgrade and expand the product portfolio to meet the
diverse needs of customers such as adding other stationery items. And make sure to
always provide a variety of notebooks and other products with diverse designs and useful
Optimize After Sales Service: Continue to provide good after-sales customer
support, including product exchanges if there are problems and assisting with any
customer questions about the product. Build a customer feedback management system to
monitor and improve after-sales service.
O-T strategy
Responding to algorithm changes: In response to algorithm changes on social
media platforms, the plan includes growing your online presence by using a variety of
social media platforms, and sharing a variety of engaging content to maintain access.
In response to algorithm changes, Nhomnaybanso will:
 Create more quality, engaging, and continuous content to maintain
engagement from followers.
 Combining the use of advertising features of social networking sites to
increase target reach.
 Monitor and measure Nhomnaybanso page performance on social media
platforms and adjust content and marketing strategies based on collected

S-O strategy
Cooperation with Partners and Manufacturers: Associate with manufacturers or
suppliers to provide books with competitive prices and higher quality with the goal of
identifying potential partners and establishing long-term cooperation. Thanks to this
cooperation, we can help reduce product prices and increase competitiveness.
W-T strategy
Expanding Customer Reach: We consider expanding the distribution network or
building relationships with distribution partners to reach more customers such as using
social networks and other direct channels (like Instagram, TikTok, shoppe, etc.) to reach
a larger customer audience. And create more online advertising campaigns to attract more
customers. Expanding the market will contribute to creating more access points for
Nhomnaybanso's products.
S-T Strategy
Maintain Quality and Edit Prices: Combine with SO strategy of cooperating with
partners and manufacturers. Thanks to that, we can maintain high levels of product and
service quality, but adjust prices to compete with competitors and adapt to the market.
W-O Strategy
Building an Online Sales Website: If Nhomnaybanso does not have an online sales
website and sees an opportunity to expand its marketing and reach, then we will think
about investing in building an online sales website that can help Nhomnaybanso expand
3. Online presence
Our campaign is only present on one social networking platform: Facebook.
Fanpage: Nhomnaybanso

As of October 21, 2023, we have a total of 84 likes, 86 followers and 567 total
4. Target customers
We understand the need to buy notebooks from a survey of students who need to take
 Age: 12-25
 Gender: male and female
 Income: Low and average
 City: whole country Vietnam (transportation support)
B. Marketing research
Primary research: We interviewed 24 members. Mainly from students and FPT Can
Tho students. First, we want to see if the notebook is a necessary daily product or just
used to record knowledge in class in a normal way. There were 22/24(91.7%) people
choosing yes and 2/22(8.3%) people choosing no. This shows that the use of paper and
pen is still very popular. With today's 4.0 society, it is very easy for us to store take notes
on products such as IPADs, phones, and computers. But data has shown that notebooks
are extremely necessary. The feeling of writing on a page feels much more real than
typing on a computer and thanks to that we will remember the information better.
Next, to understand the top criteria that buyers care about. We surveyed and found the 3
criteria that people choose the most are: material, design and price. With 16/24(66.7%)
people choosing price, 17/24(70.8%) people choosing design, and 18/24(75%) people
choosing material. To solve this problem, we import notebooks with material criteria:
light, warm color, large size. Therefore, most of the books we import will have 80 pages
with a warm yellow color to captivate the writer's eyes in both light and dark conditions.
With a youthful design suitable for GENZ and diverse color combinations such as green
and orange. The nàm biếng, fruits, and donuts collection are extremely beautiful.

C. Campaign objectives and KPIs

We utilize SMART objectives to make it simple to track the accomplishment of the
campaign's objectives and milestones.
S – Specific: Our group wants to increase customer awareness of our brand and stimulate
customer purchases with posts with interesting content. Besides, converting messages from
personal Facebook to Facebook fanpage at the same time is so that all members can know
about business activities and respond to customers ASAP.
M – Measurable: With this budget of 369,000 VND for the whole campaign, our
expectation is 1.5 times the amount spent. About recording the number of books sold and
the revenue from each transaction. Aggregate these figures to calculate the revenue
recognized for each transaction that occurs.
Regarding profits with initial costs, the initial revenue is 579,000 VND including other
revenue. After deducting all expenses our net profit is 210,000VND
The number of customers coming to Fanpage will buy 1-3 notebooks. Besides, there are a
small number of customers who return to our products.
The level of product reach of each of our posts on Facebook is actively interacted with by
everyone and achieves the set goals of our group and that is also the success of the whole
Finally, to thank our customers, we created a mini game for all customers to participate
and the total prize value is up to 100,000 VND
A – Actionable: Our group has put in the effort and intelligence to set goals, and strategies
and even call people to complete the project's goals. We started the strategy by taking
photos of our products. We have a team of photographers with good photography skills
and choose a beautiful location that is bright enough to clearly see the images we post with
the brightest colors possible.
R - Relevant: This project completely uses resources from team members along with good
cooperation and mutual help, thus helping the project optimize initial costs. Besides,
Fanpage also maintains relationships with customers when out of stock and brings comfort,
closeness, value, and satisfaction to customers. Moreover, we also cooperate with other
groups in the classroom with the aim of increasing sales and engagement on Facebook.
T- Time-Bound: The campaign period takes place from September 19, 2023, to October
20, 2023
III. Campaign strategy and analysis
A. Channel strategy
Facebook had 2.989 billion users in April 2023. They are currently placing 1st rank on
social media platforms. (Meta, 2023) And Vietnam has great statistics about people using
Facebook up to 75.6 million people. To seize that opportunity, we run a fanpage campaign
to sell notebooks.
Facebook is a social networking platform where we can interact through likes
and shares. We can see posts with many types such as audio, images, video and even
livestream. This creates the most real emotions for consumers.
B. Content strategy
Content plan

