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Foreword 1

Chapter 1: Psychology Of Dogs 2

What's Up? 2
A Wolf Descendent 2
Establish An Alpha Role 3
Don’t Bring Jealousy Into Dog's Mind 3
Dog's Memory 4

Chapter 2: Dog Training 4

Benefits Of Dog Training 5
Training Basics 6
The Equipment You Need 9
Start With Easy Commands 11
Moving On To More Advanced Commands 15
Important To Remember 17
Make Sure To Use Rewards And Not Punishment 17
Take A Positive Approach 17
The Trouble With Not Training Your Dog 18

Chapter 3: Nutrition 19
What Your Dog Needs 19
Things That Affect Nutrition Needs Of Your 22
Understanding Ingredients 24
Dry vs. Canned Food 25
Homemade Diets 26
Food Allergies 27
How Much Should You Feed Your Dog? 28
How Often Should You Feed Your Dog? 29

Chapter 4: Health 31
Heartworm, Fleas, And Other Parasites 31
Dental Health 34
Importance Of Physical Examination 36
Nursing A Sick Dog 37
Vaccinations 38
Pet Health Insurance 39
Grooming A Dog 40
Pet Identification 42
Bringing a cute puppy into your home is a great joy that only a
person who does that can experience. Dogs provide you with a
genuine relationship you cannot get anywhere else in the world.

There can be two situations after bringing in a dog, and one of them
is that your kids and family may get hours of entertainment, pure
love, and lots of fun with that dog.

The other situation is embarrassing because your dog can also bring
destruction, chaos, and discipline problems, self-doubt and much
more to your house.

To ensure that you always have the first situation with your dog, you
must train your dog and make sure that he has the proper manners
of living with humans. And you also need to make sure that you as a
dog owner know as much as useful to have a good relationship with
your dog, as well as to do the best possible for him and his health.

You want your furry friend to be happy and healthy, so you need to
pay a lot of attention to nutrition, food, and your dog's health.

At Woofysh, we believe that dogs are some of the most amazing

creatures in the world. There are several factors to consider that you
have a good life with your dog.

Therefore, we help dog owners to improve their and their dog’s life
with accurate information and quality product recommendations.

Chapter 1: Psychology Of Dogs
To train your dog, you must know the exact facts about his
psychology. This chapter will tell all the essential particulars about a
dog's psychology. After you are aware of them, you’re ready to start
train your dog.

What's Up?
There are moments when you will think that "OH! MY DOG HAS HIS
FRAME OF MIND." That is obvious, and your reaction is also
understandable and accurate because almost every dog has his
mind. They can behave hilarious at times, and they can behave in a
hazardous way sometimes. You must moderate their reactions and
ensure they do not overdo those strange acts. To do that effectively,
you need to learn your dog's actions closely, pay close attention to
his actions and reactions, and know which actions trigger which

A Wolf Descendent
To know your dogs' exact psychology and behavior, you must
understand that dogs are descendants of wolves but have just
learned to live with humans. If you observe them closely, you will
know that they still have those wolves' attitudes and traditions.
Wolves live in packs in the wild, and they have a powerful concept of
dictatorship in both males and females, in which they make one wolf
leader of their group. All the other pack's wolves listen to and obey
that alpha leader, usually the biggest male wolf in the pack.

When you bring your dog home, he sees the family as a pack and
tries to observe the whole family system to determine who the alpha
leader of the pack is, and he also determines his role in the pack.

He will notice all the behaviors of family members and will note the
size of all members. He will also note the voice tone of every
member. For example, when a mother speaks highly to his young
son, the dog will instantly feel that the mother is tall in this pack and
has specific authority over other members. It will not take much time
for your dog to figure out the leader of the pack, and once he
identifies him, he will treat him with extra respect and as a master

Establish An Alpha Role

You need to make sure that you establish an alpha role as soon as
possible in the mind of your dog because, in most cases, if the dog
does not come up with a conclusion and when he cannot understand
the hierarchal system, then he will create his system and will put him
in charge. That is where dogs face most behavioral problems, and
their attitude becomes destructive and unacceptable. You should
make him believe that there is a perfect system in place where you
or someone else is the alphas leader but also try to make sure that
your dog is not coming to the end of that system as it will create
doubts in the dog's mind, and he will try to come up in the system.
With proper training, you can make your dog believe that he has a
much-slid position in the family, and he needs to understand that
position and act accordingly. Some families ignore their dogs too
much and treat them even after they are kids, giving the dog an
impression that kids are higher than them in this system. This can
make them aggressive towards children.

Don’t Bring Jealousy Into Dog's Mind

Another very common psychological problem with dogs can be
jealousy. When a new baby is born or you introduce a new pet in the
house, your dog will go through some jealousy, and this jealousy can

either lead to an aggressive attitude or make your dog silent and
quiet. That happens because the dog thought he understood the
whole pack, and this new addition disturbed that complete
understanding. He starts to think about what the place of the new
addition is and how that new addition will treat him. It can
sometimes make him aggressive toward that new pet or baby.
Proper and healthy dog training is the only way out of this situation.
If you keep providing him with the same kind of time and training,
then it will not create any doubts in his mind, and he will know that
his status in the pack is not disturbed with that addition, and he will
have no insecurity or jealousy.

Dog's Memory
Dog's memory is another essential aspect of his psychology. There
has been long research on this topic, but two types of memories are
associated with digs. One recalls a memory, and because of most
research, it has been known that the recall memory of dogs is
relatively short, not more than 2-3 hours. The second type of
memory is the ability to associate, and this memory part of dogs is
quite substantial and long-lasting.

Chapter 2: Dog Training

Let’s start with one of the most important things when getting a dog,
doesn’t matter if it’s a puppy or already an adult dog. This chapter
will tell you all the advantages and incentives you can have with a
trained dog. The main reasons why you need and want to train your
dog are the following:

Essential for building a relationship

Can make the behavior better

Makes your dog more intelligent

Gives a sense of acceptance to dog

Proper training can save your time

Benefits Of Dog Training

Some people think that training is to teach the dog some skills and
tricks, but this is not the actual purpose and benefit of training;
instead, training is an excellent and effective method to build a very
understanding and effective relationship with your dog.

Training starts from the very first day when you bring your dog
home. Your dog watches your actions, and he notices your reactions
to his gestures. He depends upon you for health, food, warmth, and
other essentials. To make training effective and more accessible, you
need to develop trust, and that too mutual trust.

Your dog should trust you, and you should trust your dog for certain
things. This trust also ensures a certain level of confidence in your
and your dog's relationship.

