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Data Privacy and Compliance

Employee data privacy is increasingly important in the digitalized working
environment, which today includes smart devices, cloud computing and SaaS
• Analyzes metadata, not content
products that handle and collect our data.
• Data is stored locally
Darktrace allows organizations to comply with data protection regulations
• Anonymization mode available and ensure that the handling of personal data is only admissible if expressly
• Unchangeable build-in audit log
permitted. In fact, the use of Darktrace AI actively enforces an anonymized and
compliant security practice.

Artificial Intelligence for Data Stays On Organizations’

Cyber Defense Systems
Darktrace provides an AI cyber security (Cyber AI) platform With Darktrace, all data is stored locally, whether in an
that is proven to protect critical information systems and organization’s cloud or on site at their offices. Data can be
digital networks from potentially devastating cyber-attacks retained for a maximum of 4 weeks, and by being stored on
and data breaches. It does this by automatically analyzing a rolling buffer, the data is automatically deleted as space
activity within the organization and detecting emerging requires. However, storage length can be decreased, and
threats in real time. the data viewed can be anonymized if required. This max-
imizes the control each company has over its own data. If
Minimizing Accessible Data this data needs to be stored for longer, an organization can
choose to export it.
The task of monitoring and analyzing network data was his-
torically performed by (human) security analysts, who not
only struggled to detect every emerging security incident,
Anonymization Mode
but who posed a risk to data privacy as they had access to Darktrace recognizes that different organizations have
large data sets, including personal data. different privacy cultures and regulations. The Darktrace
Cyber AI Platform is therefore adaptable to differing levels
With Darktrace, AI performs this analysis. This not only
of privacy needs.
transforms an organization’s ability to detect advanced
cyber-threats, but drastically reduces the volume of em- Anonymization Mode is a product feature that allows for the
ployee data that is viewable by humans. Indeed, the extent obfuscation of personal data viewed by security analysts. If
to which a human security analyst can view employee data Darktrace Cyber AI detects a security incident that requires
is entirely configurable. human investigation, the ‘unlocking’ of sensitive data may
be requested and granted at the company’s discretion.
Analyzing Metadata, Not Content Anonymized threat alerts can also be delivered to the
A core principle of Darktrace’s approach is to perform all Darktrace Mobile App, or to an organization’s third-party
analysis in a non-invasive manner, analyzing metadata workflow services.
rather than content. Examples of metadata analyzed
Examples of anonymized data are hostnames (e.g. Jane’s
include the time that an asset was created, the byte size of
laptop), IP addresses (e.g. device code), login details for
a document, and the type of file created.
a SaaS account (e.g. Microsoft, Salesforce, GoToMeeting,
etc.), and file names (e.g. Training for New Employees).
Data Privacy and Compliance

Configurable User Permissions Supporting GDPR and Other Privacy

In addition to the restriction of access within Anonymization Regulations
Mode, every action taken in the Darktrace Cyber AI inter-
If a data breach occurs, organizations have 72 hours after
face requires granular permissions. If desired, user visibility
first detection to notify the relevant authorities. Current reg-
can also be restricted to specific subnets.
ulations mandate that the extent of the breach, the affected
For example, a security analyst might only be able to see parties and exactly what data has been compromised
information relating to the marketing team and the sales needs to be detailed.
team, and can be prohibited from seeing information relat-
With Darktrace, it is extremely easy to gather this necessary
ing to the finance team or legal team. The grouping of users
information. Darktrace technology provides companies with
and the selection of security analysts assigned to view
full visibility, an unchangeable audit log and event replay,
specific parts of the network are set by the organization and
enabling and supporting regulatory compliance.
may be changed at any time.

‘Watching the Watchers’

All user activity within the Darktrace Cyber AI interface
is logged in an unchangeable audit log. This applies to
actions performed by both an organization’s employees
and Darktrace Cyber Analysts. The audit details the names
of users, and their activities, with time stamps.
The audit log can be accessed at any time and can also
be forwarded to an organization’s log server. Companies
are thereby provided with full visibility of how Darktrace
safeguards their network and digital infrastructure.

About Darktrace (DARK.L), a global leader in cyber security artificial intelligence, delivers complete AI-powered solutions

in its mission to free the world of cyber disruption. Its technology continuously learns and updates its knowledge of
‘you’ for an organization and applies that understanding to achieve an optimal state of cyber security. Breakthrough
innovations from its R&D Centers have resulted in over 145 patent applications filed. Darktrace employs over 2,200
people around the world and protects c.8,800 organizations globally from advanced cyber-threats.
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Evolving threats call for evolved thinking™

© 2023 Darktrace Holdings Limited. All rights reserved. The Darktrace name, logo, and other trademarks used herein are trademarks of Darktrace Holdings Limited. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

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