“Coming soon”

With our first post, to get engagement from the first posts. We write a coming soon post
implying that we will be selling notebooks in a certain style in the near future. We take
photos of the notebooks and blur them to create curiosity for customers. Furthermore, we
also talk about why having one to several handbooks is important to awaken and create
demand for customers. Our initial goal is for this article to get 30 interactions. Surprisingly,
we got 36 interactions in just the first 3 days. This number is 20% higher than our original
plan. We also add important keywords so that when customers search, they will find our
“Bài đăng số 1”

For the second post, we posted the first product. The photo was taken at the
campus of FPT Can Tho University with very beautiful light and perspective. In addition,
we have invested a lot in the design so that the photo retains its originality but still has
cute motifs suitable for young people (GenZ). In the first line, we briefly describe the
product. In the following lines, we specifically describe the quality and uses of the
product so that shoppers can understand the product and decide whether to buy it or not.
We also put beautiful icons to create emphasis on each individual line instead of
posts with too many words that make content readers unable to focus. Along with that,
we leave the ordering method to the buyer. My campaign mainly uses two extremely
popular forms today: ordering via text message (inbox) and ordering via phone number.
The article received 41 interactions, compared to the original goal. We exceeded our
target by 20%.
“Bài đăng số 2” and “Bài đăng số 3”
Because consumers are familiar with the way we write content and sell products.
So our 3rd and 4th posts are based on the old content writing style with new products.
Special campaign: “Minigame”
The special strategy we bring is the minigame strategy. This is a strategy that we
consider to be very cost-effective for small and micro businesses. With our minigame
strategy. We ask participants to comment 2 numbers from 0 to 99 then we will randomize
them. Whoever is the least correct or far away from that number will receive the
program's prize. For the first prize: the winner will receive 1 notebook and 1 keychain
made by our team members (handmade). Second prize will receive a notebook. And the
third prize will receive a decorative keychain similar to the style we sold
This strategy is to increase the interaction of the article and the interaction of the
fanpage. The results are so surprising that just thanks to this strategy, we increased new
likes by 20% from 70 likes to 84 likes on October 22, 2023. This article has achieved the
highest post interaction rate among all the articles we have published at 139%. With a
budget of less than 100,000 VND, this is something we have done very successfully.

Picture 1: Like export

For small and micro businesses. We recommend using this marketing method to
save costs but still get very good results. For best results, we encourage businesses to use
minigames and Facebook ads in parallel.
C. Evaluation and control
Fanpage performance
We compare my campaign to some companies in Can Tho.

This is an overview of the fanpage data on facebook of three pages: Hong An

Bookstore Can Tho, Can Tho Educational Equipment Bookstore and This group sells
books. We see that if the number of followers is good, Hong An Bookstore Can Tho is the
highest. with 3.6k, Can Tho Educational Equipment Bookstore is 2.4k, This group's sales
are 86 followers because the channel is newly established so the group will try to
continuously improve product quality content, interacting with members, and promoting
the group helps attract more followers in the future, however "This Group Sells Books"
has an impressive 68% increase in followers and higher interactions significantly compared
to the two bookstores. It shows that the group's engagement strategy is effective in
attracting new members.
We livestream on our fanpage to announce who win the minigame
"Nhom nay ban so" has a video that reached the top 1 video in terms of post
interaction rate. It is a live streaming video to announce the results of the mini game that
our group created to thank customers in the past. Viewers wanted to know the results and
see if they were the winners or not, through this video the team had the opportunity to thank
their customers. This creates connection and loyalty on their part.
However, the number of videos of the group is still quite small. The group will
release many videos with attractive and quality content to help people know more about
the group's products and increase channel interaction.

Budget and expense

As of October 22, 2023, we have sold a total of 32 notebooks. There are 13

notebooks left with a total revenue of 617,000 VND and a total cost of 589,000 VND. In
which we invest 90,000 VND in marketing to achieve marketing benefits.

IV. Conclusion and recommendation

In short, the store "This group sells windows" is committed to providing customers
with a great shopping experience with a wide range of high-quality manual windows. We
understand that every customer has their own needs and style, so we have created a
diverse collection of styles, materials, and designs to meet every request.Quality is one of
our top priorities. We only select products from reputable manufacturers and ensure that
our windows are made from high-quality, reliable, and durable materials.
With experience testing this campaign, we have a suggestion for businesses: We
not only focus on digital advertising tools in the media but also pay attention to prize-
winning gaming programs. Creates a connection between customers and the company,
thereby bringing long-term benefits.
Meta. (2023, 5 11). Meta. Retrieved from

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