You need to keep in mind that your dog is an animal, and you need
to constantly remind him of all the tricks and skills. Some people
teach a particular talent for a week and then stop, but this is not the
right idea, as your dog will forget it. You should make it your daily
habit to teach something to your dog, no matter how old that trick is,
but you need to keep reminding him.

Dogs are curious creatures and will always explore when you expose
them to new smells, tastes, and similar things. This exploration of
nature can be an efficient and valuable skill.

Still, for that, you need to stimulate the dog's intelligence. They are
intelligent from the inside, but you just need to invoke that
intelligence and make them realize that they can do much more with
those skills.

You just need to think from a dog's perspective that when he spends
time with you in training, he learns new things, explores lots of new
stuff, and is rewarded with different treats. Now, why would he not
pay attention to the training session? So, you just need to initiate a
training program and spend time with your dog.

The nature of dogs is that they try to build their packs and live
accordingly. They try to find that atmosphere in the house too. You
need to know that you may be a master trainer in your home. Still,
everyone else should also participate in that training and should pay
some attention to the dog. This constant attention from the whole
family gives the dog a sense of acceptance, and he starts to take this
family as his pack.

Consistency is the key, and if all your family members are taking part
in dog training, they must ensure that they all use the same methods
because if all of them try different ways, then this will create
confusion in the dog's mind. He will suffer from frustration which can
lead to some negative results.

Training Basics
When should you start your training? You should begin light training
immediately if your puppy is less than three months old. Begin with
potty training and household ground rules, such as where he sleeps,
where he should stay during mealtimes, which rooms he is allowed
in, whether he is allowed on the couch, and so on. A dog's attention

span is long enough to learn basic commands when he is three or
four months old.

Here are the three things you can start training your puppy as the

Potty Training
One of the main areas that cause concern and stress is toilet training
the pet. Some pets are more accessible to train in this area than
others. There are ways to explore when it comes to toilet training a
dog, and with a bit of research and a lot of patience, it is possible to
find the best way to suit both the dog and the owner well.

The following are some steps that can be taken to help train to be
house trained with fewer occurrences of "accidents":

o Picking a particular spot where you want the dog to eventually

identify as the toilet area should be done consistently.

o Observing when the dog is likely to need a toilet break and taking
the animal immediately to the designated area until the deed is
done will teach the animal the significance of the designated area.

o Also, lavishing praise when the act is accomplished will further

help to reinforce the idea behind taking the dog to the specified

o Taking the time to understand the dog is also essential to training

the dog. Most dogs cannot associate disapproval with relieving
themselves, as owners often don't catch them in the act. An
owner's reprimand is usually only meted upon discovery of the
"accident" or mess. Therefore, the animal will eventually associate
the disapproval with the quantity and not the actual action of

relieving itself. The owner must establish objection when the deed
is done rather than after to ensure the animal understands the

Handling Their Area

Another area that is usually a cause for concern is how the dog
behaves in any given environment. Some breeds adapt well to
changes in their surroundings, such as noise levels, weather
conditions, more people present, and anything else that alters the
usual immediate environment of the animal, while others can be
significantly disturbed.

Make sure you already visit places that are new to your young dog.
Do this slowly and with a lot of feeling. Your dog will get used to new
and unfamiliar situations and will be able to handle them better

Damage Things
Training the dog to refrain from destroying anything and everything
around is another area that needs consideration. Many pet owners
often complain about their belongings being damaged by their pets,
and they feel powerless to address this problem. Here with some
research into the matter, the owner should be able to come up with
solutions to dealing with this problem in a rational and non-
threatening manner.

New People
Training a pet to accept a new addition to the family is equally
important, especially when the acquisition of a baby is added.

The Equipment You Need
Having the right dog training equipment is important for ensuring
you get the results you want. No matter how you’re training your
dog, you’ll need a few pieces of equipment to help facilitate the
process. Here are our essential dog-training tools and a few extras
you might want to have on hand.

A clicker can be used to mark desired behavior, both in response to a
cue and when it occurs naturally. Clickers come in various shapes
and sizes, including handheld and wrist strap models. Some leashes
are even equipped with built-in clickers. There are also smartphone
clicker apps and clickers designed for training multiple dogs, each
with its distinct sound.

Target Stick
Targets range from a simple fixed-length stick to something fancier,
such as a stick with an integrated clicker or one that collapses for
easy storage. A target stick can help teach basic behaviors such as
leash walking or more complex tricks such as spin or bow. A serving
or wooden spoon can also be used as a simple DIY target, or you can
forego the equipment and teach your dog to touch and follow a hand

Rewarding your dog keeps him interested and motivated. Individual
canine treat preferences will vary, but soft, meaty treats are
generally canine favorites. Some treats are pre-sized for training,
whereas others must be broken apart or cut down to size before use.
Small treats, about the size of a pencil eraser or a blueberry, are

A Long Line
A long line is a safe and simple alternative to being off leash when
your dog is ready to practice behaviors like long-distance stays and
coming when called. Long lines also allow for exploration during
training breaks and extra space to walk out for activities such as
scent detection. Standard long lines range in length from 15 to 30

Crates, pet gates, pet pens, and playpens can come in handy if you
need to confine your dog in a specific area for house training or
chewing management. A barrier can protect your dog from
potentially dangerous areas such as stairs or the front door. And
with that, he’ll learn where to go or not. Also, it helps to calm down
your dog after an intense training session.

Portable Mat
A portable mat or bed gives your dog a safe place to rest, no matter
where he is. A foldable, washable bed, carpet, or blanket is ideal for
travel and outings. Varieties with a sticky bottom tend to provide
excellent stability on slick surfaces.

Leashes for training range in length from four to six feet. The leash
should be long enough to allow for slight slack when your dog stays
close to you during walks (rather than being pulled tight all the time).
A waist-clip leash will enable you to keep your hands-free during
training sessions. Keep your dog's leashes in easily accessible places,
such as hooks near the door.

Collar And Harness
A flat collar secures your dog's ID tag, which is essential if he escapes
alone. While you can attach a leash to a flat collar, a front-clip
harness is a better option for most dogs because it helps deter
pulling and allows you to guide your dog's movement better.

Toys and play are excellent training rewards for playful canines. The
best types of toys are determined by what your dog finds appealing.
Keep his favorites on hand as a reward for a job well done.

Start With Easy Commands

Teaching a dog to respond to specific commands in a particular way
requires communicating with the animal on a level that can easily be
understood. The dog's response to the commands will indicate the
understanding of the command given, and if the desired outcome is
evident, then the command is considered understood. Therefore, the
owner should ideally take the time to identify a few simple
commands and put them into practice in a simple and non-
threatening way.

The following are some of the more popular and accessible

commands that most dogs can relate to:

Come – this is probably the most critical command that should

be taught to the animal as soon as possible. That is important in
portraying the dog, who is in control, and training the dog until an
immediate response to the command is needed.

How to train your dog to return when called

o Begin training a recall (come when called) in a quiet environment
and indoors.
o Sit with your puppy and call their name or say, "come."
o Give your puppy a treat whenever you say "come/name." They are
not required to do anything at this time! Simply repeat the word
and provide a treat. Easy!
o Next, drop a treat on the floor near you. Repeat their name as
soon as your puppy finishes the treat on the ground. When they
look up, give them another treat.
o Avoid repeating your puppy's name; saying it frequently when
they don't respond encourages them to ignore it. Instead, move
closer to your puppy and go back to a step where they can be
successful at responding to their name the first time. Repeat this a
few times until you can start tossing the treat further away, and
they can turn around to face you when you say their name.
o Begin adding movement and making the game more fun once
your puppy can turn around to face you! Toss a treat on the
ground and walk away while calling your puppy's name. They
should run after you because it's fun to chase!
o Coming to you should be enjoyable! Give them lots of praise and
treats or play with a tug toy when they catch you. Continue to
expand these games over longer distances and in different
locations. When training your puppy outside (always in a safe,
enclosed area), keep him on a long leash first.
o Don't reach out and grab your puppy when they come to you.
Some dogs may find this confusing or frightening. If your puppy is
fearful, kneel and face them sideways while reaching for the

Sit – this is another command popularly taught to the dog as it
enables the owner to get the dog to focus and be still. Whenever
the dog gets too excitable, this command is usually issued to quiet
the animal and create a sense of calm. It is also used when there
is a need to stop the dog from moving around and is especially
useful for mealtimes. Training the dog to sit and wait to be served
its meal is a popular reason for this command.

There are two approaches to teaching your puppy the word "sit."

The first method is known as capturing.

o Hold some of your puppy's dog food or treats in front of him.
o Wait for them to take a seat. Then say "yes" and give them
something to eat.
o Then, take a step back or sideways to encourage them to stand
and wait for them to sit.
o As soon as they sit, give them another treat.
o After a few repetitions, you can start saying "sit" as they sit down.

The following option is known as luring.

o Put yourself before your puppy and hold a treat as a lure.
o Place the treat directly in front of the pup's nose, then gradually
raise the food above its head. They will most likely sit, lifting their
heads to nibble on the treat.
o Allow them to eat the treat when their bottom is in contact with
the ground.
o Repeat with the food lure one or two times, remove the food, and
use only your empty hand, but continue rewarding the puppy
after they sit.

o You can start saying "sit" right before you give the hand signal to
sit once, they understand it.

Necessary: Never force your puppy into a sitting position; this can
be confusing.

Stay – this command is usually given when there is a need to

immobilize the dog immediately with any physical intervention. It
is generally issued to keep the dog from causing a stir or
becoming a nuisance to others around. However, this is not an
easy command to get the dog to participate in as dogs are
generally curious and friendly animals and restraining them can
be a task.

Staying put is a long-term behavior. A puppy who understands the

"stay" cue will remain sitting until you tell him to get up with
another signal known as the "release word." The goal is to teach
your dog to sit until the release cue is given, then gradually
increase the distance.

How to train your dog to stay

o To begin, teach the release word. Choose a word to use, such as
"OK" or "free."
o Stand in a seat or a stand with your puppy, toss a treat on the
floor, and say your command as they step forward to get the treat.
o Staying put is a long-term behavior. A puppy who understands the
"stay" cue will remain sitting until you tell him to get up with
another signal known as the "release word." The goal is to teach
your dog to sit until the release cue is given, then gradually
increase the distance.

o To begin, teach the release word. Choose a word to use, such as
"OK" or "free."
o Stand in a seat or a stand with your puppy, toss a treat on the
floor, and say your command as they step forward to get the treat.
o Continue to build in steps, keeping it simple enough for your dog
to succeed—experiment with facing them and walking away with
your back to them (which is more realistic).

Once your dog can stay, gradually increase the distance.

Moving On To More Advanced Commands

Once a dog has learned all the basic commands, the owner may be
interested in venturing further into some advanced controls for the
dog. These more advanced commands may be an extension of the
present basic ones or something new. However, in most cases, they
are just an extension of orders already well versed for both dog and

Training the place command is perhaps the next step because it is a

follow-up to the sit command. That is a command where the dog
stops at a specific point next to the owner and awaits further
instructions. That can be further extended by getting the dog to
make circular motions around the owner in the quest to be showier
to onlookers.
You can train your dog in many different things, and if we'd talked
about all of them, this e-book would be longer than you want to

You could try three things if your dog already knows the basic

Clicker Training
The clicker method is another positive training method that results
very positively. This method was interesting because it was initially
used for dolphins. In this method, a device is used, and you must
click that device every time your dog does something you approve.
That is an enjoyable and entertaining training method for both of
It is more effective because the sound from that device is faster and,
in most cases, quicker than your voice. Your dog will associate a treat
with every click, which is effective for puppy and adult dog training.

Dog Whispering
That is another training method initially used for horse training, but
now it is very familiar with dog training. In this method, you use your
dog's body language and understand his gestures more properly to
communicate better with him. This training method requires that
you know the dog's body language entirely and then act accordingly
and in a way that the dog should understand better.

Lead And Collar Training

These collars are specially made for dog training, and you control
them with a lead. These collars exert pressure on the dog's neck
whenever you pull that lead. This method is a little hurtful but is
suitable for dogs that are more aggressive towards training and are
not accepting positive training methods. This method should only be
implemented by

Whistle Training
Whistle training is relatively tricky and cannot be used with ordinary
dogs. You always need professional training to properly implement

whistle training because it is used for distance control in hunting and
other similar activities.

Important To Remember
Just decide by yourself what commands your dog should now and
start training them with a lot of patience. Consistency is more
important than what you train your dog: dogs have a short memory
recall, and you need to ensure that you do not stop training your dog
at any point.

You should make it your habit to train your dog every day. Whether
you teach him old tricks, this will help your dog to remember
everything that he learns. Timing is also essential in dog training; you
must ensure that the dog is not bored by your activity. The best
method is to train him in shorter spells, for 10-15 minutes but 2-3
times a day. That will invoke his interest, and he will wait for that

Make Sure To Use Rewards And Not Punishment

Research has proven that rewarding the dog is far more productive
than punishing it in many areas of dog-responsive behavior. That is
very conclusive, and most dog owners now choose rewards over
punishments based on the same evident results.

Take A Positive Approach

A dog trained using the punishment method will usually create an
animal terrified of the owner or trainer. Dogs that respond fearfully
also eventually become desensitized and, in some cases, choose to
ignore the trainer or owner simply due to the confusion the harness
of the punishment causes. Dogs trained to comply based merely on
fear of punishment are a pitiful sight to see and heartbreaking,

especially for the more sensitive individual. That is bad for the dog
and the individual, who will only be traumatized by the training
sessions. Most dog owners will not be able to cope with such a sight
which may even cause the dog further confusion.

Dogs usually respond well to rewards as they will learn to associate

specific behavioral patterns as pleasing to the owner and, therefore,
correct, and acceptable. In contrast, however, the positive approach
of rewards within the training method is usually better received, with
eventual desired results forthcoming. Although most dogs respond
well to rewards and work accordingly with the owner to achieve the
desired results, these rewards must be timed correctly to ensure the
dog understands the particular action required is tagged to the prize.
Therefore, the tip should be instantaneous to the desired action as
soon as it is performed; failing to reward immediately will not help
the dog associate a particular activity with the reward and will only
contribute to confusion.

The Trouble With Not Training Your Dog

Some training sessions were conducted to enjoy a good and
unstrained connection between dog and owner cited. Dog training is
important and essential to having a dog as a pet for several reasons.

A dog that misbehaves can not only be an embarrassment to the

owner but can also end up being a hazardous element to contend
with. Untrained dogs will not quickly respond to commands making
them a menace and a nuisance. Suppose the owner cannot keep the
dog under control, especially when children are involved in the
equation. In that case, the eventual outcome of everyday existence
within the unit can be unpredictable and dangerous.

An untrained dog can also be a menace to others around. That
contributes to upsetting behavioral patterns such as digging up the
garden, creeping into the neighboring areas, stealing things, and
chewing on them, playing with them, causing damage to the items,
running around madly, and causing chaos, and many other
destructive behavior patterns which are equally upsetting. This type
of dog cannot differentiate between right and wrong.

Due to such unacceptable behaviors, the dog may eventually have to

be constantly restrained or housebound. That would seem a better
option than allowing it to roam about and cause problems for the
owner. Of course, this is not ideal, as this will also not benefit either
party and might cause the dog stress due to the loss of freedom.

Chapter 3: Nutrition
A good dog nutrition is critical to promoting your pet's wellbeing, and
key nutrients help support a dog's or cat's growth and structure,
body systems, and metabolism from nose to tail.

A complete and balanced diet includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates,

vitamins, and minerals. Water is also essential to life and is needed
daily. This may seem very simple and easy with the basic ingredients
broken down but understanding how each nutrient is used in a dog’s
body, understanding the processes, and knowing how much of each
nutrient is needed for a healthy dog at all life stages is very complex.

What Your Dog Needs

Protein And Amino Acids
Proteins are necessary for dogs more than they are required for
humans. There are ten essential amino acids that dietary proteins

contain. These amino acids provide crucial building blocks for many
biological compounds. These amino acids are necessary for dogs
because they cannot create them independently. These amino acids
also donate carbon chains needed to construct glucose chains. High-
quality proteins contain a well-balanced amount of these amino
acids, and you must provide your dog with that protein. Dogs also
have robust selection criteria for their food, and it is said that dogs
are known to reject or accept a specific diet that contains their
essential elements. This selection can be made through internal
biological needs, or it can be just due to taste, but internal conditions
often trigger this selection.

Fats And Fatty Acids

Dietary fats, mainly derived from animal fat and seed oil, provide a
powerful source of energy and some very healthy fats used to store
insoluble vitamins in the body. Food fat also provides a vital role in
cell structure and functionality.

Fat in food guarantees that your dog's skin and texture will remain
healthy and glowing. If your dog's diet is low in fat, it will make their
hair very dry and dull, and their skin will also become very weak and
open to different infections. To make it healthy for your dog, you
should include some essential fats in his diet. Deficiency in omega-3
essential fatty acids can lead to vision problems, and your dog can go
through several other very dangerous conditions and problems.

Minerals For Your Dog

Minerals are essential for the strong bones and teeth of your dog. If
your dog lacks these minerals in his diet, then it will make him
weaker, and he will not be that much active. Potassium, magnesium,
and sodium are necessary for a dog diet that can contain too many
minerals, or they can suffer from a deficiency of minerals. Still, it is

genuinely on the owner that they need to ensure that minerals are
sufficient for their dog. Excess calcium and magnesium can cause
skeleton abnormalities in growing puppies.

Vitamin And Mineral Supplements

Vitamin and mineral supplements are the most critical components
in any dog's feeding. If there is a balance in the vitamin and mineral
supplements, the animal will have a healthy life; hence, the immunity
is not compromised in an unwanted way. That simply means the dog
will be more resistant to various diseases.

Pet owners should know that vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble

vitamins and others are water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins like
thiamine, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin are essential for the
functions of the nervous system. Vitamin A deficiency leads to night
blindness and skin lesions, and vitamin D deficiency leads to the
softening and weakening of the bones.

These problems are many a time encountered by dog owners.

Among these, vitamin A toxicities may occur if you feed them
excessively, like vitamin D. Hence, emphasize this while using these
vitamins in dogs. Cod liver oil from selected fishes has more vitamin
A and is a universally good feed for dogs.

All dogs may not need supplements of minerals or vitamins to live

well for the moment, but it is essential for their future. If they
become sick or aged or very young without proper feeding,
supplementations are required to keep their health status. However,
one has to follow the instructions of a veterinarian in this regard.

If the dogs are fed with fish in freezing conditions, they may
constantly suffer from vitamin B1 deficiency; hence, such dogs need

to be explicitly given B1. Careless supplementations of minerals may
lead to diseases; hence, veterinarians always need to be consulted
on supplementing minerals or vitamins.

Minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper,

etc., are emphasized more in addition to sodium and potassium. Zinc
is related to skin health, potassium is related to muscle health, and
calcium with phosphorus is related to bone health.

However, if you feed the dog with chicken, mutton, or beef along
with required vegetables, artificial supplementation of mineral or
vitamin tablets may be highly reduced. Still, supplements must be
considered when you cannot maintain balanced nutrition, as this
happens with most dogs due to multifaceted causes.

Things That Affect Nutrition Needs Of Your

Energy Needs
Energy needs vary from breed to breed, and they also vary according
to the dog's age and his activities. If you have a habit of playing with
your dog and taking him to exercise, then the energy needs will be
different. Usually, a growing puppy will need twice as many body
calories per pound of its body weight. You

You need to start feeding your dog after four weeks of birth because,
at that age, the mother's milk is insufficient for his energy and
growing needs. If you have an older dog at home, you must know
that they do not need an average amount of food due to less
physical activity. They usually will need 20 percent fewer calories
than normal middle-aged adult dogs.

Some signs can tell your dog's exact weight, and you can know
whether your dog is overweight, underweight, or ideal weight. If you
can see the ribs,

the vertebrate of your dog and feel no fat on the bones; then you
must know that your dog is underweight and you should try to
improve his diet. Ideal dog weight is when you can quickly feel your
dog's ribs and can see an abdominal curve from above. In this state,
you should stick with the regular diet plan. If you cannot feel the ribs
of your dog, then you need to reduce his diet because your dog is

Dogs need different diets at different ages. For example, the puppy
needs milk as the major food item, while an adult dog may need beef
or chicken in addition to the boiled egg and milk. So, depending on
the age factor, the dog's diet schedule varies like any other species.

Puppies need more protein, fat, and carbohydrates than adult dogs.
Furthermore, puppies need more frequent daily feeding schedules,
unlike adult dogs. The movement-based requirements of diet are
more in the case of puppies since they are often more active than
adult dogs.

Elder dogs need restricted protein, but the protein needs to be easily
digestible and assimilated into the body. The diet schedule should
have an ample supply of water for them. Feeding aged dogs too
much protein may finally lead to an overburden on the renal
structures, and ultimately, the dog may end up damaging filters in
the kidney.

That is true significantly when the immune system of these dogs is
compromised due to many factors. Similarly, the elderly dogs need
less food only because the movements of the adult dogs are highly
restricted, so they must spend a limited amount of energy.

Female dogs in the pregnancy stage need not be fed a full stomach
since it may cause discomfort to the animal. However, pregnant and
nursing animals need a particular food item that delivers balanced
nutrition with proper supplementation of vitamins and minerals. The
nursing animal with puppies needs to be fed enough calcium; hence,
there will not be any calcium-based deficiency, and the puppies'
bones will be strong without any curving.

Understanding Ingredients
Understanding the ingredients of your dog's food items is a must for
dog lovers or owners. You should understand the components while
buying food for your dog and know what to look for. Whenever you
feed different dog kinds of food items, you should always read the
label and understand the contents of the dog feed types that are
being used in such commercial preparations.

Feed items include dry and fresh food. Fresh dog food prepared in
homes generally consists of ingredients like freshly cut chicken
pieces in addition to cranberry juices, blue-green algae, etc.

Beet pulp, pasta, soybean oil, wheat middling’s, calcium carbonate,

magnesium oxide, copper sulfate, iron sulfate, zinc oxide, choline
chloride, etc. are often the ingredients in vegetarian-based diet items
offered to pet animals like dogs.

Taurine is one of the essential ingredients for the dog's nutrition.
Raw egg, chicken, beef, mutton, fish, quail, etc., are often the
preferred ingredients in the case of dog diets that are prepared
based on non-vegetarian items. Likewise, in the case of dogs fed with
frozen fish items, the vitamin called thiamine needs to be
supplemented as an ingredient.

Many premium types of dog food preparations contain essential

fatty acids, carbohydrates with adequate fiber, and vitamins like A, D,
E, and B complex.

Furthermore, minerals like zinc are essential for skin health, and
calcium is necessary for bone growth and tonicity of muscles.

Dry vs. Canned Food

The food materials are different, with different grades of liking by the
dogs. Dogs like dry foods only if they are tasty; however, in
comparison, the dogs prefer only canned food items. The reason for
such preference by the dogs is that in the case of canned food items,
the moisture is about seventy to eighty percent, but in the case of
dry food, it is only about ten percent.

However, if you view it in terms of nutrients, dry food often contains

nearly ninety percent of nutrients, whereas canned food items
usually include only less percent of nutrients. Only soy products are
structured so well to look like meat pieces.

Hence, to make up the nutritional balance in the body systems, the

dog has to eat more amounts of canned food materials than dry
food materials. Many dry food items are soybean and rice based.
Therefore, just compare the cost factor related to this feature to you.

Larger dogs that weigh more than thirty pounds need to be fed with
semi-moist or dry food items on most occasions. Now some dry food
items are based on corn. Sometimes, beef-based, or chicken-based
food items come in cans along with mineral and vitamin
supplements suited for the upkeep of the dog's health.

Small dogs may have a satisfactory level of nutrients if even moist

food items are fed. That is to satisfy the food receptors in the
stomach. But it may not be practically possible in these larger dogs.
That is because the larger dogs need to eat plenty of moist food or
canned food items to satisfy these criteria.
However, the caloric density of dry food should not be forgotten.
Enriched dry food items are more highly welcome than the non -
enriched food items.

Homemade Diets
Homemade diets are essential in dog feeding. Commercial diets
often contain food items with artificial coloring agents and flavoring
agents that harm the dog's body. Homemade food items guarantee
freshness in the preparation, unlike ready-made commercial items.

The preservatives added to commercial food items may not be

suitable for dogs from a health point of view. Even in the case of
renal diseases in dogs, homemade diets may be made with ground
beef, slices of bread, calcium carbonate, boiled eggs, etc.

Water is added in sufficient quantities to help the proper metabolism

in digestion-impaired renal cases. The purpose is to prepare the
restricted protein supply in the feed items. That should be done with

homemade diets formulated exclusively for dogs suffering from
renal diseases.

The dog may have allergic symptoms like severe itching, which may
not get corrected by different kinds of medications employed over
some time. Such cases may get easily treated once the dog food is
changed from commercial-type food to homemade food.

Often, homemade food items are prepared using freezing

procedures to kill the germs or by adding grape seed extracts to
provide sufficient antioxidants to the homemade food items. Food
grade vinegar is added many times to the meat pieces prepared
freshly. All these can be enriched with vitamin supplements available
in fruit essences, fish oil, etc.

Food Allergies
Food allergies are difficult to identify unless one knows the baseline
information about this type of allergy. The main symptoms of food
allergies in dogs include facial itching, limb chewing, belly itching,
recurrent ear infections, or skin infections.

Since dogs consume a lot of prepared food materials, including

various kinds of proteins, fillers, coloring agents, and more, in
commercial food materials, the incidences of food allergies are more
than one can imagine. Allergic reactions mainly involve the skin or
the gastrointestinal tract.

If you come across your dog itching after providing specific food
materials, then suspect the food allergy in this animal. However,
conditions like fungal infections need to be ruled out in general
before the conclusion of itching as a sign of food allergy.

There are many recorded incidences of allergies of dogs to corn or
wheat. However, food allergies vary from dog to dog. Read the labels
clearly before feeding your dogs with pet food materials on such
occasions. Too many-colored food materials may be avoided since
they may cause allergies to your dog.

Food allergies are often linked to the hyperactive behavior noticed in

dogs. Added colors, preservatives, and a high-fat diet might cause
such food allergies in the dogs, and hence, one must be careful in
providing a new kind of diet to their dogs and closely monitor the
dog for any signs of allergy.

There are many occasions that food allergies might be diagnosed in

dogs, but the dog may have other problems like pancreatitis. To rule
out food allergies, observing your dogs every time you feed them,
looking for reasons to link the signs of the dog with food given,
specific signs encountered, differential diagnosis, etc., are the
essential features to be emphasized.

How Much Should You Feed Your Dog?

Many people will give different types of answers based on their
experience with their dogs. However, the scientific facts related to
the feeding aspects in the case of dogs need to be emphasized in the
feeding activities maintained on case dogs.
Usually, the puppies should not be separated before they are eight
weeks old.

However, sometimes orphaned puppies may exist. Usually, about

five percent of the body weight may be taken as the criterion for the
quantity of food to be given to the puppies. However, the amount
that the dog consumes varies with the size of the dog also.

However, one can have a thumb rule of feeding the puppy until you
see visible fullness of the abdomen to a moderate degree. If you
provide the animal without emphasizing the animal's stomach
appearance, the puppy may experience some digestive upsets, and
diarrhea may occur.

Unlike adult dogs, the puppies need to be fed with limited amounts
of food but more frequency. However, once the age advances, the
dose may be increased to some extent, but the frequency of feeding
is often decreased on many occasions. That may cause many
inconveniences to the owner as well as the puppy.

A dog on a raw diet may consume only two to four percent of its
body weight. Just observe the dog's feeding pattern and the animal's
body condition closely. If the dog becomes obese, just reduce the
quantity of food and if the dog becomes thin, then increase the
feeding items.

As mentioned earlier, puppies and adolescent dogs eat more than

adult dogs. Likewise, the senior dog eats less than the adult dog due
to the reduced movements of the dog. However, remember to
restrict the amounts of protein during feeding of the diet to the aged

How Often Should You Feed Your Dog?

If it is a puppy within the age of the first six weeks, the puppies need
to be given milk at the rate of five to seven times per day. The puppy
will make some sound if it wants to feed in general.

However, the feeding frequency may be reduced when the dog
becomes six to eight weeks old. By the time the dog assumes the age
of four weeks, it may start taking some solid food. Hence, mix the
solid food with water in the majority and feed your puppy once or
twice in the beginning. If the dog develops some diarrhea, then delay
the feeding.

Most of the time, it is due to trial and error but taking some basic
steps in feeding, you need to watch out. The feeding frequency may
be changed two to three times after the age of eight weeks.
However, if the dog is seen hungry and craving food, then provide
food once than the estimated number. That varies with different
breeds of dogs.

However, avoid feeding too many times in this age group of dogs.
Around three months to six months of age, the puppy will be
teething. Hence, restrict the feeding to two times only, but a
balanced type of nutrition needs to be provided to the dogs of this
age group to avoid their deficiency-based symptoms.

From six months to one year, try using puppy food that is available
commercially. However, adult food may be given gradually from the
first year onwards. However, when the dog becomes an elder dog,
restrict the frequency of feeding since the movements of such adult
dogs are highly reduced for multiple reasons. However, the pregnant
animal may be fed an extra time depending on the animal's
willingness and restrict the quantity of the food without
compromising the quality of the food.

Chapter 4: Health
It's important to keep your canine companion's health and happiness
a top priority. That’s the reason why we give you the basic knowledge
about your furry friends’ health in here.

Heartworm, Fleas, And Other Parasites

Heartworm, fleas, and other parasites in dogs need to be eliminated
by following appropriate medications in them. Many products have
come up in the commercial fields to protect dogs from heartworms,
fleas, and other parasites like hookworms, whipworms, roundworms,
lice, ticks, etc.

Among the heartworm, fleas, and other parasites, the fleas produce
hypersensitive reactions in the affected animals. Hence, the animals
infested with fleas start severely scratching of bodies. The scratching
is often so severe that the skin becomes more hyperemic, and
dermatitis occurs in the affected areas.

Suppose the animal is not adequately attended to for this tick bite
problem. The animal will not lie down or sleep comfortably due to
the constant bites by the fleas. Hence, the animal looks as if affected
by some severe skin disease. In that case, there will often be
secondary bacterial invasions in these sites, and there may even be a
foul smell emanating from the skin areas.

Close observation of the dog is essential to rule out fleas disturbing

the animal to a greater extent. Similarly, the animal's skin needs to
be tested for ticks, lice, etc. For this, the hair materials need to be
separated, and close observation with patience is required for the
proper diagnosis.

Dog owners might recognize clinical problems like anemia, loose
motion, pot belly, etc. However, the dog must undergo routine
health-related examinations involving fecal, hematological, and
blood smears. In many incidences, if anemia is present, the blood
protozoa need to be ruled out, in addition to the hookworm

Many commercial products have come up in the market, which helps

deal with all these conditions in a single dose. Drugs like ivermectin
are beneficial and are available in both injection and oral form in
addition to the solution form that can be applied on the skin. These
drugs in dogs can lead to the prevention of these conditions also.

Heartworm Prevention
Beef-flavored chunks are available in addition to the beef-flavored
tablets or solutions that can be given orally to the dogs to measure
the incidence of heartworms. Avoid mosquito bites by providing
proper mosquito-proof shelter facilities to the dogs.

Just plan whether there is any need for heartworm prevention

throughout the year or only in some months. For example, in the
case of some countries, the mosquitoes may be dormant in most of
the colder months.

However, in some countries, this is not a position. Medications are

often available for oral administration to prevent heartworms,
hookworms, etc. Such oral medications need to be taken as per the
instructions. However, be cautious about any adverse drug reactions
in the dog with such prophylactic therapy.

Adverse event reports must be sent if you encounter any sort of

adverse drug reaction in your dog during the preventive treatment.

Pet animals highly prefer soft beef-flavored tablets as a preventive
measure against heartworms. The pet owner needs to consult a
veterinarian if the dose for heartworm prevention is missed for a few
months. On such occasions, the pet animal needs to undergo a
heartworm test.

Heartgard, sentinel, interceptor, revolution, etc., are available in the

commercial fields as drugs for preventive measures. Avoid water
stagnation around the dog shelter and the bushes around the area
that facilitate mosquito breeding. This test needs to be carried out in
consultation with a veterinarian specializing in pet animal health care
and medicine.

As a preventive measure for heartworms, the dogs need to be tested

for evidence of these worms at the age of six months. Natural beef
chewable tablets are available, containing medical agents like

Fleas And Other Parasites

The common incidences of flea bite allergy in the case of dog’s cause
worries among dog owners. Flea bite induces allergic reactions in the
concerned area bitten by the fleas. Hence, the affected area looks
hairless, and the animal starts scratching. Fleas and other parasites
need to be always given priority by dog owners.

Fleas cause severe dermatitis in dogs with severe flea infestations.

Many times, the flea bite causes allergic reactions in the dogs. On
many occasions, dogs experience severe discomfort due to these
allergic reactions. Medicated collars are available to treat and
prevent an infestation with external parasites like ticks or fleas.

Other parasites like ticks, lice, and internal parasites like hookworms,
roundworms, whipworms, etc., cause affections on the animal's
health status. For example, if hookworm affects the animal, most of
the time, the dog has anemia. The anemic signs become more
prominent depending on the degree of affection by the hookworm.

Hookworm larvae can pass directly through the skin and cause
problems in the affected ones. Such dogs may reveal lesions about
dermatitis in the feet region and the skin areas. Skin rashes may be
seen frequently in such cases, and the affected animal passes loose
stool, red-tinged, and mixed with blood material.

If the roundworms are seen in more numbers, the affected puppies

reveal a potbelly condition, which the dog owners easily recognize.
Piperazine salts are given by oral route for the treatment of this
problem. However, broad-spectrum anthelmintics like pyrantel
pamoate, fenbendazole, etc., are given to treat these conditions.

Many drugs have come on the market to treat fleas and other
parasites. Nowadays, the medical agent called ivermectin is highly
preferred by many dog owners to treat fleas and other parasites in
dogs. This drug is available in injection form and oral form. Even the
drug is available for external application also.

Dental Health
Preventing dental disease is an important feature, which is to be paid
more emphasis by dog lovers or owners. Dental disease is given
priority in the dog's health schedule nowadays because of the
association of dental diseases with systemic diseases in dogs.

Antibiotics need to be given in the initial stage of teeth infection
itself, and if not, this may cause specific infections. The organisms
may spread to nearby regions like the oral mucous membrane,
pharyngeal region, etc.

More acidic or alkaline food materials need not be given to the dogs
to avoid possible teeth damage. Antibiotics need to be given in the
initial stage of teeth infection itself, and if not, this may cause specific
infections. The organisms may spread to nearby regions like the oral
mucous membrane, pharyngeal region, etc. More acidic or alkaline
food materials need not be given to the dogs to avoid possible teeth
damage. If the dog is not given at a young age some bony material to
bite on, the dog may develop some dental diseases later. The
teething action often causes the animal to go for biting
indiscriminately. Hence, the animal must be given some biting
materials to avoid the occurrence of dental diseases.

If there is evidence of bleeding from the oral region, the dog needs to
be examined thoroughly for any dental abnormality. Mainly the
puppies or, at times, the adult dogs also may have tooth injuries.
They need to be attended to immediately as a preventive step. If not,
the animal may end up with secondary bacterial infections.
Hunting dogs need additional care associated with the dental
structures, and such care is needed to avoid future dental problems
in such dogs. Brushes are available to provide better dental care to

However, one must allot more time and should have the patience to
use such brushes in the case of dogs. That may lead to further
problems. Centers for disease control and prevention are trying to
set guidelines to prevent dental diseases in dogs in many nations.

However, the oral examination needs to be carried out frequently in
dogs. Such activities help rule out the dentine structures' emerging
problems at the beginning.

Importance Of Physical Examination

The importance of the physical examination need not be
underestimated in the case of dogs. Simple but systematic physical
examination techniques may diagnose most dogs' disorders. Hence,
without a physical examination of the dog, one should not resort to
knowing the status of your dog's health.

Simply observe the dog scratching. Catch the dog and simply
separate the hair material from the itching site. To your surprise, you
may see a big wound on the scratched site. The wound might be the
main reason the dog scratched at that site. However, one has to rule
out the occurrence of the wound by severe itching itself.

When the scratching dog is examined physically, one can often come
across plenty of lice infestation or tick problems in the skin and coat.
The parasitic condition might not be diagnosed at all if one has not
done a physical examination. Similarly, the dog may reveal signs of
pain when the physical examination is carried out by deep palpation
technique. The dog show signs of pain when the dog is examined in
the stomach or the back regions.

Even if it is possible that by pressure-based palpation, one can detect

the acute renal disorders in the affected dogs, turn to the examined
site at the region of the kidney or the back region. The dog affected
by Cystitis with severe urine retention is often diagnosed by mere
physical examination.

The filled bladder and signs of pain during the examination at the
site of the urinary bladder indicate that the animal is affected by
Cystitis. Auscultation of the heart on both right and left sides helps to
rule out abnormal heart sounds, and the pulmonary area-based
auscultation reveals a respiratory system disorder like pneumonia.

Nursing A Sick Dog

Nursing a sick animal is often considered an art, and this should not
be taken as a causal measure. Nursing a sick dog is one of the vital
measures that a dog owner needs to understand. Similarly, when a
dog becomes sick, the dog needs more care and affection-based
activities by the dog owners.

Yes. You need to take extra care of the dog when it becomes sick. For
example, the sick dog with a high fever needs to be given only some
bread pieces, and bulky non-vegetarian items may be avoided. Such
dogs should be kept in some calm place after taking medications and
should not be disturbed. While nursing the dog who has taken the
drug, the owner needs coaxing and stroking. Don't raise the dog's
head too much to avoid the passing of drugs given by the mouth
directly into the respiratory organs like the lungs. During the nursing
measures, take care by giving warm fluids.

Safety is to be given more priority during the nursing activity in any

dog. When the dog has severe diarrhea, the animal may start
showing signs of dehydration. Hence, nursing care for dehydration
includes the addition of small doses of salt and glucose to water.

Similarly, the vomiting dog also needs proper nursing care. Ice cubes
and egg whites may be given in such cases to smooth the esophageal

Place the dog in a shaded place if the temperature is so high and
provide good ventilation to the suffering animal. If the animal suffers
from hypothermia, provide warm blankets to comfort the animal.
Nowadays, a non-contact-based infrared thermometer has come up
on the market to obtain the animal's temperature without much

The dogs orphaned due to the mother's death have lesser protection
in their immune system. Vaccinations need to be always undertaken
by the pet owners, and the dogs need to be vaccinated at the
appropriate time. That helps improve the animal's resistance to
specific diseases causing frequent dog problems.

Such animals are to be particularly protected against various

Vaccination usually starts at five to six weeks; maternal immunity will
help the animal develop natural disease resistance before this age. It
is always better to deworm the animal before the vaccination, which
is emphasized many times. Vaccination against parvovirus is done
early because parvoviral infections often affect pups. The booster
dose for each vaccine must be given at the appropriate time, which
helps to build up the immune status appreciably. Vaccination is
carried out in many countries against rabies disease.

Even rabies tags are fixed onto the dog collar of most dogs. Hence,
vaccination against rabies is given more emphasis always. However,
this depends on the type of vaccine used. The rabies vaccine is given
at the age of thirteen to fifteenth weeks and is repeated in the
fifteenth month. Once in three years, this is repeated.

In dogs that have not received colostrum’s or dogs in high-risk areas,
give measles virus vaccine and kill parvovirus vaccine before five
weeks of age itself. Leptospira serovar vaccine is given at six to eight
weeks, at tenth to twelfth weeks, and thirteenth to sixteenth weeks.

Then annually, repeat this. Bordetella and Lyme disease vaccinations

are only optional in the case of dogs. Vaccinations

Pet Health Insurance

Pet health insurance is highly required nowadays because of the
escalating cost factors regarding health maintenance in dogs and
other animals. Dog owners need to find pet insurance firms that
settle dues to the pet owners without delay and in a more
appropriate manner. Pet health insurance firms recently came
forward to settle the dues properly after the due verification of the
claim. If anything happens, dog care costs can add up without

Hence, know the approved list of your local animal care hospitals.
Even a list of veterinary experts specialized in dog health care and
disease management measures. Many firms cover the cost made
towards the undertaking of surgeries, radiographic examinations,
treatment of specific conditions, laboratory fees for undertaking
various laboratory examinations, and more. There is a waiting period
before the approval of your policy by most of the insurance firms
after enrolling from you, so it's good to start early.

If you don't like the insurance firm, you can cancel the insurance
policy anytime. A licensed veterinarian list should be available with all
insurance firms. Many payment options are available for pet owners.

Enrolling the dogs or other pets before they become adults is better.
When they are young, the animals need to be enrolled as a priority.

It is always better for the consumers who are dog owners. Before the
dogs have any illness, accidents, or get into pre-existing conditions,
as quoted by many pet health insurance firms, insurance coverage
needs to be entered by the dog owners. Your dog's medical history
will be subjected to a full review by the insurance firms, so start

Grooming A Dog
Many dog owners generally think of clipping as only a mechanical
activity. Few understand that clipping a dog is an art. That is true,
especially when the grooming activities are not done properly.
Clipping a coat or nail must be carried out carefully to avoid injuries
to the skin or nail. Clipping the coat is to be taken care of as per the
breed characteristics. If the coat is not properly clipped, this may
lead to dust accumulation in the coat, and the animal may show
signs of skin diseases.

Clipping of the coat helps to get rid of the parasitic burden to a

greater extent, and also, the clipping of your dog is more useful to
expose the type of parasitic problem the dog is likely to suffer. Many
pet health parlors are available wherein the clipping of dogs will be
carried out more systematically.

Always use a sharp clipper, and in the winter regions, avoid close
clipping. That is because the closer clipping in the winter seasons
may expose the dog to environmental stresses like the cold climate.
Hence, the dog may become more vulnerable to frostbite. Avoid the

close clipping of the coat or nail because this may cause injury to the
underlying tissues and may cause bleeding in the concerned animal.

Many pet owners need to avoid any clipping activity when the animal
is not in healthy status. Clipping instruments are available to a
greater extent in many pet shops. Avoid blunt instruments because
they may not clip well; repetition is often required. Always use
modern equipment for clipping activities.

Bathing A Dog
Bathing a dog needs to be given more emphasis. That is because if
you are careless in bathing, the animal may have some infections.
For example, if you don't close the ears with a large cotton ball, the
water may enter ear canals and cause some ear infections with signs
like constant discharge from the ears and a shaking head.

The frequency of bathing depends on the breed of the dog. If the dog
is of a hairy type like the cocker spaniel, then the bathing is to be
carried out once in six to eight weeks. If these breeds are bathed too
frequently, the skin and coat lose their protective characteristics.
However, when the dog has defecated on the skin due to the
frequent digestive upsets leading to diarrhea, to avoid the bad smell,
the dog may be subjected to frequent bathing times by the owners.

Take more care in avoiding some irritant soaps or human soaps. The
soap materials used by human beings are not suitable for dogs.
Similarly, many human shampoo products have some ingredients
that are not suitable for the proportions that are to be used in the
case of dogs. Hence, always try to use the shampoo products that
are mentioned mainly for use in dogs. Take more care in using any
new product.

Always have good time and patience for products required for
bathing in one place with availability of water source. Dogs love the
sprinkling of water, river, and oceans. Even when using a bathtub,
have everything in one place and start bathing the dog. Have a leash,
conditioner, towel, and shampoo in the bath place.

Bathing should be a convenient activity for both the dog and the
owner. This should not be a burden. Conditioner is helpful to make
the combing activity easier later.

Pet Identification
Pet identification is highly required these days because of the need
for the licensing of the dog in a proper manner and to reduce the
number of stray dogs menacing in streets. Pet identification is made
by many methods, which are different from each other. The cost
factor for that also has variations accordingly.

Personalized tags may make the identification of your pet,

sometimes by the municipal license tag, rabies tag, and more. Most
of the time, your telephone number and your name will be placed on
the personalized tags of the dogs. If anybody encounters the dog
accidentally during the event of missing the dog will become capable
of reporting the facts to the concerned officials.

Plastic and metal pet identification tags are available in multiple

colors, and dog owners can choose the color they want. However,
many select the reflective type of dog tag and the collars. Hence, the
dogs can be identified even in darkness to a greater extent.

Collard and tagged animal indicate that it is not a stray animal, which
gives the dog more security. Many electronic gadgets are available,

like microchips embedded into the dog. However, these kinds of
electronic chips need to be implanted behind the ears, and once
implanted, this will reveal all the data embedded in this computer.

Traditional forms of identification of the animal, like tattooing, is now

a day not carried in dogs. Thus, tracing the missed animal will
become easier for the pet owners mainly due to the identification-
based dog collars.


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